Killing God Island

Chapter 867: Brothers and sisters. Is it not good to bully?

Wu Wat Xiao’s fighting style is like a mad cow. If his physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, I am afraid that he has been hit by Zhuo Yanxuan’s Jifan attack. Although he has no internal injuries, he also consumes a lot of his physical strength. So the movement is obviously not as fast as the beginning.

So Zhuo Yanxuan felt that he had enough play. He turned directly and immediately hit a blow. Zhuo Yanxuan originally wanted to kill him directly, but he did not expect this punch to be directly blocked by this kid. Zhuo Yanxuan also froze, how could this be possible?

"Are you going to take it seriously?" Wu Watt Siou said this directly, which also surprised Zhuo Yanxuan's expression instantly. Obviously, he said something in the sentence, and why he could catch me just now Fist, could it be that he didn't use his full strength just now?

Zhuo Yanxuan immediately released into the micro realm and wanted to detect the real strength of the boy in front of him, but unexpectedly collided with the entrance of Wu Wat Xiao, who was released into the micro realm at the same time, and each other instantly realized that the other side was trying to test themselves. The other side launched an offensive again to disturb the other's depth.

This ability to enter the microcosm does not apply to a certain degree, and it cannot be integrated with its own abilities and combat. Unless it has a very special physique or has the potential of a genius level, it cannot be carried out in both directions, but two Everyone belongs to this type of wit during combat, so both sides will attack each other at the same time and stop the other party from detecting themselves.

However, Zhuo Yanxuan is actually not necessary, but smart people like to guard against it, so Zhuo Yanxuan never relaxes his vigilance even when he is fighting against someone who is not as good as himself. This is why he has never been undefeated. One is to choose the right opponent, and the second is to never take it lightly, so no one who fights Zhuo Yanxuan feels relaxed, even if he can escape from his hand, he will be overwhelmed by the pressure of the king's temperament. .

However, a few minutes after the two met again, Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly exclaimed: "Sure enough, the hero comes out of the boy!"

Zhuo Yanxuan also began to realize that this kid's strength is indeed more than twice as strong as before. This ability and strength are definitely growing in multiples. Zhuo Yanxuan can be sure that this kid has just not played seriously like Zhuo Yanxuan. And now it is clear that with Zhuo Yanxuan's conscientiousness, this kid also began to take it seriously.

The two are seriously different from the fighting just now. As the two fight against each other and intensify, it also attracts more people to watch, because some people with real skills do not seriously watch their battles. After all, they both It can be seen that the two have just not played seriously at all. Some of the ordinary and medium-strength reinforcements may still be watching hard. The reinforcements of the same level as them really look at the fight just like coaxing children. Head, but now these people have begun to pay attention, after all, these two people have come up with real skills.

Just now Zhuo Yanxuan really looked at this kid, Zhuo Yanxuan did not expect that this kid has just been playing, until he used it into the micro realm, he didn’t realize that this kid also awakened into the micro realm, and the ability of people who can awaken this skill is natural. It is the ability to automatically awaken only when a certain range of strength is reached.

So when Zhuo Yanxuan discovered that he could use it in the micro realm, he immediately treated the young boy Wu Watt Seo as a master. Naturally, the slack and the mercy of his men just did not exist. Fighting seriously, a shock wave of extremely destructive power suddenly appeared around this area.

Originally, this kind of shock wave can cause various damages to the surrounding buildings through the mutual impact of the two forces, but many of these people sitting around here are powerful masters. They use this destructive force with their own means. My tricks have been resolved.

This made the surrounding area not cause much disturbance, and also allowed the two to play very well in the middle. Of course, Zhuo Wenxin, who was not far away from his brother, although not worried about his brother’s defeat, it was obvious that she did not expect This kid is pretty good.

However, Zhuo Wenxin didn't worry about his brother. Although this kid really has two strengths, he is still far from the real strength of his brother. Although he can make a positive move with Zhuo Yanxuan, Zhuo Yanxuan can still think about when Solving him can solve him, but Zhuo Yanxuan does not want him to lose too shameful.

I still have to think about how to make the kid lose his heart, although Zhuo Yanxuan can kill him according to the second, not to mention that he has the strength to awaken himself into the micro realm, but Zhuo Yanxuan is absolutely enough to directly second him, but I am afraid that It hurts the kid’s self-esteem, so even if he wins him, I’m afraid he will offend him, so Zhuo Yanxuan’s trick with him seems to be the same in both sides. In fact, this is just the surface, but both of them seem to use their real skills. I want to fight each other hard, but the huge power hidden in Zhuo Yanxuan's body may be felt by a small number of people present. Either or not, Chen Tian can be regarded as his opponent and his most admired friend who is also the enemy and friend. What is stronger than yourself, so it also increases with the increase of Zhuo Yanxuan’s attack on him, so the two people are fighting more and more fiercely, and the impact that swept around them is becoming more and more destructive.

