Killing God Island

Chapter 822: Tiantian Chen. Special race among ordinary people

As the top leader of the restricted area, Lanlani is indeed a very remarkable person. He is proficient in various technologies before the age of thirty. Of course, if his own combat power is not for these ordinary people, he can definitely create a My own power, but for these ordinary people have settled here for three years.

But he didn’t do it for these ordinary people. In fact, he also did it for himself. Because his parents died after being tested by the four big families, he tried to come here and steal it in order to get revenge. Some of the scientific research technologies of the four big families want to create drugs that completely resist or weaken these fortifying people.

Although the four major families are also developing this drug, they have not developed it comprehensively, at most it will only work for ordinary mid-range strengthened talents, and it will temporarily weaken their physical strength and ability, and they cannot be completely suppressed. And change back to the level of ordinary people.

Therefore, Lan Lan is still developing this drug, trying to develop a mystery that can completely deal with the gene strengthening of the four families, and trying to destroy the god-making plan implemented by the four families in Killing God Island, so he is still very purposeful. He came here sexually, but it was a pity that during his research and development, because he blocked the way forward for Chen Tian's group and others, Ye Minyu sent Chen Tian and others to solve him.

Therefore, Lan Lanni can be regarded as a dying man, but he is very confident in his fighting strength. After all, he has never lost since he entered the island, which also made him feel a little swelled. The big brothers in the three districts have taught, and his ability is inherently innate, and his strength is very pure. His strength is naturally very strong, so he naturally speaks harder: "I don’t care what you think at this moment. I appreciate you anyway, but it seems that you are not going to appreciate it."

After listening to the words that Lan Lanyi had just said, Chen Tian directly replied without thinking, "I'm saying it again, you blocked our way forward, so I will only give you two roads, the first is Dead in our hands, the second is to get out of the person who brought you." Chen Tian said this more arrogantly than Qian Lanni. "

However, Lan Lanni asked in a very gentle tone: "I have been here for more than 2 years. It seems that you have been here for only a few months. You have arrived in the T district so long after me that you have let me leave here. , Do you seem to be out of compliance?"

"Rules? Ha ha... ridiculous! There are no rules and no order here, and we are not here to talk to you about rules, killing people here is not a matter, let alone the word rules, and this Everyone on the island is not a well-behaved person, right?" Chen Tian's smile at this time has become very exaggerated as usual.

And Lan Lanyi also looked at Chen Tian’s every move at this moment, nodded slightly and said, “That’s right, there is no order here, whoever is strong is the order here, but just after your fight I I’ve seen it, it’s really wonderful, killing so many people, although I am very unhappy, but if you are willing to cooperate with me or follow me, I can ignore these.” Lanlan Ni still said sincerely to Chen Tian and others Out of this, because he really thinks that Chen Tian is very strong, and that this medicine in the t zone could completely overcome all the strengthening people, but what he didn’t think is that first Qian Da. Wilson did not at all. Influenced by the drugs he developed, the second is that Chen Tian is still very strong despite his weak physical strength.

Therefore, Lanlan wanted to let them join his own forces, and then slowly study and improve the medicine. What are the shortcomings, etc., so this is also the purpose he wants to let them join in addition to appreciation of their strength.

Chen Tiangang was going to speak, Qian Da directly said: "You have too much nonsense, and the kill will be finished, nagging, do you want to open a debate meeting?" Qian Da took a step forward after saying this, and Draw the long knife behind the long.

Of course, Lan Lanni knew that the woman in front of him was definitely not easy to deal with, so he directly responded with a very cold expression: "It's a pity, it seems that he can only be an enemy." After he said this, he waved his hand and left and right beside him A man with a knife also ran directly to Qianda holding a knife, and Lanlan stood up and ran to the other side alone. Of course, Chen Tian understands that this is not the case, but Chen Tian’s current physique It has fully restored the ability to repair all parts of the body in an instant.

Of course, Chen Tian also relied on his own ability, so he chased directly in the direction of Wang Lanni. Angelina and others also chased directly in the direction of Chen Lanni's escape behind Chen Tian. Han Li certainly knew a thousand Da's strength, so she didn't care about her and she chased over there

Qianda originally thought that these two men with swords had two swords, but what Qianda didn't expect was that the two men had some skills. The blade and the sawtooth blade in Qianda's hands collided together. Da's proportion flew out, which shows that this person definitely has two hits, and not only that this person has two hits, the strength of the other person should not be underestimated, and the other person's long knife has been cut by a knife, and Qian Da also felt the air resistance in front. With obvious changes, this knife seems to completely cut through the surrounding air. This trick is actually the legendary knife gas. Similar to air chopping, it can throw the knife away from a long distance to kill invisible tricks. Of course, this trick can only be used by experts. , But in other words, this skill can be used after reaching a certain level of strength. Although there is nothing strange, but there can be people with such skill in this restricted area, even if it is very strange, so Qian Da two words Not to mention using the knife holder to open the front blade of the man, while turning around, he also throws out an invisible blade, causing the two extremely fast air to hit each other.

