Baili Shouyue is a shot with a [-]% armor penetration.

Just ignored all of Marco Polo's armor.

The terrifying damage of up to [-] instantly made him evaporate in place!

Marco Polo is dead!

Our Baili kept the promise and killed the enemy Marco Polo!

When I saw that Marco Polo was directly killed by Baili with three shots.

The entire King Canyon was eerily quiet!

"This... what's the situation?"

Looking at the murderous look in the eyes in front of him, the momentum is completely different from the previous Baili's promise.

Han Han was stunned on the spot and froze in place!

Feel the shock and doubt in Han Han's tone.

Baili Shouyue coughed lightly and said solemnly.

"Cough cough! My cousin was playing just now!"

"Really, trust me!"

Hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er also said with a smile.

"That's right, my phone was stolen by my cousin just now!"

"Everything that happened before doesn't count, and now I am doing it myself!"

"Your national uniform Wan'er is back!"

I saw Shangguan Wan'er's voice had not fallen.

The hand speed broke out, and the [-] skills were thrown one after another!

"Take, press, pause, tumble!"

I saw Shangguan Wan'er after activating the ultimate move [Zhang Cao? Horizontal Scale].

The figure quickly rushed into the crowd, leaving an afterimage in place at the same time.

Constantly trigger gestures and dance with pen and ink!

The large group of pen and ink exploded wildly in the crowd, directly hitting piles of damage!

"This Shangguan Wan'er is crazy too! Interrupt him!"

Seeing that he was almost hurt by the explosion of pen and ink, Sun Bin only felt that his soul was about to be scared away.

Just when he threw a big move with his backhand, he wanted to silence Wan'er in place and break him up.

However, Shangguan Wan'er pressed Huiyue directly and entered an invincible state.

A slam on the brakes stopped him in place while avoiding piles of damage and control!

"The wind and thunder of the pen, ten thousand strokes of force, silver hook iron painting!"

Just as Huiyue's invincible time ended, his figure passed directly through Sun Bin's body!

I saw that after triggering the last big move, he leaped into the air and entered an unselectable state.

Immediately after that, a large piece of ink splashed down!

Fortunately, Sun Bin was before Wan'er went to heaven.

Use the second skill [Wave of Time] that can restrain all outbreaks!

Otherwise, all his teammates except Lu Bu.

I'm afraid that all of them will be killed by Wan'er's perfect big move!

And the water friends in the afterglow live broadcast room.

Seeing Shangguan Wan'er's perfect big move, the opponent almost burst on the spot.

Also shocked.

"Damn it! This wave of crooked pens entered the arena, and the emergency braking and dodging skills are too good!"

"To tell the truth, this wave really has the inner taste of the national uniform! This wave of big moves is really too smooth and too skilled, it seems that the damage of the brush and ink is almost full, even with Sun Bin's second skill, let it be The opposite side has evaporated most of the blood!"

"It's an exaggeration to keep the promise for hundreds of miles! Three shots in a row directly kill Marco Polo on the opposite side. I'm so stupid!"

"That's right! That last shot predicted the displacement of Marco's second skill, and let Marco catch the bullet in his own face. It's really handsome to me!"

"Don't these two people know how to play games? Get serious sooner, won't you win? As for what!"

"Good guy, what's going on with them? They won't change their ways and be good people, right?"

"Even if they reform, they can't deny the fact that they are actors. It should be reported. You can't be soft-hearted, Mr. Yu!"

Just when the water friends in the live broadcast room were surprised by Baili and Wan'er's Tianxiu operation, they all sighed.

Zhang Fei, who had been silent for a while, finally moved at this time!

I saw him when everyone on the opposite side was attracted by Baili and Shangguan.

Sneak into your own wild area!

When you see the opposite, you are afraid and ready to retreat.

He no longer hesitated, and quickly pressed the active skill of [Running Wolf Emblem].

As a wolf howl sounded, his movement speed instantly skyrocketed to the extreme!

Quickly go around from the wild area and touch the back of the four enemies!

After using the second skill [Guardian] and flash to jump out of the wild area and block the retreat of the opposite side.

He sneered and pressed his ultimate move [Crazy Beast Blood]!

I saw Zhang Fei's body, in the eyes of the four enemies who were terrified...

Swell up little by little and get bigger!

At the moment when Zhang Feizhan revealed his true body of the devil.

He roared suddenly, and instantly pushed the four people in front of him back in place.

Let them stun directly under their own defense tower!

"Hey... Zhang Fei's twist is too quintessential..."

Looking at the four enemies who were sent to his face by Zhang Fei.

Yu Hui was also stunned for a moment.

Did his three actor teammates take the wrong medicine?

How come one by one, just like the explosion of a small universe, the operation is directly full?

Although Yu Hui was still confused in his mind, the operation in his hand did not slow down.

After he quickly pressed the ultimate move [Force Field Suppression] and the first skill [Shattered Blade]!

I saw his full-energy full output mad iron, in the desperate eyes of the four enemies.

Both hands frantically wield a giant warhammer with flickering electricity!

With just two skills, the blood of the enemy's Sun Bin Xiaoqiao and Na Ke Lulu all evaporated within a second!

The terrifying damage of the three kills in one second is simply a nuclear bomb explosion!

Look at less than five seconds.

The five men, who were originally menacing, were now lying on the ground.

The only one left, Lu Bu, also looked like he was about to die.

Second Han only felt that everyone was shocked!

It's so outrageous!

Why hasn't the Tiger King made a move yet?

Is this team over?

A moment before tomorrow.

He and Yu Hui also looked like they were going to die heroically and fighting to the death.

The next moment, his teammates exploded one by one like the small universe, killing all the opponents!

The scenes in front of him deeply shocked his young heart!



Three kills!

The enemy's mad iron kills our Xiaoqiao!

The enemy's mad iron killed our Sun Bin!

The enemy's mad iron killed our Fang Na Ke Lulu!


The enemy Baili kept the promise and killed our Lu Bu!


Destroy the group!

Looking at the game screen that was already black and white.

It kept ringing in my ears.

It's all the system broadcasts that your teammates have been killed!

Jing Hui's expression became extremely difficult to see in an instant!

"What's the matter? Are they crazy?"

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