Killing God Island

Chapter 1188: Heavenly Tribulation Wan Qi 155 Ling Zifeng VS Xia Lulu

After Jeffrey said this, he turned around and walked to a crowded place. At the same time, besides a few Xu Xun who didn’t want to grab the limelight, he didn’t directly rush to chase him. The six attacked Xu Xu at the same time. Although Xu Instant's strength was indeed very strong, the strength of these people in front of him was not much weaker in his battle.

This is not a good thing for Xu Shun, although he has become very strong, but to be honest, his strength is only unilateral, and he is one of six people at the same level as him, then his strong word may be I can’t help it. After all, Xu Xun’s high explosive power is strong, but it really is not easy to meet five people against him, but Xu Xuan and Chen Tian now have no way out, unless they have no physical strength or everyone They both fled at the same time, otherwise one would cause a greater burden on Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng. Now Chen Tian and Jefferies are a tie. The two belong to each other and are interfered by each other. Broke each other's tricks.

It’s just that Jeffria had better luck. When she landed, she seemed to be slightly better than Chen Tian. In fact, the internal injury was more serious than Chen Tian, ​​but the expression had no flaws, and Chen Tianxuehe was forced to chest pain. Covering your chest with your hands on knees, Chen Tian's painful nerves will not feel pain under normal circumstances. This kind of severe pain will only occur if you are fatally injured.

This kind of severe pain only caused Chen Tian to temporarily hurt, and it was not fatal. However, this period of pain was also the time period for Chen Tian to repair itself. The main reason why Chen Tian would suffer severe chest pain this time was Jeff. The power of Leah’s Darkness plus the power of Siaweilo, both of which are extremely special energy bodies with very strong penetrating ability, this energy body itself can restrain Chen Tian’s blood control ability, resulting in Chen Tianzai When the blood was not materialized, he had already suffered the heavy damage of these two abilities. Almost, Chen Tian failed to return to human form when he was in blood form. If it did not change back, then Chen Tian would be like the blood that had just been broken Like the river, the whole person became a **** water and died on the spot. Fortunately, Chen Tian changed back to the original form at the moment of the crisis to avoid death. Otherwise, Chen Tian will have no chance of regeneration this time, so this is also to let Chen Tian false alarm.

Although Chen Tian's body broke away from the surface of the broken blood river in that instant, Chen Tian's body was still hit hard by these two abilities, so this tearing pain that nearly broke off at the juncture of life and death, accompanied by Chen Tian's own powerful repairing ability made his body not fall apart after breaking away from the blood river. Instead, he condensed his limbs to repair all parts of the body in an instant, that is, he quickly repaired with his body until only a few seconds. There was no chest repair here, so Only then will you feel the severe pain that tears your heart apart.

This kind of pain will make Chen Tian stop all activities for a minute. During this period, Chen Tian obviously needs to take good care of himself, but these people around him are not meant to ease Chen Tian.

Seeing Chen Tian kneeling on one knee and covering her chest with her hand, everyone will see that Chen Tian is absolutely injured, so these people around him want to kill Chen Tian to prove themselves, but they are afraid that they are not alone Chen Tian's opponent, after all, Chen Tian was really strong when he was fighting with their boss.

So these people rushed to Chen Tian together, and wanted to borrow everyone to come up to take Chen Tian’s life. After all, their strength was too bad. They wanted to use this to kill Chen Tian, ​​so these ten people also rushed over Each has used its own unique capabilities.

Chen Tian is now in a period of exhaustion. During this exhaustion period, Chen Tian's self-healing ability and regenerative power are in a weak period. During this period, neither Chen Tian's repair ability nor his own strength can defend against more than ten people's melee attacks.

Just as Chen Tianzheng was about to tolerate his pain and prepare to face these people head-on, suddenly more than ten earth beetles pierced out of the ground, all of which were Ling Zifeng using his insect control ability to break the ground from the ground at a critical moment And a dozen people blocked the dozen people who wanted to attack Chen Tian, ​​creating more time for Chen Tian to repair his body.

Of course, these people did not expect that Chen Tian, ​​who seemed to be very hurt, would suddenly have so many huge bugs with a height of three or four meters.

And the attack power of these insects is very good. The attack power of the huge teeth on the mouth of this insect is not bad. Its attack power directly blocked the attacks of more than ten people, and one of them jumped and attacked. In an instant, the beetle that was directly drilled into the ground directly broke the soil while the teeth on the mouth directly bit the whole body of the person, and the direct person cut directly into two halves from the waist.

It can be seen that the attack power of this huge bug is still very sturdy, and the hardness of the carapace of the whole body is also very hard. This hardness is generally not worn by weapon daggers.

So it is no problem to temporarily resist the attacks of these people, but it is impossible to persist for too long. After all, these people have some skills. If they shoot one after another, these more than ten earthworms can't stop them.

