Killing God Island

Chapter 865: Brothers and sisters. Who else is not convinced?

From the strange airflow around Garfield, he can feel that his state is absolutely extremely powerful, but Zhuo Yanxuan, not far in front of him, still calmly watching the big man rushing towards himself.

At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan also put on a real fighting posture, and the whole surrounding area was only heard by the audience, and the surrounding ground was directly blown by him with a punch. A deep pit, this deep pit is just the huge fist of Garfield. Zhuo Yanxuan did not use his fists to fight this time but chose to dodge. Zhuo Yanxuan drew sideways while he was hitting himself with this punch, sinking with the ground being smashed. At the moment, the whole person jumped directly with a strong right foot, and saw Gaffert’s other punch in the air directly against Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan was just in the air when he jumped. As if playing baseball, another punch directly hit Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan was directly blown out by Garfield's punch. This strength was still recognized by everyone present.

Zhuo Yanxuan, who was heavily beaten by Garfield, was directly hit far away. He didn’t listen until the whole hit the wall. The walls were all sunk by Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan was directly attacked by Garfield. This punch hit a wall in the distance, and this scene also welcomed the shouts and cheers of many people below, and some strong but always low-key people also applauded him for this, after all, Garfield The power in this form is really barbaric enough.

Although the scene suddenly became very noisy, some applauded and some shouted, feeling that the overall situation had been settled for a moment, it seemed as if Zhuo Yanxuan was killed by a move, and always treated himself very much. The caring sister Zhuo Wenxin's mouth with a calm expression slightly raised at this time, because she was laughing secretly: "This bunch of idiots, you are too happy too early, if my brother was killed by a punch like ours, we Brothers and sisters will not stand here today." This is what Zhuo Wenxin thought inside, and at the same time, Steve Lanji, who was sitting in the first place, also looked down at him with a smile on his face. He had already seen through the deep smile.

Garfield is stepping forward step by step, he wants to directly buckle Zhuo Yanxuan who hit the wall, and then show it to everyone, because he is such a person who cares about his face very much. Just a few meters away, when Zhuo Yanxuan was fixed in front of the wall, Zhuo Yanxuan came out of the wall by himself, and patted the ash on his body while walking. He didn't vomit blood and said with a slight smile: "Your punching strength is not bad, but the hardness is a bit worse, and it does not hurt at all!"

Although the voice of Zhuo Yanxuan could only be heard by the two of them, Garfield was even more irritated. At the same time, the rest of the people also exclaimed from the ordinary people. After all, they thought Zhuo Yanxuan had been fainted. Well, even if you don’t feel dizzy just now, such a large force will definitely hurt you. If it is heavy, the internal organs will be damaged, and how it will hurt your bones. Even the walls with such high hardness have been dented into the people. It seemed that nothing really surprised some people.

Zhuo Yanxuan’s sister Zhuo Wenxin also looked at the two in front with a smile on both hands. Garfitt saw Chen Tian’s words so arrogantly, followed by another one again without saying a word. The heavy fist greeted Zhuo Yanxuan and fought.

Zhuo Yanxuan is also sideways as before, with huge, thick arms passing directly through Zhuo Yanxuan's face. Zhuo Yanxuan's body looks like a very casual side. In fact, this evasion speed is very fast, of course Zhuo Yanxuan also Not completely to avoid his attack, but a seemingly casual dodge side kicked directly at the weak part of Garfield's leg bending back, this seemingly very inadvertent kick, Immediately let a big man about three meters kneel directly on one knee and lean his body.

And Zhuo Yanxuan also took the opportunity to jump his knees and hit directly on Garfield's face. This move is no less powerful than Garfield's punch, this move is so handsome, not only makes Zhuo Yan Xuan’s sister jumped and jumped on the side excitedly, and also made some of the strong women in the 100-member generals of Steve Lanji’s team instantly fascinated because Zhuo Yanxuan’s original long The facial features are very beautiful, and the body is also a very perfect type. However, in addition to these standard handsome guys, these women are also the masters of the handsome guys, but many handsome guys are really ruthless, so they can only take these handsome guys. Being a toy is not the ideal man in their hearts, but Zhuo Yanxuan jumped his knee and really burst the crowd. This blow directly hit Garfield, who was half squatting, on the ground.

To be precise, Garfield was stunned by a single stroke, and the huge volume instantly changed back to its original form. The nose and mouth were all blood, which looked very miserable. The victory and defeat points were too fast. After a while, most of the people below were stunned, and it wasn’t until Steve Ranji, who was sitting in the main position, clapped his hands that he was better off the stage. After all, he thought that Garfield had just taken a trick. Zhuo Yanxuan was solved, but I did not expect to be solved by Zhuo Yanxuan, and it was solved by him, so it also made everyone feel incredible. After all, Garfield also has some hard power. The members did not expect to lose so shamefully.

So it also makes some people more dissatisfied. When several people took away the unconscious Garfield, Zhuo Yanxuan originally wanted to speak low-key to calm some people’s emotional dissatisfaction, although these people It has been known that Zhuo Yanxuan is indeed a man of skill, but it will also attract more people's jealousy and challenge. After all, this is a militant gang under Steve Lanji's jurisdiction. If such a person is a legend outside the island Thug organization, and these people are those who are composed of powerful characters who like to die, so the stronger you are, not only will they not be afraid of you, but will become more and more curious about you, and even want to surpass you, so join Most of Steve Lanji's organization is not normal.

