Killing God Island

Chapter 864: Brothers and sisters. Steve Lanji team has no weak

Zhuo Yanxuan patted the top of his sister's head and walked in front of Garfield: "Then please invite seniors to come and let me take a look!"

Originally, Garfield was waiting for Zhuo Yanxuan's brothers and sisters to move out first. I didn't expect Zhuo Yanxuan to walk to the opposite side naturally, without threatening any fighting posture, and threatened to teach, **** it! Is he underestimating me? Garfitt became more and more angry in his heart, stroking his right foot forward and rushed directly to Zhuo Yanxuan in front.

Because Zhuo Yanxuan was not a few meters away from him, plus one of his sprints quickly hit Zhuo Yanxuan, and Zhuo Yanxuan didn’t move his head, and directly avoided Garfield After the right fist, the body also took a step forward and directly hit Garfitt’s chest with his shoulder. Because both of them took a step forward, Zhuo Yanxuan relied on the impact of each other to have Garfield was directly hit back with his shoulder.

Just after the first move, Garfield was beaten back five steps. After all, Garfield was the old man of the entire organization, and his supporters were not a minority. Seeing that he played back five steps, he stood firm, and Zhuo Yan Xuan didn't move in place, so many people immediately shouted: "Gaffert, you kid earn some gas, be careful, if you let the newcomer defeat, then you can lose the adult, ha ha ha ha ha! "This burst of laughter made Garfitt's expression more serious than before, and his head was covered with blue muscles.

After all, he was kicked for five steps just after the first move. This was to make him feel ashamed. In fact, Zhuo Yanxuan had already left him with a face, and it didn’t work at all. If Zhuo Yanxuan worked hard, it wouldn’t be five. Step can be stopped, but Zhuo Yanxuan still smiled and signaled him to come again.

The invisible outfit b is the most deadly. Zhuo Yanxuan's action directly angered Garfitt again. He ran faster than just now, and it also shows that he is a melee expert, and he is still a slap-based player. Melee, as he can double his arms, it can be seen that his two arms are thicker than his thighs, and his fists are unusually exaggerated. If someone who has not seen this ability, he may be Suddenly, the fist suddenly grew frightened, but Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin were willing to study their universal watch. The information in this watch is very large. After all, the two brothers and sisters are members of the high IQ group.

The watches that every fortified person has, of course, are also their communication and learning tools. The amount of information in them is huge. Except for people like Chen Tian who are not good at reading, many brains will carefully study Yes, so Zhuo Yanxuan knows that the power of this double boxing is quite impressive.

Especially users like Garfitt made Zhuo Yanxuan feel incredible, but what makes Garfitt incredible is that this guy is not afraid of his own tricks.

I saw that Zhuo Yanxuan had also thrown a punch. Although his fist did not have the multiplied appearance effect of Garfield, the actual strength was quite good. Although Zhuo Yanxuan’s fist hit Garfield at this time. The fist is much smaller than that. However, when the two fists hit the front, Zhuo Yanxuan not only did not take a half step back, but instead flew Garfitt, who looks like this fist, directly back.

Zhuo Yanxuan's unmoved fist did not take the initiative to attack again, and the rest of them also got a certain affirmation of Zhuo Yanxuan's strength, but Garfitt's expression was obviously more angry this time, he He is a very good-looking person. He was beaten directly in front of so many people and flew out directly twice. This insult made him use his full strength.

His whole body instantly became larger overall, and the clothes he wore were instantly broken. The whole person instantly became a volume between about two meters and three meters. The muscles of the whole body looked extremely fierce. Because he originally looked the whole person Quite fierce, this muscle-expanding skill really looks cool, just like the anime turned into a super Saiyan.

Zhuo Yanxuan's height is 1.83 meters, so at this time, he was looking at the height of nearly three meters like the little giant Garfield directly looking up, and at this time this guy also rushed to Zhuo Yanxuan with a roar. Of course, the venue for this meeting is very large, enough space for the two to fight, and Steve Lanji, who is sitting in the main position, did not intend to stop the fight between the two. He actually likes to watch his men. Fighting against each other, so that you can find your own growth and the level of strength of each of them, so this kind of battle that does not move at all, the general organization may prohibit members from making big shots against each other, for mutual solidarity and other reasons to let members No one can meet each other.

But the territories under the jurisdiction of Steve Ranji, these gangs were originally fierce and fierce militants. If they were not allowed to fight, they would definitely be in chaos. Finding the difference in battle will make the strength continue to progress, which has achieved the 13 strongest and most terrible organization in the battle of the site, because once entering this organization, if this person does not have the strength, he will definitely die in his own hands. Therefore, for your own personal safety, you must constantly practice your actual combat abilities, or you will be injured every day even if you are not killed by your teammates.

