Killing God Island

Chapter 914: Chen Tian articles: Three A-level reinforcements

The original sentence that Kuang Qi just said was: "Call the manager, and say I have something to do with him." As soon as this sentence was finished, Han Li, who was not far away, was stunned by the sound wave. .

Of course, considering the particularity of Kuang Qi, they must be interviewed, and Kuang Qi saw their first sentence and said straight away: "Please take this woman out."

Afterwards, Han Li realized that she had really left the place where she was being held, and she began to feel grateful for the young man.

But it was only grateful at the beginning, but Han Li met many madnesses later, but did not greet each other, and because of their good appearance and figure, madness had many young girls take the initiative to talk to each other.

But the people who can take the initiative to date and chat with the mad are all elites in all walks of life.

In the following month, Han Li realized that this kid was called Kuang Qi.

Kuangqi is the strongest fighting force in the box of the four major families. Although he has seen it many times, although he secretly appreciates Kuangqi in the corner, it is a pity that although he is very good in the outside world, he has gathered talents in the four major families. There are so many, so Han Li does not have any bright spots in the family.

After investigation by Han Li, no one in this base dared to provoke the madness. After all, no one really knows how strong the fighting power of the madness is.

Kuangqi belongs to the secret weapons of the four major families, so in addition to its own reputation in the outside world, Kuangqi's life and everything in his life are very secret, which also caused Han Li to be crazy. Qi has generated a greater interest, so Han Li has been inquiring about everything about Qi Qi, but at first it was just consulting some colleagues inside the base.

Because Kuang Qi is currently at this base, she is absolutely confidential and waiting for me, so her enquiry is basically not too many people dare to say at random, but Han Li is more and more curious about Kuang Qi, so Han Li secretly Using hacking technology, slowly invaded the member system inside the base and wanted to find the information of madness.

But it is a pity that there is no such person in the list of these people, which also makes Han Li feel very hot. He took a great risk of stealing the secret documents of the base, but in the end, he did not get back what he wanted. Money, so he was very angry, but later Han Li was still found, and the family thought she was treasonous, so she was transferred from the main base and sent to a sub-base, this base is very small Out of very dangerous boundaries, they are often attacked by various organizations.

Therefore, of course, Han Li didn’t want to be assigned here, and there was really no way to see this very godly madness, so she wanted to use her family power to stay, but Han Li’s family power and The four big families are simply incomparable, so she can only be transferred here. After all, the four big families only give two ways to go for the members who have treachery.

One is to obey the organization's arrangement and mobilization. The second is to leave the organization, but because Han Li knows too much internal information about the four big families, if he chooses to leave, he will be assassinated, so Han Li can only choose to die one way.

Obeying their deployment, they can only leave the original important base to come to this small base and this small base is also very unsafe.

After all, this is a very dangerous base that can be attacked everywhere. The people assigned here are basically members of the family who are considered to be undercover or treasonous, but there is no evidence to prove that they betrayed. If you find out the evidence They have long been dead, so this base is equivalent to isolating all these members.

To be honest, half of these people are traitors of the family, but some people are indeed innocent, and Han Li is innocent. She just wants to use her own method to investigate the madness, but I didn't expect to be assigned here for purpose.

This is really unfair to Han Li, but this place is indeed in crisis. Not only are there many unknown organizations around Han Li's organization, but more dangerous are actually the so-called own people inside Han Li, these so-called self-persons are completely just Hanging out in the name of oneself, in fact, most of them are enemies or friends who can't really tell.

Of course, Han Li has been able to work in the four families for so long, and her mind is naturally quite flexible. These undercovers, who can escape the eyes and eyes of the four families without being discovered, are also very savvy.

So these people, Han Li did not trust them in the vest at all, but they introduced themselves on the mouth while showing that they would get along well with everyone in the future, while observing the people around them, most of these people were also sent over of.

The old man in the past was almost dead. This time Han Li was one of the group of more than 30 people who were transferred from different bases of the four major families.

