Killing God Island

Chapter 810: Chen Tianpian. Qian Da. Wilson

A giant beneath Chen Tian came directly down. At least two meters above the tank, Chen Tian didn’t see it. Now he fell from above to crush his tank. He could only see that the tank was sharp. Chen Tian felt uncomfortable and immediately jumped forward and stepped on these people’s heads and shoulders to avoid it. After all, Chen Tian could not use the blood boundary to repair only half of it, if he was pressed Cheng smash may not be as safe as before.

So Chen Tian jumped directly to avoid, and had to be afraid of this thing, if it was pressed, it would be crushed into a slime, so Chen Tian jumped less than three seconds, and this thing made a dull sound from above. Pressed down, at the same time, Chen Tian was very annoyed by the huge engine sound. The silver dragon swing stick in Chen Tian’s hand was extraordinary in hardness. Even if the other party was a steel plate chariot, Chen Tian’s silver dragon swing stick could be easily damaged. The hardness of the dragon swing stick is very powerful, so Chen Tian still jumped and landed, turned back and lifted the silver dragon swing stick in his hand to throw out a large-scale attack of 360 degrees, and he would want to attack him at the same time. The people waited to jump again after they were all overthrown, and Chen Tian jumped to attack in the direction of the chariot in front of him, which seemed to be really windy, and all around the chariot seemed to cause a very domineering sharp blade. The whole car is made of silver shiny metal, and the shape looks more like a combat sports car with a very exaggerated design.

Although Chen Tian’s body was weakened, even if he didn’t strengthen his body, he often fought more than human physique. Even if his physical physique is weak, it can't be compared with the physical performance of the previously evolved gene cells. This was done, but what Chen Tian did not expect was that the outer surface hardness of this tank was far beyond Chen Tian’s imagination, even his Silver Dragon swing stick could not destroy it. Chen Tian used such a big The strength only left a dent less than five centimeters on the surface of the tank. At the same time, the front cover of the tank was turned, and countless very sharp blades stood upright, forcing Chen Tian to jump and leave again. Above the chariot, at the same time, the chariot can be deformed. Just when Chen Tian jumped, the chariot suddenly deformed to form a very exaggerated unicorn tip, and a woman was driving in the driver's position.

It is said that the female driver is not very good at driving, but Chen Tian has to admire the woman’s driving skills. This woman’s skill is very skilled. Chen Tian just jumped and she turned the front of the car and changed the car into another form and shifted the gear. Reversing and using a perfect jumper, let a row of chain-type car sites stand upright, and let the car directly change form in the air in the standing state. At the moment when Chen Tian jumped up and did not land, right Chen Tian launched an attack and went directly to Chen Tianza in the air in a rotating unicorn state.

Chen Tian did not expect that the speed of this play should be so fast. Originally looking at the whole body of the thing, the attack speed should be awkward, but what Chen Tian did not think was that the play should move much faster than expected. And the speed is so fast that Chen Tian just jumped and hasn't landed. This thing has launched an attack on Chen Tian who has not landed. Less than three seconds before and after, Chen Tian had to turn around in the air and use the silver dragon to throw his stick. To directly counterattack, Chen Tianyong’s strength is not small, because the sharpness of the front section of this tank is indeed very great, and the back end is very thick and the front section is very thin, just like the special eye-driving tools, which must be tied to the consequences Absolutely mortal.

So Chen Tian quickly turned around in the air and swept back directly with a swing stick. Although it hit the tip, this thing is not so easy to hit with human beings. The impact of this thing’s own volume and strength makes Chen Tian really solid. The blow was not completely shot out. Although it was missed, it was still tied to Chen Tian’s chest. He instantly gave Chen Tian half of his right chest, although Chen Tian’s physical ability to resist the attack was very general. Can't make Chen Tian feel pain.

But this put his right chest pierced, and still continued to rotate forward, if in this way, Chen Tian’s half body was turned away, Chen Tian anxiously forcibly opened his **** boundary, although it could not be fully used But in this crisis state, Chen Tian also had to do so, turning his injured place into liquid blood and landing safely, but after landing, Chen Tian must quickly restore the original form of the body, or it is very easy to suddenly fail to control the blood The shape turned into a fatal defect without a half body in an instant, so after Chen Tian fell to the ground, he restored the liquid **** body to its normal body state, but although the recovered body restored itself to its original body, it seems that the body has just been pierced The right chest has completely recovered. If Chen Tian can normally use his ability, there will be no problem with instant recovery.

Now that Chen Tian seems to be recovering, it is actually just a superficial phenomenon. In fact, although Chen Tian’s injury has been healed, Chen Tian’s overall physical strength and genetic condition have fallen sharply compared with the previous one. Now Chen Tian should have already Without the physical strength that you can easily fly with a fist, although you can stand up and run at high speed, in fact, you have only less than five layers of combat power.

The battle between Qian Da and Han Li's second daughter has been fierce just now, but Han Li's strengthened cells and physical qualities are at the same level as Xu Shun. Xu Shun's body has been weakened by drugs and cannot be used. Of course, Han Li is also unable to use her abilities, but fortunately, this woman is very skilled in close combat. Although she stretches her hand well, it can’t resist the continued deterioration of the drug’s efficacy. Within 30 minutes, this drug will keep The body of the fortified person continued to weaken, so Han Li's various kinds of killing the people around him also felt that she was getting more and more tired. This kind of exhausting feeling of the whole body had not felt for a long time.

