Killing God Island

Chapter 974: Destruction 9: Negotiations

Ai Luosha was very scared and said to Beggie with a trembling voice: "Aoqi listed group!" Beggie scratched her hair and sighed: "How come you are borrowing money from this guy's company, this guy is not What kind of thing, forget Although we are not kind of good, but Arthur, the boss of this company, is notoriously rogue in this line, but you can rest assured that I am in control of this matter, as long as I intervene in this one The matter can definitely be resolved. It’s not too early. You should go home first. Don’t let your parents worry about you too much. You are now a big girl. I would never do something too excessive, but it’s better for the peers to do this thing, and it’s better not to make any mistakes, or else things will become more and more chaotic. In the end, there will be a lot of chain reactions. Some rules, one of which is that peers can work together, don’t take the initiative to offend each other and provoke peers, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

But the little girl in front of her was like her sister. When he was hungry almost five years ago, there were many times that the little girl gave him some food in his own home. His eyes are really as frustrating as his sister, so Beggie can’t do anything about it, so he agreed without any hesitation. In fact, there are good and bad things in this line. If Beggie No one would dare to give him a bad face if he wants to bully this line of mixing, but although Beggie is famous in this line, it is not the best mixing, and the company's owner Arthur is undoubtedly among his peers. The leader, so whether it is as a back-to-back relationship or as a peer-to-peer relationship, Beiji should not arbitrarily intervene in this matter.

While Beggie was thinking about how to deal with this matter tomorrow, he was suddenly hugged by Erosa, and from this touch, Beggie felt as if Erosa was not wearing clothes, So he immediately broke free from her hand and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ai Luosha said pitifully: "From the beginning, you are like my big brother, every time I am by your side, I am full of security, until a few years ago, you saved me for the three little bastards, I At that time, I thought you were too handsome, and this time I had something like this, and you didn’t even talk to me about any conditions and said you would help me, so I asked me to thank you for your care!"

Although Beggie is 28 years old, he has never touched a woman, so when faced with this kind of thing, he suddenly turned red and refused loudly: "What are you kidding me, I help you because you are Ai Luosha, that I have never disliked my poor little sister who is with me. Although you grow up now, you are still the lively and lovely girl in my heart, so please don’t do this, I promise you, and I will definitely help you. This matter, so please dress up and go home now!"

Erosa stared quietly at Beggie, and slowly tears came out of her eyes: "Because I've done aid. Pay, so help you think a woman like me is dirty?"

"You misunderstood, I don't think so at all, I just want you to know, I help you not to make any return to you, so please don't compare me to those who only think about their own interests all day, But I do have a sentence that I want to talk to you, and you are now grown up. Sometimes I think about something more comprehensive. Take care of your body. After all, you are a girl. Put on her clothes and pushed her out of the room door: "This matter, since I have come forward to solve it, you don't have to worry about it, don't say anything from now on, this matter will be solved soon, don't let others know This matter, I think you also want to know less and less about it."

"Okay, thank you, uncle. I used to call you brother. I didn't know your real name until you moved away. When I came to you, I found it based on how I described you and your reputation. Yes, so can you tell me your name?"

Beggie scratched her head helplessly and said, "My name is Beggie. My full name is not even clear to me. I lived in an orphanage when I was seven years old. My only memory is that my father is a fair-looking person. But my mother and others said that he was a bad person, but my father wanted me to be a good person, and my mother told me whether or not I will become the same person as your father in the future, but I hope I can protect it. I have justice in my heart, so although I am not an upright and legitimate business right now, I have always mixed this line in this unjust business in accordance with my inner justice, and at the moment you look for me, I’ve already figured out a way to deal with it, so you don’t have to worry about how I solved it. Anyway, your thing is very simple for me, but now I have to take a good rest first night tomorrow to deal with you better. Good night, so good!" Beggy closed the door after saying this, shutting Arosa alone.

