Killing God Island

Chapter 912: Chen Tianpeng: Qiangzhong has its own leader

The two were just like not seeing this huge disgusting monster, until the close look at this guy was in power, Qian Da went up with a kick and stupid strong also took a punch, this thing with a height of six or seven meters was instantly hit The whole was deformed, and the bound Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng were also rescued by the passing of these two people. The two of them clearly did not use this thing as their opponent, but just looked at this thing too large to block it, so they went up. Under a two-way attack with one punch and one foot, the evolutionary body that just formed this volume was directly split, and all the bodies that were beaten instantly split, and a huge whole was instantly beaten into dozens of segments, giving this thing a second hit Become individual variants like humans.

At this time, Chen Tian was like a freshman, kneeling on the ground and panting, not knowing whether he was scared or tired. The forehead was full of sweat, and these sweats also made Chen Tian keep looking at the front. Han Li shouted: "Look at this thing, the game you made should almost kill everyone's lives, and you don't come to help us when we are in trouble. What is your intention?"

After listening to it, Han Li smiled slightly and said, "Don't be angry. I didn't expect such a destructive and value-added ability to do this thing. This time I just used it for a little experiment. I don't help because even if I go to help It won’t work much like you, but I have sensed that the power I am very familiar with is about to come here, so you just have to wait for a little while and all the problems here will be solved."

Chen Tian asked blankly: "What do you mean?"

Han Li's very happy smile said to Chen Tian: "He's here!"

Chen Tianyi froze: "Who is coming, you will not come up with some strange things?"

Han Li signaled to Chen Tian that they are also hiding in the heights of the branches: "Don't fight hard with that thing, but it is a high-tech biochemical weapon developed by the four big family secrets, named dt virus."

Chen Tian continued angrily: "We don't fight him, don't let this thing continue to evolve?"

"Of course not, I can tell you that after giving this thing an evolution of half an hour, it may not be what you can deal with now, but it's okay because this thing will be wiped out immediately, you still come up with me Let’s have a good show in the distance together."

Chen Tianhe watched Han Li say this calmly and calmly, and also opened up into the micro realm to try to detect the surrounding movement. As a result, Chen Tian immediately noticed it, so he shouted to Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun, "We retreat first, Don't fight this thing, avoid these things as quickly as possible."

As soon as Chen Tian's words fell, Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun immediately turned around and ran away, but these things chased directly to the three of them just like hunting prey.

It also happened that these evolutionary things had just overtaken Chen Tian and others, and was once again directly blocked by the battle between Qianda and Silly Qiang.

The three forces collided together, and the energy of the gas field released directly showed waves on all four sides.

Chen Tian and other three also took the opportunity to stand in the same place as Han Li. After all, Chen Tian also sensed that this strong man with a kingly breath was approaching this side.

At this time, the three forces collided together. This huge volume of variant, although strong, could not be compared with Qianda and Silly Qiang. The result of a positive impact with the strength of these two people is that this thing was Qianda and Silly Qiang directly flew far and far.

But in fact, this man is still indiscernible. Silly Qiang never met his opponent before meeting Qian Da, but now he really has met his opponent.

This pair of slender beautiful legs not only grows on her, it looks so simple, her leg strength is quite strong, she can fight head-to-head with stupid fists, showing how terrible their power is. The forces emanating from the impact are rarely blocked by the reinforcement.

At this time, Chen Tian and others also became the audience looking down at the top of Qian Da, Silly Qiang and the variant. The three belonged to who could not easily kill anyone for a while, so the three also immediately Fighting against each other.

This battle is the battle in the true sense, and belongs to the battles above Chen Tian's battle level, so this four people is considered eye-opening. Especially Han Li’s legs can not only cause considerable damage to opponents, but also make many people who have seen her kick immediately be fascinated by her beautiful legs, stupid and strong After three consecutive punches, Qian Da was successively broken by the continuous kick of Qian Da, and finally was kicked by Qian Da continuously on his chest. Just before Qian Da was ready to hit the iron while hot, he raised his leg in a reverse and wanted to directly put his brain Part into the body.

But I didn't expect that this trick had been caught by Silly Qiang with both hands, and then immediately followed the right hand to grab Qian Da's ankle and flicked it out. Qian Da was suddenly thrown out by this trick, and the whole body just hit the variant In the synthetic gene, Qian Da did not expect such a thing to happen.

Qianda was trapped just after entering the mutant gene. She didn't expect it to be easy to break through from the outside world, but it was not so simple to want to go out inside.

