Killing God Island

Chapter 979: Extermination Chapter 14: The last back. (on)

After Al got up again, the blood came out with several teeth. When Al started from the new stand, he also realized that it was meaningless to fight like this. It is true that his strength is somewhat different from the person in front of him, so Al Shi has given up his real life-and-death showdown. Just now that Al knows he has some strength, he still feels that he may have the opportunity to kill him. After all, this guy is not as good as me. He also wants to prove that you are not mine. Opponent, but when Al saw that his mouth and chest had been injured, he realized that it would be meaningless to fight with him. After all, no matter how much grudge is here, the purpose is more important than killing the opponent. Is how to continue to live.

It’s definitely not a wise move to know someone who can’t beat the opponent, so Al now doesn’t want to fight him anymore. His mind is more about how to leave here, so Ai After this idea, he directly observed the current terrain around. In addition to the darkness, it is obvious that some looming tunnels can be seen around the tunnel. The tunnels here are in all directions and it should not be a problem to escape.

But the biggest problem now is that Qi Bilang’s strength is so strong, there is no good opportunity to escape from his hand. It is impossible to do this with Ben, but this opportunity is obviously no one around him can’t help Al Create this opportunity, so if Al does not want to leave here safely, he must find an opportunity for him to successfully stop Qi Bilang from pursuing himself. Even if it takes only a few dozen seconds, he can completely make himself unscathed. After the escape, there are many exits around it. Once escape is really difficult to chase. After all, people who are not familiar with it, there is no big difference from entering the maze.

So Al was directly prepared to stand up to create more opportunities for him to escape, but at the same time when he just stood up, Qi Bilang was stabbed in his chest at the same time, because he stood up and stabbed him. This knife was synchronized, so that Al did not have any chance to avoid it. He was directly pierced into his chest. With the knife in Qi Bilang's hand, the blade was also very long. When it pierced Al's chest, it seemed that It was the same as the moment he fixed him.

Originally, Al thought that Qi Bilang was really like what he said he would use a knife to torture himself one by one slowly. If it were to be true, he should not have much danger of life and death for the time being, because his Words meant to cut a lot of wounds on my body and slowly bleed to death, but now it is clear that this knife is not what he said tortured himself one by one, this knife clearly wants to kill me directly.

Of course, Al can also feel that although the knife was just stabbed in the chest, although it is not a fatal injury, it is also a very serious injury if it is pierced in the chest. Although it is not life-threatening for him for a while, it is equivalent to putting His body was fixed.

The pain that penetrated through the body was much more painful than Al's imagination. The kind of heartbreaking pain that caused her to feel a lot of pain even if she moved a little more. El has never suffered such a serious injury, so He didn't dare to shake his body for a moment now.

Accurately speaking, his ability to resist pain is incomparable with that of Beggie, because Beggie lives on the ground floor before fighting on the ground floor and lives on a fight and mortgage. From the bottom floor, he lives always injured. , So now his basic body is not only more resistant than Al, but also has better pain tolerance after injury.

Conversely, Ayr lived a better life before entering the island, and basically lived more comfortably throughout the day. The natural intelligence and family background are superior to ordinary people. Aier has changed his ordinary business in a few years. The bigger, Ayr, who was not 20 years old in five years, had already monopolized the three major enterprises in the city at the time, and at the same time admitted to the university by self-study. Although he did not go abroad to study, he had already begun to ignore his goals. It is fixed on making money, because in his eyes, money is too good to make, so he began to challenge companies other than formal enterprises, and contact with very powerful family companies in countries other than black and white, of course, a family can even Comparing with the existence of a developed country, only four families in the whole world can have the power to compete with any country. These are the four most powerful families at present. They are based on the ten countries with the greatest development potential. The patron saint of the country.

Although they will not blatantly make a right against a country or even their own country, they have privately conducted some secret experiments that even the United Nations will keep its eyes closed. Among them, killing the giant island of God Island It wasn't that the four big families intervened to buy the whole island. It is possible that the island would become a very well-known tourist destination, but now it has become a holy place for survival in which the seals are tightly sealed.

