Killing God Island

Chapter 1186: Heaven Tribulation Wan Qi 153 Blood Demon God VS Dark Magic Hand

Xu Shun has been chasing West Asia Wei Luo, if Xu Shun has been chasing him, maybe he may just leave and not fight Xu Shun, after all, this person is still very self-knowledge, he has been fighting in less than five minutes I feel that I am not the opponent of the glasses man, especially the blade of the coccyx can actually cut off his weapon. If the average person cuts this process, he will directly cut his body in half, basically the previous ones People's death methods are all this way. Now Xu Shun's fighting style is a bit like Chen Tiangang had met Qian Da Wilson after entering the island.

When Miss Qianda killed her, she cut all her opponents with a knife. It seemed that all the human limbs and arms around her were scary. Of course, this is her way of killing and fighting attacks. Although he does not fight with a Japanese sword, Xu Shun’s coccyx blade is extremely sharp, and when he is murdered, he cuts his body into two pieces very neatly, so the people who fought with Xu Shun and failed, all died. There is no dead body, the body will definitely prepare his tail blade to fight into two or several sections.

If it was not Siweiweilu's responsiveness and his ability was the condensing of mental power, this kind of mental power belongs to a kind of power generated by visually opening and bringing together the whole body strength, and the energy in the bottle of Ye Minyu Zombie King’s soul moves are similar, but he is far from the zombie king’s thought motivation. Although the difference is far away, it is not useless. Although now his thought motivation is not so lethal, but it can Save his life at a critical moment, because mindfulness is a spiritual force field of an invisible transparent body. After reaching a certain force field, it will form a defensive shield, and Siwei Weiluo’s weapon has just been cut off by Xu Shuan’s tail blade. In an instant, he opened his mind-power shield with his eyes, which formed a very hard transparent body wall three centimeters in front of him. The hardness and defensive strength could actually block Xu Shuan’s tail-blade attack. A very useful ability.

However, the side effect is not small for Siweiwei, although it blocked Xu Shun’s tail blade attack and was proud to save his life, it made Siweiweiluo the whole person was ejected, although it prevented the tail blade from slashing. However, he did not prevent the tail blade from striking, and his motivation was still not strong enough. The whole person who hit him directly flew out. After falling to the ground, he immediately got up to avoid Xu Shun’s coherent tail blade pursuit, and was obviously attacked by him. After hitting an internal injury, he pretended to be as painless as he could tolerate the pain, so he didn't vomit blood in front of Xu Shun. He turned around and inadvertently turned around to wipe his mouth to cover up the blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

In fact, Siwei Weiluo is relatively injured. Although he is not weak, it depends on who he is compared with, and Xu Xu with a high attack and high explosion. Although he can use the motivation to ensure that he is not caught by his tail. The blade is killing, but the attack strength of the tail blade cannot be completely avoided, and the super shock has hurt his internal organs. Although strengthening the human repair gene can help him repair it quickly, it can’t stand Xu Shun’s uninterrupted In total, this kind of attack continuity made Siaweilo unable to stop. The body wound was just rehabilitated by a powerful shock as soon as it was repaired, and it was still a kind of injury.

So Xiweiwei is so sure that he is not the opponent of the man in the eyes. Of course, Xu Xian also knows that he is not his opponent, but this kid's ability is the transparent defense shield that Xu Xian's tailbone cannot easily cut off, so Xu Shun had to kill his internal organs if he wanted to kill him. Xu Shun's entry into the micro realm was like Chen Tian. While his physical strength was enhanced, the enhancement of his perception ability led him to draw a conclusion under the perception of the opponent's breathing and weak changes in his body.

From breathing body movements and observations in all aspects and the perception surface that cannot be seen by the eyes, Xu Shun can be sure that this person is definitely not his opponent, but it may be difficult to kill him in a few minutes, after all, this kid's ability Xu Xun was unable to get started. He was very keen on avoiding Xu Xian's attack. He could avoid six attacks under the attack. Although he couldn't avoid the remaining three, he could rely on his ability to defend against Xu. Instant tail blade.

Although the result was that his strength could not compete with the strength of Xu Shuan's tail blade, his body was shot and flew out, but he could block the sharp attack of Xu Shuan's tail blade, as long as his body was not cut in half, he could continue to maintain Xu Instant battle, and during this period, not only was this guy singled out with Xu Shun, but he was also a senior cadre in the organization. Although singled against Xu Shun was obviously not an opponent, he was right in the battle. There are no temporary orders next to them to help them attack together. Although it is a bit mean, it has greatly recovered his internal injuries. As long as there is more than ten seconds of idle time, Xu Xian is not attacking himself. Wei Luo is a great help.

