Killing God Island

Chapter 958: Melee 27: Kill you alive?

The situation is different now. They only have a slow intention to kill Sheila who is also a female, so the three of them each took out their own weapons. Of course, Sheila also took out their daggers with smiling hands and used very The icy voice said to the three people in front: "You are useless, because I want to be serious, and none of you can live." After the ghost wife Sheila said, she directly held two daggers directly in front. The trio came face-to-face, and at this time the trio had no injuries and was the most powerful blonde beauty of the trio. They also immediately took out a very weird golden metal box, and then very imposingly on the other two. The person said: "You back away, this guy will let me settle down!"

This blonde beauty is holding it at this moment. This boxy box looks like a small metal box. The name of this box is Qianshen. This weapon knows the top-level hidden weapon at a glance. The name of this Qianshen It’s not in vain. The metal box can kill and injure at least a thousand people instantly, and this blonde beauty is good at using all kinds of poisons. Her medical books can even be compared with Ling Zifeng. Although she is not necessarily better than Ling Zifeng, she knows quite a lot of knowledge. All kinds of medical classics have been studied. Her character has been distorted since childhood. If Ling Zifeng was a primary school doctor because he wanted to study to make men brave and various drugs, he would study hard. It’s easy to kill. She has a bad family environment since she was a child. She often suffers from white eyes and humiliation, and her inner heart gradually becomes more and more distorted. Later, when she grew up, she was miserable because she killed too many people and was sent to the island. Instead of death, she has made her today. She has really trained how to fight, but she has not become weak in melee combat through her own observation and practice. She has also studied many strange and strange weapons. Of course, her old practice is still Poisoning and pharmaceuticals, or it is impossible to make such a powerful medicine, can actually make the body of the ghost king and Zhuo Yanxuan motionless, showing that the high medical records even let the ghost wife Hira admire, especially the name she now has in her hand. Thousand wounded weapons are the same as pistols, which will fire tens of thousands of steel needles in the front stage, allowing anyone in front to hide. Unless there is a very hard shield, there is no hiding at all. Too dense.

At this time, the ghost wife Sheila who ran to her still rushed forward without fear. Of course, the blonde beauty also used thousands of injuries during this time, but the result was completely different from what she thought.

Because Sheila opened the ghost mode, the hidden weapon that seemed to be unavoidable, passed directly through Sheila's body, but did not cause a little damage to Sheila. Instead, Sheila at this time was like a residual image ignoring the blonde beauty. Attack, and then directly followed her attack with a cross cut and a straight stab. Crossing the neck is the move that Zhuo Wenxin likes to make most, and piercing his heart is the usual move by Sheila. The blonde girl she attacked not only flew her head into the air, but also her heart was pierced with a knife. With the blonde girl's head flying from the cut to the ground for five seconds, Sheila faintly felt that Zhuo Wenxin's main consciousness had to wake up. She did not directly attack others subconsciously, but closed her eyes instantly to suppress the two consciousnesses of the body. After all, Zhuo Wenxin was not so good to suppress. She was really very difficult to suppress. If other women may have early soul consciousness Swallowed by Sheila.

However, Zhuo Wenxin’s own spiritual power is very high and difficult to control. In addition to having the eyes of the evil emperor, it is also the control of Kesheila’s spiritual energy devouring and all similar spiritual abilities. The reason why Zhuo Wenxin and his brother Zhuo Yanxuan clearly have special restraint The eyes of the ghost king and his wife Sheila, but unfortunately, although the eyes of these two evil emperors are very powerful, they were transplanted. They are not the natural abilities of the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family. Therefore, before the complete control of this ability, the evil emperor’s eyes The eye does not play its due role, so the siblings will be temporarily occupied by the ghost king.

But even so, the ghost king and the wife of Sheila want to truly control the body of the siblings. Without the permission of the siblings, they can never occupy for a long time, at most tens of minutes, so the ghost wife Sheila has vaguely felt that her spiritual strength can't overwhelm Zhuo Wenxin, and at this time in Sheila's previous year, there are still two women with short hair and Tian Xin who have not been resolved.

But it was also because Zhuo Wenxin caused the other two women to turn around and ran away, because they had just seen the whole process of killing the blonde girl, the kind of hidden weapon of the thousand injuries level could not be killed, and the start was like a play, just directly He gave his head a long way to cut Fei, and it really scared them, and there were only a total of seven people, and now they are only two of them, so they are indeed at this moment when Zhuo Wenxin wants to regain his autonomy, short-haired beauty The first turned around and fled, and the other first followed immediately and turned around to run in the direction of the short-haired beauty. After all, she was just beaten by Sheila and her whole body was injured. She originally wanted three people to talk to her to solve it. Who would have thought to kill the blonde directly, followed her with short hair beauty will solve this woman with her, did not expect the short hair beauty did not mean to fight her, just turned around and ran without thinking.

