Killing God Island

Chapter 980: Extermination Mission 15: The last back. (in)

When Qi Bilang saw that the blood on Al’s chest had stained his clothes, the excitement in the corner of his mouth could not be described: “Sorry! I wanted to cut your body with a knife, and let you slowly bleed to death , But you always resist, and this will only waste our time, so I can only give you some blood, and then slowly cut your body, this is the same way I just said , Then the question is coming, which part of your body should I cut first?"

After Qi Bilang finished this sentence, his expression was very cold and cruel, and at this moment, at a critical moment in his life and death, Al began to want to endure the pain and began to pull out his body, as he moved and The body rubbed against the knife again.

The blood kept flowing out, and the bursts of pain left Al with sweat on his face, but he still gritted his teeth and wanted to break free with his own strength.

But Qi Bilang's blade was very long, and Al took a lot of effort to break free, and Al, who was weak in pain tolerance, had already hurt his body and could not move.

But Qi Bilang had a knife in his other hand that once again opened a deep mouth on Al's body, and once it reached the blood-red knife mark, the blood and collapsed as the skin opened from Al's body. The flesh of the two knots turned out instantly, followed by the blood flowing out from the wound. With a whisper of Al, Qi Bilang was more excited and abnormal, so his second knife followed again. However, this second time before the knife passed Al’s body, a person suddenly appeared and kicked out. Because Qi Bilang was still holding the knife in his hand, the kicked body flew out at the same time. The knife inserted into Al’s chest was immediately pulled out as his body flew out. Qi Bilang didn’t expect a person to appear suddenly around the dark, but although the foot was a little hard, it didn’t hurt. Qi Bilang.

Accurately speaking, this foot is not enough to hurt him, the strength of this foot can only be regarded as temporarily pushing him back.

Suddenly, the force of the knife drawn was too strong, which kept Al spraying blood on his chest. At this time, it was not one person but two people who came to rescue the scene. They were Kakarot and Beggi. It turned out that Beggi did not escape at all. He knew he wasn’t even healed, and he wasn’t even an opponent, so he ran to find a helper. He originally wanted to find a heads-up king, but he couldn’t find it. Although he was slightly injured, but the two were in good condition. Of course, the two of them wanted to find the heads-up king and the fat man, but they couldn’t find any way. In the end, Berger was afraid that Al could not handle it alone, so he and the card Carrot came back to support. Although the two of them were not Qi Qilang's opponents in total, Beiji and others were very loyal.

But fortunately, the two came in time. At this time, Beiji was using cloth to help him stop bleeding at the wound of Al’s chest. As long as he did not lose too much blood, he could strengthen the person’s recovery ability and heal the wound within a minute. .

And it was Kakarot who kicked Feiqi Bilang just now, and this kid's back looked handsome at this time.

Beggie lived on the chest of Al who kept bleeding, and then said to Kakarot: "Hey, brother, I'm sorry, I just don't want to see everyone die here, you can rest assured, I will be very Come and stay with you." Beggie held Al's chest for less than a minute. After seeing that the chest wasn't bleeding, Beggie hugged Al's head directly and went directly to a tunnel entrance in front of the fastest. Running away without speed.

Of course Carcarot knew that Beggie would choose to take Al away, and he was not too surprised or sad to abandon himself, because Kakarot knew Beggie’s idea, and there was Al in there. Perhaps the rest of the people will survive. Beggie is not a person who is afraid of death, but he just does not want everyone to die here.

Qi Bilang originally thought that the man in front of him could be solved within a single move, but he didn't expect that this look of injury to his body and the appearance of Cakarot had hardly connected Qi Bilang to the attack more than ten times. Fang Zhong is still alive.

This may be the opportunity that Al just said, and it was precisely because of the two minutes Carcarot insisted that Beggi was given the opportunity to take El away from here. Obviously, the two of them suddenly appeared angry: "I think how long can your kid last?"

In only two minutes, there were two very long wounds on Kakarot's body. Although Kakarot was bleeding now, Kakarot still did not give up and was still fighting hard with Qi Bilang. Kaka Does Roth really not understand that he is not his opponent? Of course he knew that it was just that he was using his life to stay with him.

The wounds on his body kept increasing. Although he tried to avoid Qi Bilang’s fatal attack, the wounds on his body continued to increase. The blood flowed from his body more and more. The body has changed a little, and the consciousness has also loomed into some memories before entering the island.

Kakarot was not his real name. His real name was Knano. Since he particularly liked the two-dimensional anime and manga, he had dreamed of being as powerful as Dragon Ball Sun Wukong since childhood. The powerful super Saiyan Kakarot, so during school, many people think he has mental illness and think he is an abnormal child who is very addicted to his fantasy world.