Because Al has a successful career at a young age, he wants to seek more development, so he started to run some big deals that are more profitable and interesting than ordinary businesses, such as arms and powder, but this business is too It’s too dangerous. Al would have no need to do this kind of business and get enough food and clothing, but Al sought more fun for him to make money, so Al decided to try everything and fields, of course, the most important thing is , Know more people, so that you can enrich your curiosity about the world, so that you can go further, let more people pay attention and respect. Therefore, Al must be able to protect himself after being exposed to various dangerous things, so he hired a group of mercenaries at a high price, and learned a lot of special training about fighting with them. After all, these It can be used in the future, because Al once positioned himself as a god, because he is one of the highest iq people in the world, and he has never encountered any setbacks in twenty years, and everything has been smooth, until the second I met Ye Minyu, the first enemy of my life after twelve years old. Of course, Ye Minyu was not called Ye Minyu at the time. Instead, he changed his name to Ye Minyu after he changed his gender. It was precisely because El lost to her that caused her to lose all her entire career. After the crash, he was eventually sentenced to death for his various crimes were made public.

Because Al has done a lot of big things, although Al hasn’t been able to board the big boat of the four big families in the end, but he has done a lot of things known to the four big families, and thinks he is also a rare talent. Therefore, Al is considered as the default candidate in the God-making plan. Of course, the reinforcement genes given are also different. However, Al has always used his own mind to solve problems and let others kill people. Rarely does he really get himself started, although Al is also very capable Fighting, but did not develop too many of her own exclusive abilities, as far as she was in the state of Sky Tribulation.

Even with few injuries, she was directly pierced by Qi Bilang in the chest this time. The huge pain caused her to lose the fighting intention directly, because the penetrated chest, even if he moved a little, It hurts like a sharp pain.

When Qi Bilang saw that the blood on Al’s chest had stained his clothes, the excitement in the corner of his mouth could not be described: “Sorry! I wanted to cut your body with a knife, and let you slowly bleed to death , But you always resist, and this will only waste our time, so I can only give you some blood, and then slowly cut your body, this is the same way I just said , Then the question is coming, which part of your body should I cut first?"

After Qi Bilang finished this sentence, his expression was very cold and cruel, and at this moment, at a critical moment in his life and death, Al began to want to endure the pain and began to pull out his body, as he moved and The body rubbed against the knife again.

The blood kept flowing out, and the bursts of pain left Al with sweat on his face, but he still gritted his teeth and wanted to break free with his own strength.

But Qi Bilang's blade was very long, and Al took a lot of effort to break free, and Al, who was weak in pain tolerance, had already hurt his body and could not move.

But Qi Bilang had a knife in his other hand that once again opened a deep mouth on Al's body, and once it reached the blood-red knife mark, the blood and collapsed as the skin opened from Al's body. The flesh of the two knots turned out instantly, followed by the blood flowing out from the wound. With a whisper of Al, Qi Bilang was more excited and abnormal, so his second knife followed again. However, this second time before the knife passed Al’s body, a person suddenly appeared and kicked out. Because Qi Bilang was still holding the knife in his hand, the kicked body flew out at the same time. Also, the knife inserted into Al's chest was pulled out immediately as his body flew out. Qi Bilang didn't expect a person to appear suddenly around the dark, but although this foot was a little hard, it didn't hurt. Qi Bilang.

Accurately speaking, this foot is not enough to hurt him, the strength of this foot can only be regarded as temporarily pushing him back.

Suddenly the knife was pulled out too hard, causing Al to spur blood continuously, and it was not one person but two people who came to the rescue at this time. They were Kakarot and Beggi. It turned out that Beggi did not escape at all. He knew he wasn’t even healed, and he wasn’t even an opponent, so he ran to find a helper. He originally wanted to find a heads-up king, but he couldn’t find it. Although he was slightly injured, but the two were still in good condition. Of course, the two of them wanted to find the heads-up king and the fat man, but they couldn’t find any way. In the end, Berger was afraid that Al could not handle it alone, so he and the card Carrot came back to support. Although the two of them were not Qi Qilang's opponents in total, Beiji and others were very loyal.

But fortunately, the two came in time. At this time, Beiji was using cloth to help him stop bleeding at the wound of Al’s chest. As long as he did not lose too much blood, he could strengthen the person’s recovery ability and heal the wound within a minute. .

And it was Kakarot who kicked Feiqi Bilang just now, and this kid's back looked handsome at this time.

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