Killing God Island

Chapter 957: Melee 26: Who will die in the Shura battlefield

The ghost king also said to the two of them in a low voice, "If the two of you don't want to die, it is better to give me the hand now. This is definitely my last warning. The best one who really loves life should stop here, otherwise don't blame me." His men are ruthless."

The blonde looked back slightly: "When have you been polite to us? If you are polite to us, I am afraid that sister Jin Qishan's face will not be swollen like bread?" This sentence angered the short-haired beauty even more. I saw that Jin Qishan was directly angered, and took this opportunity to jump directly to a very handsome turn and sweep her legs, but it was unexpected that the ghost king directly grabbed her right leg with both hands, and then directly gave her 360 degrees. , Directly jumped in the air and threw the beauties with short hair directly, thumped and fell. It was not bad: "Why is it always me who was injured?" As soon as the beauties with short hair stood up slowly on the ground, the ghost king landed from the air. Before Jin Qishan fully stood up, the ghost king had rushed towards her again, and accompanied by a punch, he was running forward. The impact of the impact and the strength of this punch directly directed the short-haired beauty. I fought in the past and watched Ghost King in this scenario. This time I was going to solve this one directly. Let’s not worry too much. The two people attacked back and forth. Even if the strength of the two women was a distance away from the Ghost King, the Ghost King occasionally wanted to see it. Looking at the situation of the wife's battle, it might be easier to deal with one. The two women are together and they have some strength. If they are not taken seriously, they may be killed by themselves, so the ghost king directly wants to kill Jin Qishan directly. But I didn't expect Jin Qishan to be hit by the blonde before the fist hit the face of the ghost king. In addition to the impact of the ghost king's running and the sudden outburst of the blonde girl's foot, the ghost king snorted and was blonde. The beauties immediately kicked the ground and covered her face with a kick, and at this moment the two women also rushed to the ghost king, of course the strength of the ghost king was greater than them, even if both of their hands wanted to hold down one arm of the ghost king. It's not that easy, but what makes the ghost king helpless is that the blonde beauty just threw three pills into the mouth of the ghost king who opened his mouth due to pain directly in the process of giving him a foot, although the ghost king was aware of it. But the pain and inertia at this time made him take these three pills directly after he fell to the ground.

The ghost king suddenly got up and asked, "What did you eat for me?" I saw the blonde and the short-haired beauty Jin Qishan, who walked directly to the front of the ghost king, and the hot blonde beauty walked toward the ghost king and said to the ghost king: "Relax, it’s not a poison, it’s just a kind of stimulating your body, and it will block your physical abilities. There is only one local ability that is particularly outstanding. The average person basically takes one capsule, but I I am a little worried about you, a man with strength, so I gave you three pills so that you can never come back against us. After all, this medicine is very powerful." After the blond woman finished the game, the whole expression The smile is very strange.

After the ghost king was kicked into the face by the blond woman, the pain was also due to the inertia of the ground. He took the blond woman's medicine. Although it was unclear what the medicine was, he wanted to get up. It seemed that the body didn't stand up as if it was out of control. What happened? The ghost king was shocked in his heart. After he found that his body was not right, the blonde beauty said the specific symptoms of the medicine given to him. Just when the ghost king felt like his body kept calling, the short-haired beauty Jin Qishan and the blonde beauty at the same time I rushed to the ghost king, but the ghost king was really helpless at this time. Do I have to overturn the boat in the gutter today? In fact, Ghost King is not afraid of any physical attacks such as sword and fist, but now he has no ability at all, even if he wants to stand up. At this time, if these two women killed Ghost King with a knife, Both Ghost King and Zhuo Yanxuan had to die, but fortunately neither of these women wanted to kill him, but just fell on him. Ghost King suddenly stunned that he had just made the first move, wanting to kill him in a short time Solve these two women. Although the two women have good body and appearance, both the ghost king and the body of Zhuo Yanxuan he uses are the kind of infatuated men who can only kill one person, so even these two women The beauty is not at all inviting to him. Zhuo Yanxuan is not at all interested. Although the ghost king usually likes to admire the beauty, it seems a little flowery, but just the flowery heart never gives the true heart to other women except his wife, so the ghost king I will prepare to kill the two women under many warnings, but unexpectedly I have caught the blonde woman’s secret trick. When I thought that this time was dead, I didn’t expect these two women to kill the ghost king. He just took his pants off forcibly, and the tent-like object immediately made the short-haired beauty Jin Qishan and the blonde beauty smile very happy.

