Killing God Island

Chapter 1187: Tiankai Wanqi 154 Chen Tian was almost killed

Although the battle scenes of Chen Tian and Jefferies can’t be said to be too gorgeous, they are both moves of a large-scale attack range. Basically, both of them are aoe damage large-scale damage, one is Chen The blood is flying all over the sky, and different forms of blood form various attacks around it, and the black mist energy form that wraps the red blood is also very exaggerated. Basically, it is also like Chen Tian. Various changes occur, and no matter what kind of The destructive power brought about by the changes is not small. The strong tremor on the ground and the various forms of attacks around the surrounding area have made many people who gather here far away from these two people. Basically, the brightest so far The battle of the eyes is definitely a fight between the two. The collision of the two forces is getting stronger and bigger. Let me talk about how much physical strength you have thought of each other. It is clear that the two people's non-stop collision on the limbs of each other has turned into mutual explosions and shock waves that can only be seen from each other and the surrounding smoke and dust have completely covered the body of the two. Now they are far away Looking around, I can only see that the two kinds of red and black energy bodies are constantly colliding with each other from the various forms before. Slowly, they will soon merge into a sphere, and the surrounding impact force causes the surrounding rock walls to fall off the rocks one after another. The trees and branches and leaves are all ready for shock wave to dissipate, including the ground can't bear the two people's strength to fight each other to accelerate to split around, and there is black dark power and red blood tentacles under the unsplit bottom layer .

This kind of energy collision seems to be equivalent, but Chen Tian is even better. After all, Chen Tian has absorbed the blood of many people before, and its red various forms are exactly the same as Jeffria’s dark magic claws. The human form of the blood demon **** of the sky has brought back the state of the blood river. After all, Jeffria’s dark power does somewhat restrain Chen Tian’s empty blood ability, mainly because the powerful dark penetration can not only penetrate Chen Tianxue The surface hardness of the Demon God can also obtain some abilities from it to form other attributes, such as bursting and withering and the addition of other attributes, resulting in Chen Tian if he maintains the state of the Blood Demon God, it will become a great dark blood in Chengdu. The target center of the hand made him attack in various directions without being able to counterattack.

Therefore, Chen Tian is also the kind of person who does not fight with his own tricks but still needs to use it. When Chen Tian and Xu Shun are fighting, they will analyze the opponent’s tricks calmly and then fight their own skills. In contrast, come up with the most concise and effective way to fight back, and Chen Tian’s blood river ability happens to be able to face Jeffria’s power of darkness, and with the blood and all the abilities just accumulated is better than Jie Forlia.

The reason why Jeffria can look like Chen Tian is able to fight five or five, it is also because of his ability to restrain Chen Tian's ability, but even restrained the strength of the hundred or so people that Chen Tian absorbed before. It also played a considerable role. Chen Tian now has a lot more power than Jefferies. The seemingly five-and-five opening is just an illusion. It’s just that Jefferies is struggling. He doesn’t want so many people to watch. When he was defeated, he had to support his facade even if he died, so now he tried his strength to feed.

In order to prevent himself from being defeated by Chen Tian, ​​it is not possible for Chen Tian to devour him with a blood river, but he can completely disperse his dark power. In fact, it is considered to have been lost, and in everyone’s eyes He is the loser, so he can’t let this happen, but Jeffria’s dark power is almost exhausted, and there are no enemies around him that can absorb power, and he can’t treat himself. He shot, so in this case he could only hold on. In this case, the fight seemed very urgent to solve this battle, but how could Chen Tian's blood river be easily broken.

But at this time, the sudden appearance of Xiweiweilu and Xu Shun gave Jeffria a chance to defeat, because he knew that Xiweiweiluo's ability was a motivation, and the most important thing was to defend himself. This kind of mental power shielding, this kind of thing is a power that can expel the power of darkness and destroy it. Although he has not fully developed this power, this power can be fully utilized.

So for Jeffria, Ciaviro belongs to his own savior. Of course, in the face of his failure, he chose to use Ciaviro’s life as his best chip to defeat Chen Tian. The direction quickly moved away, and Ciaviro saw that his boss was running towards himself, and thought he was here to save himself, so the joy of his face, after all, he is also suffering from internal injuries. How can he know that his boss is not coming To save him, the joyful expression of his hope before it was broken did not dissipate. Suddenly, he was directly grasped by Jefferies, and he immediately flew him in a 360-degree angle. At this time, his mind I have no idea what the boss wants to do to myself. When I know it, it is too late, because Siaweiluo was thrown directly in front of Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tian is now preparing to attack Jeffery again. In general, everything is going on in the same time period. Basically, Xu Xun hasn’t waited to see his opponent thrown at Chen Tian first, and it was thrown by a very powerful force. Obviously, Jeffria Siaweilo's body has made him breathless. It's not that Siweiluo's body is heavy, but that his own strength is about to run out. Only the black gas around his body is bluffing around his body, but he hasn't met him. At the same time, Xu Shun, who was not afraid of things at all, and had a very high level of strength, directly confronted him and launched a flying blow, while Xiwei Luo, who was shot with a lot of power on the other side, saw himself about to crash into Chen In the blood of the sky, he used the power of his mind again to protect his whole body.