In fact, Westwaro’s behavior is usually very low, and his strength is generally located in the upper level. He is usually too high-profile to let many Jeffria’s seniors look at him very uncomfortably. This is why there are more than a dozen seniors watching and not doing it. The main reason is because they usually don’t want to worry about them for some small things, but they think these people are afraid that they are not as good as them. In fact, they have not seen them shot, but they think they are strong, so they think that the other party is not as good as their own. This kind of personality makes them think that Siweiluo, who killed the three ghosts, has the eyes of a frog in the bottom of the well. In fact, it is also the case. In his so-called three-person group, the weakest one is often the opponent he looks for at the critical moment. Weak level, but this time he looked away. After all, he chose Xu Shun as his opponent. He really looked away. The two strong and weak in his heart are only divided by looking at his appearance. In fact, this time he chooses this time He can’t beat anyone in the fight, but there are so many brothers around here who just look at the hands, even if he is not so annoying on weekdays, I am afraid that many powerful companions are now on display to help, but now None of those people came to help Siviro, but instead everyone had a feeling of ecstasy in their expressions.

Of course, Sia Weiluo also knew that those people did not come to help on purpose. After all, they always wanted to see my jokes. Try to get directions to get help from the boss. After all, he is still very good at flattering, otherwise it is impossible to have his place in the high-level, usually any good things will be given to the boss Jeffrey, so Jeff Leah slowly didn't care whether his fighting level really qualified to be a high-level concept, and he was hired over time, leaving him to be responsible for collecting some weird treasures, after all, there are many good on this island It is not necessary to use your own killing point to exchange it yourself. After all, the stolen goods can also be used and many things are still very expensive. It is really not cost-effective to exchange them by yourself. Of course, the most expensive on this island is never Weapons rather than mistakes and entertainment.

After all, this island is for everyone to keep getting stronger and evolving. What the four families and heads of state want is to stage various battles on this island every day until they have evolved the reinforcement of the very individual existence they can ideally call God. People, so-called strong men who graduated from the killing island, regardless of their good and evil characters, can leave the island to serve the four big families and even the rest of the country.

Therefore, everyone has a great room for evolution, unless genetic individuals and personal reasons lead to the stagnation of evolution, but such people will be regarded as failure products by the four major families, and Chen Tian is his exclusive. The fastest-growing and strongest individuals in the batch, so they will be regarded as one of the 13 most potential. Many of their combat videos have been sent back to the headquarters of the four family families for combat assessment, including Chen Tian so far. Fight with Jeffria.

Although the battle scenes of these two people can't be said to be too gorgeous, these two people are the moves of a large-scale attack range. Basically, both of them are aoe damage large-scale damage. One is Chen Tian's blood flying all over the sky. The shape of this kind of blood is constantly attacking around, and the energy form of the black mist that envelops the red blood is also very exaggerated. Basically, it is like Chen Tian. Various changes occur constantly, and no matter what kind of changes bring destructive power to the surrounding It’s not small, the strong tremor on the ground and the attacks in various forms around it have made many people who have gathered here far away from these two people. Basically the most dazzling battle so far is definitely these two people. The battle between the two forces, the two of the two forces are colliding with each other is getting stronger and bigger, let alone how much physical strength they have thought of each other, just look at the original two can also clearly see each other on the limbs of close combat The non-stop collision has turned into only mutual energy and the explosion shock wave generated by the non-stop energy, and the surrounding smoke and dust have completely covered the body of the two, and now only a red and black can be seen from a distance The two energy bodies keep colliding with each other from various forms before, and slowly merge into a sphere. At the same time, the surrounding impact force causes the surrounding rock walls to fall off the rocks. The trees at noon are also branches and leaves. All are prepared for shock waves Scattering, including the ground, can't bear the mutual struggle of the two's strength to accelerate to split all around, and there are black dark power and red blood tentacles under the unsplit bottom layer.

This kind of energy collision seems to be equal, but Chen Tian is even better. After all, Chen Tian has absorbed the blood of many people before, and its red various forms are exactly the same as Jeffria’s dark magic claws. The human form of the blood demon **** of heaven has returned the state of the blood river. After all, Jeffria’s dark power does indeed restrain Chen Tian’s empty blood ability, mainly because the powerful dark penetration can not only penetrate Chen Tianxue The surface hardness of the Demon God can also obtain some abilities from it to form other attributes, such as burst and wither and the addition of other attributes, resulting in Chen Tian if he maintains the state of the Blood Demon God, it will become a great dark blood in Chengdu. The target center of the hand made him attack in various directions without being able to counterattack.

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