Killing God Island

Chapter 806: Chen Tian Pian. To bully 2

Wu Yifan wanted to let Qian Da look at her side, but unfortunately, Qian Da didn't look at him at all. Instead, she asked Chen Tian: "Now that we start, we can arrive at noon on foot, then we will now lets go!"

Chen Tian nodded, and Qian Da finished walking with Han Li at the forefront, because Wu Yifan wanted to always watch Qian Daji's every move, because watching the mood of the person he liked made him exceptionally refined. Qi Shen, Yao Jun followed, while Chen Tian, ​​Angelina and Xu Shun walked in the end.

Chen Tian and Angelina walked at the end because of some physical and mental fatigue. It seems that doing this kind of thing still hurts the body, and Xu Xun also followed at the end, because Xu Xun joined the team of Chen Tian from the beginning. Although Chen Tian’s younger brother is very strong, he still likes to walk with Chen Tian because they have a good relationship with Xu Tian.

Although the seven people are moving forward along the way, the seven people's walking is very fast. Their walking is not just slow walking, but it seems that walking is actually like a trot. This is a very easy walk for the fortified people of their level.

However, Qian Da is not a direct descendant of the four big families. Not only is her genetically good mind and kung fu to distinguish the terrain first-rate, she really rushed to the main entrance of the restricted area at exactly 12 noon as she expected.

Although Chen Tian and Angelina just started to wake up and felt backache, they have basically no such feeling after adapting to hiking, so Chen Tian, ​​Angelina and Xu Shun also walked from the back to the front , Standing in front of the front door and shouting: "Hey! Is there anyone, let you take care of things!"

Chen Tian’s shout was made with his own strength and aura. This sound wave is much stronger than the horn. As expected, half of the people could not be seen on the city wall. After Chen Tian’s voice, many people appeared. Among them, a man who looked very burly, originally thought that something serious happened outside, and it turned out that there were seven people at first sight, and these seven people also had three women, and the other four men were also not too long at all. The look of the character.

First of all, look at Chen Tian's ugly face and gritty gestures. It really looks like a little gangster, but it's just a little gangster's type of small character. Xu Shan standing next to Chen Tian, ​​then It's an otaku who seems to be very angry with books. A pair of glasses with eight Baidu looks stuck on the bridge of the nose, and Xu Xu's hair style and body shape are almost weak. Chen Tian although thin and thin, but looks and looks imposing It’s still quite like that. Although it doesn’t look very powerful, it is much better than Xu Shun’s image. Wu Yifan looks like a vase. Although he looks handsome and looks good, he looks like a male model. It also looks absolutely uncompetitive, only Yao Jun not only has the temperament of a middle-aged uncle, but after all he acts as a special force, and he is indeed a posture and temperament. It's not easy to provoke the feeling that this strong man had been a soldier in his early years, so he could see at a glance that Yao Jun was a soldier, so he immediately regarded Yao Jun as the leader of the seven-man group.

As for Qian Da, Han Li and Angelina did not take them seriously in the eyes of the strong man. They did not even treat them as fighting forces. They regarded them as these four men. Women looked at it, especially the three women who grew up were okay. Although Angelina’s face was a little disfigured, but from the appearance, she would wear a very strong makeup after the disfigurement, so it is impossible to look too close. Found the traces of disfigurement on Angelina’s face. Angelina was super cute and beautiful before she was disfigured. Although she looks like a little girl, she is the kind of baby face with a small body that really looks like A little loli, about 17 years old, is actually more than 20 years old.

But from the outside, she couldn't see it. At first, Chen Tian protected her because she reminded Chen Tian of her sister outside the island. Chen Tian couldn't let go of her relatives outside the island, which was why Chen Tian wanted to leave alive. The biggest reason here, of course, except for Angelina, the other two women don’t look very strong. Although they are very good, they seem to be very ordinary girls. Although Qianda has a strong temperament, her long-haired shawl and shawl are distributed. Carrying a knife in the back, the whole body sportswear looks a bit powerful, but the strong man is obviously the kind of woman who asks for advice, so although Qian Da gives everyone the impression of seeing her at first glance Very gloomy and very murderous look, after all, Qian Da has always been a very powerful murderer of the infiltrator. Her murderous character is absolutely no less than Zhuo Wenxin, Zhuo Wenxin is the kind of person who likes to kill for fun, and Qian Da is based on killing as a way of communicating with others, because she believes that she can be noisy as much as possible, so killing is very simple, and there is no need to talk about the opening words of the killing.

The strong man responded to Chen Tian’s yelling: “Who are you? Who are you yelling here, don’t want to die and hurry up.”

This strong man's voice is also quite loud, his volume is not lost to Chen Tian's volume, this sentence is also very powerful, Chen Tianzhen was out of electricity at once, Chen Tian looked embarrassed and looked at Xu Shanhe Yao Jun and Chen Tian, ​​because Chen Tian felt like being compared with this guy, Chen Tian still roared with the enhanced volume and his own strength, even letting a normal person roar directly Pressed down.

Of course, Xu Shun also felt the embarrassment of Chen Tian, ​​but it was a miracle that Chen Tian had not erupted for the time being. Of course, Chen Tian also looked at Miss Qian Da who was also calm. This big lady was also looking at this despising smile. Chen Tian.

