Killing God Island

Chapter 809: Chen Tianpian. Extremely Critical 2

There are so many people who died here. Blood flows everywhere. Chen Tian has already started the blood river killing. Unfortunately, Chen Tian even cannot control the blood control ability of the most basic blood color limit ability, and the body repair ability is also halved, including physical strength. Both speed and responsiveness have declined, thanks to Chen Tian’s super-strike resistance, or Chen Tian would have been beaten by these people. After all, Chen Tian’s fists are very powerful, but they can’t stand up to many people. With so many people surrounding her, Chen Tian is now unable to use the scarlet boundaries and the power of Chi Zi, and the surrounded him is punched and kicked by many people, and even scars such as knives and sticks really angered Chen Tian, ​​Chen Tian Yuan had always been relying on fists to fight against them with super strong force.

But now Chen Tian can’t do it at all. After all, Xu Shun, Angelina, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan are on the brink of danger, so Chen Tian wants to rush over to support him, but they are blocked by these people. The way back, this time really anxious Chen Tian, ​​it seems that so far it has evolved into a problem that cannot be solved with fists, so Chen Tian directly pulled out his weapon Yinlong dump stick, generally Chen Tian is exhausted Or a weapon that will only be used in a real battle with your opponent.

This time, Chen Tian couldn’t watch the friends who walked with him half-dangerously, so Chen Tian pulled out his swing stick and waved his right hand directly for three quarters. The handsome half-meter long swing stick engraved with the dragon’s body pattern was very handsome. The power of this stick rejection can greatly enhance Chen Tian's actual combat ability.

Chen Tian is usually not used very much, but now Chen Tian is used to fight these ordinary miscellaneous soldiers, this time the effect is completely different, no matter whether it is a man, a knife or other weapons, Chen Tian will be beaten He fell directly to the ground and could not get up. The sword or weapon was also killed by Chen Tian's flying knife.

Chen Tian's combat strength is indeed very strong. This is the chief of these people who is going to the base headquarters. He is now known as the handsome. He is now watching Chen Tian's battle of hundreds of people. Chen Tian's battle at this time is like The wolf enters the flock with a sense of defeat and no pressure. This powerful side is like a wild beast with the same hair.

Seeing that Chen Tian still has such a powerful left and right hand, he glanced at each other. These two are the best left and right hands of the head coach, named Kent Jimus and Galvesson.

"What's going on with this medicine, how can this kid still have such a high fighting power?"

"That kid should only have a stronger physique, and he will not be able to completely weaken him in a while. There are other women with Japanese swords on the other side. The drug should not be too big for them, so they deal with these two. Individuals should choose one to isolate them so that they cannot access the rest of their weakened companions, and they must now be completely separated from them, otherwise our manpower will be seriously injured." Kent Jimu said this sentence Si Ta is the think tank and combatant around the coach, and is also considered to be the coach's left hand.

And Galvison is very capable, and his ability to handle things is quite reliable, so he is also appreciated by the coach, and he is recognized as the right hand of the coach in the organization. When he listened to the words of Te Jimus In combination with the combat effectiveness of Chen Tian he saw in his personal observation, it is true that these people can't stop it, and the most tricky thing is that there is a long-haired woman over there who looks very powerful.

So Galvison said directly: "I remember we seem to have several high-tech weapons, mechanical warfare combinations, the five chariots that look up at the super handsome and very popular?"

Galvison knew that there were five very aggressive and chaotic vehicles, high-tech weapons belonging to the mechanical warfare class, and five people were assigned to use them in practice, so he only mentioned this matter to Kent Jimus. Of course, Kent Jimus also knows this, but because the rider is very difficult to operate, he has practiced for only a few months at the beginning, but the exercises are not really involved in actual combat. "Yes, yes, that is, I haven't participated in actual combat, and I trained for a few months at the beginning. I don't know if it really works in practice now."

"It's okay! Isn't this the best opportunity for actual combat? And I really want to see how the five tanks are so handsome and handsome. When actually used in combat, will it be as strong as his appearance. ."

Kent Jimus smiled slightly and replied: "It may not be as you think, but it can really solve the urgent need, so that the ugly boy and the girl with the knife, let them be together, which is also convenient for this stage of the tank to cooperate in combat. And the most important thing is that these five tanks can be transformed into a super robot, which looks very domineering like Gundam and Transformers."

Of course, Galvison agreed with Kent Jimus, and the two of them informed the staff to go directly and take out the high-end politeness developed by the five big four families that were considered secret weapons to them. High-tech tank-type super-pull weapons, but in order to allow these ordinary people to live longer here, they deliberately put the five magic weapons used to save life and drive down the enemy.

