Killing God Island

Chapter 808: Chen Tianpian. Extremely Critical

None of the seven people surrounded by Chen Tian who gave up in the middle completely gave up resistance, and each one continued to fight these people as he had not heard.

Especially the sword in Qianda's hand, after a while, all the rows of people who attacked him were cut into the air. Although Qianda was also a strengthened person, her weak power could not prevent her from killing the fighting force. Seeing her so crazy More than a dozen people used machine guns to shoot at Qianda immediately, and saw that Qianda directly slashed forward with a knife. The bullet speed of the machine gun even blocked Qianda’s knife and rushed straight to him. They directly cut the bodies of these people and their machine guns in half. At the same time, Wu Yifan also felt that his body was a bit uncomfortable. Because the genetic evolution of his body and Yao Jun’s body was not very high, so this drug was weakened. It seems that some physical strength has gone down.

Of course, these people are not stupid. Chen Tian and Xu Shun and Qian Da and Han Li are as if this drug did not work for them, so they are still fighting these people, but Wu Yifan and Yao Jun are very Obviously, compared with the previous post, the weakness of the body made Yao Jun's hand trembling constantly, and Wu Yifan was good at melee, and now he feels that his body is very tired, and his reaction ability or body speed seems to be instantaneous. It's the same time.

So the two of them let the leader left and right, and found that the latter two directly waved to this person at the same time, and their men immediately launched a more crazy attack on the two. Due to the fact that there are too many people, these two have no life for the time being. Dangerous, but has suffered various injuries.

At that moment someone shouted loudly, "Neither of them is going to do it anymore. You still have a melodrama with him. Are you afraid that the dog will jump over the wall and let any of you die with him? Just deal with such a person and just use a machine gun, just say this In the sentence, Huang Mao and the others let all the people in front avoid them, and then they fired their guns at the tired Wu Yifan and Yao Jun.

The current Yao Jun and Wu Yifan's body cells are weak, as if they were seriously injured, and they have no strength to escape. They have no need to face the machine gun. They just closed their eyes in despair, and suddenly Angelina appeared and waved with both hands. The surroundings were instantly covered with spider silk, and the machine gun bullets that were fired were also shot forward, and were subjected to low-grade and interception by many spider silks. The speed of the bullets has been slowed down very slowly, but the bullets are still moving forward and there is no sign of falling. , Until she was about to hit Angelina, I saw her hands pulled in the air, and when others saw her stretched out from the air, it was not the scene they saw in her eyes, she was not stretched out of thin air. It’s because she covered her spider silk around her within a short time of appearance. Because Angelina’s spider silk is very thin and transparent, the eyesight of these ordinary people can’t be seen at all, plus Angelina’s Her own spider silk ability is very strong, and she can directly split people with spider silk, not to mention bullets. She stretched her hands to both sides and directly redirected all the flying bullets, turning Angelina’s own spider. The strings of silk bows and arrows reflected all the dozens of bullets flying back.

So these people did not have time to react, they were hit by the bullets they just fired and fell to the ground, and Angelina not only rebounded the bullets with spider silk, he jumped on his feet and stepped on the spider. While the silk jumped up, it was not full of spider silks in the air either. The spider silks were connected together, letting others see Angelina thought she could walk out of thin air. In fact, she just stepped on her own spider silk.

At the same time, the spider silk emitted from Angelina as the center caused the people below to be split inexplicably, making people seem to have a strange phenomenon. In fact, it is just the spider silk that they cannot see in their right eye. The super-elastic ejection, the instantaneous power of Angelina spider silk ejection from above, just like the blade, can easily kill and split the body of ordinary people, and it is a large-scale attack, and everyone in this area does not have an instant A person ran out, and they were all solved by the spider silk that they could not see.

And Chen Tian also raised his fists and ran forward while hitting a lot of people with his fists. Chen Tian didn’t want to really fight against these miscellaneous soldiers, but the two seemingly powerful leaders in front. Left and right hands.

Han Li’s attack did not have Qianda’s violence, nor Chen Tian’s one-on-one impact. Instead, he held a dagger with his melee combat skills and a group of men surrounding her, with a dozen and twenty skills. Fighting with these people, although this drug does affect Han Li, making her temporarily unable to use her lizard ability, but her genes are much higher than Wu Yifan and Yao Jun because of evolution, although the weakening of her body makes her feel The body is very tired, but it is not as full of support as the two people, so she is using her dagger to fight with the people in front of her in order to save her physical strength.

Another Xu Shun, who is almost as powerful as Han Li, cannot use his own toughened war bones at this time. In fact, the toughened war bones are built-in weapons, not Xu Xu’s special ability, but there are reasons why Xu Shun does not use them. What is necessary is that Xu Shun’s use of toughened war bones must have super repair capabilities, otherwise the toughened bones inside the body will pass out of his body, and the body will not heal itself and will die in front of the enemy because of excessive blood loss.

