Killing God Island

Chapter 1150: Tiankai Wanqi 117: a group of waste

Zhuo Yanxuan listened to the concerns that Steve Lanji had just said, and his expression remained unchanged. He said: "You don’t have to worry about this. I just said I was helping you. As for what you just said Concerns I will answer for you now, this is why I killed her, the first reason to come here to tell you, this can also resolve our misunderstandings with each other, and it will help us to cooperate better with each other. The connection between the other three is actually not stupid opposite you. It is not wise to use a woman to seduce. The three men’s forehead is not wise, but there are few women in the organization except for her accidents. The woman with the sword should not be competent for this kind of thing, so you will let the woman Ye Feitongmu do this kind of practice that seduce three people with the charm of one person, but how can this practice be in the same organization The clothes made here are seamless? The three of them probably know that this woman is actually the one you sent them to monitor them, so if they really have the courage to fight against you, I am afraid that if you exclude this woman from them, they will take the first action against you. Why bother waiting so much for this time, so as long as it is not true love for this woman, her death will not affect the overall situation."

Steve Ranji sighed a little and said, "I hope they are like this!" However, I have recently felt some inexplicable uneasiness. This kind of feeling has happened before Steve Ranji came to this island. This kind of premonition made Steve Lanji feel that this operation might change, but he did not tell the brothers and sisters Zhuo's bad premonition, but continued to ask: "Since you are so confident, do you have What better plan?"

Zhuo Yanxuan heard Steve Lanji have such doubts, just a calm smile appeared on his calm face: "I did not invite you to come to you this time, it is for this matter, it seems that we should also I talked about the real reason why I came to you this time. Our brothers and sisters have figured out the construction of large and small forces in your organization within five days of entering your organization. At that time, you found that your organization can be said to be an organization or it can be said Divided into four groups, each has four special organizations that can be formed independently, and you are just the leader of this organization, and you can dispatch and order three other people when you make a major decision, I said Is that correct?"

"You... you're right! It seems that your kid has really analyzed my organization very well!" Steve Lanji praised Zhuo Yanxuan from the heart, and What Zhuo Yanxuan is going to tell him now is obviously very important, so he has not responded to Steve Lanji’s praise now.

Instead, he said directly to Steve Lanji: "I guessed at the time that you must be particularly contradictory, and the other three also have contradictions with each other. If there are no contradictions between the three, I'm afraid that your position as the boss has long been unstable, so at that time our brothers and sisters wanted to find a party that is truly worthy of our successful implementation of this plan. The best partner you choose in the end is still you. First, your strength is among the four. You have the strongest strength, and you are a king. This is the main reason why you can suppress them all the time, but the suppression can only suppress them for a while, but it is not a long-term plan. Use female **** to make them three hostile and Inquiring about their various information is the method you have been using before, but obviously after our brothers and sisters came, they destroyed your plan. You are angry that our brothers and sisters can naturally understand, but the ultimate goal of our brothers and sisters is to achieve you My goal of mutual benefit is to leave this t-zone, so in the end, who will be the boss of this organization? I don’t think you will care too much. After all, you were created as the boss just to be able to leave the t-zone. Make yourself safer, am I right?"

"You are right, but you haven't said clearly what plan you have for a long time?"

"It seems that you are still impatient, then I will simply summarize it with you, then I will omit the previous cumbersome things, and directly tell you that our brothers and sisters will stand by you to support you, regardless of our strength. Or is it better than everyone in your organization? Even if you want to fight against our brothers and sisters, I am afraid that they may not be our opponents. This is not an insult to your combat strength. I want to prove that our brothers and sisters add up. The strength is equal to the second of your existence. Imagine that there are two of you who are fighting. Those three people should no longer dare to act rashly. Having our brothers and sisters on your side is far more than a hundred times stronger than using a woman to contain them. The point is, do you think that even if we don’t kill the woman, will you really be as safe as before?"

