Killing God Island

Chapter 978: Extermination Mission 13: I didn't expect you to have two more children

Ayre said that when he and Ye Minyu struggled with each other, he did indeed win a perfect match. Although the moment I failed became nothing like the moment you changed, I also lost my heart and convinced. If you say so, then I will see you again. Does Ye Minyu want to kill him like you? Some things have passed, there is no need to be tortured by the past. People will only look out from the past to see a better future. Of course, people like Ye Minyu, I have already guessed that he will come one day sooner or later. Here, as a result, we have met not long ago, but I did not resent the United States and Europe as much as you, but instead cooperated for their own interests. I think that since entering the island, the way of survival is completely different from that of the outside world. There is no need to worry about things outside the island all the time. I feel that since I came here, I seem to give you a second chance to be born. A little bit ashamed, just want to ask if you are willing to join forces with me?

After the two met, they did not directly touch each other, but stood at a distance not far from each other and kept talking to each other. Of course, Qi Bilang was not interested in Al’s proposal at all, because the two people’s personality and The way of thinking is completely different, so after Qi Bilang directly lifted the knife and swayed it a few times, a straight expression between his eyebrows directly refused: "Sorry, I am not interested in working with you at all, and it is up to you These people are not qualified to talk to me about cooperation. Besides, you have achieved what I am today. Then let me give you a good last life lesson. The name of this lesson is that the body is cut inch by inch. How painful is the personal experience? I really have to admire that you are very smart. Although I dare not say that my wisdom exceeds you in front of you, I will definitely be far superior to you in combat. If you don’t believe you, try it." Qi Bilang single-handedly poses a fighting posture, indicating that Al can start now, and Al uses a double knife, and both are short knives, which is very convenient to carry, and the two weapons with his name Ye Minyu, One is the two Nepalese army knives on the back, and the other is the three-claw blade. However, the weapons used by these two men are holding two knives in each hand. Generally, those with high IQs like to use weapons in both hands because of his The left and right brains are developed much higher than ordinary people, so the effect of using weapons with two hands is more than that with one hand. Although Al also uses double knives like Ye Minyu, his double knives are better than Ye Minyu’s double. The knife was much shorter, and Qi Bilang, who was standing in front of him, had a knife much longer than Al’s double knife. The two had not attacked each other, but stared at each other. At the moment of staying at each other, the two immediately stared straight forward and their eyes widened, as if something terrible would happen in the next second.

The first white light flashed instantaneously around the dark and dull, and the white light flashed in front of Al made Ayl directly double-strike to the first gear. Qi Bilang's knife did not directly hit Ayl, and Ayl used two short knives to directly support After staying, the two eyes looked at each other again. The move just now was very fast. In fact, this move was not intended to kill him directly, but a knife that slowly tortured him. Hit, this is really beyond Qi Bilang's expectation, because if this speed is more than killing others, basically the other side will be difficult to respond at this speed. I did not expect that Al, who usually hides behind his mind and makes suggestions The wise man was able to catch this knife, so he now looked forward while the two looked at each other again.

"I didn't expect you to have two more!" This is Qi Bilang's admiration for Al. Although Al took this trick, he also knew that it was not Qi Bilang's full strength, and that this move belonged to him just now. He is merciful, and it’s absolutely impossible for him to stop it without mercy. This Al still feels vaguely. Although Al has not yet awakened the necessary skills of a master such as entering the micro realm, Al can still pass each other. The aura and the expressions and various demeanor movements during the battle detect this person, whether it is really the strength at a glance, it is clear that Qi Bilang is not the only strength, so he will be surprised, followed by a He didn’t directly touch Al’s foot sideways, and then stretched out a hand to him sideways, grabbed his hand and directly caught Al’s neck, in fact, this move has already been divided. At this moment, his neck may be directly pinched off, but it is clear that Qi Bilang does not want to kill him directly, but wants to torture him slowly, so obviously grabbed El's neck and directly After throwing away the whole person, he took a step directly up and then stood up and put his knee directly on Al's chest. Although Al's double knives were very sharp against others, they appeared weak and powerful in front of Qi Bilang. The strengths and weaknesses need to be compared. Al's strength was originally not weak, but Qi Bilang was stronger in front of him. Although the gap between the two is not two levels, there is also a big gap from the battle. Al, who is flying out, After landing, he stood up directly to prevent him from attacking him again. All this was exactly what he thought. Just as soon as he got up, a ray of light flashed across the blade once again crossed himself. Although Al could still stand up, a hot blood spray on his chest At the same time, when he looked forward, he knew that the knife was about to cut towards himself with a flash of light, so although Al had a slight pain in his chest, he still directly stabs to Qi Bilang from two different positions.