So his parents took him to the hospital to check whether there was a mental disorder, but after seeing many hospitals, he said that he was normal, but sometimes his son did feel abnormal, but all the hospitals said he was normal. Are these Class A hospitals mediocre?

In fact, Kakarot does not have a mental illness, but he occasionally wants to pursue the male character in the anime. After all, Kakarot is not easy in real life, and he is not going to work because he always watches anime. Family members, relatives, and even neighbors listed him as a super otaku.

He is 25 years old and has no object. He usually likes to watch all kinds of anime immersed in the scene where the male master is left and right, but in real life he is a particularly shy boy, so he only needs to see The slightly cute girl will be very shy and even heart-beating, just like the beauty phobia.

At a gathering of her mother and her classmates, she saw her good girlfriends for many years, and then took her good girlfriends to her house as a guest. Since she heard that he had a son, she wanted to see his son by the way.

This also indirectly led to Carcarote's awkward moment, because his mother would not go home every time it was less than five o'clock, so Carcarote was not wearing clothes in his bedroom, and then he was unwilling to bring a headset clip Ears, watching with a power amplifier.****, it was at this time that his mother and many years of good girlfriends just came in through the door.

Moreover, Kakarot’s mother, while unlocking, said to her good girlfriend: "We haven’t seen it for more than ten years since we moved, and now we have moved here. I will take you to recognize the door today. You can come here often when you are empty."

"I will often come as a guest, and you were pregnant when you moved away. I didn't expect to hear you say that I already have a son of the same age as my daughter? I heard that your husband is very handsome and is now in a foreign country. I really wanted to see the vision of the man you chose when taking the job!"

"Cut! I didn't expect to be so old, you are still as crazy as you were when you were young, but you can't see my husband himself, he will only come back once in three months, but you can look at his photos , But he is really handsome and has an 18-centimeter weapon. Marry him. I am quite satisfied and happy. Although you missed my husband, you can look at our baby son. Although my son is a Otaku, but he is okay."

After she said this, she opened the door. Because Carroll put the groan in the bedroom ***. The movement was a bit loud, so she did not hear the sound of opening the door. Just after the mother and her good girlfriend came in, suddenly her mother and her good girlfriend turned red.

"What kind of voice? Did your son bring his girlfriend home? It seems that it is not the right time for us to come back, why should we leave now?"

"How could my son have a girlfriend? Did I find my girlfriend when I was working recently?" In curiosity, Karkarot's mother secretly opened the door of her son's room. In addition to watching anime, he likes to exercise at home. He likes Dragon Ball, which means that he also likes fighting. Although he hasn’t learned it, he has a sandbag in his room. He will practice regularly. Generally, people who exercise regularly are particularly alert. I In addition, the door of Kakarot's room was a little broken, and the push meeting held a faint voice.

This voice Kakarot turned around very alertly. Because he was licking, not only did he not wear clothes at the moment, but he also shot at the girlfriend next to his mother. It's an exaggeration. The mother and the friend all had a look, and at this moment all three were stunned.

Mother's girlfriends pointed at her son with wide eyes and asked, " your son?"

Kakarot's mother wiped her face with paper and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, sorry! I don't know if this **** boy would be like this, are you okay?"

Although she is almost 43 years old, she still licked her lips with a red face and said, "It's okay, it's okay, and it is full of youthful vitality. It seems that your son is really good."

Kakarot immediately began to dress up at the speed of light, and bowed to apologize: "Aunt, I'm wrong. I'm so sorry I didn't mean it."

Kakarot's mother walked over and knocked him on the head, shouting, "Your dead boy is farting! Don't do this kind of thing in the daytime. I feel ashamed of being your mother!"

"It's okay, I don't care. The young guys are like this. Should I introduce my daughter to your son?"

"My son is like this. I'm afraid I don't deserve your daughter. I think it's okay!" Kakarot's mother said this embarrassedly.

I didn’t want to beat my girlfriend, but I said amazingly: “It’s okay, it’s okay! I’m quite satisfied with your son. I know my own daughter. I think it’s a nice man, and my daughter will love it too.” Touched the head of the girlfriend’s son with satisfaction, and put Carcarot’s face in his hands, so that his face was pressed into the middle of her chest, and the soft elasticity instantly made Carcarot up again. And she looked down at the bottom of Kakarot's crotch and smiled slightly, said: "Your little boys this year are very curious about girls. The daughter of the aunt's family is more beautiful than the aunt. Do you want to consider my daughter? Let's take a look at it?"

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