At the same time, after a huge impact sound, I saw two cold lights flashing in front and the two weapons were directly facing each other. Except for a loud metal impact sound, the man in front was cut by Qian Da His body directly flew more than one meter away, and at the same time, Qianda turned a knife body to directly block the attack of another person. In this way, the two people simultaneously used their own moves to launch a very strong attack on Qianda.

These two people are not completely ordinary people either. Their positions and abilities are very special. They belong to the semi-power, they are not fully innate, nor are they the type of humans that need to activate sleeping innate abilities. They belong to A special race of half-powered people and half-ordinary people. The strength of this person is actually not as strong as a strengthened gene, but these two are a few other members of this type of person, and they are also more than real. There are very few strong people among the slightly stronger types of ordinary human beings, and this kind of strong people is also the strength obtained through continuous efforts.

These two are a pair of twins. Although their abilities are different, they cooperate very well at the same time. Therefore, the two often team up to kill, and the strength of a single one is very strong. Once both are in strength, they will become The strong is very ridiculous, and the two are completely different, but the appearance is very similar, making it difficult for the opponent to distinguish which is which, and they are also strengthened by Mu Lanni’s arm muscles by drugs alone. This technology has so far been four. The big family has not developed it, it can be seen that Lanlan is definitely a rare wizard.

Of course, Qian Da also found that these two are not easy to deal with, so Qian Da's expression also became more serious. Of course, Chen Tian was also divided in the process of chasing Lanlani. In fact, Chen Tian also understood As long as the chase definitely catches his trap, but in Chen Tian’s eyes, the people I’ve been able to deal with are not something that ordinary people like you can solve, and I said that if I want to step you down within two days, I will definitely come here with Ye Minyu and others. At that time, all of you will be solved, otherwise where will I put my prestige, a person without prestige cannot be a big deal, so Chen Tian must solve everyone here before dawn to after dawn, otherwise the two-day deadline It's over.

So Chen Tianming knew that this was definitely Lan Lanni’s strategy, but Chen Tian still chased and acquiesced the people behind him with him, because Chen Tian felt that the strength of these people could definitely cope with the trap, so Chen Tian was relieved Just chasing you, as long as you catch or solve you alive, you can go with Ye Minyu.

So Chen Tian desperately chased to Lan Lanni, but what Chen Tian didn't expect was that the kid's running speed was so fast, that Chen Tian didn't catch up after five minutes, which also made Chen Tian The heart is a little impatient, because Chen Tian is too much to catch up with Lan Lan at this time, so this running speed has not been caught up with such strange details, Chen Tian did not even think or feel the first time problem.

Chen Tian, ​​who was not catching up, immediately stretched his right arm forward and pierced out of the body with blood as a sharp edge. The sprinting forward, Lanlan Ni, directly drove past, what Chen Tian didn’t expect was that Lanlanni did not Avoiding, Chen Tian’s idea at this time is that he escaped too focused and didn’t find it at all, probably because it was too frightening for me, but when I knew that Chen Lan immediately came behind Chen Lanni, he suddenly stopped and turned his hands. All grasped the position of the tip of the **** tentacles of Chen Tianshe's bleeding blade, and then turned back, which also dragged Chen Tian's entire body from the ground into the air and fell heavily on the ground, with a loud bang Chen Tian directly hit a very deep pit.

Chen Tian didn't expect this guy to come in such a hand, and Chen Tian's trick was that an ordinary person should not be able to hide at all. Even if he happened to hide, what happened to this sudden attack on me was just what Chen Tian thought At this moment when he had to bend his knees and jump up directly, suddenly Lanlan jumped in directly from above.

Chen Tian felt wrong and immediately liquefied the whole body to make the attack of Li Lanni. The impact from the top hit the Chen Li that liquefied into red blood. All of them flew into the air, and these countless blood drops were flying in the air. After the combination, Chen Tian formed a human figure and stretched out his wings directly behind the air.

But at this time, Lan Lanyi was in the pit that Chen Tian had just smashed. He also looked up directly after he smashed Chen Tian into a red liquid. His expression immediately became heavy, because the flying blood from Formed a humanoid and stretched out a pair of blood wings from behind.

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