Killing God Island

Chapter 765: Brothers and sisters. Take you on the road

Bo Qiu suspected that his men were many times more than those of Zhuo Yanxuan, but even half of the 80 people were killed in just 15 minutes, and nearly 20 more surrendered. Basically, those who are captured are surrendered with strong strength, because these people have always been cruel to those who have no strength.

These people belong to those who have the strength but do not want to fight you. If you want to kill me, you will fight with you to the end. So in order to reduce the casualties of your own side, so you want to surrender, so they tacitly surrender. The weak capitals who had surrendered had no bargaining capital at all, and all of them were mercilessly beheaded. Soon, the corpses were still alive and the only ghosts and Boqiu in the distance were left to fight.

Because Zhuo Yanxuan already solved the other four directly because he didn’t want to waste his energy, and also saw the signal sent by her sister to herself from the watch, it seems that her side has succeeded, so I must also hurry It was only possible to do so, so Zhuo Yanxuan directly killed the other four people in Bo Qiu's hands, and then looked at the ghost king. I didn't expect that the battle between the ghost king and Bo Qiu hadn't ended yet, so Zhuo Yanxuan also wanted to help Ghost King's strength.

Ghost King’s frontal combat ability is relatively close to Zhuo Yanxuan’s strength, so Zhuo Yanxuan actually has the same initial entry into the micro realm as Ghost King, but Zhuo Yanxuan has something very Kebo Qiu suspect and Ghost King, that is, he has the same with his sister The eyes of evil emperor like Zhuo Wenxin, because both brothers and sisters have an eye of evil emperor, they are also gifted by Yan Xi. This kind of eye function has many of them. The most distinctive one is that you can see what you can’t see in normalcy. Things, including perspective and many other functions, Zhuo Yanxuan actually awakened the eye of the evil emperor, and his sister Zhuo Wenxin also awakened the eye of the evil emperor in the battle with the ghost wife Sheila, but clearly the same eye of the evil emperor , There are different abilities in the use of different people. Of course, even the siblings have awakened the eyes of the evil emperor, they may not have the same function. The reason why the ghost wife was defeated by Zhuo Wenxin is because Zhuo Wenxin saw him degenerate The internal structure of the body, and the eye of the evil emperor Zhuo Yanxuan can't see through the deadly spirit ball in the ghost king ghost mode, but it does see another form. Of course, in addition to the ghost king, he can also understand Saw the body of Bo Qiu doubt hidden in the grass.

So Zhuo Yanxuan shouted directly to the ghost king: "This guy is the most obscure and smallest green prismatic plant in your lower left corner is his body. Zhuo Yanxuan said that he pointed directly in that direction. .

Originally the ghost king had already noticed it but wasn’t quite sure, but he probably locked Bo Qiu suspect’s body in the area that Zhuo Yanxuan said, plus Zhuo Yanxuan’s reminder from the side made the ghost king immediately The target is a green plant in this plant that looks more alternative than ordinary green grass.

But before waiting for the ghost king to take the initiative to attack, Bo Qiu suspected directly because of his guilty conscience and that he did not want to continue to hide anymore. It doesn’t make any sense to him to continue to hide. First, his real body has indeed been outstanding. Yan Xuan broke the word, another reason is that even if Bo Qiu doubted his real body, he could not fully occupy the absolute advantage of the attack even if he was not exposed, and even if the ghost king could not find his real body, he continued to use his fists to destroy the ground like this The lawn is constantly damaging to the surroundings. After all, the surrounding lawn is not as clear as the outside. This is his site and his base. There are walls around it that restrict the plants, which means that While shrinking the area of ​​the surrounding lawn, he will be forced out sooner or later.

It’s just that if that’s the case, the ghost king would consume his physical strength even more, but Bo Qiu suspected that he had been forced to avoid the inevitable at this time, because his body was really what Zhuo Yanxuan said. It looks like a little green prismatic plant, so Bo Qiu is also forced to directly enlarge his own body. This time it is not to control the surrounding plants, but this plant is his body.

But Bo Qiu doubt's body does not look very powerful when it becomes larger, so the ghost king is also directly rushing towards this larger plant, and this larger plant does not look very fierce, and it feels like a person. As if the Ghost King had just dealt with other plants, it could be destroyed directly, but when the Ghost King's body approached, the whole plant suddenly split from the middle, and there were countless silky living white tentacles in the middle of the whole plant. It made some scalp numb.

But it has no effect on the ghost king. These things still penetrate the ghost king's body and let the ghost king pass through directly and punched him directly with a punch. This huge plant does not emit green juice from the plant. . It is human blood, and with the direct penetration of the ghost king’s fist and the two plants inside, the huge plant was separated from the middle with a fist, and the fist hit the ground with a fist inside, if the ghost king does not have the possibility to enter the micro realm He couldn't detect the root cause of Po Qiu's suspicious point on the ground. The ordinary body was broken and he couldn't let him die.

