Killing God Island

Chapter 763: Brothers and sisters. What is the state of heavenly disaster

No matter how the attack on the ghost king is completely evaded, and the attack on him is completely useless, he is like a ghost, and even the clothes he wears are affected by his ability to become a virtual ghost. Everything can be penetrated by this attribute. At this time, this ability really makes Bo Qiu doubt that no matter how variable tricks he uses, he can't attack the ghost king, and at the same time he deals with the six elite Zhuo Yanxuan. I also saw the ability of the ghost king, and I was also thinking about how to deal with it for a while, but if I think about whether Zhuo Yanxuan solved it or not, I would say it’s really annoying! After Zhuo Yanxuan said this, he immediately reached back and grabbed the face of one of the six people with a bald head, followed by a downward kick and kicked him directly on the face. The entire facial features directly The face kicked by Zhuo Yanxuan is totally different, and he is still bald and beaten back. He hasn’t waited for someone to stand still. Zhuo Yanxuan has once again stepped on the ground, followed by turning over and leaping with one knee. Over the head, the man's head was slammed into the neck cavity. The huge shock caused his skull to bleed in the brain. The uncoordinated body made him shake right and left at this time, but he hasn't died yet. The continuous evolution of the strengthened person is really a very strong vitality, but this one has lost his combat ability and consciousness. Zhuo Yanxuan dropped his hand and grabbed his head very neatly. He only heard a click. The spinal cord inside was actually twisted by Zhuo Yanxuan, but Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to make her die more thoroughly, so he pulled his head straight out and pulled his head directly like kicking a ball. The other five people kicked over, and the ghost king not far from Zhuo Yanxuan also started to flutter in this state at this time. Not only did he smash the plants and flowers on the ground madly, but when he saw Po Qiu suspects, he would definitely kill him directly. He, at this time, the ghost king killed when he saw someone. Although Zhuo Yanxuan promised not to let anyone approach and interfere with his duel with Bo Qiu, there were still some people who were directly beaten by Zhuo Yanxuan, and they felt they could not beat it. Zhuo Yanxuan chose to come behind and want to assassinate the ghost king, but this kind of person who was not capable of pretending to be ruthless, the ghost king did not give a little face, and he kicked away directly, although the ghost king is now The ghost state is blurred, but he can still hit people, and it is the kind that only he hits you, but you can't hit him, but these people really don't know how to lift, knowing that they can't beat Zhuo Yanxuan, they want to sneak attack. The ghost king in the distance was kicked away by the ghost king for a long time and never stood up again.

At this time, the ghost king had great trust in Zhuo Yanxuan, and it was because Zhuo Yanxuan had just released him that he could now let go of his opponent's worries and be able to deal with Bo Qiu doubt more fully. If this guy's ability is ordinary, In the encounter, even a person with a strong evolutionary ability is not easy to deal with. Maybe even the very famous Steve Lanji among the 13 bosses in the Central District, when he meets Bo Qiu, this ability may be It's very tricky, so even after being close to him for so many years, there hasn't been much conflict with him.

It’s mainly because Pochu’s doubtful ability is unnoticeable, and all kinds of sharp plant juices and even leaves and various plants will evolve into many unexpected killing methods, especially when people stand in the middle of the grass and they will be stretched out instantly Surrounded by grassland, it is difficult to escape as if it was stabbed with thousands of blades into the body instantly. After jumping, there will be many different blades of grass and even various plants with life-consciousness. Group attack.

At this time, a kind of group attack, rather than just referring to the attack of some plants on the ghost king, but the ghost king will be attacked every step, and it is that kind of attack of different degrees, some plants have strong attacks, and some The original attack power of the plant is weak, so the attack power will not be too strong after it becomes larger, but the weak attack power is basically high in defense power. Poqiu suspects that these plants attack the ghost king as if he is controlling a unit.

He classified these different plants into different attacking bodies, such as angering the ghost queen, the ghost king hitting the ground with fists, in order not to let the plants be crushed directly or often Bo Qiu suspected that some of the original defenses on the ground were very high and brought Many thorny plants become larger for defense, and in the process of defense, various types of grass will be used to attack the side. This grass has a sharp edge like a saw blade, which may not be enlarged. At this time, the attack power will be very weak, and only when it is strong, it may scratch the human skin.

However, once it becomes larger and is affected by the control ability of Boqiu's suspected plants, it will not only become larger but also become very destructive. Both the sharpness of the surroundings and the instantaneous destructive power will cause great damage to the opponent. It’s Zhuo Yanxuan, a person with a thick skin and thick meat that can increase their ability to cut off their bodies directly. To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is as sharp as a knife. It adds a part of Bo Qiu’s doubt. The power makes it more powerful and destructive in the original attacking shape. If you don’t join Poqiu’s suspicion, it may only make the sharpness bigger and can only cut people even deep. But adding his ability is like the two-stage charge of seeing a person cutting his body in half after increasing his strength after waving his weapon, so as long as he is scratched or touched by this plant, he will follow It was cut exactly the same by the sharp blade, and the light one bleeds in half.

