Killing God Island

Chapter 913: Chen Tianpeng: I like you but can't say it

It’s impossible to let Yan Xi stay with him all the time, because after all, he is quite interested in powerful people, and he wants to train these people to become stronger, maybe this is also what he wants to cultivate. Give out a person who can kill himself, after all, invincibility is very lonely.

The appearance of this madness immediately scared the mutant and began to curl up. It seems that this thing also has a certain IQ. From the beginning of the fear of these things, madness has discovered that Qian Da is in that strange creature, After all, Kuang Qi is a top-notch person, so Kang Qi pointed to the stupid Qiang and the mutant creature in front and said: "The person who let me go without wanting to die, otherwise you will be dead in three seconds."

Being stupid is particularly stupid, so he is not afraid of madness, and the biochemical creatures that evolved from the beginning of dead cell mutation to the current form are actually quite afraid of madness.

Kuang Qi still said with a smile: "Thirty-two, one" Although Kuang Qi said these three numbers one word at a time, it was clear that these people did not give Kang Qi any face at all, and did not have any extra actions. Keep looking at each other to both sides.

Until Kuang Qi scratched his head and sighed: "It seems that you really don't take me seriously!" With Kuang Qi sighing, the whole person seemed to disappear instantly, and when it appeared again, Qian Da Embraced in his arms.

At the moment when Qian Dao put Qian Da on the ground, the variant with a volume of about seven or eight meters in a short distance instantly shattered into particles. The reason why this biochemical variant was not repaired and regenerated was mainly because there was no Withstand the blow of Kuang Qi through her body, this level of attack has far exceeded the maximum damage it can bear, so the gene instantly collapsed into a powder.

And the madman who put down Qian Da also headed towards Silly Qiang, and Silent Qiang also said excitedly: "It seems that a stronger one is coming, then let you see what is my strongest attack. Women don’t want to use real fists. After all, this woman looks very good, and I didn’t ruthlessly start, but I don’t have to be merciful to men.” After finishing this sentence, Silly Qiang punched him madly.

And Kuang Qi also smiled back: "You don't need to be merciful at all, how strong you are, you better make it, otherwise you will have no chance." Kuang Qi finished this sentence, too Looking at the fist that came, it was followed by a punch.

Kuangqi is not a very stature figure, a thin and tall man with a very handsome face, but the most handsome face except Zhuo Yanxuan, one meter and eight meters tall is not short, but compared with stupid strong Regardless of height or muscular shape, they are slightly thinner, especially the fist is three times larger than Kuang Qi.

The fists of the two struck each other. The original very powerful and invincible punch hit the fist of Kuangqi. The whole fist and arm that were stupid for a moment were completely lost by the fist of Kuangqi. This power is too great. Not only the fist and the entire arm were beaten, but also half of the body of the stupid Qiang was beaten, half of the stupid Qiang did not expect that he would be beaten. In fact, the remaining half of Silly Qiang was actually shocked by his strength.

Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng all looked dumbfounded. They killed all Qiang Qiang and this mutant monster in less than ten seconds, and they were all tricks. Just like Chen Tian and Xu Shun were stunned. At that time, Han Li said with a face full of admiration: "I told you that these things will be solved immediately, I am not wrong?"

"Although I know this guy is very powerful, I didn't expect that this guy's strength has reached the level of horror."

"Of course, after all, he is the strongest man in the world." Han Li said proudly with her hands akimbo: "He is not strong and handsome, how can he be my brother?" In fact, this sentence is her wishful thinking. In fact, outside the island, when Han Li was still working in the four big families, she had always been in love with Kuangqi, but unfortunately she never had the opportunity to get acquainted, so she devised a three-year plan to meet the previous Kuangqi.

Since Han Li's work in the past three years has made her trust very much, she began to take over some documents on the family's core secrets. Han Li has been very good since she was a child, and no matter whether she goes to school or starts training various fighting techniques, Her family cultivated it by hand.

Han Li’s background is similar to the nobility branch. Since she was small, she has always been praised and praised from the outside world. It is precisely because she is so outstanding that Han Li was only working inside a large base of a four-family joint venture. Because of her She looks cute and pure, so she has grown up with many boys who like her. Of course, there are many good and handsome people.