However, as Zhuo Yanxuan's strength continued to increase, his attack speed and various aspects have also been improving. In fact, Zhuo Yanxuan was in the hard-core Wu Wat Xiao, to see if he dare to fight to the end, and let Zhuo Yanxuan What Yanxuan did not expect was that this kid was really like a rib, and Zhuo Yanxuan really struggled with strength and speed.

Zhuo Yanxuan raised his mouth slightly: "Good boy! I want to see how long you can last."

Wu Wat Sio is young and full of spirits, he wants to prove Zhuo Yanxuan's strength with his own strength and speed, but he really can't suppress Zhuo Yanxuan's own ability, so Zhuo Yanxuan is constantly improving his strength At the same time as speed, Wu Watt Seo also kept improving with Zhuo Yanxuan's power.

It was not until Wu Watt Seo was able to improve upwards that Wu Watt Seo realized how big the difference between his strength and the person in front of him was. Watt Sao had already reached the limit, but Zhuo Yanxuan only smiled. , Continue to strengthen his strength a little bit to deal with Wu Watt Xiao, in fact, Zhuo Yanxuan can also improve his ability at least a lot, but Zhuo Yanxuan does not want to do this, after all, this is just a competition, there is no need to move the real And, this kid's strength is not weak in the future, Zhuo Yanxuan does not want to hurt him.

Therefore, the strength and defensive IQ that he was unable to parry slightly increased some strength to deal with him, so that although he could parry, he was obviously very strenuous. In fact, Zhuo Yanxuan has given him the opportunity to admit defeat or take the initiative to say so far, only However, Wu Watt Seo is also a very serious person. He clearly knows that he has no chance of winning, but he is still persevering, so let Zhuo Yanxuan go forward and keep attacking, making him only He kept going back until he was forced to the corner.

At this time, Wu Wat Seo had been sweating for a long time. He forcibly kept improving his strength. He had consumed too much physical strength. In addition, the mental pressure forced by Zhuo Yanxuan’s fast fist attack made him full now. Khan sweated, he also wanted to fight back, but at this time he only had passive defense and avoidance, Zhuo Yanxuan was no longer giving him any room to fight back.

Facing the strong offensive of Zhuo Yanxuan, Wu Wat Seo, who was forced to the corner, can only bet on one at this time, because he has no physical strength, and now he wants to defeat the victory and can only gather all the last power. In the right fist, and then hit out, if you can hit, you can win, if Zhuo Yanxuan escaped, then the victory or defeat has been divided.

So this is the last hope for Wu Wat Seo, otherwise he has no chance to win Zhuo Yanxuan, so he put all the remaining strength all over his body on his right fist, making Wu Wat Sao The entire right arm has swelled, and the muscles of the entire right arm have even expanded the sleeve of the entire right arm.

I saw Wu Wat Xiao shouted, and placed all hopes on this punch, and the punching speed of this punch was also very fast: "Please! Hit it! All my hopes are here. , Take my last move and explode Tekken!"

At the same time when Wu Wat Seo punched a punch, an invisible strong wind blew towards the face of Zhuo Yanxuan first. Zhuo Yanxuan clearly knew that this punch was quite powerful. Of course, Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to avoid it. But instead of avoiding it, he let Wu Wat Seo's punch hit his face firmly.

"Is this your fist of hope? Are you satisfied now?" Zhuo Yanxuan's ability to fight is not covered at all. He deliberately made Wuwat Xiao punch his face, for It was to make Wu Wattsi proud, and to prove that I was useless even if you hit this punch.

Although this punch wound Zhuo Yanxuan's face, this minor injury was nothing to Zhuo Yanxuan. Basically, his super strong recovery of cytokines was within a few seconds. It can be cured, so Zhuo Yanxuan's strength completely shocked the whole of Watt Sioo. Except for defeating him and inviting him to join his own organization Steve Lanji, Zhuo Yanxuan standing in front of him at this time He has been completely convinced.

While Zhuo Yanxuan stared at him and threw a punch directly, only to hear a dull sound after his bang, his arm penetrated the wall directly, hitting his fist in the wall beside Wuwatxiao, not only Scared Wu Wat Seo immediately defended himself with both hands, and as Zhuo Yanxuan pulled out his fist, a hole in his fist laughed first, and as Zhuo Yanxuan pulled out his punch, Wu Watt The wall behind Xio collapsed all over the place.

This punch has completely divided the victory and defeat, and just when Zhuo Yanxuan just wanted to say something to comfort him, suddenly a woman was put out from the crowd. This woman has a hot body and a long leg kicked directly. Zhuo Yanxuan, and Zhuo Yanxuan is also quiet, direct hands to prevent this woman's sudden attack.

And this woman with perfect appearance and figure is Steve Lanji’s very powerful female night concubine Yuki. I saw this woman glaring at Zhuo Yanxuan and asked, "It’s not good to bully. ? Next, I will teach your skills on behalf of the senior management of the organization."

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