Killing God Island

Chapter 764: Brothers and sisters. I'm killing

The state of Heavenly Tribulation is the so-called real switch between the gene that is injected into the gene and the human form, so this ability is called Heavenly Tribulation. The body does not appear by injecting certain genes, but is similar to Chen Tian's unique ability to strengthen or awaken.

Therefore, there is still a substantial difference between the two, and most of these exclusive abilities are special and powerful abilities that can be used in human form, and the strengthened people who open the Sky Tribulation state are basically awakening. The special combat power caused by the mutual transformation of the strengthened ability and the body belongs to the kind of power that stimulates the potential in the body, so people who can open the state of heaven are called people with great potential.

Bo Qiu suspected that he had certain potential, or he could not turn on his own genetic cells. Although he can deal with all masters who are many times stronger than his own strength in the state of Heavenly Tribulation, but facing the ghost king is really a kind of specialty. To suppress his attributes, in fact, the ghost king's ability is too bug. If anyone sees it, he will feel it, because he can't attack him at all, and all attacks will penetrate his body. On the contrary, his attack is indeed a real attack. And the attacking power is also exceptionally powerful, so every time Bo Qiu suspected that the attacking plant extended through his ability would be detected by the ghost king and directly grasp the plant that attacked through his body, let the hand grasp and force it to be forcibly, huge The power of the plant directly pulled out the root of the incidental plant and was dropped on the ground by the ghost king. The entire plant body of the root was instantly torn apart.

Although the plant controlled by Po Qiu has been torn apart, Po Qiu doubt does not feel any pain of his own, because the broken plant is not his body, as long as the body is not damaged, he can have unlimited Consumption of opponent's physical energy, and as long as its physical energy has been in the form of a plant in the state of heaven, it will convert its own energy into nutrients, and the nutrients required by this plant can be obtained in large quantities through the soil, so it is in this form Poqiu not only possessed various plant control abilities, but also possessed unlimited physical energy.

So if the ghost king had such a fictitious body, even if the real human form is super powerful, I am afraid that this time will not escape the fate of being killed by Bo Qiu, but the ability of the ghost king is not only how strong it is to fight alone, but Ghost mode removal basically ignores any attacks and directly leads him to attack others, no one can attack his super-fork ability, and this ability key is matched with a weaker person can barely solve him Or run away in front of him.

But this ability is in the ghost king, so this ability combined with the actual combat ability of the ghost king is really a level of terror destruction, so the ghost king crushed the plant that attacked him, followed by a big step and directly the whole The person jumped across the sky and fell directly at a rapid rate, and fell to the position of the plant that had just been pulled out of the root and hit the ground with a punch. The surrounding plants directly hit by the huge punching force split with the ground one after another. The row of flowers and plants and all kinds of plants were shocked by this fist, and the roots flew into the air one after another. As long as the roots of these plants were off the ground, they could not be controlled by Poqiu.

At the same time, the ghost king also directly spent a lot of his physical energy, hitting the ground with his fists, and completely destroyed the route in front of the Zhuo Yanxuan battle. There was no plant, and the ghost king continued to move forward for this. Use a fist to smash the ground with hundreds of punches to shrink the surrounding plant lawn, and push the plants controlled by Po Qiu Su to a few meters away from the front to have plants, which means that Po Qiu Su is hiding in front, and the ghost king is binocular at this time. Staring glaringly ahead staring at the ground ahead. As if he had seen everything in general, he was so concentrated that he knew the depth of Bo Qiu’s body, making Bo Qiu dare not make any unnecessary Aggression, in fact, Ghost King's much stronger perceptive ability than ordinary people is actually a prelude to entering the micro realm, but he believes that this is through his continuous training of his combat power to improve his genetic evolution and strength. In fact, the ability he acquired is not unreasonable. In fact, the so-called entry into the micro realm is an ability that can be used and naturally produced after a certain state through continuous hard work and strength. It is also one of the three main abilities. First, if the status of opening the sky-tribulation is included in the potential, then entering the micro realm is the first threshold for entering the ultimate true strongman from cultivation. Only with this ability to enter the micro level can you feel the realm that the real strong man can reach. The ghost king’s combat ability and Zhuo Yanxuan have gradually realized this kind of micro-level, but they have not yet entered the real high-level area, so they have not been exposed to the term micro-level, let alone think of the so-called real master. All have three major abilities, and entering the micro realm is a very important ability among the three major abilities.

And this ability can even play a role in Jedi anti-killing, and the true voice of the strong is not three abilities are top-level, as long as any of these three abilities are very prominent and very strong, they will become very powerful. , So the ghost king is now focused on the lawn in front of him. It uses the entry into the micro realm of the three abilities. Although it is only the initial ability to enter the micro realm, it can completely feel the very subtle actions of the grass plane, just like When a breeze blows, the tip of the grass will move slightly with the wind, but if one of the grass is not blown, the ghost king will notice anomalies, even grasshoppers and other very small things on the grass. I felt that this ability basically closed my eyes and seemed to appear statically in the ghost king's mind. As long as there was a slight discord in it, it would be immediately felt by the ghost king. This is the terrible place of entering the micro realm, and It is also a magical use of the elementary level.