Therefore, these militants under Steve Lanji have become accustomed to this slack management system, and have also developed a habit that everyone loves to watch lively, as long as they don’t kill themselves, but sometimes it will appear. It is a case of accidental killing, but it belongs to death and death. As long as it is a challenge to the other party’s consent, death is not a cause of trouble and will not be judged as intentional murder. The entire organization has very few rules. The only three rules are , Become stronger, firmer, righteous, these six words, these six words contain a wide range of meanings, the single meaning of this word contains, unity, loyalty and non-betrayal are opposed to each other with a benevolent heart.

And becoming stronger means that you can continue to challenge the strong in the team on your way to becoming stronger. The person who died in the challenge will hold a grand funeral for him, but the person who killed him will not be convicted, because in In the jurisdiction system of Steve Ranji, no one can stop everyone from getting stronger in this life-and-death island.

The reason why the murder and innocence is set in the challenge and the battle is because only in this way can the two parties let go of their burdens, let each other fight more openly, and even all put out their full strength to fight, so that both sides are improving their strength From the perspective of the viewer, they are very interesting, which is why Steve Lanji has no weak people.

Garfield, who was beaten back by Zhuo Yanxuan twice at this time, had already planned to use his full strength. After all, he had to save face, but now all the powerful members are watching. If he is defeated, He didn’t get mixed up, so he made himself three meters tall, and his clothes were all broken by his body. Just like the Hulk, there is only a strong elastic trousers. Although it looks a little embarrassing, it’s powerful. It has indeed risen.

From the strange airflow around Garfield, he can feel that his state is absolutely extremely powerful, but Zhuo Yanxuan, not far in front of him, still calmly watching the big man rushing towards himself.

At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan also put on a real fighting posture, and the whole surrounding area was only heard by the audience, and the surrounding ground was directly blown by him with a punch. A deep pit, this deep pit is just the huge fist of Garfield. Zhuo Yanxuan did not use his fists to fight this time but chose to dodge. Zhuo Yanxuan drew sideways while he was hitting himself with this punch, sinking with the ground being smashed. At the moment, the whole person jumped directly with a strong right foot, and saw Gaffert’s other punch in the air directly against Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan was just in the air when he jumped. As if playing baseball, another punch directly hit Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan was directly blown out by Garfield's punch. This strength was still recognized by everyone present.

Zhuo Yanxuan, who was heavily beaten by Garfield, was directly hit far away. He didn’t listen until the whole hit the wall. The walls were all sunk by Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan was directly attacked by Garfield. This punch hit a wall in the distance, and this scene also welcomed the shouts and cheers of many people below, and some strong but always low-key people also applauded him for this, after all, Garfield The power in this form is really barbaric enough.

Although the scene suddenly became very noisy, some applauded and some shouted, feeling that the overall situation had been settled for a moment, it seemed as if Zhuo Yanxuan was killed by a move, and always treated himself very much. The caring sister Zhuo Wenxin's mouth with a calm expression slightly raised at this time, because she was laughing secretly: "This bunch of idiots, you are too happy too early, if my brother was killed by a punch like ours, we Brothers and sisters will not stand here today." This is what Zhuo Wenxin thought inside, and at the same time, Steve Lanji, who was sitting in the first place, also looked down at him with a smile on his face. He had already seen through the deep smile.

Garfield is stepping forward step by step, he wants to directly buckle Zhuo Yanxuan who hit the wall, and then show it to everyone, because he is such a person who cares about his face very much. Just a few meters away, when Zhuo Yanxuan was fixed in front of the wall, Zhuo Yanxuan came out of the wall by himself, and patted the ash on his body while walking. He didn't vomit blood and said with a slight smile: "Your punching strength is not bad, but the hardness is a bit worse, and it does not hurt at all!"

Although the voice of Zhuo Yanxuan could only be heard by the two of them, Garfield was even more irritated. At the same time, the rest of the people also exclaimed from the ordinary people. After all, they thought Zhuo Yanxuan had been fainted. Well, even if you don’t feel dizzy just now, such a large force will definitely hurt you. If it is heavy, the internal organs will be damaged, and how it will hurt your bones. Even the walls with such high hardness have been dented into the people. It seemed that nothing really surprised some people.

Zhuo Yanxuan’s sister Zhuo Wenxin also looked at the two in front with a smile on both hands. Garfitt saw Chen Tian’s words so arrogantly, followed by another one again without saying a word. The heavy fist greeted Zhuo Yanxuan and fought.

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