Killing God Island

Chapter 805: Chen Tianpian. Bullying with strong

Qianda turned around and asked Chen Tian: "Can you tell me why you have to kill these people?"

After hearing this question from Chen Da, Chen Tian also said in a key point: "Because I can’t achieve my goal without killing them, and my goal is to leave the t zone, and I don’t know if you know Ye Minyu, her Wisdom is far more than ordinary people, so I think it is a trivial matter for you to help me solve this matter."

Qian Da also casually said: "It really is not a matter for us, but I have to have something important even when I rushed out at night, so I don’t want to waste my time here, and with the strength of several of you It seems to me that ordinary people with no power to kill them are as easy as killing them, so why should we shoot?"

Chen Tian still said without giving up: "That being said, but what I want is to solve these people as quickly as possible, so I want you to help us a little, and we will help you to reach each other relatively. What do you think of mutual benefit?"

"We are looking for someone!"

"Then let me guess, if I guessed right, was it the man who was super stylish last time?"


"Since it's looking for someone, it's hard to find you, but I can let Ye Minyu find the person you want to find, but the condition is to help me smooth out the ordinary people in the restricted area, and then take you to Seeing my companion Ye Minyu, she can find anyone who she is looking for, what do you think of this proposal?"

"It seems that your proposal is very good, then if you do not reach your promise afterwards, then prepare each of you for the coffin, Qian Da is very aura of speech or words and deeds, and Chen Tian heard Qianda said this, and she also walked in front of Miss Qianda and extended her hand and said: "Thank you for your trust, then let's cooperate with each other well." "After Chen Tian said this, he gestured to shake hands with Qianda."

But Qianda refused directly, which made Chen Tian feel embarrassed again, but not shaking hands did not mean that Miss Qianda refused Chen Tian’s proposal. I saw a proud look and suddenly turned around again and asked, "So When are you going to do it?"

"Of course it will be. Let's attack from the main entrance tomorrow noon!"

"Why is it noon?" Qianda asked this question with some curiosity, and Chen Tian patted her chest with her hand: "For fairness, as you said, these people are ordinary people, so I decided to experience them at noon. Fighting with them at the most prosperous time, so that is fair, what do you think?" Chen Tian looked at Qian Da, and this sentence obviously asked her.

Qianda sneered and replied: "There is no word fair in this world. In my heart, fairness is free. You think fairness is fairness. On the contrary, you feel unfair. Even fairness, you feel unfair."

"What do you mean by this?" Chen Tian squinted and asked Qian Da, and Qian Da also replied casually: "In their eyes, it is not fair to fight with us, even if they have relatively good weapons, there are The sentence is called losing at the starting line. I think you should understand the meaning of this sentence."

Just when Chen Tian thought that Qian Da had to refuse, Qian Da replied: "Anyway, I and Han Li blindly looking for madness will not have too obvious effects in a while, and it is also you to meet you here. I am destined, and I see that Han Li also has some friendships with you and is willing to help you, then I will help Han Li to help you settle this place, but afterwards, I will ask you to help me find out the whereabouts of madness, even if we exchange each other The condition is good, if you can't find me, you will blind your other eye." Chen Tian smiled slightly after listening: "Okay, then we will take a rest and prepare for tomorrow's battle." In this way, Chen Tian accidentally added two ruthless people to the team. The participation of these two people is basically a 100% certainty. Of course, Chen Tian knows these two women. Although they look like two beautiful and slim women, in fact, the strength of the two women Chen Tian has personally seen. Therefore, Chen Tian will take the initiative to invite these two people to join.

After all, these two people are the people who follow him, and how can it be possible to follow him without any strength. Of course, the momentum of the maniac is a real fear for Chen Tian. This kind of fear that goes deep into his bones is not that kind. The terrifying muscles in the body and the grim appearance on the surface. This feeling is a hidden sense of crisis that can penetrate Chen Tian’s brain nerves. Chen Tian’s feeling is actually a kind of micro-level, that is This kind of king's qi that only a few people can sense before he has awakened into the micro realm. Because the madness of the king is too strong, so there are only two people who are really afraid of Chen Tian, ​​one is madness, and the other It was Ms. Zhao.

Although there are many people in Chen Tian who have not been able to fight so far, they are not afraid, because they are only stronger than Chen Tian in terms of strength at present, and they do not have too strong king spirit. Zhuo Yanxuan also has king spirit, but he has reached To the extent that frightens Chen Tian, ​​although Zhuo Yanxuan's strength is slightly stronger than Chen Tian, ​​what really makes Chen Tian feel scared is that there are currently only ten strong players in the world.

