Killing God Island

Chapter 956: Melee 25: Shura's battlefield defense is not very defense

At this time when Sheila looked over, the ghost king was still kissing the Chinese beauty queen Tian Xin who was hugging her behind, and had been kissing for at least ten seconds, so Sheila instantly angered directly from the two of them, Sheila itself It is a woman who moves very fast, plus this body is Zhuo Wenxin, and Zhuo Wenxin is faster than her, and her body has adapted to high speed and various mobile battles in her battles and evolution, so don’t look at it Zhuo Wenxin's figure is very good, but in fact his body is very strong muscles. If he takes off his coat, he can see the vague abdominal muscles, so now Zhuo Wenxin is running directly at this speed with super high speed, but this running speed At a distance of less than 100 meters, it was almost an instant, and in two seconds, the group had reached the kissing scene of Wang Tianxin and the ghost king. Sheila kicked without a word, and Wang Tianxin also did it. Some people with strength, although enjoying the kissing process with the handsome guy, but she has already felt the approach of Sheila in the back. I saw that she directly released the ghost king and then jumped up. Sheila was very angry and kicked out. This foot is also quite powerful, kicked directly on the ghost king's waist, this kick directly kicked the ghost king out.

"Her husband are you okay?" Sheila shouted after kicking the ghost king out of her hands. Although this foot is full of strength, the ghost king's body is Zhuo Yanxuan's body. The body of the fight, this kick has to be kicked on the waist of others. The entire waist bone will be smashed by the kick, but it is obvious that Zhuo Yanxuan can still withstand this level of attack, although this level looks very violent But the brothers and sisters often shot each other during ordinary combat training, so the ghost king was not seriously injured but he did kick the ghost king and shouted: "What are you doing, my waist almost makes you kick off By the way, do you know the key to being a tough guy? First of all, you must have a good waist and kidneys, and secondly, you must have strong muscles and strong muscles. If you really kick my waist, you will personally ruin your happiness."

"Yes, my husband, I was wrong, but it seems that you can stand up, and you have to admire the toughness of your body." Sheila explained the sentence embarrassedly while scratching her hair, and The ghost king also said directly: "That's to say, you see that the muscles of my body should also know that this is the tough guy." At this time, Sheila's expression was stunned again, because she saw the ghost king's zipper appear. The giant, immediately shouted loudly: "Dead husband, what did you do with them when I was just fighting with those people, how are you in this state, do you want to betray me in an important part of you? ?"

After listening to the ghost king, he immediately explained: "Don't misunderstand your wife, this is just a normal phenomenon of a normal man. Just now you also looked at me all the way? How can I be unfaithful to you?" The sentence was a stable stop for Sheila. Sheila nodded and said, "Her husband, the body you chose this time is indeed very capital. Looking at this length and appearance is so handsome, it seems that we will be happier in the future, but before that, I want to Kill all those **** who want to seduce you first!"

Just then, Wang Tianxin, blonde beauty, and **** short-haired beauty with nose collapsed in front of the ghost king and ghost wife Shira all stood in front of the ghost king and ghost wife Sheila. I saw Tian Xin, the Chinese beauty queen, first said to ghost wife Shira: "Your woman is really not in the way. Just now there are four handsome guys who are not bad in appearance who want to serve you, but you killed them all, and you deliberately went here to do good things to the three of our sisters. I Say this young lady, you have been monopolizing such a handsome man for so long, don’t you let me three sisters try something fresh?"

A woman's heart is at the bottom of the needle. At this time, the ghost king does not know what the four women around him really think about, but he can feel the powerful murderous spreading around him. The ghost king asked with an embarrassed expression: "Is this Is the legendary Shura Field?"

Ghost King actually does not like fighting between women and women. In his heart, girls are weak and want to be spoiled. In case of a broken face, it will be bad, but a woman who can survive on this island , None of them are fuel-efficient lamps, can live in such weak meat and strong food, women who do not become slaves of men are not themselves weak, and now the ghost wife Sheila is the first person to kill is Wang Tianxin , Because only the three women kissed her husband, the other two women, a face beaten by the ghost king, although the wound has recovered, the swollen face looks very permeable, the short hair beauty called Jin Qishan, she Her face has not been fully recovered after being injured by the ghost king, so she is very angry now. Her mood is definitely to first stun the ghost king, and then kill him after the incident, except for the name of Jin Qishan. The blonde beauty didn’t suffer much injuries at this time, and she didn’t really have to say that her height was higher than that of Zhuo Wenxin’s body. I saw that she took off not many coats she was wearing. Then there was only the same dress as in Sydney compared to the previous year. This blonde girl's overall figure was perfectly reflected. It seems that she is very confident and proud of her figure. She slightly showed her figure to the ghost king. , And then said directly to the ghost king: "It seems that without using force, you are not going to let our sisters eat you up, but you should not treat us as a weak girl, we are very powerful, not only in The hedonic aspect is stronger in combat." She said that she nodded to the short-haired beauty Jin Qishan next to her and signaled her to get started. After all, the blonde beauty was not stupid. He certainly knew that the ghost king's strength was not weak because of him. Her own strength is not weak originally, so she can feel his true strength, so she didn't act alone. Unless she personally felt the king's temperament exuded from the ghost king, she generally caught prey personally.

