Killing God Island

Chapter 975: Destruction Mission 10: Slaughter in the Dark (Part 1)

Beggie said to Arthur with a slightly serious expression: "Arthur, you and I have known each other for more than five years, and I have never mixed anything like this. I think you look at it step by step. After all, you are mine. Senior, so I want to ask you to sell me a face, if you come to my place in the future, just say it."

"Oh? Then what kind of face do you want me to give you?" Arthur asked with a smile on his face, and after Beggie finished speaking, he said straight away: "Arosa, isn't she? "

"Ai Luosha? You also know that I am different from you. I am not only in charge of collections. I also have many entertainment companies under my umbrella. You suddenly asked me the name of a woman. How can I remember?"

When Beggie heard it, his expression was quite unpleasant: "Maybe it's really like you said, there are too many women who transfer money to you under your flag, so I'm going to remind you that you have forgotten."

I saw that Beggie took out his mobile phone, clicked on the photo of Ai Luosha in the mobile phone album, and said to him: "I just said this girl, she borrowed a **** loan from your company, which was already paid off. But your lack of use of video threatens to make money for them, so I want you to give me a face, let this matter just, what do you think?"

"It turns out that you came here for this matter. I'm curious what this woman has to do with you?"

"It's my sister, so please sell me a face and let this matter go, and I will also give away 100,000 yuan as a gift."

"Brother Beiji, it's not because you don't give you this face. You and I are considered to be some of the famous people in these three streets. Today you brought these people over as if you were desperate to fight me, and then let me give you a face, If I am dark in this face, how do I mix in the future? They all think that I am afraid of you, so you really want to talk, I think you should not bring so many people, and you should bring like so many A gift for human beings, besides you being the woman I let go, but now we are the top card here, he serves more than one hundred thousand guests casually. You want him to come under my control, at least you should come up with some for me A price worth considering?"

Beggie also approached Arthur and lowered his anger. My tone said: "Don't be too greedy as a man, we don't have to hurt the peace for a woman, so I hope you will make a reasonable proposal. How can you let it go? This girl?" Arthur smiled after hearing this: "I don’t want to live with Brother Beggie, but you need to understand that the human nature belongs to the human nature. I am a businessman. I don’t know why she is this girl. I want to make a loan with my company, but our company's loan contract has one more item than the ordinary company, that is, the loan cannot be fully returned within three months. Party A has the right to publish the video recorded by its creditor and use it for commercial purposes, so Even if we return the money later, we may not fully comply with it. After all, most of my financial sources are on these women, so this is another kind of rule. Although I am with you, but since you are in friendship with me, then I will I can only say that friendship and business are two different things. I will consider friendship with you so that my men will not publish certain videos of this girl, but now she will earn me a lot of top cards every day, of course she also needs Money, we belong to a mutually beneficial relationship. If you have to let this girl leave my shop, then you only need to be able to spend 10 million yuan. According to the value she earns me at least a hundred thousand a day, this price is a redemption for her. For your part, and she is still so young, this price is already very low. If you agree, I can consider pushing all her guests today."

"Ten million? Arthur, aren't you afraid of angering me because of a woman?" Berger glared at Arthur, but Arthur was very calm and sat on the sofa, and said to Arthur that he was very casual, tilting his legs. : "There are naturally many offenders in our business. Of course, I really don't want to do anything bad with you, but if you take the initiative to pick things up, you'd better recognize the situation. I can't pick you, but I am your predecessor in this business, and you will get into big trouble immediately if you understand me, so I advise you to deal with this matter according to my way. A woman will lose you for a few years and get mixed up with her name."

"Ten million? Are you a little too dark? Understand that you want to knock me out. Are you stupid?" Berger spoke very directly to Arthur, and Arthur even had a lot today. Patiently told a lot of truth to Beggie: "Do you think I want you to be more than 10 million? Is it true that a person like you would be a warrior at most in ancient times? Now what age do you want to make big money to kill? The killing has long since fallen behind, and now we have to recognize the form, what makes money, what will come naturally, as long as you have a celebrity, there will be no shortage of money, maybe you will feel that this is a million people, but this I don’t care what you want. Do you think it’s true that I want to blackmail you? My big company like Arthur will send you that little money? To tell you the truth, many of the shareholders in my company are above People, that is, some officials of Badao, I will distribute most of the money to them, and the girls under my banner are also on the record, so once an accident occurs, both sides can better withdraw, so I can’t There is no reason to let a girl who makes money on the head let you take away a sentence casually. I still say that. Do you still understand?"