She hadn't been able to beat herself, not to mention now, so he chose to escape directly, but before she caught up with the short-haired beauty, the screams of the short-haired beauty came out in front of her. When she looked up, she saw It is because her body has turned into a corpse, and her head has long been twisted into 360 degrees directly by the ghost king who appeared here sometime, turning her face behind her.

At this time, this Chinese yellow-skinned beauty has been frightened because her face is distorted, because she is now facing the ghost king in front of Sheila in the back. This form means that the overall situation has been decided, and she should not be able to leave without accident, but She still yelled at the ghost king loudly: "Aren't you already controlled by medicine? Since you lie down, don't stand up for me."

After listening to the ghost king, he said with a helpless expression: "Just now the medicine is really powerful, but I forgot to tell you that my body metabolism is very fast, especially I can speed up my metabolism through special means. So those medicines you already have After that, although I don’t know if what I explained can make you understand, now my problem doesn’t seem to be the point.”

"Then what is the point? Idiot!"

The ghost king thought for a while and said, "The point is behind you. If you can live under her hand, I will let you go."

"Hello, aren't you just a gentleman? You have all killed the rest of the people. Do you want to kill them like that? Isn't it good to let me go?"

The ghost king suddenly replied, "I'm afraid it won't work now because you have angered my wife, and I won't be happy if she doesn't extinguish the fire, so you better not pass through me, my side unless you can beat me, otherwise You never want to pass here."

"Damn, damn, damn!" If she insisted on going to the front of the bed, after all, the consequence of starting with the ghost king was that when the woman came back, it immediately became two dozen, so she wanted to change the other side directly, but the actual It's too late.

Just in the moment when he hesitated, Sheila had attacked her again, and it was the state that had not yet released the ghost mode, so in the face of such a special ability, she seemed unable to cope with it and she could only leave Sheila on her. Even though she kept attacking Sheila, this ghost mode was terrible. She was not afraid of any of her attacks. All attacks easily penetrated his body without being injured. At the same time Sheila's various attacks basically put a lot of pressure on her.

But it’s really weird to say that Shilamin can kill her in the same way as a blonde, but the main reason she didn’t do it is

It was her jealousy, and when she saw with her husband that she had just kissed her husband, her heart had already given her more than 1,500 methods of death.

But human life is only once, so Sheila must choose one of the more than 1,500 death methods that is the most refreshing and depressing for herself, and at this time his decision is to kill the woman in front of her alive, so she She didn’t solve her directly with a dagger, because she was different from the other two women, and the other two were not bold enough to dare to kiss their husbands, so they gave them a happy death, and at this time Zhuo Wenxin actually agreed with Sheila. After all, if she becomes an idea now, she will definitely not allow other women to kiss her brother. Although her brother’s body is temporarily controlled by the ghost king, the woman kisses the ghost king and is also her own brother, so Zhuo Wenxin didn't disturb the frequency of Sheila's trouble, so she calmly killed the woman for me first.

However, this woman was really resistant. She was beaten by Sheila, but she was still not dead. This would have caused the ordinary woman to have died long ago, and she had also been seriously injured. But what Sheila did not expect was that, This woman was so resistant. Basically, when Sheila attacked her body, she had heard all kinds of sounds of damage to her internal organs and bones. However, the strange thing is that this woman still stood in front of Sheila and used nothing. Her eyes are taunting her, as if she is saying to Silas: "Come on, beat me!" Although she didn't say anything provocative, her eyes were like this at the moment, so this made Sheila, who was already fierce. Even more angry, so she ran towards her again, and then punched her in the face again, and because of the force of this punch, the woman’s eyeball was hit directly from the eye socket. The pain caused her to twitch and twitch for a minute without even standing up. Of course, this wonderful moment was also seen by Chen Tian. This scene tells the truth and really made Chen Tian feel very emotional, about 2 years ago before entering the island. When Chen Tiangang was in prison, he really went in and lost a lot of sins. It is a small matter for Chen Tian to open his skin, mainly for the lynchings that were added to let him recruit him, but this lynching is the most eye-catching of Chen Tian’s memory. The scene where Zi was punched out.

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