Killing God Island

Chapter 821: Chen Tianpian. Each shows its ability 5

Chen Tian looked at Angelina, Xu Shun, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, and raised her right arm directly and said loudly with the gesture of knocking with the middle finger: "The beauty you want, I want to accept us as your little brother, I am afraid you are not enough This qualification, and I have to add you a sentence, we come to let you die, my task is to never find your organization in this piece.

In other words... this time we came to kill you all. "Chen Tiangang finished this sentence, Qian Da suddenly walked in front of Chen Tian and said: "What else do you say to them, you can't use your mouth to say death to him, everything must not be solved by the gun in our hands?" Go away! "

In this way, Qian Da took the lead before Chen Tian and walked forward. At this moment, Chen Tian directly grabbed Qian Da and asked Qian Da to wait for him here, because Chen Tian did not want to let Miss Qian Da Risking, after all, his own body genes have basically been recovered, which means that nothing can cause great damage to him for a moment, so Chen Tian decided to use his own to detect the hidden position and Decrease the strength of the opponent.

So Chen Tian wanted to hold Qian Da, just to let this kind of dangerous thing to do by herself, who knows that Qian Da went straight forward without fear, Chen Tian wanted to hold her, but she has already The front was almost gone, but the empty Zhou Lang ground and the two sides in front of it were really murderous, because all the fronts were hidden devices, and even the enhancement of the people's intentions would die instantly.

For Qian Da, she didn't know that she was afraid since she was small, and there were too many masters around her. Qian Da's family is one of the four major families, the Qian Da. The Wilson family, in the family A master who can be as famous as the top ten in the world, such as the top master in the world, down to her servants are skilled, and her hair is still one of the top ten in the world, and even the people who come to the island are also strong. She's a borderless person, so Qianda grew up, she really didn't fear anyone, so it caused her character to be very cold.

I saw Qianda walking forward step by step with a long knife. Chen Tiangang wanted to follow her, and found that she had touched the organ under her feet, and distributed all kinds of hidden weapons that fired densely on all sides. Because everyone came in, so everyone together All received the attack. I saw Qian Da holding a long knife in front of him, waving all kinds of hidden weapons flying around with a knife, and Chen Tian was directly, using his own ability to blood Boundary, let his whole body turn red after an instant, and let all kinds of weapons pass through his body normally, but did not cause him a little damage.

Xu Xun opened the toughened palm and used the two bone wings stretched behind as a shield to easily block the attacks of these hidden weapons, while Angelina and Han Li, as well as Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, were as obvious as the Eight Immortals crossing the sea. Can avoid these hidden weapon attacks, these people are thanks to people with good skills, otherwise they have already been pierced into a horse honeycomb, Qian Da, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, these three do indeed take advantage of their own ways to easily escape .

And Angelina instantly formed countless blades and super-dense spider silks around them, let these hidden weapons hit the spider silks and pop up or reduce the attack strength or slow down the attack strength, and then bounced around through the toughness of the spider silk. , Yao Jun is very smart. Of course he knows the number of these hidden weapons. Even if he can use seven knives in battle at the same time, it is impossible to completely block these hidden weapons. So he jumped directly around Angelina and followed Angelina. His members for so long are of course well aware of Angelina's abilities.

Ordinary people may not know what Angelina relied on to prevent flying and hurt people, but of course Yao Jun, the earliest member of Chen Tian’s group, knew very well the ability of Angelina who also joined very early, so he chose to come first Going to Angelina to seek refuge is also an affirmation of Angelina's ability.

However, his judgment did save his life. Angelina knew that she came to seek her protection, so she formed a protective layer of silk around Yao Jun. Although Han Li’s strength is In the kind of self-protection, although facing various dense weapon attacks, Han Li's tail can encircle her body, and her tail can be defensive in addition to attacking, and can also be cut off by itself.

At this time, all kinds of hidden weapon snakes came from the front, back, left, and right. There are not many painful nerves in Li's tail, it was originally used for attacking the soft tail, so even if the tail is inflated to block these hidden weapons, it is okay to disconnect it from the body and grow out on its own.

As for Wu Yifan, he likes to be handsome. Although he can’t compare with the three-strength of Chen Tian’s team in terms of combat effectiveness, his mechanical arm crushing ability is still very strong. When Wu Yifan found that many flying weapons came around The reaction is that all these things must be fluttered with a mechanical arm, otherwise it will die without being so dense, so Wu Yifan hit the ground with a scrupulous world, and he wanted to pass the powerful vibration around him, and the airflow that appeared directly To stop and shock fly these hidden weapons, Wu Yifan Xiang did not want to directly hit the ground with a punch.

But the reason why Wu Yifan’s mechanical arm hits the ground will be so powerful, because the mechanical arm has a very powerful passive ability called smashing, that is, what it hits will not only bear a considerable impact of power but also Critical strikes and splits, of course, are mostly split attacks, and this time he used his own killer to shake the ground for his own protection.