The reason why Qi Bilang has been attacking him without giving Al breathing is that he wants to be cut on him with a knife and slowly let him bleed to death, but now Al except for the spitting blood that was just beaten There is no knife wound on his body, so the more he is like this, the more he will want to attack him, because this is his character, after all, he is the kind of person who can say what he needs to do, he said he needs to be cut with a knife His skin then slowly tortured her to death. Since he just said this method of death, he had to let Al die like this, so after his knife was avoided, his body was tilted to avoid a knife. The hand blocked Al's other dagger, and then kicked Al's stomach again, kicked three times in a row, then let go, then turned around, kicked the heel, and kicked directly on Al's right face. The kicked legs lifted into the air and landed again, so Al now began to think about how to escape from here. Obviously, the dark surrounding tunnel is also a branch of several junctions, so it is not necessary to escape. Probably, but the question is how to get rid of Qi Bilang in front of him. After all, this guy's strength is not weak at all. It takes an opportunity to escape in front of him, but no one can create this opportunity at present. , You can only create this opportunity by yourself, but at present, it is not a big chance to win this kind of opportunity, but first of all, you cannot let Qi Bilang's knife cut, or if you can escape, you will stay. Blood stains, and the more wounds, the more dangerous it would be. El didn’t want to die here, so when Al gritted his teeth and got up again, he was stabbed in the chest with a knife at the same time. This knife pierced Al’s chest directly. , Before waiting for Ayre to get up and carry out the plan of how to escape, Qi Bilang was stabbed with this knife almost at the same time. I did not expect that while the knife pierced Ayre, Ayle’s entire body seemed to be frozen instantly. At first, Al thought that this guy would really torture himself one by one as he said in his mouth. If it were so, then there would be no danger to life.

After Al got up again, the blood came out with several teeth. When Al started from the new stand, he also realized that it was meaningless to fight like this. It is true that his strength is somewhat different from the person in front of him, so Al Shi has given up his real life-and-death showdown. Just now that Al knows he has some strength, he still feels that he may have the opportunity to kill him. After all, this guy is not as good as me. He also wants to prove that you are not mine. Opponent, but when Al saw that his mouth and chest had been injured, he realized that it would be meaningless to fight with him. After all, no matter how much grudge is here, the purpose is more important than killing the opponent. Is how to continue to live.

It’s definitely not a wise move to know someone who can’t beat the opponent, so Al now doesn’t want to fight him anymore. His mind is more about how to leave here, so Ai After this idea, he directly observed the current terrain around. In addition to the darkness, it is obvious that some looming tunnels can be seen around the tunnel. The tunnels here are in all directions and it should not be a problem to escape.

But the biggest problem now is that Qi Bilang’s strength is so strong. There is no good opportunity to escape from him. This is an opportunity that cannot be achieved with this, but it is clear that there is no one around him who can’t help Al. Create this opportunity, so if Al does not want to leave here safely, he must find an opportunity for him to successfully stop Qi Bilang from pursuing himself. Even if it takes only a few ten seconds, it can completely make him escape. After the escape, there are many exits around here. Once escape is really difficult to chase. After all, people who are not familiar with it, there is no big difference from entering the maze.

So Al was directly prepared to stand up to create more opportunities for him to escape, but at the same time when he just stood up, he was stabbed in the chest by Qi Bilang at the same time, because he stood up and stabbed him. This knife was synchronized, so that Al did not have any chance to avoid it. He was directly pierced into his chest. With the knife in Qi Bilang's hand, the blade was also very long. When it pierced Al's chest, it seemed that It was the same for him to be instantly fixed.

Originally, Al thought that Qi Bilang was really like what he said he would use a knife to slowly torture himself one by one. If it is to be true, he should not have much danger of life and death for the time being, because his Words meant to cut a lot of wounds on my body and slowly bleed to death, but now it is clear that this knife is not what he said tortured himself one by one, this knife clearly wants to kill me directly.

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