As a result, he did indeed protect the whole body, and directly broke Chen Tian’s blood river. With the powerful force thrown by Jefferies, he directly penetrated his body to Chen Tian’s blood river. Sex is more harmful than the dark power of Jefferies, directly smashing Chen Tian’s blood river from the middle, Chen Tian’s **** sky in the sky instantly became like ordinary soil and fell into ordinary blood. Only Chen Tian in the blood fell from the air and covered his chest, breathing heavily, and it was clear that this blow had caused Chen Tian considerable damage, and Xi Xia Luo, who cracked the blood river of Chen Tian, ​​although I just thought about the power to protect myself, but the impact of this force also smashed all the upper and lower parts of his body. After penetrating the blood river of Chen Tian, ​​he died in the air on the spot, and his body fell freely while falling to the ground. .

And Jeffria, who has the power of darkness, is no better than Chen Tian. Originally, there are still some powers that can make your own power of darkness appear in front of everyone to bluff, prove that you have nothing, but you can’t be. Suddenly, Xu Shun attacked him directly with his tail blade and launched a head-on blow to him. In order to keep himself alive, Jeffrey used his own dark magic hand defense to maintain the body. While blocking Xu Xian's tail blade, the dark power of his whole body instantly dissipated. Although he prevented the whole person, he was shot down by Xu Xuan from the air.

However, Jeffria had no luck after falling to the ground with great luck, and he resisted the severe pain. No vomiting blood or image-damaging things happened. I saw that he was in front of everyone, and he dealt with more than a dozen senior people. Shouted: "I have broken the blood river, then let me take a break and appreciate how you solved them!" After he said this, he turned around and walked to the crowded place. At the same time, in addition to a few Xu Xun who did not want to grab the limelight and did not directly rush to pursue him, at least six people launched an offensive at the same time to Xu Shun. The strength of these people is not much weaker than everyone in the battle.

This is not a good thing for Xu Shun, although he has become very strong, but to be honest, his strength is only unilateral, and he is one of six people at the same level as him, then his strong word may be I can’t help it. After all, Xu Xun’s high explosive power is strong, but it really is not easy to meet five people against him, but Xu Xuan and Chen Tian now have no way out, unless they have no physical strength or everyone They both fled at the same time, otherwise one would cause a greater burden on Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng. Now Chen Tian and Jefferies are a tie. The two belong to each other and are interfered by each other. Broke each other's tricks.

It’s just that Jeffria had better luck. When she landed, she seemed to be slightly better than Chen Tian. In fact, the internal injury was more serious than Chen Tian, ​​but the expression had no flaws, and Chen Tianxuehe was forced to chest pain. Covering your chest with your hands on knees, Chen Tian's painful nerves will not feel pain under normal circumstances. This kind of severe pain will only occur if you are fatally injured.

This kind of severe pain only caused Chen Tian to temporarily hurt, and it was not fatal. However, this period of pain was also the time period for Chen Tian to repair itself. The main reason why Chen Tian would suffer severe chest pain this time was Jeff. The power of Leah’s Darkness plus the power of Siaweilo, both of which are extremely special energy bodies with very strong penetrating ability, this energy body itself can restrain Chen Tian’s blood control ability, resulting in Chen Tianzai When the blood was not materialized, he had already suffered the heavy damage of these two abilities. Almost, Chen Tian failed to return to human form when he was in blood form. If it did not change back, then Chen Tian would be like the blood that had just been broken Like the river, the whole person became a **** water and died on the spot. Fortunately, Chen Tian changed back to the original form at the moment of the crisis to avoid death. Otherwise, Chen Tian will have no chance of regeneration this time, so this is also to let Chen Tian was shocked.

Although Chen Tian's body broke away from the surface of the broken blood river in that instant, Chen Tian's body was still hit hard by these two abilities, so this tearing pain that nearly broke off at the juncture of life and death accompanied Chen Tian's own powerful repairing ability made his body not fall apart after breaking away from the blood river. Instead, he condensed his limbs to repair all parts of the body in an instant, that is, he quickly repaired with the whole body until only tens of seconds. There was no chest repair here, so Only then can I feel the severe pain that tears my heart.

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