Killing God Island

Chapter 804: Chen Tianpian. I can only like you silently

"I don’t know why you waste your time on these useless things. Even if you save these women, they still can’t survive here. The only way to survive in the end is to survive in this form and want to change. Their destiny will make them stronger, but unfortunately we have no time to manage them."

Han Li grumbled as she walked, but she still had to obey Qian Da’s orders, otherwise she would anger the consequences of Qian Da. Of course, Han Li knew that she might not be able to survive, so she did not dare to offend Qian Da easily.

In this way, the two men saved nearly sixty women here, half of them were tortured like well-behaved little sheep, but Qianda certainly knew that what Han Li just said was actually right, even if they were saved, they It is also very difficult to survive on this island, because Qian Da's eye-catching, after reading these oppressed women, one by one does not have any strength, and has been tuned. Some of them are not like people, even if such people save They still can't get rid of the nature of relying on men in their bones to survive.

So after Qian Da rescued these women, she and Han Li left, and the two of them came to this direction in the direction of Chen Tian and the two women, and these two women prefer to catch the night because they The personal skills are very good, and I want to pass their site unconsciously by many laughing organizations, so they often choose to rest during the day and rush off at night.

Moreover, the two men's running speed is quite fast, and they can reach Chen Tian's position within two hours at the running speed of these two men, and at this time, Chen Tian is slamming with Angelina and continued. For four hours, Chen Tian suddenly stopped moving as if he had a cramp, and Angelina said blushing, "How is this time? Is it a lot better?"

Chen Tian sweated and said: "It feels that everything in a room has become more beautiful, it seems that this trick really makes me feel calm."

Angelina said very happyly after hearing: "Then you are settled down and settled down?"

Chen Tian rolled over and said breathlessly: "no! no! no! It is already very stable."

Angelina turned over and said, "No, I want you to be completely stable. I don't think you are stable enough!" At this moment, Chen Tian's expression changed suddenly and said directly to Angelina: "Get up, I think something is wrong. Someone is coming here very quickly."

Angelina also said: "How can I not feel, my ability can be felt within 50 meters of any wind and grass, you do not want to deceive me, but I am on the rise , How could it be possible to let you go, even now whoever comes is not good!"

As soon as Angelina said this, she suddenly heard a sentence behind her: "Don't you use it?" The person who spoke was not someone else, it was Han Li, and Chen Tian also said awkwardly: "For a long time I don’t see. Can you put us on clothes?"

Qian Da dismissed and said to Han Li: "If they didn't know you, I would have killed the couple of dogs and men. I was doing this in the wilderness, and I'm not afraid of mosquitoes stinging you? Let's go! "

As soon as Qianda turned around, she heard Chen Tian say: "Why wait so quickly?"

Qianda turned around and pulled a knife around Chen Tian's neck and asked, "Why do you want me? You can tell me if you miss!"

Chen Tian is still wearing clothes very fast. I saw Chen Tianyi said seriously: "You should just follow, the woman next to the man with super strong appearance and super handsome man? We are considered to have several reasons, since Why can't you go so anxiously when you meet here?" Chen Tian kept his expression sincerely, but Qianda didn't buy it and continued to turn around to go.

At this moment, Han Li said to Chen Tian: "You have something to say directly, there is no need to turn around, I have some friendship with you and Angelina, so you don’t need to talk nonsense and focus on what you want to say. ."

Chen Tian smiled awkwardly and said, "Can I beg you to do me a favor?"

"The little busyness that you said in your mouth, how do I feel that it is not a good thing? After all, with your own skills, let us help what the hell!" Han Li said this because Han Li wanted to Help Chen Tian. After all, Chen Tian is still very interested in Han Li. Of course, this interest is not a favorite between men and women. After all, Chen Tianyan is very poor, but Chen Tian’s personality and personal charm are very strong and reliable. Type of man So in Han Li’s mind, apart from madness is his favorite type of man, this is Chen Tian’s favorite. Of course, this kind of like is like the kind of like to play and like to like kittens and puppies, Anyway, Han Li rarely dislikes a person, and Kuang Qi and Chen Tian are the lucky ones. Therefore, Han Li wants to manage this one-sidedly, just like Qian Da wants to intervene to save those women, it is a matter of personal will, of course Han Li wants to manage this In fact, although Qian Da wanted to leave, she still saw that Han Li wanted to intervene in this matter, so she also stopped walking and turned around and asked, "What the **** do you want us to do for you?"