So Zhuo Yanxuan didn’t want to be too high profile in front of these people. Now he mainly wants to use Steve Lanji’s power to leave this area. So the brothers and sisters will join, so Zhuo Yanxuan doesn’t care that these people are weak. It is strong, but Zhuo Yanxuan's sister Zhuo Wenxin wants to let others know that his brother is the best. Even if he can ignore himself, he will never allow others to ignore his favorite brother.

So before waiting for Zhuo Yanxuan to speak, Zhuo Wenxin first shouted in a clear voice to everyone below: "My brother and sister are here to help, not to fight for power with you, but I also It can be seen that if you want to integrate into you, you must show the strength that you recognize, so the one who has just learned the strength of my brother, then whoever is dissatisfied next can just go up and move!"

Zhuo Yanxuan immediately covered his sister’s mouth and apologized to the others and said, “Sorry! Sorry! My sister has always been a straight-talking person. Please don’t care what he said, just just clicked to the end. In the competition, although I just fainted the gentleman by mistake, everyone didn’t need to care that he was also a minor injury, considering that he could wake up and heal within an hour.” Zhuo Yanxuan said this to everyone. Smiling face, of course, many people don't buy it, and the injury that can be cured in an hour is called a small injury? For their strengthened people of this degree, the repair ability and recovery ability are quite fast, and the injury that can be recovered in an hour is not called a minor injury, and the words that sister Zhuo Yanxuan said just now are completely provocative against everyone.

So the following dissatisfaction increased even more. Steve Lanji was not so good at seeing the following, so he said to Zhuo Yanxuan: "Then you have been with them, and it hasn't been so lively for a long time, everyone Idle is also idle, you can play with them!"

Zhuo Yanxuan saw Steve Lanji saying this, so he could only continue to compete with the arrogants of these people. Zhuo Yanxuan looked down at his sister beside him. Zhuo Wenxin is spitting out his tongue with a naughty expression to his brother, which also makes Zhuo Yanxuan helpless. Zhuo Yanxuan knows when her sister does not want me to be mediocre. In fact, Zhuo Yanxuan will cause surroundings from birth to now. Sensational man.

Zhang Tian is obviously very fond of these brothers and sisters. Not only are they outstanding in appearance, but the most important thing is that their brothers and sisters are both civil and military. Not only are their IQs superior, but their combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of ordinary people. It can be called a perfect person. This kind of person is rare. Of course, Zhuo Wenxin dare to say so rampantly, because Zhuo Wenxin has used the micro realm to detect everyone below. At present There are indeed a few people of extraordinary strength who can fight the two of them, but most of them are arrogant.

However, even if these people come up, Zhuo Wenxin will shoot at a critical moment. Even if he and his brother are similar in strength, he is definitely not low if he is added to me, and Zhuo Wenxin’s speed is not ordinary fast, so Zhuo Wenxin is so arrogant. Saying this sentence, Zhuo Wenxin is not a girl without a mind, she will only act stupid in front of her brother, but in fact, like her brother, they are extremely clever.

Moreover, these people were originally a team of militants, and after the tacit consent of the leader Steve Lanji, plus they also want to learn how strong the newly added Zhuo Yanxuan can add Fei Te's move to stun people, the following has a clear division of Zhuo Wenxin's strength, it is clear that those who can't beat Garfitt absolutely dare not challenge Zhuo Yanxuan, who dare to challenge Zhuo Yanxuan Those who think that they are much stronger than Garfield.

Of course, there are many people who want to challenge, but not everyone can go up. After all, it’s too shameful to go up and win or lose. Even if some people don’t care about losing, they actually come with strength. Divided successively, if your strength is not as good as me, if you want to challenge me, you have to stand aside. After all, you can’t even beat me. Are you dare to go up to shame? All of them did not go up because of this reason. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Zhuo Yanxuan to fight with them one by one, so these people still consider themselves whether to go up or not, except for some people who run up regardless of obstruction. Some discuss with each other who is the first to take this question.

However, after Garfield, there was indeed a brave young man, he was about 17 years old, carrying a big sword in his back, it seemed that he did have some strength, he said to Zhuo Yanxuan when he came up : "Although I use a sword, but you don't need me or I don't need it. How many tricks will I take with you empty-handed today?" He said, and tossed a large sword behind his back directly. There is indeed a bit of masculinity.

But he is not only taller than Zhuo Yanxuan, but also younger than Zhuo Yanxuan, so Zhuo Yanxuan directly said to him: "I think your age is similar to that of my sister. If you are good at using swords, then use It’s okay for the sword to come with me."

"Then what weapon do you use?" The young man asked Zhuo Yanxuan directly, and Zhuo Yanxuan's right hand shook his fist in front of him. "My weapon is a fist!"

"Fuck! What a joke? You don't need a weapon, and I never use a weapon!" He threw away his sword, and then asked in a pose: "I won't show mercy once the battle is over. Please surrender when you can't stand it." ."

Zhuo Yanxuan smiled after hearing: "Why should I surrender?"

"Because I'm afraid of killing you..."

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