So Xu Xuan stopped using the war bones immediately after feeling that something was wrong, and instead used a machine gun picked up underground to find a hidden ground and launched a blast towards the crowd directly in front. In this state, Chen Tian now must also beware of bullets. After all, the recovery ability has been halved now, and the speed of weapons is still declining.

After Angelina solved these people with spider silk, she knelt on the ground and gasped. She was able to use spider silk not because these drugs were useless to her, but her body genetic evolution was more important than Yao Jun and Wu Yifan. A lot of nobles can force them to hold on for a while, but Angelina, who has used this trick because of her weakness, also feels that her body is weak, but these people in the restricted area gather a lot of unreinforced people.

So Angelina felt that she had just killed a lot of people, but did not expect to come out with these people again. How many people are there? Angelina stood up forcibly. Now she can no longer use the spider silk ability, but these people are equipped with this machine gun one by one. They have already fired at Angelina from a long distance. , Angelina is not stupid to see that these people have guns in their hands, immediately jumped and stepped on the spider silk they just arranged to avoid these people’s shooting, although they avoided this time, they may not be able to avoid the next Salvo of people.

Just then Xu Xun suddenly appeared, and the machine gun was also launched at the front. Although Xu Xun made a sneak attack from the diagonal rear of these people, dozens of people were shot and killed immediately after a shuttle of ammunition, but Soon he also encircled the enemy back and forth and launched continuous shots of different degrees and directions to him. Although Xu Shun had been hiding at the angle, his right leg was still shot. Although he still has a little healing ability, But now the ability to say more can make him stand and walk in front of him, and he can't get the super fast repair gene that can push the bullet out of the body with the speed at which the meat grows.

Xu Shun looked at his leg still bleeding, and also sighed to himself, it seems that I want to overturn the boat in the gutter! I didn’t expect to be surrounded, and now I can’t use the toughened war bones to spread my wings for defense. Once these people forcibly attack, I will be instantly plugged. Now the other party doesn’t know that Xu Shun’s machine gun has There was no bullet, so I approached carefully forward. If Xu knew that there was no bullet, the result would be to surround him directly and kill him indiscriminately.

So Xu Shun's face was sweating urgently now, and Chen Tian originally wanted to fight the two leading leaders who looked very good in the left and right hands, but at first glance, his form was not so optimistic, it seems that Chen Tian will be Qianda and Han Li called for help together, or this time it was really bad, and Chen Tian's original reinforcements could not easily destroy the gang of people in the restricted area because of their ability and strength, but This is not the case now. Although these people are ordinary people, they are really not a good bite. These people really use high technology to strengthen people. This kind of medicine that instantly weakens the strengthening gene really makes Chen Tian this Several people suffered from it.

If the body was not restricted by drugs, so many people died here that blood was flowing everywhere. Chen Tian had already started the blood river killing, but unfortunately Chen Tianlian’s most basic blood color limit ability cannot control his blood control ability. Moreover, the body's repairing ability is also halved, including physical strength and reaction ability. Thanks to Chen Tian's super anti-strike ability, otherwise Chen Tian would have been beaten by these people. After all, Chen Tian's fist Very strong, but also unable to stand up to many people, so many people surrounded her, Chen Tian is now unable to use the **** boundary and the power of the red child, and the surrounded him is punched and kicked by many people, and even scars such as knives and sticks It really angered Chen Tian. Chen Tian had been relying on fists to fight against them in a super strong manner.

But now Chen Tian can’t do it at all. After all, Xu Shun, Angelina, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan are on the brink of danger, so Chen Tian wants to rush over to support him, but they are blocked by these people. The way back, this time really anxious Chen Tian, ​​it seems that so far it has evolved into a problem that cannot be solved with fists, so Chen Tian directly pulled out his weapon Yinlong dump stick, generally Chen Tian is exhausted Or a weapon that will only be used in a real battle with your opponent.

This time, Chen Tian couldn’t watch the friends who walked with him half-dangerously, so Chen Tian pulled out his swing stick and waved his right hand directly for three quarters. The handsome half-meter long swing stick engraved with the dragon’s body pattern was very handsome. The power of this stick rejection can greatly enhance Chen Tian's actual combat ability.

Chen Tian is usually not used very much, but now Chen Tian is used to fight these ordinary miscellaneous soldiers, this time the effect is completely different, no matter whether it is a man, a knife or other weapons, Chen Tian will be beaten He fell directly to the ground and could not get up. The sword or weapon was also killed by Chen Tian's flying knife.

Chen Tian's combat strength is indeed very strong. This is the chief of these people who is going to the base headquarters. He is now known as the handsome. He is now watching Chen Tian's battle of hundreds of people. Chen Tian's battle at this time is like The wolf enters the flock with a sense of defeat and no pressure. This powerful side is like a wild beast with the same hair.

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