"Kill!" Chen Tian said so concisely and directly this time. Although only a single word made Qian Da feel that Chen Tian's eyes were completely different from those of her, Chen Tian not only looked serious but also looked murderous. This kind of aura is really different from ordinary fortified people, and whether it is Han Li or Qian Da, she also has a certain understanding of Chen Tian.

So Qianda Rao continued to ask with interest: "Killing people? I don't think it's that simple? Do you need to use our strength to kill us?"

"Of course I want you to help. In addition to me and Angelina, I have three helpers. If you join, there will be a total of seven people. I think the odds will be even greater. I want to put these in the restricted area in two days. All the people are solved. It is said that there are many ordinary people in this area, but these ordinary people are equipped with a variety of very advanced and even some weapons that restrain our strengthened people. Since they have not been destroyed by other organizations for so many years, then prove This area is definitely not as ordinary as it looks, so I want to invite someone with real strength to shovel it down with me, so I hope you can help me together!"

"I want to kill some unarmed ordinary people. I have no time to accompany you to do this kind of boring thing." Chen Tian has sent signals to Xu Shun, Yao Jun, and Wu Yifan after Qian Da and Han Li appeared. Coming here, while Qian Da said this sentence, Wu Yifan, who ran from afar, froze for a moment after seeing Qian Da.

Because Qian Da was the woman he was dreaming about, and he came to this island willingly for Qian Da. Wilson, this woman is a completely indelible stalk in Wu Yifan's heart, although in his heart Qian Da Very important, but Qian Da doesn’t like him, so Wu Yifan, who has always been very confident, slowly became more and more lost, and even now is only the penultimate position in the team of Chen Tian. .

You have to know that Wu Yifan is a killer outside of the island, but his strength is not obvious in this t zone, so when Wu Yifan saw that the woman in front of him was Qian Da, his inner joy was beyond words. He couldn't even say a stroke for a long time, but just ran towards it at a faster speed.

"Why are you here?" Qian Da asked Wu Yifan, but Wu Yifan looked at Qian Da with wet eyes and said excitedly: "I didn't expect that I could see you again, have you been well recently?"

Qianda was too lazy to pay attention to Wu Yifan's nonsense. Although Wu Yifan's face value was hundreds of times stronger than that of Chen Tian, ​​Qianda turned around and asked Chen Tian: "Can you tell me why you must kill these people?"

After hearing this question from Chen Da, Chen Tian also said in a key point: "Because I can’t achieve my goal without killing them, and my goal is to leave the t zone, and I don’t know if you know Ye Minyu, her Wisdom is far more than ordinary people, so I think it is a trivial matter for you to help me solve this matter."

Qian Da also casually said: "It really is not a matter for us, but I have to have something important even when I rushed out at night, so I don’t want to waste my time here, and with the strength of several of you It seems to me that ordinary people with no power to kill them are as easy as killing them, so why should we shoot?"

Chen Tian still said without giving up: "Although that is the case, but what I want is to solve these people at the fastest speed, so I want you to help us a little, and we will help you to reach each other relatively. What do you think of the mutual benefit?"

"We are looking for someone!"

"Then let me guess, if I guessed right, was it the man who was super stylish last time?"

"That's right!"

"Since it's looking for someone, it's hard to find you, but I can let Ye Minyu find the person you want to find, but the condition is to help me smooth out the ordinary people in the restricted area, and then take you to Seeing my companion Ye Minyu, she can find anyone who she is looking for, what do you think of this proposal?"

"It seems that your proposal is very good, then if you do not reach your promise afterwards, then prepare each of you for the coffin, Qian Da is very aura of speech or words and deeds, and Chen Tian heard Qianda said this, she was also walking in front of Miss Qianda and reached out her hand and said: "Thank you for your trust, then let's cooperate with each other well." "After Chen Tian said this, he gestured to shake hands with Qianda."

But Qianda refused directly, which made Chen Tian feel embarrassed again, but not shaking hands did not mean that Miss Qianda refused Chen Tian’s proposal. I saw a proud look and suddenly turned around again and asked, "So When are you going to start?"

"Of course it's set. Tomorrow from the main entrance tomorrow noon!"

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