Killing God Island

Chapter 823: Tiantian Chen. Special races among ordinary people 2

Chen Tian desperately chased in the direction of Lan Lanni, but what Chen Tian didn't expect was that the boy's running speed was so fast, that Chen Tian didn't catch up after five minutes, which also made Chen Tian The heart is a little impatient, because Chen Tian is too much to catch up with Lan Lan at this time, so this running speed has not been caught up with such strange details, Chen Tian did not even think or feel the first time problem.

Chen Tian, ​​who was not catching up, immediately stretched his right arm forward and pierced out of the body with blood as a sharp edge. The sprinting forward, Lanlan Ni, directly drove past, what Chen Tian didn’t expect was that Lanlanni did not To avoid, Chen Tian’s thought at this time was that he escaped too focused and did not find it at all. He felt that it might be caused by too much fear for me, but when I knew that Chen Tian was behind him, Lanlan suddenly stopped. One turned both hands and grabbed the position of the tip of the **** tentacles of Chen Tianshe's bleeding blade, and then turned back, which also dragged Chen Tian's entire body from the ground into the air and fell heavily on the ground. On the ground, Chen Tian directly smashed a very deep pit.

Chen Tian didn't expect this guy to come in such a hand, and Chen Tian's trick was that an ordinary person should not be able to hide at all. Even if he happened to hide, what happened to this sudden attack on me was just what Chen Tian thought At this moment when he had to bend his knees and jump up directly, suddenly Lanlan jumped in directly from above.

Chen Tian felt wrong and immediately liquefied the whole body to make Lan Lan attack this attack. The impact from the top hit the Chen Li that liquefied into red blood. All of them flew into the air, and these countless blood drops were flying in the air. After the combination, Chen Tian formed a human figure and stretched out his wings directly behind the air.

But at this time, Lan Lanyi was in the pit just smashed by Chen Tian. He also looked up directly after he smashed Chen Tian into a red liquid. His expression immediately became heavy, because the flying blood from Forming a humanoid form gradually began to show a pair of blood wings from behind Chen Tian.

When Lan Lanyi looked up, he already felt that something was wrong. Before he jumped out of the pit, Chen Tian was already unfolding from the blood behind the upper and upper side, while the blood was directly stretching through the wings behind the way of penetration Stretching down and forming a red sharp blood spur, shot into the similar pit as if ten thousand arrows.

It was too late for Lan Lanni to want to jump at this time, but he saw his whole body stretched out in place instantly and spun at a very fast speed. Chen Tian did not expect this kid to have such a skill. The air around him formed a strong airflow similar to a tornado. This airflow blew from the bottom to the top, hitting the blood tip of Chen Tian’s wings.

The two forces confronted each other in the middle for three minutes, and finally exploded from the middle. The original pit on the ground expanded even more. Of course, except for the accident above, both of them were affected by these two shocks. The deeper pit was blown out below, and Chen Tian was also unable to escape the fight of the explosion. The whole person was blown out for a long distance. The left arm of the blood wing behind was blown up, and the lower part of the Lan Lan Ni was much lighter than Chen Tian’s injury. At least his limbs were still intact but his coat was blown away. The naked upper body was blasted with blood. Although we can see that many wounds are bleeding, they are all skin traumas. Although Chen Tian looks miserably bombed, Chen Tian’s repair ability is absolutely invincible. The arm that was lost just because he was swept in by the sky has been repaired as soon as he hit the ground, and Chen Tian’s wounds cannot be found. .

Although Chen Tian’s ability to repair is quite good, but it is still very physical to repair his broken limb instantly. Without the continuous endurance of external blood absorption and recovery, Chen Tian repairs his body in this instant way of repairing his body. It is equivalent to an ordinary person's state after a quick sprint 500 meters. Although the state of the whole body is still not affected too much, he will gasp out and be very tired, and Chen Tian's state is like this at this time.

And Lan Lanyi’s condition is not so good. He is now in a very unoptimistic form. The best he can fight is the twin brothers. At this time, he is working together to deal with Qian Da, and the rest are basically some waste. In addition to the large number of people, it is actually useless. After all, in addition to the accidents of Qianda and Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Angelina are also quite strong, and although Yao Jun and Wu Yifan cannot be described as strong words in the people However, the actual combat ability is also that the general enhanced stronger than the two are not opponents, not to mention the current opponents are all ordinary people.

At this time, Qian Da's twin brothers are fighting, although others don't know that the twins are also quite strong, but they fully believe that Qian Da can absolutely calm the two people, and Chen Tiankuang chased with Wang Lanni and so on. People pulled away a distance, but for them, this distance is just two or three minutes away, but Angelina and Xu Shun believe that Chen Tian is just like believing in Qian Da, so they have no plans to intervene in the past. Chen Tian fights with Lan Lan.

