Killing God Island

Chapter 973: Extermination Mission 8: Turning Point in Life

"Forget it, if you don’t want it, then when I haven’t said it, seeing you as a poor man, I can’t afford to pay for my brother’s medical expenses. I’ll pay you the money, by the way. After giving you a sentence, even if you put bad people into the hospital, it will cost a lot of money. No matter how good you are in your heart, at least you need to know that you have money first, and... don’t fight others in the future. It’s too heavy, and it’s just a matter of winning or losing.” He said a little and waved to the other four, and then they turned away.

But before waiting for them to go far, Suddenly Beggie asked at the back: "Is that what I just said is true? The collection is different from person to person, and I can be your thug, but I feel contrary I will refuse to do what a good person should do. If you feel that this kind of man does not want it, then forget it. I hope you give me a happy word before I change my attention."

It was also the moment when the five turned around that completely changed Beggie’s entire life. This was also the first step that Beggie stepped into this unreturned journey. Although the leader who led him into the industry did indeed belong decently There is a clear stream in this industry, but this kind of person is particularly hateful in the eyes of their peers, and the kindness of this industry is brutal, and the kind people can’t do it for too long in this industry. Of course, he is also right about this sentence. Beggie said, but when the leader left the city because of something, he gave his position to Beggie, and of course he said a lot to Beggie before leaving: "Since I brought you into After this line, I need to tell you some of the rules of this line, even if you are in goodness, you can’t violate the rules. Kindness can be there, but don’t be soft, and don’t believe it easily, no matter who, of course, this is just Basically, and the most important sentence, when you stand at the top of this line with all the wind and water, there must be a huge storm surge behind the comfort, so if you really get to this step, if you have Retreat in time if you have a little money, otherwise you are either waiting for death or suffering."

In this way, after a few years of begging in this line, Beggie became famous in this line. He was fierce but very particular, but he had fewer and fewer men because he did this line. Basically, they earn more than him, only sticking to the original way of making money, and don’t understand at all. People who are doing this business now get some naked loans and various acts of violence through the Internet, but These ways of paying for money are all ethical in Beiji's eyes, which has led to fewer and fewer Beiji's men, because Beiji does not know how to work around. More importantly, Beiji's main economy is very dangerous. Come to collect the account, and there is no need to always take this risk in other businesses, so Beiji was slowly isolated by the people in this industry.

And because the cadre line is divided into regions, Beggie is stubborn but fights but has one hand, so several people in the same group want to solve him, but no one wants to take the lead in confronting this guy first. After all, this guy is fighting, That's like a mad dog, so many people are trying to make a fortune.

So there is no need for these people to have a head-on conflict with him. After all, they are all playing with their minds and routines. Old traditional ideas like Beggie only know **** and kill people all day long. Now the legal society is getting less and less killing and killing, so Becky’s heroic courage is usually more evil than wicked people, but when he meets good-hearted people, he is more gentle than these good people.

In the past few years, Beggie’s life has also completely changed by entering this line. The little girl who used to be with him has now grown into a slim girl. From the previous decade, she is now Sixteen year old girl.

She used to stick to Beggie before. Of course, Beggie was also a poor boy at the time. At that time, she had no money and no friends, although the age difference between the two was quite large.

But Beiji also likes this little girl very much, just like loving her sister. Maybe every boy is eager to have a sister to be with him, so the relationship between the two was very harmonious during this period.

But since Beiji rescued the little girl that time, because of the anger he sent the three **** into the hospital, he was retaliated against by the three **** brothers within a few days because the big brother was too confident and an unknown He didn’t even see it in his juniors' eyes. He felt that with a knife in his hand, he could get it with two brothers in the past. Even if he knew that this kid was a poor man, he could beat him and kill the chicken to show to the monkey. When I saw my little brother, I was calm, otherwise the end was absolutely miserable, but I was unexpectedly swept away by Beggie's face.

Finally, because he wanted to make the boy pay the price, he went to his old boss to ask for help. The boss who collected the money was called Shen Si. Although he was not young, he was still in his forties. Well-known, they are respected as Shen Siye. They are very decent and very loyal. As long as they have been their own brothers, they are not beaten for personal reasons. Just looking for him, he will come forward to help his brothers.

And this little **** leader who was lost in the face of Beiji found Shen Siye. In fact, his prestige here can definitely join the formal society, but he lacks a disguised business that has always been negotiating, and has never been I don’t consider myself a regular club boss, I am always very modest in calling myself a small boss. Although there is no independent club, it is the only formal club that has a face. It is because of his appearance that he defeated the heads-up fight. After Beggy, and unraveling his more correct distinction between good and bad for many years, it was also the encounter between the two that Beggy slowly started to leave the poor area.

It was precisely because Beiji later left the poverty-stricken area for many years, so I haven’t seen the little loli who was haunting me for a long time, but now when I see this girl, I have been treated like two. This girl Her name is Ai Luosha, and she is very beautiful now. She used to be called by her elder brother. When she met again, she suddenly changed her name to Uncle Beggie. Perhaps the image of Beggie in her mind was rather swayed. Well, now that Beggie is 28 years old, it really looks different from before. Besides, Beggie, who has been single all the time, doesn't really like to manage herself, so he looks much older than before.

