Killing God Island

Chapter 1148: Heavenly Tribulation Wan Qi 115: Brother and Sister Face Value!

Although Steve Lanji is the top expert in the t zone, but after all, he has not been to a more advanced area on the island, so he does not know that the strength can also be detected by hiding the form, so that this perception ability can be detected greatly Error, only Ms. Zhao’s top ten ranks in the world can truly perceive the truest aspect of the world, and the rest of the state can only be used as a capability to observe the surrounding movements during combat. Let her brother think that she is not as good as him, so that she will get more protection and love from her brother, so after Zhuo Wenxin’s true combat power and ability are hidden, she is proud of the strength evaluation on the ability to release the point that she notices. Of course, this Neither Zhuo Yanxuan nor Chen Tian will be able to do this. In the t zone, no one can do this except Shirley, a super master from the a zone, but also the two guys like Kuang Qi, so Zhuo Wenxin’s evolutionary potential It is indeed better than her brother and Chen Tian.

If Chen Tian and Zhuo Wenxin are together, I am afraid that they may not be able to realize that their sister may be stronger than themselves, but Zhuo Yanxuan’s IQ can be comparable to that of Ye Minyu, and Zhuo Yanxuan has always been with his sister. Together, so he has doubts when dealing with many things, but no matter whether he really surpasses his fighting ability, Zhuo Yanxuan only knows that his sister is so strong that she doesn’t need to worry about handling or killing her alone. Some people, even if that person has some strength, can never be an opponent of his sister.

Especially to kill Ye Fei Tongmu, Zhuo Yanxuan has no need to worry, even if the woman is playing a trick, she can't escape from her sister. After all, the difference in strength between the two of them is quite huge. Killing this woman will really anger Steve Lanji, but it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s time to show up with the guy. Now Zhuo Yanxuan is going to command this battle from the same angle as him, so the momentum is really not It should be lost to him, and Zhuo Yanxuan, a man with a kingly temperament, absolutely would not refuse to surrender.

Zhuo Yanxuan followed her sister and went back again. At this time, Yefei Tongmu happened to change clothes, wash her face, and then made up the pouch, and went away. When Yefei Tongmu saw that the two brothers and sisters were back, First, the expression was shocked, then he looked straight at the brothers and sisters of Zhuo’s, and said in a specially lengthened tone: “You just heard that, Steve Lanji told you to let me leave me here? You are still in front of me What are you doing?"

Zhuo Yanxuan did not say a word, and looked directly at the sister beside him. This look made Ye Fei Tongmu feel very wrong. Just when her bull head was going to see what Zhuo Wenxin was going to do, Zhuo Wenxin was only right. The look in her eyes gave a slight smile, which made Ye Fei Tong Mu feel inexplicable, and Zhuo Wenxin's smile made her feel a little chill, just when Ye Fei Tong Mu just wanted to continue to ask them if they wanted to block the way. When, Zhuo Wenxin suddenly took a step forward, so that the two of them were not far away, and then Zhuo Wenxin waved the hook in his hand and directly cut the neck of Yefeitongmu. .

At this moment when blood spewed out, Ye Fei Tong Mu realized that the dog, the mother, and the yellow breed dog had attacked me, and because Steve Lanji had warned them, Ye Fei Tong Mu thought The brothers and sisters were absolutely afraid to treat themselves, so they were more relaxed. Unexpectedly, these two brothers and sisters dared to violate Steve. Ranji’s in the advertisement killed me, so she covered her hands with her hands. The neck wound tried to stop the neck from bleeding, but it was useless. Zhuo Wenxin always likes to cut the other person’s neck to let it bleed instantly to death. The wound she cuts cannot be repaired by her own strengthening cells unless she has Chen Heaven's ability to regenerate cells and repair that moment, otherwise Zhuo Wenxin's neck would mean death.

" dare to disobey Steve. Ranji warned that you will die miserably, but I will die a while early, I will wait for you below! "After concluding this sentence, Ye Fei Tongmu fell to the ground. The amount of bleeding in the neck was even greater, and there was a phenomenon of extraction from the whole body. He fell to the ground and squatted down to look directly at her eyes and replied: "Sorry! You may not be able to wait for our siblings below. Our siblings killing you equals to killing in vain. You think your value will be higher than Are we siblings?"

Probably because of too much anger and unwillingness, Yefei Tongmu stared at her eyes so big that she looked at Zhuo Yanxuan as if they were full of curses, but Zhuo Yanxuan stood up carelessly, he just stood up When Zhuo Wenxin went up, he gave a foot to the dead Yefeitongmu's face, and stepped on her big eyes directly. The blood splashed on her, and the blood was also on the side of the trousers, but Zhuo Wenxin Doing so is annoying her staring at her brother with that fierce eye.