Chen Tian had to take his face back now, so Chen Tian took a deep breath and then shouted again: "My special. It’s you. Dad, give Lao Zi. Open the door, or we will kill it. Don’t blame the corpses everywhere. I didn’t remind you. Now that the avatar has given up here, I won’t touch them. When I go in, don’t blame me for killing one!”

I don’t know how many times this volume is louder than the previous one. Because the volume is too high, everyone beside him is shocked and his hands are covering his ears and his nose is bleeding. The deputy issued an order to let him quickly notify the rest of the people to be on alert. Although he did not cover his ears, he also knew that the internal organs of his body were bleeding, so he jumped directly from above and folded his hands in the air. Fisted directly from the sky and hit Chen Tian's head below.

Chen Tian looked up so motionlessly that he didn’t even have defenses or movements, which made the brawny covered by the whole body of muscles puzzled, even when he immediately thought that he faced Chen Tian directly on his face. , Before waiting for Chen Tian to fight back against Xu Tian who was standing next to Chen Tian, ​​he cut the man directly in half over the falling sky with the blade of his tailbone. At the moment of flesh and blood flying, Chen Tian jumped back just to hide After the scattered blood, at the same time Chen Tian also blinked at Wu Yifan and Yao Jun, signaling the two to go straight on, and the two also ran quickly forward without any ambiguity.

Especially Wu Yifan wants to express herself in front of Miss Qianda, so Wu Yifan's battle at this time is many times stronger than usual. At this time, Chen Tian's people have already attacked, although Chen Tianan, Ji Lina and Xu Shun and other three major The real combat power has not been officially shot, but it has foretold that the battle has been opened. Chen Tian indicates that Qianda and Han Li can fight, but the two women still stare at the door open without moving.

In fact, the three of Chen Tianan, Gilina and Xu Shun actually waited for the door to open before they actually attacked. At the same time, Chen Tian and An Jilina and Xu Shun thought that Yao Jun and Wu Yifan were absolutely capable of smoothing out those people in the past. Open the door, if these people are not fair, they will be alive with no face, and even Chen Tian will have to consider whether they are really qualified to join this group.

Wu Yifan and Yao Jun were a very famous professional killer before they entered the island, and one was a special forces officer. These two people have absolutely strong combat capabilities, plus they are also strengthened by the body's genes, especially Wu Yifan also has a smashed Robotic arm, if these two people can't even solve these ordinary people, they might as well commit suicide, so everyone present is basically waiting in place, because they know that it is enough for the two people to open the way.

In fact, this is also the case. These people saw the two men rushing over and the leader of the strong man was instantly split in half by the person below. Due to the panic, the three machine guns shot directly down and the bullet just came over. Without waiting for the direction of Chen Tian and others, Wu Yifan was hit with a mechanical arm on the wall. This huge shock wave and smashing and splitting attack let the surrounding bullets or the surrounding smash and split and top the tower defense. The buildings seem to be changed in an instant. These people did not expect these fortified people to be so powerful. In fact, this forbidden zone is not that no fortified people can break through, but that there are no powerful fortified people to attack here, but this time is different this time. But they brought together the group led by Chen Tian.

The bullet that flew out was hit hard by Wu Yifan's ten punches, not only directly opened the front gate of the defense line, but also shocked all the dozens of people on the building above. These people accompanied the collapse of the building They dropped one after another, and Yao Jun stepped on the falling buildings and kept jumping up, and he used a knife to kill all the people who had fallen down in the air.

With the collapse of the front line of defense, a group of people who had been warned to defend the dense rear behind the machine gun and various weapons had been waiting for Chen Tian for a long time, just after the wall was collapsed by Wu Yifan's mechanical right arm. , Chen Tian immediately heard a burst of machine guns coming, and the number of machine guns this time could be completely different from the previous form. I am afraid that even if so many people fired, even if Wu Yifan was punching the same punch as just now, it would not be as good as just At close range, the bullets were crushed into metal powders, so this time these people could only ask for blessings. Wu Yifan and Yao Jun chose to hide from the walls on both sides, and Xu Xun directly unfolded the bones behind Wing blocked in front of herself and Angelina and Chen Tian.

I saw Chen Tian said: "The bullet is okay for me. You help Angelina to put some bullets first. I used to solve them all. Let me talk about it. After Chen Tian walked out, he was hit by the bullet and his body was basically hit. It’s all eyes, but Chen Tian’s repair ability can be described by the announcement. In addition to this self-repair ability, his body is not afraid of bullets running through the body, and it has been completely cured before the body bleeds.

Therefore, Chen Tian was not afraid of these people attacking with bullets. Just when Chen Tian wanted to solve these people who were still using firearms and weapons in the past, suddenly the head and even the body of the person in front of him was chopped around. Fly, even blood was sprayed on Chen Tian’s face, because just after the door completely collapsed, Qian Da had drawn the knife behind her and ran forward at the speed of the run, the bullet was not counted in Qian Da’s eyes at all What, she not only can clearly see the trajectory of the bullet, but also can use a sharp knife to split the bullet directly from the middle, and come to these people at a very fast speed, with a very violent and **** cut Strike and give these people in front a cut.

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