The five chariots were dispatched in the normal steps through verbal permission from the commander-in-chief, but the emergency situation directly dispatched the five chariots that looked very handsome and the drivers in these five chariots were all cadres. Members of the general level can't control this kind of thing at all. This requires super fast response ability and talents with super learning ability to control.

At this time, Chen Tian was very angry and wanted to support his companions. The Yinlong swing stick in his hand did not know how many people were killed. The Yinlong swing stick was already full of blood, but this was in no way. Can’t hold Chen Tian’s pace forward. Chen Tian is really throwing his stick down at this time. There are not many people who can completely stop Chen Tian’s blow. In fact, Chen Tian’s current combat effectiveness, speed, and various abilities are compared with those just now. There is a clear decline.

This also proves that it is not that the drug does not work for Chen Tian, ​​but that Chen Tian has a strong constitution. The drug cannot take effect for him temporarily, but with the passage of time, Chen Tian also vaguely felt his fatigue, but at this time Chen Surrounded by the crowd, there can be no time for rest, and the other party cannot see that his physical strength is weak, so Chen Tiancai will use his silver dragon to throw a fatal attack on the person in front. Chen Tianwei is Create this powerful effect of seeing people in seconds, so that the rest of the people are afraid of their own behavior, so that they can not only cover up their physical weakness, but also scare away many enemies. After a second of them, the rest of them were afraid when they saw it. After all, no one wanted to die next time. It was me.

Just when Chen Tian loved and slapped several people in a crazy slaughter, I suddenly heard someone shouting and flashed me away. Due to the large number of people around, in Chen Tian’s eyes, all of them were centered on him. So when he heard this sentence, Chen Tian thought that there would be some powerful people who would single out with himself, or those two would have to take action in person. Since the people around him still did not completely withdraw, Chen Tian only listened When I arrived at this sentence, I didn’t see anybody. It was really called that I didn’t see him first and asked his voice first. At that time, Chen Tian suddenly felt a black shadow suddenly appearing around him, and Chen Tian subconsciously looked up. Look.

There is a behemoth directly down from there. At least two meters above the tank, Chen Tian didn’t see it. Now he’s falling from above to crush his tank. He can only see that the tank is full of sharp similar tanks. Chen Tian felt uncomfortable and immediately jumped forward and stepped on these people’s heads and shoulders to avoid it. After all, Chen Tian can’t use the blood boundary to repair only half of it, if it is crushed to crush it may not be necessary It's as safe as before.

So Chen Tian jumped directly to avoid, and had to be afraid of this thing, if it was pressed, it would be crushed into a slime, so Chen Tian jumped less than three seconds, and this thing made a dull sound from above. Pressed down, at the same time, Chen Tian was very annoyed by the huge engine sound. The silver dragon swing stick in Chen Tian’s hand was extraordinary in hardness. Even if the other party was a steel plate chariot, Chen Tian’s silver dragon swing stick could be easily damaged. The hardness of the dragon swing stick is very powerful, so Chen Tian still jumped and landed, turned back and lifted the silver dragon swing stick in his hand to throw out a large-scale attack of 360 degrees, and he would want to attack him at the same time. The people waited to jump again after they were all overthrown, and Chen Tian jumped to attack in the direction of the chariot in front of him, which seemed to be really windy, and all around the chariot seemed to cause a very domineering sharp blade. The whole car is made of silver shiny metal, and the shape looks more like a combat sports car with a very exaggerated design.

Although Chen Tian’s body was weakened, even if he didn’t strengthen his body, he often fought more than human physique. Even if his physical physique is weak, it can't be compared with the physical performance of the previously evolved gene cells. This was done, but what Chen Tian did not expect was that the outer surface hardness of this tank was far beyond Chen Tian’s imagination, even his Silver Dragon swing stick could not destroy it. Chen Tian used such a big The strength only left a dent less than five centimeters on the surface of the tank. At the same time, the front cover of the tank was turned, and countless very sharp blades stood upright, forcing Chen Tian to jump and leave again. Above the chariot, at the same time, the chariot can be deformed. Just when Chen Tian jumped, the chariot suddenly deformed to form a very exaggerated unicorn tip, and a woman was driving in the driver's position.

It is said that the female driver is not very good at driving, but Chen Tian has to admire the woman’s driving skills. This woman’s skill is very skilled. Chen Tian just jumped and she turned the front of the car and changed the car into another form and shifted the gear. Reversing and using a perfect jumper, let a row of chain-type car sites stand upright, and let the car directly change form in the air in the standing state. At the moment when Chen Tian jumped up and did not land, right Chen Tian launched an attack and went directly to Chen Tianza in the air in a rotating unicorn state.

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