Killing God Island

Chapter 866: Brothers and sisters. Heroes out of teenagers

Steve Ranji’s powerful men are all powerful organizations formed by a group of militants, and these people have also received the acquiescence of the leader Steve Ranji, plus they all want to learn about this. How strong is the newly added Zhuo Yanxuan, who can stun Garfield with a stroke, the following has clearly divided the strength of Zhuo Wenxin, it is clear that those who can not beat Garfield are absolutely afraid to challenge Zhuo Yanxuan, who dare to challenge Zhuo Yanxuan are those who think they are much stronger than Garfield.

Of course, there are many people who want to challenge, but not everyone can go up. After all, it’s too shameful to go up and win or lose. Even if some people don’t care about losing, they actually come with strength. Divided successively, if your strength is not as good as me, if you want to challenge me, you have to stand aside. After all, you can’t even beat me. Are you dare to go up to shame? All of them did not go up because of this reason. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Zhuo Yanxuan to fight with them one by one, so these people still consider themselves whether to go up or not, except for some people who run up regardless of obstruction. Some discuss with each other who is the first to take this question.

However, after Garfield, there was indeed a brave young man, he was about 17 years old, carrying a big sword in his back, it seemed that he did have some strength, he said to Zhuo Yanxuan when he came up : "Although I use a sword, but you don't need me or I don't need it. How many tricks will I take with you empty-handed today?" He said, and tossed a large sword behind his back directly. There is indeed a bit of masculinity.

But he is not only taller than Zhuo Yanxuan, but also younger than Zhuo Yanxuan, so Zhuo Yanxuan directly said to him: "I think your age is similar to that of my sister. If you are good at using swords, then use It’s okay for the sword to come with me."

"Then what weapon do you use?" The young man asked Zhuo Yanxuan directly, and Zhuo Yanxuan's right hand shook his fist in front of him. "My weapon is a fist!"

"Fuck! What a joke? You don't need a weapon, and I never use a weapon!" He threw away his sword, and then asked in a pose: "I won't show mercy once the battle is over. Please surrender when you can't stand it." ."

Zhuo Yanxuan smiled after hearing: "Why should I surrender?"

"Because I'm afraid to kill you..."

This sentence of this young man directly amused the always serious Zhuo Yanxuan. He looked at the young man up and down, and then said: "The tone is not small, I hope your strength is proportional to what you say!" Zhuo Yanxuan In this sentence, the voice just fell, and the kid's fist was already coming head-on, and with a loud bang, the kid's fist hit the face of Zhuo Yanxuan firmly.

Zhuo Yanxuan's beaten face and body tilted to the right instantaneously. At the same time, Zhuo Yanxuan also responded directly with a leg sweep, but kicked the air directly, but Zhuo Yanxuan's counterattack did indeed just want to temporarily repel him. So that his body could stand firm, or he would be troubled if he was not stuck on this boy. If he was beaten again and was hit in the same direction, he would easily lose his balance and fall to the ground.

In order not to lose face, Zhuo Yanxuan swept a leg to force the Qing Niang in front of him, and then turned around to stand his body. Although this punch looked heavy on Zhuo Yanxuan’s face, it was actually completely Without hurting Zhuo Yanxuan, Zhuo Yanxuan's ability to carry and strike is stronger than Chen Tian. The simple attack has no effect on him.

Therefore, although Zhuo Yanxuan was punched, there was no slight scar on his face, and no trace of puffiness. Zhuo Yanxuan looked up and did not forget to appreciate the sentence: "I didn’t expect you to be young, really a bit Ability, but trying to knock me down with fists seems impossible!"

In fact, Zhuo Yanxuan said that this sentence is correct. His super-strike resistance and the unmatched melee strength of ordinary people really want to knock down his people with his fists. At present, there are few opponents in the entire t zone, so Zhuo Yanxuan's words are not bragging.

But the young man said seriously, "Who said fists are unlikely? Did you say that?"

Zhuo Yanxuan nodded after listening: "Yes! I said! You need to be able to beat me with fists. I will do this position for you, and the head will give you no problem." Zhuo Yanxuan directly looked at this A young man said this, which really angered the young man: "Dare you look down on me?" The young man directly called Zhuo Yanxuan again in anger. This time Zhuo Yanxuan did not catch up like he just did, mainly because he was just talking and did not expect the kid’s speed. Even so fast, this guy's speed is basically barely close to the normal speed of Zhuo Wenxin. Although it is the normal speed of his sister, it is actually quite fast.

But... compared to Zhuo Yanxuan, it is still easy to receive, because not to mention his speed, Zhuo Yanxuan can open a real speed with his sister Zhuo Wenxin, so although this young man is fast Some cadre-level people can't see it clearly, but in Zhuo Yanxuan's eyes, he can completely control it, so when he thinks that this blow can definitely be hit, he didn't expect Zhuo Yanxuan to follow him directly sideways. A seemingly casual wave of hand swept the boy directly to the ground.