But she basically broke up with them within a few days, not because Han Li was a scum girl, but because she had a higher demand for the boy she likes, not because she was handsome and wealthy. Yes, for Han Li, the handsomeness and richness of a man is only a basic point in her opinion. The next step is the character of this person, but the main thing is that men should give women a sense of security, and this security The sense is not just the aspect reflected in the bed.

Han Li had had several relationships with handsome and handsome boys before he met the madman. He also liked to test his boyfriend’s loyalty to him. Among them, Han Li deliberately spent money to make people pretend to be robbers and some wicked people. Look. After seeing that his boyfriend was in danger, he thought of himself or his girlfriend for the first time.

In fact, with Han Li’s skill, she can easily make up for herself. After all, she has been trained in professional fighting, but among her test boyfriends, she tested a total of ten. From the surface and words and deeds, she thought he was okay, so Try their guts and their weight in their hearts.

As a result, after trying ten people, seven of them chose to escape alone. One of the frightened legs shivered and did not dare to speak, and the other one wanted to make a call directly, but the other party was slightly intimidated when I was intimidated. I didn’t dare to do it. Only one person shot for Han Li. In order to make it more real, this kid was beaten badly, but he got Han Li’s welfare, but Han Li didn’t want this kind of thing that even women can’t protect. The man, so Han Li finally broke up with this person. After all, Han Li is also very rich, so the rich and handsome boys can't highlight in front of Han Li that they only want to have an advantage in the way.

auzw.comUntil Han Li was performing a spy-like mission together, she was unfortunately caught and imprisoned in a cage, where the surroundings were impervious to air and the air was slightly damp. Han Li was very uneasy. At the last place in this underground cell-like location, a person was imprisoned. This person slanted his bangs over his eyes. His hair had a superb sense of layering and his tall features were tall. He was sitting in the cell with his back against the cell. Just looking at his back seemed to be full of sadness.

But it was at this moment that Han Li felt like he had a temperament that no other boy could have in his body. This temperament was actually the hidden temperament of the king in his body.

So it also caused Han Li to be attracted and walked slowly towards the man.

Moreover, the appearance of Han Li surprised the other man in the cage, and immediately asked, "This lady, how did you come in?"

Han Li directly replied, "I was caught!"

"Then do you want to go back? I mean leaving here."

"I think, of course I did, but now it seems that we are all prisoners? And what do I think of you, you are less free than me!"

"Prisoner? I think you made a mistake. I'm not a prisoner. The prisoner here is only you. I'm not a prisoner."

"I can go out if I want to. There is no need to be restricted and restricted here. It seems that I don't seem to believe these things!"

"Who would believe you such nonsense!" Han Li didn't believe it at all, and the guy said to Han Li directly: "You only need to tell me if you want to leave here, if you want to leave me, Do it."

"Cut! I don't think you're confused, well, then let me go out!" Han Li said this directly, but the guy said to Han Li directly, "Since you want to leave here, You just cover my ears well. I won’t tell you to let go. You must never let go.”

Han Li really felt that this person was sick at this time, but he still covered his ears with him, and he also saw that Han Li had covered her ears, so he began to see a roar, which was really shocking. In general, the surrounding sound-controlled camera and surrounding glass were instantly broken, and it was of course the reason for Han Li to cover her ears. Because Han Li was not completely convinced, Han Li’s eardrum was deafened by sound waves, and the sound wave was full of power. It took a minute to stop.

The original sentence that Kuang Qi just said was: "Call the manager, and say that I am looking for him." As soon as this sentence was finished, Han Li, who was not far away, was stunned by the sound wave. .

Of course, considering the particularity of Kuang Qi, they must be interviewed, and Kuang Qi saw their first sentence and said straight away: "Please take this woman out."

Afterwards, Han Li realized that she had really left the place where she was being held, and she began to feel grateful for the young man.

But it was just grateful at the beginning, but Han Li met many madnesses later, but did not greet each other, and because of their good appearance and figure, madness had many young girls take the initiative to talk to each other.

But the people who can take the initiative to date and chat with the mad are all elites in all walks of life.

In the following month, Han Li realized that this kid was called Kuang Qi.

Kuangqi is the strongest fighting force in the box of the four major families. Although he has seen it many times, although he secretly appreciates Kuangqi in the corner, it is a pity that although he is very good in the outside world, he has gathered talents in the four major families. There are so many, so Han Li does not have any bright spots in the family.

After investigation by Han Li, no one in this base dared to provoke the madness. After all, no one really knows how strong the fighting power of the madness is.

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