Not only did Kuang Tie have an extremely exaggerated blue shield on his body.

It even made the blood of Na Ke Lulu and Sun Bin explode on the spot!

"I vomited! Can the damage of this bird hero be any higher?"

"Don't panic, my second skill is cool down, you can't die with me."

Just when the two finally landed, Sun Bin was about to use the second skill.

In a trance, he seemed to notice a red line swept across his body.

Nakorulu's heart suddenly tightened!



Na Ke Lulu's voice did not fall.

I saw a sniper bullet passing by like a meteor.

Immediately submerged into Sun Bin's body, and directly emptied his blood!

"Give me a goal and give you silence!"

The enemy Baili kept the promise and killed our Sun Bin!

Baili's line of keeping his promise sounded almost at the same time as the kill broadcast!

Just when the teammates applauded for Baili's commitment.

Yu Hui frowned.

His mad iron still has energy in his body at this moment.

Under his enhanced first skill, both Na Ke Lulu and Sun Bin are sure to die.

Baili kept his appointment and aimed for a long time, but finally shot him.

It can be said.

This shot has no meaning at all other than robbing people!

Just when Sunset used a skill to kill Nakolulu.

The other phone beside him vibrated slightly, and the screen automatically turned on.

Sunset took a quick glance.

However, he found out that it was the message sent to him by the second child of Han.

Han Han: For sure, Baili Shou and Shangguan Wan'er are definitely actors.

Seeing this news, Yu Hui's eyes quickly turned cold.

It seems that the second child Han, like himself, also found a lot of tricks!

"No way! This Lu Bu's stab and stab wounds are too severe, I can't stand it anymore!"

Hearing Zhang Fei's wailing, Yu Hui hurriedly turned around and looked behind the battlefield.

I saw Zhang Fei, who had grown up at home, couldn't stop Lu Bu and Marco Polo at all.

After Zhang Fei is stacked with ten layers of passive.

Marco Polo directly hit the face with his second skill.

A series of blue bullets fell on Zhang Fei's body like a violent storm.

White damage numbers, symbolizing true damage, float like snowflakes.

This shuttle damage really hurts bullets that explode.

He almost killed Zhang Fei, who had opened up, in an instant!

"I can't stand it anymore! If I fight again, there will be an accident!"

Just when Zhang Fei was terrified and prepared to retreat.

Just saw Xiao Qiao's big shooting star and the big fan that swirled back and forth in the first skill, and instantly emptied all his blood!


Double kill!

The enemy Xiao Qiao killed me Zhang Fei!

At the moment when Zhang Fei fell.

Yu Fengxiao roared the skinny Lu Bu along with him.

"Ruixiang is here, the disaster is gone!"

Followed by a big jump, as if the devil came into the world.

It directly blocked Shangguan Wan'er's retreat!

After touching the edge of Lu Bu's ultimate move, he was slowed down by [-]%.

Although Shangguan Wan'er had tried her best to escape under the tower.

Still at the last moment, the bridge that was re-turned into a black swan.

Use a skill [Blooming Dance] to easily clear the blood!


Three kills!

Watching the teammates who were defeated like a mountain.

Yu Hui frowned more and more deeply.

He glanced at Baili, who was not far away, and was still there.

He knew that this teamfight was no longer necessary.

After all, it is still in the early stage.

The equipment and levels of both sides did not widen enough gaps.

His madness and damage haven't come up yet.

Want to take more than a dozen in this case.

Undoubtedly a fantasy.

Seeing Sunset's mad iron wants to leave.

The few people on the opposite side naturally wouldn't just watch him leave like this!

I saw that Lu Bu raised his hand and it was a second skill [Grip of the Greedy Wolf], which slowed it down.

And the teammates behind him quickly followed!

Surrounded by Sunset's mad iron!

Seeing the other side doesn't seem to want to let go of himself.

Yu Hui's eyes gradually turned cold.

"It's not that easy to keep me!"

I don't know when.

The movements of the people in front of him slowed down again in his eyes.

He could even clearly see Xiao Qiao and Lu Bu swaying forward with their skills after they picked up their weapons.

With the increase of reaction speed.

He could even see the details of Marco turning towards him, and the blue stun lightning slowly falling beside him!

"The more fearful you are, the more you have to defeat him!"

Just at the moment when Marco Polo's stun and Xiao Qiao's second skill's knock-up were about to take effect.

Only saw a flash of light flickering.

Kuang Tie actually took a step ahead of them and disappeared in place.

A second flash killed Xiao Qiao in an instant!

After consuming the last bar of energy.

Mad Tie slammed down with this fully-charged enhanced basic attack, knocking Xiao Qiao into the air at the same time.

The speed of light connects the ultimate move [Force Field Suppression], cancels the post-swing that strengthens the basic attack!

"Go all out to do the right thing!"

Crazy Iron roared, frantically waving the warhammer in his hand.

The first skill [Blade of Shattering] bombarded Lu Bu and Xiao Qiao at the same time.

Lu Bu was okay, because he had a lot of shields on his body, so he didn't lose too much health.

But the little Joe on the opposite side was miserable.

She was already fragile.

At this moment, it has completely eaten a whole set of mad iron outbreaks.

Two-thirds of the blood on the body instantly evaporated!

He died instantly on the spot!


Double kill!

Our mad iron kills the enemy Xiao Qiao!

When I saw Xiao Qiao die in action.

The other seven people present were all groaning in their hearts!

What bothered them the most was.

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