Killing God Island

Chapter 915: Chen Tian Pian: Can kill anyone’s secret weapon

Because these mercenaries are all from the army, they are very professional no matter in dispersing the team or in various tactical cover-ups, etc., but they have already found out that their more than thirty people have found their traces on the monitor. And initiated a partial division of these more than 30 people, a piecemeal solution strategy, of course, Han Li just followed them again with a fierce exchange of fire, this exchange of fire did not last long.

Although Han Li also had casualties, there were indeed very few such casualties, and a few people were not killed in total. When they completely resolved these people, they discovered that the gaffe was not good. Those so-called mercenaries were only for To attract their attention, the real ruthless character is the main force of this attack, and this attack is mainly based on three a-level reinforcements. They are the three brothers of Seven, Seck, and Siber. These three brothers They are all a-level strengtheners qualified from Killing God Island. The fighting power of this kind of person is not an opponent even if Han Li is added to all of them, so let these three people enter, just like the sheep enter the tiger's mouth. At this time, the three men had successfully entered the base through the assault of this group of mercenaries, and rehearsed the map on their hands.

These three people actually belong to the four big families. The defectors in the god-making plan, the strong ones must be dispatched by the high-level combat department within the family to solve it. Nowadays, everyone in this base, even Han Li, was not a reinforcement at that time. There is no need to dispatch three a-level reinforcements, only one can balance everyone, but this time they have to steal the data of the experiment, because this organization has a very strong innate ability, if passed This technology allows this enhancer to have the same level of power as more people, it is completely different, maybe it will bring turmoil to the whole world, so we must succeed in this technology at all costs Of course, the four big families knew about the existence of this force, and even knew their plans, but they never destroyed and removed this technology. In fact, they wanted these forces to compete with each other. The big family brings many benefits. The first point is that since these organizations dare to provoke and compete for some research and development projects of the four big families, they must have a big force behind the scenes to carry out different plots in secret. Before the organization is behind the scenes, the four big families do not want to be too alarmed by these people, and this is not a force, and this is what the market wants to do with this technology, and what is their purpose. Whether they are joining forces to fight against us or are different groups, etc. There are many unknowns that some of the heads of the four big families have to pretend to ignore and secretly investigate these forces one by one.

As for not destroying this project, I believe that this project has indeed succeeded. Of course, for some very powerful people, this technology is definitely the best way to strengthen their energy in the future, but this technology It is indeed not completely perfect, but if this technology is completely destroyed, it is definitely a pity in Thailand, especially the very ambitious family like the four major families, they will not let anyone benefit their own family. Various projects, and the four major families of this project have participated. In fact, these four families are also staring at this project to see if any of them are secretly researching and developing, so this project is stranded here, mainly also I thought that the four major families in the family wanted to suppress each other, and did not want this project to leave one of the families or even one of the four families alone, so I deliberately did not perfect this project.

Of course, this is the reason why this project has not been destroyed. In addition, this project also wants to elicit such forces against the four big families, and eliminate some people who may betray their own family, and let them fight each other to reduce each other. Forces, of course, some of their own people who originally planned to kill them. In this case, death seems very natural. If they are killed without any evidence, they will indeed cause a lot of suspicion inside, which will block. Living in the mouth of many people in the organization, the senior leaders of the four major families are suspicious by nature. They would rather kill 10,000 by mistake and never condone one person. This is one of their practices. This is what they do. As long as they begin to doubt this A person will first cut off everything he has taken over, and then replace all the related people along this line. The four major families are never short of talents. To be precise, like Han Li, they think that People who are talented, although she is very good, but in the four major families, she can still find women like her everywhere, and regarding her family, the four major families will not care about her family background, Although Han Li is a woman with a family background, the reason why her family wants her to enter the four major families is to let Han Li have a good relationship with the four major families so that the majority of the family, and even her family power In any of the four major families, there is a very small existence, so they will not give Hanli family any face. If Hanli really betrayed, it may affect everyone in the whole family.