After hearing this, Beggy nodded and said, "I understand what you mean. It turns out that this area has been so degraded. You and the bureaucrats have been in trouble for so many years. I don't want to do much, and today I'm not here to bargain with you. Give you money, I just want to tell you: "I am not a god, I can't estimate every girl who has lost her foot, but people will have a selfish side. This girl's business is now my business. I also told you about it yourself. If you want to continue to make this girl make money for you, even if you have already been an enemy of me, Beggie, I am the person from beginning to end If you do things with one rib, if you are not afraid of losing both sides with me, you can not sell me this face. "

Beji said three sentences and stood up directly with an affair, and turned to leave. At the moment he turned, Arthur leaned against the sofa with Erlang's legs, and highlighted a cigarette. Said: "I advise you not to do this. What stupid things you do on your day are already staring at you, but it's only because of this place that if you except you will fall into a more chaotic situation, so they will open one. Close your eyes, if you really shoot me, they will never let you do it, because smashing my business is like smashing their business, and I think it’s really worthwhile to lose everything you have for a woman. It’s best that you think about it in your heart and make a decision. I also advise you because of the good relationship with Shen Si who took you into this business. The best thing that money can solve is better not to do it. ."

Beji's expression didn't matter and said directly to Arthur: "I don't have so much money, but I can tell what I should do. Although we haven't gotten a lot from each other, you should guide me to do things. A rib, I am the kind of person who is not afraid of death, so you better don’t mess with me, and I remind you that today the girl is protected by me personally, if your men are harassing, don’t blame me for not giving it to my brother You face, after all, I have greeted you." Beggie left after he finished, and Beggie called a mysterious man as soon as he left, conveying the meaning that Beggie on the third street might come to pick these days Things, I have forged a beam with him. If he really came over, what would you do? "

The other end of the phone just said this: "Since he is restless, I will send someone to calm him down. I don't have to worry about it as usual. A small gangster who mixes up on the street is not enough."

Obviously it was the mysterious person who underestimated Beggie at that time. While Beggie was still thinking about the past, suddenly a familiar voice came from his ears, which made him suddenly wake up from the memories of the past, calling him The person is Al, and Al signs Beggy to sign him to cover his mouth, and then Al grabs Beggy’s shoulders and pulls him directly out of the steel bar inserted in his chest, although she pulls at a very fast speed. Fast, but Beggie still whispered slightly, but this dark place is not only where there are middle-level reinforcements, some cadre members have fallen a lot, and they can be cadre reinforcements, all with their own uniqueness The ability attribute even possesses a unique strength group, and the murmured voice that has just been very weak has already been noticed by this middle-aged man with a cadre level.

So he was slowly groping slowly in the direction of Beggie and Ayr. Of course, his groping was not going straight forward, but to make up for the cautiously, but in this dark place, there were too many encounters around. It was too quiet, so this middle-aged man suddenly stepped on the ground with his right foot and made a slight noise. Anyone who knew that this person was suddenly thrown by a person who didn't know what direction, threw out all kinds of weapons and all hit him.

At this moment, because the people around are more nervous, so as long as someone makes a mistake, the minor will be injured and the life will be killed, so this also makes the two who originally wanted to take the opportunity to leave immediately hidden again and motionless, just in Beiji and Ai While hiding in a corner in front of him, suddenly there was a large-scale fighting sound not far from them, because the key figures of the ten cadres led by Qi Bilang in front of him had already personally chased here, and their appearance It is also fully armed, and in the face of movements in front of it, it is not clear whether there are people, and it directly throws similar fireworks and very dazzling light, which makes the eyes that have basically adapted to the dark immediately close their eyes to avoid the strong light, after all, these people The sting of being irradiated by strong light as soon as their eyes got used to them closed their eyes for the first time, and Qi Bilang also took this opportunity to wave his hands to the ten players behind him and tried a machine gun to instantly fire, basically It was the ten people who suppressed it with machine gun fire, and Qi Bilang entered the interior directly through the cover, and used two daggers to kill people in the inner circle, but he killed all his own people. Originally, Beggi thought that this guy admitted wrong Talents will do so very well to their own people. In fact, Qi Bilang wants to kill everyone who knows the secret of this tunnel. Only in this way can he gain more power and detect different unknown areas on the island.

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