In addition to mass attack accidents, Bo Qiu's ability can make all the plants that can be used around become extremely hard and attack like a living body is very coherent, just like soldiers cooperate to defend and attack and retreat It is free, and it will also carry out attacks of encirclement and different angles and different directions, so that the group has no dead ends so that it can’t go to the defense without the first time, unless the enemy has three heads and six arms. The weak strengthened person will be destroyed by this combination even if he has a strong defense force.

So for so many years, although he was the smallest among the thirteen sites in the central area of ​​the t-zone, he has been safe and sound for so many years. Even his side is only a distance away from the thirteen bosses. He didn't want to provoke him, mainly because his ability to do so was very different, not because he was so powerful and invincible, but because he was so special.

Only Steve Lanji did not want to fight him, mainly because these people did not enter the micro realm, they could not perceive some subtle things, and Bo Qiu suspected that he could catch his ability to hide his real body and stay in The grass plane with plants can almost allow his ability to be maximized, so that even though the strong strengthener does not want to fight him, it is equal to one. But it is always himself who fights against him.

Because he can’t see or find his body that can’t be located, and the surroundings are all kinds of plants that attack himself, and even if these plants can be killed, this is just silently consuming this person’s Physical strength, in the end, if there is no physical strength, he will still be killed by Poqiu's ability, even trapped in the middle and consumed until death, so Poqiu's ability is quite terrible.

But it is a pity that Bo Qiu suspected that he met the ghost king, and the ghost king is indeed very strong in terms of real melee and various heads-up strengths, but it must be really like the one who had been killed by him just now. Like these people, they will eventually be tortured to death by Bo Qiu's suspected ability of Heaven Tribulation.

But the ghost king is not just a super strong combat power with strong heads-up ability and resistance to attack. Another ability of the ghost king is the virtual body, also known as the ghost body. Once he opens this ghost mode, he will Ignoring various attacks, all attacks will penetrate his body and will not cause him an essential attack.

Therefore, although Bo Qiu's ability is strong, he is helpless with this ability of the ghost king. Although his attack methods are very diverse, he is useless to the ghost king. Many attacks directly penetrate the ghost king's body and cannot deal with him. Attack, and the ghost king really can’t attack him like a ghost transparent body, completely different from him just now, so the real strength of the ghost king is him who turns on the ghost mode, because the ghost king can’t turn on the sky-tribulation state, so this ghost mode In fact, it is similar to his opening of Heavenly Tribulation. It is even many times stronger than some fortified people who turned on Heavenly Tribulation, but it does not belong to Heavenly Tribulation. It is not a form of genetic mutation. It is actually a form of strengthening. Was injected with the scorpion’s genes, and his ability can only be used for 40% or even up to 50% in human form. Perhaps this strengthened person injected with scorpion may use Poison or all poisons do not invade, but he can not finally achieve the various attributes of the true scorpion, but as long as the genetic fusion strengthens the successful strengthened person.

There will be a scorpion ability that can truly reach 100%, and if you want to achieve 100% ability, you must turn on Heavenly Tribulation, and this state of Heavenly Tribulation is the so-called real switch between the gene injected into the gene and the human form. Cut, so this ability is called the sky-tribulation, in fact, it can also be understood as returning to the original, and the ghost ghost's ghostly body, not by injecting certain genes, appears similar to Chen Tian A unique ability to strengthen or awaken within the physique.

Therefore, there is still a substantial difference between the two, and most of these exclusive abilities are special and powerful abilities that can be used in human form, and the strengthened people who turn on the Sky Tribulation state are basically awakening. The special combat power caused by the mutual transformation of the strengthened ability and the body belongs to the kind of power that stimulates the potential in the body, so people who can open the state of heaven are called people with great potential.

But Bo Qiu suspected that he had certain potential, or he could not turn on his own genetic cells. Although he can deal with all masters who are many times stronger than his own strength in the state of Heavenly Tribulation, but in the face of the ghost king, he really belongs to that specialty. To suppress his attributes, in fact, the ghost king's ability is too bug. If anyone sees it, he will feel it, because he can't attack him at all, and all attacks will penetrate his body. On the contrary, his attack is indeed a real attack. And the attacking power is also exceptionally strong, so every time Bo Qiu suspected that the attacking plant extended through his ability would be detected by the ghost king and directly grab the plant that attacked through his body, let the hand grasp and force it by hand, huge The power of the plant directly pulled out the root of the incidental plant and was dropped on the ground by the ghost king. The entire plant body of the root was instantly torn apart.

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