"What do you mean by this sentence?" Steve Lanji's expression changed, because he heard Zhuo Yanxuan's sentence obviously there was something in it, and the rhetorical question was obviously the most wanted to tell him other information. , So I would like to know what Zhuo Yanxuan said to him next. "

"They are superficially obedient to you now, and they are not convinced that our brothers and sisters are really loyal to you, so the three of them are changing despite the change. If I haven't guessed, they must be prepared to fight in the war. Seeing that you are injured or encounter something unexpected, they will definitely not attack you first, but now you have our brothers and sisters backing them, they will definitely be unanimous when they see no chance to shoot, and our brothers and sisters want to What I want is to leave here, and you also want to leave the t zone, so as long as you only reach this point, you should know that our brothers and sisters do not need to betray you, and my Zhuo Yanxuan said that the successful cooperation will let you leave the t zone. It will definitely take you out of the T zone, this is a promise as a man, but before this promise you need to give us a title that is enough to be the leader of the organization, so that not only can prove to our three people that our brother and sister have officially stood On your side, it can also give us greater strength so that some people will be dissatisfied with the command on the spot."

Steve Lanji again observed this pair of siblings when thinking, in addition to having a very high face value, the more important point is that their aura and strength are indeed not bad, if they say something else Our brother and sister strength is equal to the second you, then the character of Steve Lanji will definitely prove that you are not good, but in the face of this pair of brothers and sisters, he is also a default, the main reason is that Guangzhuo Yanxuan may be alone He made five or five openings, and his murderous sister, Zhuo Yanxuan said that the combined strength of the two is equal to the second of my strength, which belongs to giving me face, in fact, the strength of the joint brother and sister should be Stronger than mine.

Steve Lanji nodded directly at the thought of this: "Okay! I promised you just now. Before tomorrow's collective departure to Chen Tian's area, I will convey to everyone that you will be promoted to the commander of the battle. , All instructions must be strictly implemented, if there is any doubt, kill them."

After listening to Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin brothers and sisters, they bowed to Steve Lanji and left. The Quartet on the other side was anxious because all the people who had entered before were completely anxious. The universal watch that detected their life and death also lost its original role, but it is clear that the hundreds of people who entered before should be more fierce. At this time, the core meeting of the Quartet Alliance gathers cadres above the middle level. The people in the chief position are the four bosses of the leaders of the Quartet, they are Jack Bi Kevin, Ola Douzt, Alsace and Jeffria.

These four people all have a serious expression at this time. After all, it has been two hours since the first six of the first troops. In the middle of this period, hundreds of people have entered, but now it is certain that the whole army should be wiped out. After all, there is no patience and if these people are successful, people should come out to report the situation inside, but all the people who go in now have no news.

So he angered Alsace, because most of the people who went in this time were his men. These people have been in so long and no one has come out to convey the message. Then it can only prove that they have been completely solved, so he gritted his teeth. I screamed at the table and said, "This bunch of waste. It turns out that so many people can't handle more than a dozen people. This time I went to meet in person to know what the magic of Chen Tian's group is, and I really want to know this famous Chen. What does the sky look like, even if he is not a long beheaded six arms, I will break off his extra hands and feet in front of me."

He had just finished saying this, and Jeffrey, who was on the same position as him, patted Alsace directly on the shoulder and said, "Don’t be excited, now it’s not just a matter for you, after all, we four allies It’s just to unite to solve this strong enemy, so this time we go in together to learn what is so mysterious about this so-called formation, I don’t believe that our thousands of elites, plus the four of us, will not be able to overcome a break. Array and a dozen people?"

And through the negotiation of all of them, it was finally decided after thirty minutes to attack the Qimen Dunjia formation set up by Chen Tian and others, and the four bosses rushed to the front without fear. From this courage It can be proved that these four people are absolutely sitting in this position with real hard power. The first visual sense of these four people after entering the valve Dunjia is that the surrounding is all white smoke like smoke. This white smoke is in Qimen Dunjia The outer and inner sides of this formation have been together for a long time, so that people who enter feel as if they have entered a fairyland, so that they cannot see what they had before ten meters. Of course, these four bosses and many other high-level cadres, they did not enter here. Look at the front with your eyes, but use the powerful perception in the micro realm, so that the surrounding objects and the subtle traps in them can perceive everything very meticulously, including bees or insects flying within a few meters of yourself. In response to the induction, they walked along the seemingly correct route and the location around the entrance that appeared to be the entrance.

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