So Han Li’s curiosity about madness led to her being abandoned here, and the people who were abandoned here actually wanted to let them kill them all by the hand of these people, but only if they killed half and left half, let them Zhang Chang’s memory, some people who have changed may still be able to reuse it. Of course, some real undercovers may become members of the real four major families at some time. They abandon their undercover identity and really trust the four major families. Of course these people also Not a minority, after all, the influence of the four major families can be positively contended with any country, so even those who have abandoned the country may become nothing because of the blessings of the four major families.

The power of the four big families is really like being able to fight against the existence of the country. Its huge network of relationships is everywhere in the world. Of course, these four big family members are completely in default when they fight with these people in their own family, but they do nothing. There must be a limit. I don’t care if I kill some people to destroy something. Sometimes I just close my eyes, but the real secret items inside the base can never be taken away. The current situation is completely one-sided trend, thinking that these three fortified people with a plus strength are carrying out very intuitive actions with crazy killing. The goal is the confidential documents of this project, and the sight seen by the remote is that the ground is full of her own body. Of course, Han Li is relatively smart. In the face of this situation, she ran into the base very consciously. There was no bravery and hard fight with the three men at the same time, and at the same time, the steel gate above the half shouted a warning while closing the door, and at this time Han Li was running forward.

Han Li quickly ran through the three steel gates from the front, but what she did not expect was that these three steel gates with great power could not stop the footsteps of the three of them. They only had a few feet. The very hard door was kicked by these three people. The strength of these three people was really frightening Han Li. From the time when Han Li was a child, until now, Han Li has never been so afraid, because she has always thought of herself like this Everything is excellent and fundamental, and I’m not afraid of even being able to fight three men with fighting skills even when training her to fight, so she was originally very arrogant and playful, but now she really has an inner heart Panic, because the power of these three people is not available to humans, especially the thickness of the door in front of you, how can humans kick it, indeed this steel gate can’t be kicked even if it is a master level of strengthening people, but The three men kicked the blocking door directly with a few feet.

So Han Li kept running inwards until Han Li bumped into a person, and Han Li, who was scared and panicked, suddenly shouted in shock, when the person he hit was just before The very handsome young man he had seen, this man was madly looking at him from the surface. Except for the temperament giving a very unpleasant feeling, the overall feeling did not have a very brutal face. The ruff of horizontal meat.

" you the one I saw in prison before?" Kuang Qi nodded slightly with a smile. There was no reply in his mouth, but Han Li said directly Out of his name: "Are you just crazy?"

This man is a madman, a young man with a handsome appearance and a high level of appearance, tall and temperament. In fact, he just looks like a young man. In fact, he is about the same age as Ms. Zhao, after all, these two talents are the same People in the period, just madly have the appearance of immortality and the cells that the body will not age. The other strengthened people just reduce aging and will not be completely aging, but the old are much slower than ordinary people, and the cells of the mad are the kind After adulthood, it will stop and continue to senescent cells, so that it will always stay in the appearance of about twenty years old.

"Why did you know me?" Curiously curious, Han Li also said, "Why are you here?"

In fact, Kuang Qi was sent to save the field. After all, this project cannot be taken away by other organizations, and the strength of the three fortifiers this time is extraordinary. Therefore, it is necessary to send the top ten in the world. The report is complete, otherwise in case of being defeated, it will be harder to get back to the sky after losing it, so it is necessary to find a strong man whose power is against the sky. This kind of strong man can easily relax even if he comes alone. Solve the problem.

But unfortunately, people of this kind of force are currently performing tasks or are too far away. If you want to come here directly, you will not be rushed in time, but fortunately, the madness is not far from here, although the madness does not belong to the world. Any one of the top ten, but its strength is recognized as the strongest man by all well-known powerful people in the entire world, so this time only approved the use of Kuang Qi, a super secret weapon that can solve anyone.

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