Killing God Island

Chapter 1149: Heavenly Tribulation Wan Qi 116: King to King Aura

Every member of this organization created by Steve Lanji is very powerful and fierce, but in the three days before the war, because the brothers and sisters killed many masters in the organization, now no one in the organization wants to mess with it. Dare to provoke this pair of brothers and sisters, this organization is a group in which the strong are in power, and the weakest here is best not to worry about it, saying that killing and killing will definitely not care, this is why there are so many elites in this organization, because Most of the people gathered here are grumpy militants, so although some people have a bad temper, but they face a lot of people who are stronger than them, as long as they have normal brains, their temper will become milder. After all, no one thinks His life is long, Steve Lanji's organization is such a strange management method, of course, the people who solicit are also people of these characters.

However, everyone in this organization has a characteristic that respects the strong. For the two brothers and sisters who belong to the kind of people who think they are strong in the organization in the past three days, they are all This pair of siblings have been resolved, so these people admire this pair of younger siblings who look very young. The two siblings have been unblocked all the way, and finally came to the door of Steve Lanji’s room, waiting for Zhuoyan. Xuan knocked on the door, and Steve Lanji in the house said first: "No need to knock on the door, you two will come directly!" There was also a door that you already felt that the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's came, showing his perception ability At least the same level as Chen Tian and Zhuo Yanxuan.

Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to knock on the door to show respect for his boss, but he heard that he did not have to knock on the door and came directly, so he just pushed the door and walked in.

However, what Steve Lanji said was still the leader of this organization. Although Zhuo Yanxuan was preparing to demonstrate to him this time, he bowed to the courtesy and marked his respect for him before opening, and then stood upright The body looked directly at him, and his eyes did not flinch.

Steve Lanji is also a master of hard power with the temperament of the king, and his words and deeds are naturally extraordinary. He did not get up and asked directly to Zhuo Yanxuan: "I don’t seem to let your brothers and sisters come? Your brothers and sisters two People are not invited, should there be anything important to tell me?"

Zhuo Yanxuan replied with a natural tone: "Yes! There are some things to discuss with you, but before I say anything, I think it is necessary to tell you another thing, that is yours. Secretary Ye Feitongmu has been killed by me!" Zhuo Yanxuan said this very plainly.

Steve Lanji listened to Zhuo Yanxuan, his face was very serious but he did not get angry directly. After all, the person who said this in front of him was Zhuo Yanxuan, after all, he used many places It’s not good for everyone to tear his face prematurely with him now, and he also knows that Zhuo Yanxuan has a good fighting ability, and besides there is a sister who is not weak, and the two teamed up even if he shot him. Nothing is cheaper than that, but it will make the whole plan ruined if it is not worth the money. After all, the plan reached by Steve Lanji and Zhuo Yanxuan is to leave the t zone, not to be the boss in this zone forever. How can the King Shan challenge newer things? What's more, being able to enter area a may leave the island.

So people who really have great revenge and great ideals will not succumb to a place, unless this place is the strongest a zone in the whole island, so Steve Ranjit deliberately suppresses the anger in his heart and asks in a low voice: "You Did you really kill Yefeitongmu? I didn’t let you give me a face and let her go? Why didn’t you listen? Do you know how important this woman is to me?"

In this case, Zhuo Wenxin basically listened to her brother's arrangement and never intervened, and she always paid attention to Steve Lanji's every move in front of her. If there were any abnormal movements, she would take the lead.

Zhuo Yanxuan is also smart, and is it someone who does not know how to speak and watch, especially seeing his anger slowly but persevering? It also proves that he still knows the truth which is more important under the mutual benefit. Zhuo Yanxuan said more confidently and fearlessly: "Of course I know her role for you, so I have to kill him."

When Steve Lanji heard this sentence, his tone immediately became more gloomy: "I don't understand what you mean by this sentence. Are you challenging my authority and wanting to be against me?" Can this be said to be a temptation, or it can be said that he is admonishing this pair of siblings, even if your siblings are very strong, but don’t forget that I am the master here, you better not overstep the power, let alone do Acts that angered me.

Of course, these are the rhetorical meanings of the rhetorical question, but they are full of warnings to Zhuo Yanxuan’s brothers and sisters, but Zhuo Yanxuan responded with no refutation at all: “I think you are wrong about our brothers and sisters’ good intentions. Well, we killed her to save you. I think I need to explain it to you. This will not only allow us to be more honest with each other, but will also cooperate more tacitly in the next full battle, otherwise We are suspicious of each other, and that is tantamount to fighting inside each other before we can even start with others. This is undoubtedly something you and I don’t want to see."