Of course, the ghost king does not possess the king's temperament. She said that women are very sensitive animals. Of course, the king's temperament that she intuitively feels is the king's domineering exuded by Zhuo Yanxuan, so blonde beauty and short-haired beauty Jin Qishan will treat the ghost king together. Launched the attack, the ghost king was originally very leisurely ready to see the ghost wife Sheila and Wang Tianxin fighting each other, but they were disturbed by these two women, after all, the two people really fight and they are still quite exciting to see The head, but it's a pity that the attack of these two women made the ghost king have to distract from it. This time, the ghost king didn't have too much pity for Xiangxiyu. After all, the two women knew the truth this time. If the ghost king still responds so easily, it will really happen. Trick, although the ghost king can withstand their simultaneous attack, but to be honest, the attack power of these two women is not so weak, and sometimes the ghost king must also take it very seriously, otherwise it is very likely to be killed by these two women inadvertently , These three people have always been fists and feet, no one uses weapons, but from the battle, the ghost king has not fallen in the wind. I saw that the ghost king took a step back and the left hand caught the blonde’s right fist with his left hand. The short-haired beauty Jin Qishan attacked, and the ghost king also said to the two of them in a low voice: "If you two don’t want to die, it’s best to close me now, this is definitely my last warning, the best for true love life Stop here, otherwise don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

The blonde looked back slightly: "When have you been polite to us? If you are polite to us, I am afraid that sister Jin Qishan's face will not be swollen like bread?" This sentence angered the short-haired beauty even more. I saw that Jin Qishan was directly angered, and took this opportunity to jump directly to a very handsome turn and sweep her legs, but it was unexpected that the ghost king directly grabbed her right leg with both hands, and then directly gave her 360 degrees. , Directly jumped in the air and threw the beauties with short hair directly, thumped and fell. It was not bad: "Why is it always me who was injured?" As soon as the beauties with short hair stood up slowly on the ground, the ghost king landed from the air. Before Jin Qishan fully stood up, the ghost king had rushed towards her again, and accompanied by a punch, he was running forward. The impact of the impact and the strength of this punch directly directed the short-haired beauty. I fought in the past and watched Ghost King in this scenario. This time I was going to solve this one directly. Let’s not worry too much. The two people attacked back and forth. Even if the strength of the two women was a distance away from the Ghost King, the Ghost King occasionally wanted to see it. Looking at the situation of the wife's battle, it might be easier to deal with one. The two women are together and they have some strength. If they are not taken seriously, they may be killed by themselves, so the ghost king directly wants to kill Jin Qishan directly. But I didn't expect Jin Qishan to be hit by the blonde before the fist hit the face of the ghost king. In addition to the impact of the ghost king's running and the sudden outburst of the blonde girl's foot, the ghost king snorted and was blonde. The beauties immediately kicked the ground and covered her face with a kick, and at this moment the two women also rushed to the ghost king, of course the strength of the ghost king was greater than them, even if both of their hands wanted to hold down one arm of the ghost king. It's not that easy, but what makes the ghost king helpless is that the blonde beauty just threw three pills into the mouth of the ghost king who opened his mouth due to pain directly in the process of giving him a foot, although the ghost king was aware of it. But the pain and inertia at this time made him take these three pills directly after he fell to the ground.

The ghost king immediately got up and asked, "What did you eat for me?" I saw the blonde and the short-haired beauty Jin Qishan, who walked directly toward the front of the ghost king, and the hot blonde beauty walked toward the ghost king and said to the ghost king: "Relax, it’s not a poison, it’s just a kind of stimulating your body, and it will block your physical abilities. There is only one local ability that is particularly outstanding. The average person basically takes one capsule, but I I am a little worried about you, a man with strength, so I gave you three pills so that you can never come back against us. After all, this medicine is very powerful." After the blond woman finished the game, the whole expression Very evil smile.

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