Since Zhuo Yanxuan broke the door and directly interrupted the fight, the ambush that just closed the door and the dog was completely reversed by Zhuo Yanxuan. The ghost king who was just about to be killed now also became one by one. More brave than just now, the main reason is not that Zhuo Yanxuan broke into the door and led a situation where only 80 people can appear. In fact, even with the addition of Zhuo Yanxuan and the 80 people he brought, it is actually far from Bo Qiu suspected that there were many people under his command. His men were at least five times more than the ghost king and Zhuo Yanxuan and his men, but because of the arrival of Zhuo Yanxuan, he completely broke the existing advantages.

The main reason is that Bo Qiu suspected that he could not come to support him, and he was completely contained by the ghost king, and all the six forces of Bo Qiu suspected were easily blocked by Zhuo Yanxuan alone, and Zhuo Yan was less than a minute away. Xuan killed the bald man among the six, which inspires the warlike mind of Zhuo Yanxuan's men. With Zhuo Yanxuan's combat power, he can definitely solve all the other five in less than five minutes. He didn’t because he wanted to let the ghost king fight slowly with Bo Qiu, and he didn’t want to help in the past. He deliberately slowed down the fight with these five people, but Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to let these five people live a little longer, but Zhuo Yan Xuan also does not want to consume his physical fitness too much.

In addition, I don’t want to personally kill these weaker soldiers, so in order to inspire my own popularity, after killing the bald head of the six, another person was killed in less than two minutes, and the All the brothers shouted: "I am killing!" Although this is only six words, the encouragement to Zhuo Yanxuan's assistants at this time is not as simple as a little bit. Almost everyone heard this sentence. All shouted in unison, and all of them seemed to be hitting chicken blood. Xing. Fen was abnormal. At this time, regardless of the strength of the attack, these people seemed to be afraid of death. Most of the suspected men are far stronger than them, and all of them have to retreat. At this time, many of Bo Qiu's men have just occupied the absolute advantage, but because of the uneven hearts, they all want to escape, so All the people who should have fought in one heart became one with no fighting heart, and they all wanted to escape from here, but it was unfortunate that Zhuo Yanxuan broke into the door from the gate and wanted to leave here alive, or surrender to If you don’t, you have the ability to kill a **** road and leave here. Otherwise, you only have the fate of being killed, so you have many times as many people as Zhuo Yanxuan, but you have been killed in just fifteen minutes. Half of the ten people did not arrive, and there were nearly two dozen people who surrendered and were captured. Basically, those who were captured were those with strong strength and surrendered actively, because these people were always cruel to those without strength.

These people belong to those who have the strength but do not want to fight you. If you want to kill me, you will fight with you to the end. So in order to reduce the casualties of your own side, so you want to surrender, so they tacitly surrender. The weak capitals who had surrendered had no bargaining capital at all, and all of them were mercilessly beheaded. Soon, the corpses were still alive and the only ghosts and Boqiu in the distance were left to fight.

Because Zhuo Yanxuan already solved the other four directly because he didn’t want to waste his energy, and also saw the signal sent by her sister to herself from the watch, it seems that her side has succeeded, so I must also hurry It was only possible to do so, so Zhuo Yanxuan directly killed the other four people in Bo Qiu's hands, and then looked at the ghost king. I didn't expect that the battle between the ghost king and Bo Qiu hadn't ended yet, so Zhuo Yanxuan also wanted to help Ghost King's strength.

Ghost King’s frontal combat ability is relatively close to Zhuo Yanxuan’s strength, so Zhuo Yanxuan actually has the same initial entry into the micro realm as Ghost King, but Zhuo Yanxuan has something very Kebo Qiu suspect and Ghost King, that is, he has the same with his sister The eye of evil emperor like Zhuo Wenxin, because both brother and sister have an eye of evil emperor, they are also gifted by Yan Xi. This kind of eye function has many of them. The most distinctive one is that you can see what you can’t see in normalcy. Things, including perspective and many other functions, Zhuo Yanxuan actually awakened the eye of the evil emperor, and his sister Zhuo Wenxin also awakened the eye of the evil emperor in the battle with the ghost wife Sheila, but clearly the same eye of the evil emperor , There are different abilities in the use of different people. Of course, even the siblings have awakened the eyes of the evil emperor, they may not have the same function. The reason why the ghost wife was defeated by Zhuo Wenxin is because Zhuo Wenxin saw him degenerate The internal structure of the body, and the eye of the evil emperor Zhuo Yanxuan can't see through the deadly spirit ball in the ghost king ghost mode, but he does see another form. Of course, in addition to the ghost king, he can also understand Saw the body of Bo Qiu doubt hidden in the grass.

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