Han Li also saw the difference in her body. She originally thought that she couldn’t use her abilities. She didn’t expect that she couldn’t use her abilities. Her physical strength and various abilities, including hearing, strength, and perception ability, were all better than ordinary people. Many times, Han Li also slowly began to decline in all aspects.

The most obvious thing is the physical strength. With Han Li’s close combat ability, as long as these people with more physical strength can’t get close, even if she can’t use her own abilities, that’s how many kills come, After all, Han Li's close combat ability is at the same level as Ben Xi, and what level is Ben Xi?

Ben Xi is the most powerful type of woman under Chen Tian. She was already the number one wanted murderer before he entered the island. He was also a super potential who was trained by the direct first killer since he was a child. One of the 13 Taibaos that the big family pays attention to, and Han Li’s fighting ability is equal to that of Ben Xi, which is enough to show how strong her fighting ability is. Can easily kill any enemy around him.

As long as the physical strength can keep up, it is a pity that Han Li's physical strength can no longer keep up. If Han Li is not strengthened, Han Li can easily solve these ordinary people with bare hands. After all, most ordinary people here have not only no ability And most of them are people who can't fight, just like the old man who holds a weapon or fights. This kind of person has no combat ability and can be easily killed by using a skill without too much effort.

So even if Han Li is not a strengthened person, as long as her body is not weakened, these people can be easily solved, but unfortunately her body is much longer than Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, and there is no obvious physical failure, but the efficacy of the medicine gradually deepens over time. It made Han Li feel weak. If she had some fighting skills, she might have been beaten down by these people now.

At present, there is only one person who is fighting very bravely and has no change. It is one of the four big families. The eldest daughter of the Wilson family, Qian Da. Wilson, and her fighting power has not changed a little from the previous. It seems that this medicine is right She didn't have the slightest influence. She was still madly chopping up to the people around him, these people were really scared by this crazy woman, and they didn't dare to fight Qianda one by one. Shi Qianda was surrounded by corpses of slashed production value arms, and the sacred image of her dancing head with her dancing sword was indeed terrifying. These people who saw her combat state with her own eyes have stepped back, and she killed at least three of them. More than a hundred people, although the ordinary people in the restricted area have gathered dozens of times more than many fortified organizations, but it is not really like the older generation, and the real crowd tactics are ordered at the same time. They died too much, and they knew that they would die in the past, and they began to be timid, so as Qian Da once again slashed, and a person directly slashed from the top of the head, a knife of blood flew at the same time, and this person also instantly Qian Da was killed by her hair flying.

When Qian Da's eyes looked forward again, these people shivered all over the body and backed back continuously. After Qian Da's state of entry, she would continue to kill like Zhuo Wenxin. This kind of murder would follow Their inner excitement became more and more crazy, and at this time, the killing heart and the unstoppable Qian Da also rushed the knife directly to these people and rushed away again, showing the killing heart in their eyes, but here Suddenly a tank appeared in front of him, and the appearance of the tank was also very sudden. At this time, Qian Da and Chen Tian appeared on the side of the tank. The Qian Da and Chen Tian were attacked by the tank at the same time, and suddenly appeared. The front tip of the chariot hit directly with the blade cut by Qian Da.

Both Qianda and Chen Tian used weapons to hit the front of the chariot, but the difference was that Chen Tian did not shoot down and was injured, and after Qian Da’s knife was directly hacked on the chariot, since Qianda was very powerful since childhood, In addition to the strength that cannot be compared with the madness, the strength of the average person is simply weaker than that of her. I saw that Qianda’s knife was not only okay, but instead he chopped out the chariot directly, which directly scared the handsome. With a jump of their left and right hands, they really didn't expect this woman to have such great arm strength.

Moreover, although Qian Da is also a strengthened person, Qian Da's physique is very different from Chen Tian's bloodthirsty physique. Although the two are completely different in nature, Qian Da's strengthening is obviously different from others' strengthening. Da's fortifying gene is not afraid of this drug at all, because it is a two-level fortifying substance. Because it is different from the nature, this weak drug only works for most fortified people, including Chen Tian, ​​the strongest gene mutation synthesis fortification The body also contains a large amount of these normal strengthening cells, so it is still impossible to get rid of the fate of the body weakened by this drug.

And Qian Da not only has her body genes not weakened, but her arm strength is born, so these two points are already terrifying, plus she is not only a powerful knife, and the one who loses the knife has no combat power, she is After Ms. Zhao’s training, the melee strength is just conceivable, especially the knife she hacked out. This knife is not the strongest slash of Qian Da, but the force used by ordinary people to cut people. In fact, the Japanese knife used by Qian Da The blade is not fast, but she has seen people very hard to cause a very **** scene.

Of course, Qian Da’s knife also scared the driver of the chariot. What kind of monster is this woman? I would be stopped by a chariot that was cut with a knife for more than ten meters. Because the commander left and right feels that the most dangerous person is the woman Qian Da, so only one of the five tanks is fighting Chen Tian, ​​and the other four are attacking Qian Da holding a long knife. Unfortunately, even four The chariots were still unable to suppress Qian Da’s powerful outbreak.

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