The two women grabbed them at the same time, because both women wanted to come first and almost made a big shot from both sides. The short-haired beauty Jin Qishan shouted to the blonde beauty: "Every time you have a sister first, this time this handsome guy will give her a sister how ?"

After hearing this, the blonde immediately said with a dull face: "I'm sorry this doesn't work. This is a super handsome guy, and it's my credit to let this handsome guy fall to the ground and let us eat, but it's all for my credit. It should be me first. Without me, you can’t even touch it!” At this moment, the two ordinary sisters were so intimate that they immediately quarreled. The two of them refused to let go and stared at each other as if they were jealous. Of current. But when the quarrel between the two of them has not further developed, the two of them were instantly knocked out by their other companion Wang Tianxin, and all the three women were all four. Yang Bacha fell not far away. At this time, Wang Tianxin was beaten by ghost wife Sheila. The whole body was very embarrassed, and the ghost wife Sheila said to the three women who fell to the ground in front of them while walking in the direction of the ghost king. : "You dare to seduce my man under your eyes, you have violated my bottom line, I will give you a chance, let's talk! Who of the three of you want to die first?" 'S anger rose, and the three also stood up at the same time. At this moment, the ghost king's body could not move for a moment. The situation here became the Shura field between the four women. The situation has been fixed, and now Wang Tianxin is the most injured, followed by the short-haired beauty, because she has only been injured on the face and the rest is not injured, and the blonde is basically not injured at all. Don’t look at Wang Tianxin’s beating injuries, but In fact, the ghost wife Sheila was not injured at all.

The blonde looked at Wang Tianxin next to her and asked, "Why are you guys beaten so miserably? Shouldn't your strength be so weak? Didn't you guys beat you seriously?"

Wang Tianxin directly replied: "Of course serious, this guy's strength is not ordinary, everyone uses her full strength to attack her, otherwise you will become like me."

The short-haired beauty nodded: "Okay, but why do you have to play with them for this woman?" The short-haired beauty's statement is obviously that we are not interested in women, why should we fight with her bare hands? Just now these three females fought against the ghost king with bare hands, just because they were afraid of killing the ghost king with weapons. It's a pity that such a handsome guy was killed, so they didn't use weapons.

But now the situation is different, they only have a slow intention to kill Sheila who is also a female, so the three of them each took out their own weapons. Of course, Sheila also took out their daggers with smiling hands and used A very cold voice said to the three people in front: "You are useless, because I want to be serious, you can't live any of them." After the ghost wife Sheila said this, she held two daggers directly to the front The three of them came face-to-face, and at this time, the three of them had no injuries and were the most powerful blondes of the three. They also directly took out a very weird golden metal box, and then very imposing The two said: "You back away, this guy will let me settle down!"

This blonde beauty is holding it at this moment. This boxy box looks like a small metal box. The name of this box is Qianshen. This weapon knows the top-level hidden weapon at a glance. The name of this Qianshen It’s not in vain. The metal box can kill and injure at least a thousand people instantly, and this blonde beauty is good at using all kinds of poisons. Her medical books can even be compared with Ling Zifeng. Although she is not necessarily better than Ling Zifeng, she knows quite a lot of knowledge. All kinds of medical classics have been studied. Her character has been distorted since childhood. If Ling Zifeng was a primary school doctor because he wanted to study to make men brave and various drugs, he would study hard. It’s easy to kill. She has a bad family environment since she was a child. She often suffers from white eyes and humiliation, and her inner heart gradually becomes more and more distorted. Later, when she grew up, she was miserable because she killed too many people and was sent to the island. Instead of death, she has made her today. She has really trained how to fight, but she has not become weak in melee combat through her own observation and practice. She has also studied many strange and strange weapons. Of course, her old practice is still Poisoning and pharmaceuticals, or it is impossible to make such a powerful medicine, can actually make the body of the ghost king and Zhuo Yanxuan motionless, showing that the high medical records even let the ghost wife Hira admire, especially the name she now has in her hand. Thousand wounded weapons are the same as pistols, which will fire tens of thousands of steel needles in the front stage, allowing anyone in front to hide. Unless there is a very hard shield, there is no hiding at all. Too dense.

At this time, the ghost wife Sheila who ran to her still rushed forward without fear. Of course, the blonde beauty also used thousands of injuries during this time, but the result was completely different from what she thought.

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