Of course, they also know Chen Tian's temper. In the face of opponents' heads-up, Chen Tian likes fair and fair duel to take the opponent's persuasion orally, and Angelina and Xu Shun who have followed Chen Tian for a long time also know this Point, so they followed more to assist Chen Tian to help him deal with the rest of the people who wanted to take the opportunity to attack him. Such people really exist. In fact, besides the left and right hands that Lan Lanni has been helping him with, there are three other good managers In fact, the two are twin brothers who are fighting with Qianda. These two generals are very strong in frontal fighting. There is also a legendary person who is very powerful in the distance. This person is the strongest sniper under Lanlan Hand, known as the genius sniper Lin Xue.

However, Lin Xue didn't shoot at a long distance, because the sniper exposed her position as soon as she shot, so she shot a shot in Xu Shan's leg except when Chen Tian's group had not fully entered. Basically, I haven’t fired a shot. Until now, Lin Xue is still hiding at a sniper point far away from here. Besides Han Xue, of course, there are at least ten snipers, of course. The hidden places are not even clear to them.

Of course, these people are also waiting for the command gestures of Lan Lanni. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Lan Lanni to let these people snipers shoot in such a hurry. Lan Lanni is to keep these people who can cause instant fatal to them. Use it at the end. If you don’t need it, you don’t need it.

Of course, Xu Xuan and Angelina must also be blocked by someone else, otherwise, although Lan Lanni can fight hard with Chen Tian by virtue of her innate ability, but once Xu Xuan and Angelina join in, Lan Lan Ni immediately couldn't withstand it, and for Lanlani's explosion just left him with some injuries.

The most important thing is that he is different from Chen Tian. He can fight hard with Chen Tian in addition to his own strong ability, but also because he has never been defeated since entering the island. But although he has good ability and skill, he Lan Ni lacks the ability to strengthen people's self-healing ability. The speed of his recovery after injury is the same as that of ordinary people. As long as he receives a little serious injury, he will be killed like ordinary people, but his ability cannot help him short. Recover the wound within a period of time, but it can help him suffer a lot of injuries. His innate ability is called acceleration, that is, he will use the speed of his punch or take a variety of postures, such as just forming a tornado. At the same time as speed, the power to increase this speed and the power formed by turning it out several times will attack. At the same time, this ability of Lanlan can increase his speed while also increasing the speed and some parts of himself. Hardness, if you don't have enough hardness, you can't use this ability fundamentally.

Acceleration is to amplify various potentials of various self-attacks to attack. As long as you do not exceed your physical fitness limit, you can increase the speed multiplier on the basis of the original force, but the faster the speed, the damage to your body caused by the opponent is also relative. At the same time, while increasing his own speed and other factors, his own bones and attack parts will also increase the relative hardness of the same proportion, and even his acceleration force can make him wear ten centimeters of steel plate.

This is the natural ability of Lan Lanni, and it is precisely because he has the acceleration power that it is the main reason why Chen Tian’s physique after evolution wants to catch up with him, but he can’t keep up. In fact, even if Chen Tian opens Chi Zi The state of rapid increase in state speed can not keep up with Lu Lanni.

A person who can barely catch up to his speed is probably only at Zhuo Wenxin's speed. The rest of them basically can't catch up with him under the acceleration of Lu Lanni.

Although Lan Lanni has such a powerful ability, he can’t stand Xu Shun’s toughened war bones and Angelina’s arrogant and invisible calculations, so he wants to defend it and talk to Chen Tian and others The conditions must be to subdue Chen Tian or beat these people out before it is possible. If you can't do it, at least you have to leave yourself a way out from here.

After all, Chen Lanni and Chen Tian are people with persistent ideas. In order to be able to leave this island to see if his sister is still alive, Chen Tian must spare no effort to kill some people in order to leave this island. After all, everyone here has their own selfishness.

However, Lan Lanyi chose to come to this island to develop drugs for strengthening people, and his enemies and ideas are even more difficult to achieve than Chen Tian’s. He wants to use his own research projects to restrain the strengthening people to deal with the four majors. Family, after all, his own parents were scientists who worked for four people from the beginning, but he was killed by the four big family members in order to seal up, and even everyone in the family was killed, even his six-year-old brother. I haven’t let it go. If you don’t have to go abroad to study abroad, you can’t escape your life, but you haven’t stopped. After all, with the strength of the four big families, it is impossible to find out that he still has a son who is studying abroad. The killer is going to kill Lu Lanni, but it is...

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