Arosa, who was kept outside the door, still did not leave, and somehow the tears came out involuntarily. The inexplicable sentiment rejected by Beggie made her feel that Beggie still abandons herself. After all, Aerosa looks very good, and she is very old. It’s already a figure and a figure, and it’s no wonder that Cather would like to let Aerosa create more benefits for herself. Of course, if Arthur wants to eat this girl, she must first investigate the girl’s family background. The result of the investigation is that ordinary families do not have any background, so they will use naked loans to threaten her to continue to create more wealth for herself. What Arthur did not expect is that Beggi moved away five years ago. The neighborhood of Arosa, so the people who came to investigate Arosa did not find out that Beggie and the girl had a deep bond. If it were impossible, Arosa would not take the initiative to provoke Arosa, after all, doing this business It's not like the real society. The regiment fights to kill, kill, fight for power, and fight for the status of the society.

So he really needs to know that Beggie will be in front of this woman. He will not be a famous Beggie for the offense of a woman. Beggie looked at the phone after getting up. The reality on the phone was just 7 o'clock. It was the earliest day he woke up in these months, because this matter was not as easy to handle as he said. After all, peers are also divided into strong and weak. Although their own side is not weak, it may not necessarily be possible to let the other party give face. It's easy.

But no matter what must be done, Beggie started calling the horsemen early in the morning, and soon, about 20 people, led by Beggie, were anxious, and they came to Arthur’s old nest Orch In a listed group, Beggie knew the rest and waited outside the company. He brought only four brothers who had been with him for many years. At this time, Arthur was waiting for Beggie in his office. If Beggie Don't sign up for the number, don't look at him bringing a dozen or so people, it is unlikely to want to enter.

After Beggie pushed the door in, he left the four men outside the door, because they didn't have enough room to enter. Now Beggie and Arthur are looking at each other. At this time, both of them are good in spirit and spirit, only Seeing Arthur as the host here, he was the first to ask: "Beggie heard that you are very good at playing. It is one of the few people in our industry that is rarely known for playing confusion. Since we saw one side two years ago, because of the road It is difficult to cooperate with each other. Today you came to me and brought a lot of people. What is the so-called thing? I don’t seem to remember where I offended you?”

Beggie smiled slightly and said, "We really do not violate the river water, and I hope that we can talk and chat as occasionally as we do now, but today I can be regarded as having nothing to go to the Three Treasure Halls. I really have something to find you."

"I don't need to bring so many people with me when I need something? Why does this matter to me a bit serious?"

"Arthur, you and I have known each other for more than five years. I haven’t mixed anything like this today. I think you see it in your eyes. After all, you are my predecessor, so I want to ask you to sell me a face. If you come to my place usefully, just say it."

"Oh? Then what kind of face do you want me to give you?" Arthur asked with a smile on his face, and after Beggie finished speaking, he said straight away: "Arosa, isn't she? "

"Ai Luosha? You also know that I am different from you. I am not only in charge of collections. I also have many entertainment companies under my umbrella. You suddenly asked me the name of a woman. How can I remember?"

When Beggie heard it, his expression was quite unpleasant: "Maybe it's really like you said, there are too many women who transfer money to you under your flag, so I'm going to remind you that you have forgotten."

I saw that Beggie took out his mobile phone, clicked on the photo of Ai Luosha in the mobile phone album, and said to him: "I just said this girl, she borrowed a **** loan from your company, which was already paid off. But your lack of use of video threatens to make money for them, so I want you to give me a face, let this matter just, what do you think?"

"It turns out that you came here for this matter. I'm curious what this woman has to do with you?"

"It's my sister, so please sell me a face and let this matter go, and I will also give away 100,000 yuan as a gift."

"Brother Beiji, it's not because you don't give you this face. You and I are considered to be some of the famous people in these three streets. Today you brought these people over as if you were desperate to fight me, and then let me give you a face, If I am dark in this face, how do I mix in the future? They all think that I am afraid of you, so you really want to talk, I think you should not bring so many people, and you should bring like so many A gift for human beings, besides you being the woman I let go, but now we are the top card here, he serves more than one hundred thousand guests casually. You want him to come under my control, at least you should come up with some for me A price worth considering?"

Beggie also approached Arthur and lowered his anger. My tone said: "Don't be too greedy as a man, we don't have to hurt the peace for a woman, so I hope you will make a reasonable proposal. How can you let it go? This girl?"

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