However, Chen Tian’s recovery ability is still very strong. Chen Tian’s trauma can be repaired in a minute or so. Although these earthworms can’t count on how many people they kill, they can at least give Chen Tian a few minutes to repair his body. time.

This is just enough for a few minutes. Although Chen Tian does not have the impetus of the blood river after repairing the body, the power may not be as strong as before, but Chen Tian can still use the rest of the power, mainly after Chen Tian repairs the body. Even though the blood river may not be turned on again, Chen Tian can turn on the Sky Tribulation state after the second awakening, but Chen Tian is not going to turn on the Heaven Tribulation state here unless he makes fun of his plans to introduce them, after all Chen Tian knows to turn on Tiancai’s self is full of instability factors. Although the power is far greater than that of the blood river, many instability factors in the position may prevent Chen Tian from leaving here, so Chen Tian then plans to cooperate with the power of Chi Zi in a normal state. In the first battle, I found the right time to take Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng together with all these factors and Ye Minyu had already made a plan.

Of course, Ling Zifeng, who had just rescued Chen Tian, ​​also shot directly after seeing Chen Tian was injured. However, Ling Zifeng just sent bugs to support Chen Tian, ​​and there was a reason for not having to go by himself. The woman is entangled, and it is precisely because the opponent is a woman that Ling Zifeng hasn’t killed her for so long. After all, this woman is also pretty and pretty, although her hairstyle and makeup are more prominent in her personality, but this figure is still It's really hot. For Ling Zifeng, there have been no women for months, so fighting with such a woman is also a pleasure for Ling Zifeng.

After all, Ling Zifeng itself is stronger than Chen Tian's strength. The premise is that Chen Tian will not fight Ling Zifeng even if he starts the Sky Tribulation, but Ling Zifeng has never really used his ability to worm insects. The strength is quite against the sky. All in all, it is not easy for Ling Zifeng to really become a real ontology, but there are ways to really become an ontology, but Ling Zifeng pays more attention to his image and does not want to destroy his image. Ling Zifeng is a bull fork person with Zerg royal lineage. He has no ability to match with Ms. Zhao, the person who can be with Ms. Zhao, and the person of the Chen Tian team's Yao Jun level, although Yao Jun is capable Now it is not very strong, but Yao Jun is also a very outstanding person among normal people, but after he is strengthened, the evolution of the whole person is really not very obvious, so later Ms. Zhao did not let him continue to follow him.

However, the person who is now fighting Ling Zifeng is the third ghost among the three ghosts. Xia Lulu's strength is actually OK, but it is obviously worse than Ling Zifeng, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng The real combat power of these three people generally belongs to the senior level of the Quartet League, and the real strength level of the three ghosts is the lowest level of the strength of the senior cadres of the Quartet League. They are unspoken rules, so they won the favor of their boss Jeffria. Of course, her appearance and figure are indeed very good for Ling Zifeng, so if someone may be killed by Ling Zifeng for so long, but Ling Zifeng hasn't scored a victory after playing with her for so long.

In fact, it is not that there is no victory or defeat, but Ling Zifeng has not been willing to kill her. Instead, he fights with the little girl’s fighting will in front of him and becomes oily. On several occasions, he came to a legendary hungry wolf. , And even Xia Lulu did not expect that this guy really threw it directly as he just did. Of course Xia Lulu was absolutely resistant and wanted to kick the man away with a leg lift. Ling Zifeng's speed was much faster than Xia Lulu, direct hands Hugging Xia Lulu's slender beautiful legs, and then touching up from the ankle, until she reached the end, Xia Lulu's face was red and she wanted to take her legs back but she couldn't get them back, she could only shout: "You want What are you doing? Will you stop me now? "

Ling Zifeng saw her face was reddish, of course she knew that she should have scared her, but Ling Zifeng did not seem to be very resistant to her. It seems that this woman is still very open, of course, she can see from her wear, so After using this trick, Ling Zifeng started playing with Yin directly, and put a progressive hand directly around Xia Lulu's waist, like a dance, hugged her as a whole, so that the knife in Xia Lulu's hand could not attack him at all. Xia Lulu was shocked that Ling Zifeng had thrown her whole person into the air. She was involuntarily thrown into the air by a sudden, Ling Zifeng threw up a white powder, which made her unable to dodge at all.

Xia Lulu's complexion, could this kid want to take the opportunity to attack me? In fact, this is Xia Lulu thinking too much. If Ling Zifeng really wants to kill her, there is no need to be so troublesome to kill her directly. She can’t stop Ling Zifeng’s attack at all, but the point is that Ling Zifeng doesn’t want to kill her, and has just lifted up. It is the so-called medicine that allows women to reveal their nature, commonly known as spring-like medicine.

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