Reinforced people who do not have this kind of micro-level may not be able to kill him no matter how they are beaten. Two people may not be able to kill each other. The abilities of the two are of the type that general reinforced people cannot kill at all, but Po Qiu suspects Losing in himself is not strong enough to open into the micro realm, and the reason why the ghost king can kill Bo Qiu doubt is because he has entered the micro realm so that he can see the weak difference of the ground, making him destroy the Bo Qiu suspicious plant At the same time, the middle torso part hit the ground with a punch. The power of the ghost king’s fist can never be underestimated. The power of the punch hitting the ground can definitely sink the land by more than one meter, and Bo Qiu suspects that the whole root is being attacked by the ghost king. The ground where the punching land was cracked, his roots had been cut off dozens of main locations, and at the same time, the ground around the land subsidence cracked, and at this moment the main roots of Boqiu suspected were directly by the ghost king With his hands in his hands and forcibly pulling him out of the ground like pulling a big radish, and with the jump of the ghost king's legs, the strange plant that was dragged by the whole person and the hand directly jumped out of the dust. Four directions.

With the ghost king's jumping out of Bo Qiu, he also recovered from the state of Heavenly Tribulation to human form. However, Po Qiu's legs that recovered to human form were all gone, and now basically can't stand up at all.

At this time, Po Qiu's condition is very bad, and he may die at any time, because his root life is damaged, and he has completely lost his ability to repair itself. Death is just a matter of time, so Po Qiu's eyes now seem to be No longer the kind of brutality just now, he just said in a weak breath mixed with a small voice: "Are you really so interested in who is this T-zone overlord? Do you fight and kill you all day? Are you bored? Isn’t it good to build a stable order?"

After listening to the ghost king, he said the last sentence to Bo Qiu: "Sorry! Everyone's pursuit is different, so the loser will always be a victim." After he said this sentence, he punched directly into Po Qiu's head. The strength of this punch directly hit his head completely into his body, and Po Qiu, who lost his ability to repair, was killed on the spot.

Although the ghost king resolved Bo Qiu's doubts, his exhaustion of physical energy also made him breathless. The ghost king saw Zhuo Yanxuan coming to him, and he said to Zhuo Yanxuan in a relaxed mood, "I finally solved this guy. What do we do next?"

As soon as this sentence was exported, the ghost king felt that his body was instantly punched by Zhuo Yanxuan. Due to the relationship that was just released from the ghost mode, the current ghost king must undo this virtual body if he wants to quickly recover his physical fitness. Mode, but was very trusted by Zhuo Yanxuan's direct arm penetrated the body and directly pinched the ghost king's heart.

The expression of the ghost king changed directly and turned his body into the ghost mode at the fastest speed, making Zhuo Yanxuan’s pinched heart unable to crush directly through his heart and punched Zhuo Yanxuan, When Zhuo Yanxuan saw a failure, he also blocked his punch with his arms and bounced back with the power of this punch.

As the two pulled away, the ghost king's angry expression asked: "You just wanted to kill me directly? Why do you want to do this?"

Zhuo Yanxuan also directly replied without hesitation: "Because you have no value in existence, it is time to send you on the road!"

"Why? Kill me can give me a reason!" Ghost King still can't believe the practice of Zhuo Yanxuan in front of him. He has just saved himself, obviously this series of tactics are so perfect, and everyone knows how to cooperate so well. Why did you suddenly shoot me, because the ghost king has a ghost mode, so he has just penetrated the body, but the body has a blood heart and did not let Zhuo Yanxuan crush, and the wound can be repaired quickly for him, although now due to physical strength It may be a bit slower to repair, but he really wants to know why Zhuo Yanxuan did it suddenly.

This also shows that the ghost king actually does not want to be an enemy of Zhuo Yanxuan, and even wants to create such a unified t-zone situation with Zhuo Yanxuan, and such smart and powerful people are really rare. He naturally doesn’t want to be an enemy with him. If he can convince him that he doesn’t want to actually fight with Zhuo Yanxuan, although Zhuo Yanxuan has just hurt him, he really hopes that there are some misunderstandings. It is clear that you are still friends.

In fact, this was a trap designed by Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin brothers and sisters from the beginning, in order to kill all the ghost kings and couples by the way, and then implement another plan for the brothers and sisters. Every step of the plan is a step-by-step plan, including the more than fifty people left on the mountain, as well as the plan to allocate Zhuo Wenxin and the ghost wife Sheila to control the connection of peripheral personnel and to block their massive pooling of plans. In fact, in order to let his sister directly kill the ghost king's wife, he is responsible for killing his ghost king after entering the interior to find gems.

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