"I can't get out?" Qianda's expression immediately became dignified, and she followed her on the back of the mutant monster's body to rush out, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get out.

Originally, Qian Da was very confident in her arm strength, but now her arm strength cannot be freed from her back.

"What's going on here? What's going on? Am I going to die here today?" Just when Qian Da came out with a very unwilling roar, she even held up the voice that had just been roared halfway, Because she seemed to see hope, and this person was mad.

At this time, there was a young girl next to Kuangqi, and this girl was the girl who made Zhuo Yanxuan recover the light and gave them the eyes of the evil emperor. This woman was Yan Xi. Not only did the girl look very slim The little beauty is still a doctor with high medical skills. The main reason is that her fighting ability is not weak. Her experience and fighting level are also considered by Kuang Qi as a very potential person.

It’s impossible to let Yan Xi stay with him all the time, because after all, he is quite interested in powerful people, and he wants to train these people to become stronger, maybe this is also what he wants to cultivate. Give out a person who can kill himself, after all, invincibility is very lonely.

The appearance of this madness immediately scared the mutant and began to curl up. It seems that this thing also has a certain IQ. From the beginning of the fear of these things, madness has discovered that Qian Da is in that strange creature, After all, Kuang Qi is a top-notch person, so Kang Qi pointed to the stupid Qiang and the mutant creature in front and said: "The person who let me go without wanting to die, otherwise you will be dead in three seconds."

Being stupid is particularly stupid, so he is not afraid of madness, and the biochemical creature that evolved from the dead cell mutation to the current shape is actually quite afraid of madness.

Kuang Qi still said with a smile: "Thirty-two, one" Although Kuang Qi said these three numbers one word at a time, it was clear that these people did not give Kang Qi any face at all, and did not have any extra actions. Keep looking at each other to both sides.

Until Kuang Qi scratched his head and sighed: "It seems that you really don't take me seriously!" With Kuang Qi sighing, the whole person seemed to disappear instantly, and when he appeared again, Qian Da Embraced in his arms.

At the moment when Qian Dao put Qian Da on the ground, the variant with a volume of about seven or eight meters in a short distance instantly shattered into particles. The reason why this biochemical variant was not repaired and regenerated was mainly because there was no Withstand the blow of Kuang Qi through her body, this level of attack has far exceeded the maximum damage it can bear, so the gene instantly collapsed into a powder.

And the madman who put down Qian Da also headed towards Silly Qiang, and Silent Qiang also said excitedly: "It seems that a stronger one is coming, then let you see what is my strongest attack. Women don’t want to use real fists. After all, this woman looks very good, and I didn’t ruthlessly start, but I don’t have to be merciful to men.” After finishing this sentence, Silly Qiang punched him madly.

And Kuang Qi also smiled back: "You don't need to be merciful at all, how strong you are, you better make it, otherwise you will have no chance." Kuang Qi finished this sentence, too Looking at the fist that came, it was followed by a punch.

Kuangqi is not a very stature figure, a thin and tall man with a very handsome face, but the most handsome face except Zhuo Yanxuan, one meter and eight meters tall is not short, but compared with stupid strong Regardless of height or muscle shape, they are slightly thinner, especially the fist is three times larger than the madness.

The fists of the two struck each other together. The original very powerful and invincible punch hit the fist of Kuangqi. The whole fist and arm that were stupid for a moment were completely lost by the fist of Kuangqi. This power is too great. Not only the fist and the entire arm were beaten, but also half of the body of the stupid Qiang was beaten, half of the stupid Qiang did not expect that he would be beaten. In fact, the remaining half of Silly Qiang was actually shattered by his strength.

Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng all looked dumbfounded. They killed all Qiang Qiang and this mutant monster in less than ten seconds, and they were all tricks. Just like Chen Tian and Xu Shun were stunned. At that time, Han Li said with a face full of admiration: "I told you that these things will be solved immediately, I am not wrong?"

"Although I know this guy is very powerful, I didn't expect that this guy's strength has reached the level of horror."

"Of course, after all, he is the strongest man in the world." Han Li said proudly with her hands akimbo: "He is not strong and handsome, how can he be my brother?" In fact, this sentence is her wishful thinking. In fact, outside the island, when Han Li was still working in the four big families, she had always been in love with Kuangqi, but unfortunately she never had the opportunity to get acquainted, so she devised a three-year plan to meet the previous Kuangqi.

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