Although this trick really helped him to get rid of the honeycomb that was hidden by these hidden weapons, Chen Tian and others were shot forward by Wu Yifan and hit the wall heavily and then fell to the ground again. Thanks to everyone's strengthening of the physique, otherwise ordinary people would have been in the hospital for a while.

Because of Wu Yifan's fist, Chen Tian and others were not spared all of them by the unexpected punch, and they all hit the wall one by one, but these people did not blame He, only Chen Tian said: "Get rid of you and estimate that we are using this trick."

Of course, except Qian Da, these people all showed their own self-protection in the first place. Only after Qian Da had straightened out everything in front of him, he said to Chen Tian and others, "You can go, you still have When will you be on alert?" Qian Da's words embarrassed everyone who evaded in various poses.

Qian Da still walked forward with a knife in hand, Chen Tian followed behind Qian Da, because Chen Tian also knew that the woman's character was very arrogant, she was absolutely dissatisfied with the strength of her man Yes, and of course Chen Tian knows that at this time, even if he has developed the full potential of the whole body, he may not be the opponent of Qian Da, so Chen Tian will always follow behind Qian Da, Chen Tian does not care who takes this head, as long as he can It is okay to wipe out all the people in this restricted area or evacuate them, but as long as the status quo is not included.

So Chen Tian held the idea that one more thing was better than one less, so he always followed behind Qian Da, and at this time Qian Da alone broke all the hidden tools of this passage until Qian Da and everyone saw a door in front, and had not waited. In the past, Chen Tian surveyed and cut the door in half by Qian Da's very violent knife.

After the front door was cut open by Qianda, what he did not expect was that after entering this place, the inside was not a building, but rather a cave-like outside. This place looks very fresh like a big forest. At first, everyone thought that everyone was in illusion, but in fact it was not an illusion, it was really outside, and the people who came out of it were indeed just outside the high-tech laboratory.

And you can smell very clear air. Although you can’t believe that everything in front of you is true, you have to believe that what is in front of you is really not an illusion. A good-looking sofa, and the person sitting on that sand is the commander of the penalty zone, the commander-in-chief Lan Lanni.

And you can smell very clear air. Although you can’t believe that everything in front of you is true, you have to believe that what is in front of you is not an illusion. At the same time, there is a place that looks very less than 300 meters in front. On the luxurious sofa, is sitting the commander of the restricted area, Lan Lanyi.

But everyone in the penalty area called him a handsome, and his real name was Lan Lanyi, not only the leader of the penalty area, but he is also a genius. He not only has a high level of knowledge, but also wisdom. The thing is that he is still able to fight, don't look at him as an ordinary person, but he is very different from ordinary people in the conventional sense.

Because Lu Lanni has the ability that ordinary people can't have since childhood, that is, the so-called mutants are also called super-power owners. This kind of ability is born, and it is much better than the ability generated by these acquired strengthening genes. Times, this natural ability is already rare, so people who can have this ability are generally very strong, of course, this natural ability is also divided into two types, one is pure innate ability, and the other is In the later stage, the awakening possesses super powers. Basically, the second kind of abilities have their own abilities, but they have never been aware of themselves. Some people may never know that they are born with super powers.

Because this kind of superpower awakening is indefinite, when it can be awakened is unknown, so this kind of ability is more difficult to be discovered than the innate ability. Chen Tian’s ability to fight is exactly the same as his kind of ability. It is the stronger power obtained through the later genetic awakening mutation.

Therefore, Lanlani will sit firmly in this restricted area for so long. Of course, in addition to this point, Lanlani is indeed a very outstanding person. He is proficient in various technologies before the age of 30. Of course, if his own combat power is not For these ordinary people, it is absolutely possible to create a force of their own within the t zone, but for these ordinary people, they have been here for three years.

But he didn’t do it for these ordinary people. In fact, he also did it for himself. Because his parents died after being tested by the four big families, he tried to come here and steal it in order to get revenge. Some of the scientific research technologies of the four big families want to create drugs that completely resist or weaken these fortifying people.

Although the four major families are also developing this drug, they have not developed it comprehensively, at most it will only work for ordinary mid-range strengthened talents, and it will temporarily weaken their physical strength and ability, and they cannot be completely suppressed. And change back to the level of ordinary people.

Therefore, Lan Lan is still developing this drug, trying to develop a mystery that can completely deal with the gene strengthening of the four families, and trying to destroy the god-making plan implemented by the four families on the killing island, so he is still very purposeful. He came here sexually, but it was a pity that he was in the process of research and development, but because he blocked the direction of Chen Tian's group and others, Ye Minyu sent Chen Tian and others to solve him.

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