"You mean killing the right-hand man beside me, but for my own sake? Don't you think this sentence is ridiculous? And she's not just a personal secretary or lover for her, her role is great if I said it, I’m afraid you should know that killing her is definitely a wrong thing!” Steve Lanji said, his expression was a little more relaxed. I am afraid that what he wanted to say next is that the killing has been killed. After this matter, I will not be investigated.

However, Zhuo Yanxuan directly told Steve Lanji that his reason for this and the purpose of doing so, more importantly, Zhuo Yanxuan also wanted the class to upgrade its status in this organization, so that Steve Lan Ji had to promote our siblings to be the second in the organization, so Zhuo Yanxuan introduced directly: "I had investigated some of her actions in the organization before killing her. The members of the organization started to investigate the number of members and management structure of your organization, and who you are divided into several groups and some of the cadres who lead them, and whether these cadres have other organizations. Undercover, etc., were very clearly checked by our brother and sister.

At the same time, she has an affair with the core figures in the organization's three core combat powers that are second only to your power and strength, and maintains some collusion with them, so my brother and sister will prepare for the successful implementation of this plan. Eradicate this woman, because her existence may lead to coordination and stability within the entire organization, so she must be removed, but when my brother and sister were going to kill him, you were prevented by your ability from a distance. At that time, I suspected that this might be the case. There must be something wrong with it. How can you be so clever and witless that you don’t even know what the female secretary is doing in private? But when I gave you a face without killing her, it showed that my brothers and sisters respected your authority and obeyed the agreement we made at the time, and the mutual benefit of the king city. On this basis, my brothers and sisters must rely on yours. Manpower, on the contrary, our brothers and sisters must also obey your assignment. I have not forgotten about me and my sister, so let her go at that time.

After dozens of minutes, I boldly guessed that your secretary was working for you and took the initiative to lead. The remaining three cadres who were different from you but not weak in strength to maintain the current unity and cohesion of the entire organization, And in order to catch up with the three of them and their men’s forces, they form today’s number one strong organization, so the role of Yefei Tongmu is to maintain the balance of the entire organization, and oppose the three parties against you but have to obey For your three people, so the role of this woman is very important in your eyes, I am right? "Zhuo Yanxuan said here to directly ask Steve Lanji.

"Yes, her importance to me, as you said, balance the internal power of the organization, or her strength will not work. How could I be so important to her, the reason why I reuse her so much is precisely because of her value You can confuse the three people. After all, even if I have the strength of those three people, it’s not easy to kill them, and once my strength is impaired, the other two will fight for my position. After all, the other two My strength is also unmatched by me. These three people are heads-up with me. I defeated them with a weak trend, so they are not very controlled by me, and they have received a lot in private. A powerful subordinate, so I must have someone to appease and observe their movements at all times, and this person is the night concubine that you killed. Once you lose her, they will think that I am aware of them, and it is likely to be separated from me. Control will be even worse, so while the battle for true dominance in the t-zone is about to take place soon, if the three of them are fighting or having other accidents at this time, wouldn’t it destroy the plan between us? You should also know, The strength of those three people is the main force in the organization. Although I have a hundred-member generals, the one-hundred rioters let your brothers and sisters kill half of them, which means that my own power was first reduced by half by your brothers and sisters. , So now if you want the whole organization to implement according to your ideas and plans, you need three other people and their forces to help."

Zhuo Yanxuan's expression didn't change at all after he heard it: "You don't need to worry about this. I just said that I was helping you. As for your concerns, I will answer them for you now. That's why I killed She is the first to come here to tell you the reason, which can also resolve our misunderstandings and help us to cooperate better with each other. First of all, as a connecting link between the other three, she is actually opposite you. It’s not stupid. It’s not wise to use a woman to seduce. The three men’s forehead is not wise, but there are very few women in the organization except for her accident. Thing, so you would let Ye Fei Tongmu, a woman, do this kind of approach to seduce three people with the charm of one person, but how can this kind of practice be done seamlessly in the same organization? The three of them probably know this Women are actually the ones you sent them to monitor them, so if they really have the courage to fight against you, I am afraid you will take the lead in taking action against you when you exclude this woman from them. Why not wait so much for this time, so long as It’s not true love for this woman, she won’t affect the overall situation if she dies.”

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