Han Han said, and pressed the ultimate move to switch to tiger form.

Stuck in the blind spot of Xiao Qiao's vision, he jumped directly into the river grass in the middle.

Under the eyes of Shangguan Wan'er and the tiger.

As long as the opposite Xiao Qiao dares to step out of the range of the defensive tower.

It will definitely be instantly evaporated by the burst damage of the two!

It was just what Han Han didn't expect.

On the opposite side, Xiao Qiao seemed to have already sensed the danger.

After clearing the line, he just stayed under the tower and refused to come out.

Seeing this, Han Han also frowned.

"Strange, I shouldn't have shown my vision just now, right?"

"Are each of them on the opposite side so well aware?"

Just as Han Han sighed.

I felt that this wave of arrests would end in failure, and I was about to leave.

But I heard Sun Bin's voice suddenly coming from not far away!

"Time and waves are ever-changing!"

follow closely.

Han Han saw Sun Bin, who was using the second skill [Waves of Time], with a Marco Polo behind him.

He rushed towards him like a mad dog!

It was as if their eyes had locked on themselves through the grass!

Second Han only felt his scalp tingling for a while, and was about to use his second skill to step on the wall and jump away.

When he saw that Sun Bin raised his hand, it was a reinforced bomb, and threw it at the grass where he was hiding.

It is his ultimate move [Time Passing] with a silent effect!

The moment Sun Bin's big move touched Pei Hanhu's body, the enhanced bomb exploded instantly.

A large-scale silent force field was directly deployed, forcibly leaving the second Han's Pei Chuhu in place!

"I've been fired! Come and save me!"

Looking at Xiao Qiao and Marco Polo who were walking towards him not far away.

Han Han's eyes narrowed, and he hurriedly requested the assembled mini-map signal!

"War, a performance art!"

The moment he saw Han Han's tiger being forced out of sight by Sun Bin's ultimate move.

Marco Polo sneered and raised the guns in his hands.

Facing Han Han, it was a series of stormy fires!

Although Han Han is already doing his best to avoid damage.

But still a lot of blood was knocked out.

More deadly.

On the opposite side, Xiao Qiao decisively flashed to keep up with the output.

The big fan in his hand was photographed, and a whirlwind rose from the ground.

Directly blow the second child of Han's Pei Chuhu into the air!

"Dark and elegant!"

Xiao Qiao, who only saw the Swan Dream skin, pressed the next skill and the ultimate move at the same time.

After throwing out the big fan with black lightning in its hand.

Instantly turned into a white swan under the spotlight.

The small meteor with the ultimate move [Dazzling Stars] falls crazily.

Combined with Marco Polo's first skill's strafing, Han Han's tiger collapsed on the spot.

Under the damage of the two explosions.

When the second child of Han landed again, he was already a corpse.

The enemy Xiao Qiao killed our side Pei and captured the tiger!

Look at the black and white game screen in front of you.

Han Han was stunned on the spot.

He couldn't figure it out.

As long as you don't miss your vision.

How on earth did he know that he was squatting in this grass!

After a while, he seemed to think of something.

His eyes became cold a little bit.

I began to observe carefully, this wave of large-scale team battles suddenly broke out in the middle!

I saw that after his death, the remaining teammates finally arrived at the battlefield in the middle!


The sound of bullets into the flesh sounded!

The enemy Marco Polo was caught off guard.

He was directly kept by Baili, who was hidden in the dark, and nearly half of his blood was evaporated with one shot!

"Fuck! It hurts!"

Marco Polo cursed.

After seeing Kuang Tie and Zhang Fei who came to support him not far away.

He first used the displacement of his second skill [Roaming Spear] to adjust his position.

  Immediately after he raised the two spears in his hand, it was a burst of fire at Yu Hui's mad iron.

However, under Sunset's ridiculously good position.

He just missed a bullet!

"The opposite Kuantie should be President Yu. He's so strong that he can even beat my national server, Lu Bu."

"Be careful!"

Lu Bu reminded his teammates.

While catching up with Zhang Fei, who was subtracted, he swept away with a knife.

While cutting off a lot of Zhang Fei's blood.

It also allowed him to enter the enchanted state smoothly!

"Zhang Fei, roar!"

After observing the situation of the team battle, I found that there is no suitable entry point.

Sunset frowned.

He glanced at Zhang Fei who was hesitant and didn't know what he was doing.

Hear Yu Hui's words.

Zhang Fei nodded again and again, and directly pressed his ultimate move [Beastly Bloody]!

With a roar like a wild beast.

Zhang Fei, who showed the real body of the devil.

A roar instantly stunned and stunned Marco Polo Sun Bin and Na Ke Lulu not far away!

"Take, press, pause, tumble!"

I saw Zhang Fei open a good group.

Shangguan Wan'er, who has been looking for an opportunity to enter the arena, also shines.

Finally got started!

I saw her figure as fast as a gust of wind, constantly shuttling between the brush and ink!

"The wind and thunder of the pen, ten thousand strokes of force, silver hook iron painting!"

After five consecutive collisions with the pen and ink.

She jumped straight up and rose into the air.

The pen and ink in my hand kept swaying, and the goddess scattered flowers!

Seeing this, Yu Hui frowned like Han Han.

But at this moment, the time is pressing, and he can't allow him to think too much!

"The roar of the steel monster makes you deeply appreciate the fragility and insignificance!"

After using the second skill [Strike Storm] to rush into the crowd, Yu Hui quickly pressed the basic attack.

The energy-filled, arc-flickering warhammer in Crazy Iron's hand slammed down suddenly!

While smashing the ground out of a deep pit.

He also knocked Na Ke Lulu and Sun Bin high into the air!

"One hundred thousand volts!"

With the swaying of the warhammer in the hands of mad iron.

Countless currents suddenly spread from the ground beside him!

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