The girl who knocked on the door suddenly came to Beggi because she hadn't seen her for so many years, so Beggie didn't recognize her for a moment: "Are you? I know you? Did you find the wrong person?" Just when Beggie thought she was looking for the wrong person, Aerosa suddenly fell into Beggie’s arms and cried: "How can you not know me, I am Aerosa , I still haunt you five years ago, do you remember?"

"Oh! I remembered it, I didn't expect you to grow so big in Arosa, I'm so sorry, I didn't recognize you for a while, wouldn't you be mad at me because of this?" , Ai Luosha crying more harmful.

"What's the matter? Is it because I didn't recognize that I was angry?" Beggie wiped tears with her hand to help Ai Luosha, but she cried and said to Beggie: "Uncle save me, I'm in trouble." Only you can help me, I don’t really know what to do now, so I will come here so late. Although your residence is a little difficult to find, but now you are so famous, I still found you. "

Beggie looked at her crying like a tearful man, vaguely had a bad hunch, but he still said very calmly, "Since you have come, no matter what, uncle, I will definitely help Yours, go wash your face first and then we will talk in the living room."

The moment when the two who hadn’t seen each other for several years met again, it was also an indirect reason why Beggi was later sent to Murder Island. This girl named Ai Luosha was really the fuse of Beggie’s fate change twice. It was precisely because of her rescue that he stepped into the boss of today's forces, and it was regarded as the cause of turning a poor boy into a famous little boss today. The encounter with this girl five years later changed again. The beginning of another fate of his destiny.

At this time, Ai Luosha sat on the sand and looked at the serious face of Beggie, who was trembling all over, because Beggie, who was known for his hard work and loyalty for many years in this line, still had a certain deterrent, although the former was small I was getting along well with Beiji at the time, but after all it was very small and not very sensible at the time, but now it is different, so she was a little nervous not knowing where to start.

Beggie looked at her squeaky words and didn't dare to speak, so Beggie said directly: "Something you can just say directly, but what I want to hear is the passing, if you want me to be just you, please don't Hiddenly, although I am not very smart, I don’t want others to be my fools, no matter what the reason is, you are right or wrong. Since I promised to help you solve it, I will help you solve it, but If you don’t tell the truth, I will probably care about half of this matter. I have always been of this character."

"Then I’m okay. I came to you this time because I borrowed a loan. It’s a kind of naked loan, and I just borrowed money because I wanted to buy a very expensive bag with my classmates. It’s too late when I regret it, and the interest is getting more and more. I finally paid it all off through the aid, but they still used some videos to threaten me. I really don’t know what to do now, in case the school and me 'S parents knew about it, and now I just have to think about it, I have to obey their arrangements, but they are getting more and more excessive. "Ai Luosha took off her coat directly and saw that she had a lot of arms and body Bruising and strangulation.

After hearing this, Beggy directly stood up and put her coat on her upper body, and sighed deeply: "I basically understand your situation, why don't you take care of yourself seriously? Anyway, things have happened. , I said no more would be of any help. I have been in this business for a few years, and I know some people. Can you tell me which company you borrow money from?"

Arosa was very scared and replied with a trembling voice: "Aoqi listed group!" Beggie scratched her hair and sighed: "How come you are borrowing money from this guy's company, this guy is not a good kind Forget it, although we are not good at all, but Arthur, the boss of this company, is notoriously rogue in this business, but you can rest assured that I’m in control of this matter, as long as I intervene in it. It’s okay. It’s not too early. You should go home first. Don’t let your parents worry about you too much. You are a big girl now. I will do some excessive things, but it’s better for my peers to do this thing. It’s better not to make any mistakes. Otherwise, things will become more and more chaotic. In the end, there will be a lot of chain reactions. One of them is that peers can cooperate together. Don’t take the initiative to offend each other and provoke the peers, otherwise the future will be endless.

But the little girl in front of her was like her sister. When he was hungry almost five years ago, there were many times that the little girl gave him some food in his own home. His eyes are really as frustrating as his sister, so Beggie can’t do anything about it, so he agreed without any hesitation. In fact, there are good and bad things in this line. If Beggie No one would dare to give him a bad face if he wants to bully this line of mixing, but although Beggie is famous in this line, it is not the best mixing, and the company's owner Arthur is undoubtedly among his peers. The leader, so whether it is as a back-to-back relationship or as a peer-to-peer relationship, Beiji should not arbitrarily intervene in this matter.

While Beggie was thinking about how to deal with this matter tomorrow, he was suddenly hugged by Erosa, and from this touch, Beggie felt as if Erosa was not wearing clothes, So he immediately broke free from her hand and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ai Luosha said pitifully: "From the beginning, you are like my big brother, every time I am by your side, I am full of security, until a few years ago, you saved me for the three little bastards, I At that time, I thought you were too handsome, and this time I had something like this, and you didn’t even talk to me about any conditions and said you would help me, so I asked me to thank you for your care!"

Although Beggie is 28 years old, he has never touched a woman, so when faced with this kind of thing, he suddenly turned red and refused loudly: "What are you kidding me, I help you because you are Ai Luosha, that I have never disliked my poor little sister who is with me. Although you are growing up now, you are still the lively and lovely girl in my heart, so please don’t do this, I promise you, I will definitely help you. This matter, so please dress up and go home now!"

Erosa stared quietly at Beggie, and slowly tears came out of her eyes: "Because I've done aid. Pay, so help you think that a woman like me is dirty?"

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