After killing Ye Fei Tongmu, Zhuo Wenxin asked his brother directly, "What shall we do next?" In fact, Zhuo Wenxin did not have to ask her brother what to do. Her own IQ is very high, and she can guess and analyze the ideas of her brother and even Ye Minyu, just She really likes to be stupid in front of her brother, and she knows that she has a better way. She won’t say that unless the time of crisis, her ideas are not necessarily necessary. She always listens to her brother’s arrangement all the year round, so she likes what Ask your brother about everything, and he will only do it if he agrees with Zhuo Wenxin.

After Zhuo Wenxin asked this sentence, his hands were holding his brother's waist, and he asked what his brother would do next, and Zhuo Yanxuan touched the top of his sister's head and said: "Of course, I will go to see Steve in person. Lanji, and told him that we killed this woman, and show him a showdown to make him clearer now, that is, we must rely on us completely from now on to continue, we will face a full collapse of the situation when we leave him. The dilemma of control has made him deeply aware of the importance of us. Our position in the organization can only be promoted to the position of second leader. In fact, the first leader makes him completely a puppet behind the organization. Now he still thinks that I am very smart and able to fight. I think we can take full control of our income organization. Now let him see if he controls us or we control him.

After listening, Zhuo Wenxin kissed his brother's cheek suddenly and said with a smile on his face: "My brother is right. People also hate to be taken by others, especially people who take his brother as a follower, so my brother should have done so already. My brother didn’t act according to the plan I set before, it was the comfort of the lives of several old acquaintances who had known Chen Tian before, but we don’t have much friendship with this guy, so there is no need to be polite with him.” Zhuo Wenxin said Here, Xiaozui sneered coldly, looking as cute as a little girl who had not grown up.

In this way, the two brothers and sisters made a big step directly to the area of ​​the leader Steve Ranji. Steve Ranji once told everyone that without the person he personally communicated, no one should be close to his own area established by him. Seen as a provocation against my authority, because he is a person who likes to be alone on weekdays, so he usually sits alone in a rocking chair and thinks about things.

Don’t you really know this rule? Of course they knew, only they knew they still dared to do it, so it was more obvious that this pair of siblings were different, and the two brothers and sisters also walked in a quite aura. Zhuo Wenxin, who was slightly thicker on her right side in a tights, further emphasized her slim figure and slender legs, and her brother Zhuo Yanxuan in front of her had a handsome face except for her handsome face. Perfect, with neither strong exaggerated muscles nor muscles, the overall up and down streamline is the best male figure in Chinese aesthetics, so this pair of siblings is really like the model of a fashion show. The figure is the figure, the most important thing is their momentum and strength, so that the vicious guards have made way for none of them dare to step forward to block.

After all, these brothers and sisters killed a lot of powerful experts in the organization in just a few days, so the organization also regarded the gods passed down by the ferocious and brutal brothers and sisters, so when they asked if the boss summoned you Zhuo Yanxuan lied directly and didn't question him and let go.

After all, no one wants to provoke the brothers and sisters. This organization is a group in which the strong are in power. The weakest here is best not to do much business. It is absolutely not a pity to say that killing is killing. This is why the elite in this organization is so. Many, because most of the people gathered here are grumpy militants, so some people have a bad temper, but in the face of people who are stronger than them, as long as they have normal brains, their temper will become milder. No one thinks that his life is long. Steve Lanji's organization is such a strange management method. Of course, the people who solicit are all people of these characters.

However, everyone in this organization has a characteristic, that is, respect for the strong. For these two brothers and sisters who belong to the kind of people who think they are strong in the organization in the past three days, they are all challenged. This pair of siblings have been resolved, so these people admire this pair of young siblings who look very young. The two siblings have been unblocked all the way, and finally came to the door of Steve Lanji’s room, waiting for Zhuo Yan. Xuan knocked on the door, and Steve Lanji in the house said first: "No need to knock on the door, you two will come directly!" There was already a door that you could feel the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's coming, showing his ability to perceive At least the same level as Chen Tian and Zhuo Yanxuan.

Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to knock on the door to show respect for his boss, but he heard that he did not have to knock on the door and came directly, so he just pushed the door and walked in.

However, what Steve Lanji said was still the leader of this organization. Although Zhuo Yanxuan was preparing to demonstrate to him this time, he bowed to the courtesy and marked his respect for him before opening, and then stood upright The body looked directly at him, and his eyes did not flinch.

Steve Lanji is also a master of hard power with the temperament of the king, and his words and deeds are naturally extraordinary. He did not get up and asked directly to Zhuo Yanxuan: "I don’t seem to let your brothers and sisters come? Your brothers and sisters two People are not invited, should there be anything important to tell me?"

Zhuo Yanxuan replied naturally without changing his tone: "Yes! There are some things to discuss with you, but before I say anything, I think it is necessary to tell you another thing, that is yours. Secretary Ye Feitongmu has been killed by me!"

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