So everyone greeted each other. In the later period, these people were also very happy to say hello to Han Li, but Han Li can see from their expressions that they are all caring for each other.

Many of these people really want to leave this organization to bring out the internal information, but unfortunately they also know that just walking away means betrayal, and the betrayal organization will attract the killing of the four major organizations. The big family can’t kill people, so they are willing to take the risk of staying here and have to die here. After all, it’s just a danger to life, not an absolute death, but once the four families are considered traitors Absolutely will die.

So the people dispatched are all people with extremely high IQ, and the combat effectiveness is naturally not weak, and the combat ability of these people is naturally not weak, and the reason why this base will be targeted by many organizations is because There is a big secret in this base, and this secret is a technology that many people yearn for. In fact, this base was originally a technology experimental base for manufacturing transformants, but later this technology was refrigerated, and transforming people is similar to strengthening human technology. It’s just that one uses drugs to improve the genes of human cells, while the other finds the innate superpower owner, develops its power and transforms it into ordinary people, which means that the other should have the same power as this innate power. Unfortunately, this scheme requires a lot of capital and human resources to be fully successful, so it was put on hold later, but it is not that this technology has achieved nothing. This technology has also had several successes, and one of them has become a strength. One of the exceptionally powerful twelve masters, and this person is one of the dead twelve masters. The ability to be successfully converted can be used as well as the original one, even more than the original ability. The ability is even stronger, so it will cause so many organizations to forcefully acquire this technology.

So here has become a realm that some organizations send mercenaries and want to forcibly capture, but this realm is not as easy to solve as imagined, even professional mercenaries are really difficult to achieve.

Han Li met here, Cape, Wei Bu and Malin, the strength of these three are not lower than Han Li, but their luck is much worse than Han Li.

Shortly after Han Li came here, she experienced a major incident. A siege of an unknown armed group occurred here. Because the base is located far away, there are not many people around and it is a sparsely populated area, which means killing here No one knows if they are buried, so here are often staged like in the movie waiting for me to fight, after all, the people from the four major organizations are all professionally trained people, so these armed groups are not as usual , Easily wipe out the other party.

People like Han Li will also use guns. They are all veteran soldiers. Although they are strong in fighting, to be honest, Han Li’s training methods are even excellent, so after the sound of guns from both sides, the two sides did not happen. For any casualties, the shooting of the two sides as a whole is like a bluff. This group of people used their guns to cover their own side, and then gradually entered the base, but after they entered, they must mainly be based on melee advances.

Because they are all from the army, they are very professional no matter in dispersing the team, or in various tactical cover-ups, etc., but they have already found their traces on the monitor. More than a dozen people initiated a partial segmentation, a piecemeal resolution strategy, of course, Han Li just followed them again with a fierce exchange of fire, which did not last long.

Although there were casualties on Han Li’s side, there were very few such casualties, and a total of few people were not killed. After they completely resolved these people, they found out that the gaffe was not good. Those so-called mercenaries were only for To attract their attention, the real ruthless character is the main force of this attack, and this attack is mainly based on three a-level reinforcements. They are the three brothers of Seven, Seck, and Siber. These three brothers They are all a-level strengtheners qualified from Killing God Island. The fighting power of this kind of person is not an opponent even if Han Li is added to all of them, so let these three people enter, just like the sheep enter the tiger's mouth. At this time, the three men had successfully entered the base through the assault of this group of mercenaries, and rehearsed the map on their hands.

These three people actually belong to the four big families. The defectors in the god-making plan, the strong ones must be dispatched by the high-level combat department within the family to solve it. Nowadays, everyone in this base, even Han Li, was not a reinforcement at that time. There is no need to dispatch three a-level reinforcements, only one can balance everyone, but this time they have to steal the data of the experiment, because this organization has a very strong innate ability, if passed This technology allows this enhancer to have the same level of power as more people, it is completely different, maybe it will bring turmoil to the whole world, so we must succeed in this technology at all costs Of course, the four major families knew about the existence of this force, and even knew their plans, but they never destroyed and removed this technology. In fact, they just wanted

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