And let him fly far away directly, because his own impact force is relatively fast, plus Zhuo Yanxuan's turn back blow, seemingly casually raising his right arm and turning around, but directly causing him to punch empty and right The arm turned directly, and at this moment the young man couldn't stop at the first time due to the fast speed, his neck directly hit Zhuo Yanxuan's right arm, and the whole person flew back a long distance directly. People feel pain when they read it.

In fact, it really hurts, otherwise he could not fall down on the ground, his hands covered his neck and kept rolling on the ground. Before he stood up, another person jumped directly from below and reported himself. Name: "My name is Wu Wat Seo." This man simply said his name and launched an attack on Zhuo Yanxuan without too much introduction. This person is not very old and even looks like It is younger than the young man just now, but his figure is much higher than the one just defeated by Zhuo Yanxuan, and his body's muscle contour is also quite obvious.

From his appearance, it can be seen that he must pay much attention to training or fitness on weekdays. He just simply said his own name and directly attacked Zhuo Yanxuan with a very fast movement speed, and Zhuo Yan Xuan also can see that this kid should have some skill, at least from the appearance, he knows that this person's strength is not too bad. Of course, Zhuo Yanxuan judges the strength of a person and does not just look at this person's muscles. , Mainly depends on the person's physical coordination ability, and this self-proclaimed Wu Wat Seo young man's movement speed and physical coordination are very strong, his every move and every move is used to be discerning.

It seems that not only is it very coordinated and powerful, but also the combat skills are quite good. Even in the battle with Zhuo Yanxuan, Zhuo Yanxuan's combat routine can be seen, thus avoiding Zhuo Yanxuan's several fatal blows, But Zhuo Yanxuan is after all a very tough tough guy, and his attacks are very direct. In fact, his fighting skills are very high and there is no need to fight hard with people, but Zhuo Yanxuan sometimes likes to play hi and like it Hard steel with others, also known as hard-touch.

Zhuo Yanxuan first appreciated each other so hard against Chen Tian. After all, both of them are super tough guys, and they have super physical resistance, and they are still very fast after injury and have memory. The cells can be completely repaired to the same state as in the hands.

This terrible evolution naturally cannot escape the eyes of the four major families. The four major families have already included Zhuo Yanxuan and his sister of this ability as the key observation objects, and gave high evaluations to Chen Tian and others It is already a high honor to be ranked among the 13 Taibaos of God Island. Of course, many people use these watches on their left wrists as a convenient tool for detecting places and viewing the surrounding maps.

In fact, the greater use is to explore the other party’s information and obtain more information. At this point, only a few careful people will find out, which is why Steve Lanji will appreciate Zhuo Yanxuan’s brothers and sisters so much, but with Zhuo Yan Wu Wat Seo, who is currently fighting, is a young man, but he is full of vigor and bravery. He has beaten Zhuo Yanxuan's five punches but has not conceded.

Still rushing forward again and again, it seems like a mad cow. If his physique is not superior, I am afraid that he has been hit by Zhuo Yanxuan’s Jifan attack. Although he has no internal injuries, he also consumes a lot of his physical strength. So the movement is obviously not as fast as the beginning.

So Zhuo Yanxuan felt that he had enough play. He turned directly and immediately hit a blow. Zhuo Yanxuan originally wanted to kill him directly, but he did not expect this punch to be directly blocked by this kid. Zhuo Yanxuan also froze, how could this be possible?

"Are you going to take it seriously?" Wu Watt Siou said this directly, which also surprised Zhuo Yanxuan's expression instantly. Obviously, he said something in the sentence, and why he could catch me just now Fist, could it be that he didn't use his full strength just now?

Zhuo Yanxuan immediately released into the micro realm and wanted to detect the real strength of the boy in front of him, but unexpectedly collided with the entrance of Wu Wat Xiao, who was released into the micro realm at the same time, and each other instantly realized that the other side was trying to test themselves. The other side launched an offensive again to disturb the other's depth.

This ability to enter the microcosm does not apply to a certain degree, and it cannot be integrated with its own abilities and combat. Unless it has a very special physique or has the potential of a genius level, it cannot be carried out in both directions, but two Everyone belongs to this type of wit during combat, so both sides will attack each other at the same time and stop the other party from detecting themselves.

However, Zhuo Yanxuan is actually not necessary, but smart people like to guard against it, so Zhuo Yanxuan never relaxes his vigilance even when he is fighting against someone who is not as good as himself. This is why he has never been undefeated. One is to choose the right opponent, and the second is to never take it lightly, so no one who fights Zhuo Yanxuan feels relaxed, even if he can escape from his hand, he will be overwhelmed by the pressure of the king's temperament. .

However, a few minutes after the two met again, Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly exclaimed: "Sure enough, the hero comes out of the boy!"

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