However, after a night of rest, Chen Tian not only did not have contact fatigue, but also felt backache and leg cramps, especially the pain of some muscle strain on the waist. This pain was not Chen Tian’s injury, but yesterday and Anji Lina's crazed cracks, although the strengthened body is much better than ordinary people, so basically can come to rest for a few hours.

But Chen Tian still feels sore, that is because ordinary people may exercise hundreds of times during those few hours, but Chen Tian’s speed is still more than ten times that of ordinary people. After all, it is to strengthen the human body, so Some played too much, of course, Angelina was not happy at the time, but now Angelina also feels the same back and back pain as her body fell apart.

The rest of the people are in good condition, especially Wu Yifan is more spirited than before, that is because the woman he has always liked is beside him. This inner joy and excitement makes him keep arranging his hair. Want to let Qian Da not far away look at him more, but it is a pity that Wu Yifan is indeed long and handsome, but he has no way to attract Qian Da, it is strange to say, Wu Yifan's handsome, if not on this island, that is all Wherever you go, many girls will look at him one after another, and even some people will like his handsomeness at a glance, but Wu Yifan came to the island, but it seems less noticeable.

Angelina of her team didn't call him. Qianda's arrogance and Han Li's arrogance both made them appear to be a very personal kind of girl, and their face values ​​were also quite high, logically speaking The beauty and the handsome guy are normal, and Wu Yifan's face value is not bad, but there is no way to satisfy the three women present.

Even for others, Wu Yifan wanted to let Qian Da look at his side, but unfortunately Qian Da didn’t look at him at all, but asked Chen Tian: "Now we start, we can arrive at noon on foot. , Let’s go now!"

Chen Tian nodded, and Qian Da finished walking with Han Li at the forefront, because Wu Yifan wanted to always watch Qian Daji's every move, because watching the mood of the person he liked made him exceptionally refined. Qi Shen, Yao Jun followed, while Chen Tian, ​​Angelina and Xu Shun walked in the end.

Chen Tian and Angelina walked at the end because of some physical and mental fatigue. It seems that doing this kind of thing still hurts the body, and Xu Xun also followed at the end, because Xu Xun joined the team of Chen Tian from the beginning. Chen Tian’s younger brother, although he is very strong, still likes to walk with Chen Tian, ​​because they have a good relationship with Xu Tian. He always treats Chen Tian as his elder brother.

Although the seven people are moving forward along the way, the seven people's walking is very fast. Their walking is not just slow walking, but it seems that walking is actually like a trot. This is a very easy walk for the fortified people of their level.

However, Qian Da is not a direct descendant of the four big families. Not only is her genetically good mind and topographical kung fu also top-notch, she really rushed to the main entrance of the restricted area at exactly 12 noon as she expected.

Although Chen Tian and Angelina just started to wake up and felt backache, they have basically no such feeling after adapting to hiking, so Chen Tian, ​​Angelina and Xu Shun also walked from the back to the front , Standing in front of the front door and shouting: "Hey! Is there anyone, let you take care of things!"

Chen Tian’s shout was made with his own strength and aura. This sound wave is much stronger than the horn. As expected, half of the people could not be seen on the city wall. After Chen Tian’s voice, many people appeared. Among them, a man who looked very burly, originally thought that something serious happened outside, and it turned out that there were seven people at first sight, and these seven people also had three women, and the other four men were also not too long at all. The look of the character.

First of all, look at Chen Tian's ugly face and gritty gestures. It really looks like a little gangster, but it's just a little gangster's type of small character. Xu Shan standing next to Chen Tian, ​​then It's an otaku who seems to be very angry with books. A pair of glasses with eight Baidu looks stuck on the bridge of the nose, and Xu Xu's hair style and body shape are almost weak. Chen Tian although thin and thin, but looks and looks imposing It’s still quite like that. Although it doesn’t look very powerful, it is much better than Xu Shun’s image. Wu Yifan looks like a vase. Although he looks handsome and looks good, he looks like a male model. It also looks absolutely uncompetitive, only Yao Jun not only has the temperament of a middle-aged uncle, but after all he acts as a special force, and he is indeed a posture and temperament. It's not easy to provoke the feeling that this strong man had been a soldier in his early years, so he could see at a glance that Yao Jun was a soldier, so he immediately regarded Yao Jun as the leader of the seven-man group.

As for Qian Da, Han Li and Angelina...

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