Killing God Island

Chapter 1147: Tiankai Wanqi Chapter 114: Unable to detect strength

No matter how hypocritical and obedient these people pretend to be in front of the two brothers and sisters of Zhuo family, their scheming Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin are naturally aware, but this pair of brothers and sisters will act even more, and they pretend to be silly Leng's acting skills are even more amazing, and they pretend to be very satisfied with them, and they are very satisfied with them. The two brothers and sisters follow their routine, of course, because they are about to face a war. The strength of these people is very beneficial. Their Fighting power is very useful for this war, so it is necessary to use it reasonably. Although this is also an instability factor in the organization, it is the side of the use of it, and they are left to the leader of the organization Steve Lan. Ji's kind of suppression, although he is very strong and not stupid at all, he is not strong enough to fight anyone, so it is easy for some real masters in the organization to fight if he can't calm down. He may not be able to solve it with one person's strength, and the brothers and sisters also want to use this to make some articles.

When the siblings wanted to kill Steve Lanji's secretary Ye Feitongmu inside the organization, Steve Lanji came forward to stop and demanded a face, but Zhuo Yanxuan thought the woman would be bad, However, this woman is really useful to Steve Ranji. It is the key to appease and steal the organization. These three cannot fully control the master, so Steve Ranji will come forward to protect her and give this pair of siblings a A little warning means that I certainly know what your brothers and sisters are doing in private, but I don’t care who you kill, but I don’t let the people you kill do not move.

If the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's are ordinary masters who have no aura of thinking and simple ideas, and have been so important since entering the organization boss, then they must be determined to work for him, but this is completely different for the siblings. Even if their aura is Steve Ranji’s old-style temperament can’t be suppressed. The siblings are the kind of people who are not in the pool. They don’t belong to any force that can be said to be controlled. Of course, this is Steve. When Lanji heard from them that he assisted him in reaching a mutual assistance and mutual benefit agreement, he had already seen that this pair of brothers and sisters was not a simple side. Both the aura and the ability to handle things were very perfect. Tiff. Ranji put Yefeitongmu on his face, but the sister Zhuo Yanxuan was very upset. As the most concerned sister Zhuo Yanxuan, seeing that her sister was very angry, she originally wanted to give Steve before the war. . Lanji's face, but annoyed his sister, Zhuo Yanxuan patted his sister's head and said: "You are angry, we don't need to give him this face. After all, this face is not given. Husband Ranji must also take a couple of us, so I and I decided to kill Ye Fei Tongmu according to the original plan, so that Steve Ranji must completely take a couple of us, only then will our status in this organization be More reliable!"

Zhuo Wenxin suddenly hugged his brother's waist and smiled happily: "I knew my brother would do this, then I will kill him now, but how do you explain it?"

Zhuo Yanxuan smiled slightly and said: "After killing him, he will definitely not be calm for a while, but if he really wants to do something with us for this, then we will kill him and completely replace him as the boss, if He resisted his anger and continued to rely on our plan to implement, then we will leave him with the help for a full-scale war. After all, the guy is also super powerful. It’s better not to fight him or not. We will also be injured after killing him. Injuries in front of the station may change."

After listening, Zhuo Wenxin smiled slightly and replied: "Brother, I know what you mean, but you can rest assured that the guy can't fight with us even if his heart and lungs explode. After all, if he is seriously injured, even if he kills us, he will I was stared at by the three masters who had been staring at him in this position. I think the most likely result is that he changed another method to suppress the three people, and there is only one way. That is to continue to support each other with us. Cooperation continues."

Zhuo Yanxuan said with a smile: "I originally wanted to give him a face. It was good to carry out the original plan so quietly, but I think you are very angry about what happened just now, so I changed my attention. After all, my Termination is to make my sister happy!" Zhuo Yanxuan said this, and patted the top of his sister's head. Because Zhuo Yanxuan was half a head taller than her sister, she liked to wipe the top of her sister's head from an early age. The dog will be obedient and obedient. Of course, Zhuo Yanxuan can't treat his sister as a pet. He is just a kind of caring action for his sister. Moreover, Zhuo Wenxin has very black hair since childhood, and it feels soft and soft. Yan Xuan is very fond of a kind of enjoyment. After all, it is too intimate action. He still doesn't feel suitable for a brother to do to his sister, but this action is very suitable. And every time he touches the top of his sister, Zhuo Wenxin will have a face Enjoying and very cleverly caressing on the brother's chest is really as cute as the well-behaved kittens and puppies. This feeling and enjoyment may only be realized by Zhuo Yanxuan himself.

But Zhuo Yanxuan’s sister looks like a very beautiful and beautiful girl, but in fact she is a very violent woman who likes to kill, and her fighting potential is above his brothers Zhuo Yanxuan and Chen Tian. This is actually Zhuo Yan Xuan also knows this, after all, Zhuo Yanxuan has slowly realized that his sister has never used real power, and he has slowly become more and more affirmed.

And Zhuo Wenxin’s physique is not as strong as Chen Tian’s bloodthirsty physique, but his physique is unmatched by ordinary people. She is a pure combat physique, which is a century-old rare martial arts genius mentioned in ancient books. Although this kind of physique does not have the exaggerated change shape and super healing and regeneration ability of Chen Tian's physique, I am afraid that Chen Tian will lose out.

In fact, Zhuo Wenxin’s real combat strength can be said to be the strongest person in the world’s top ten or less, and there is a lot of room for promotion, and his strength and physical improvement are above his brother Zhuo Yanxuan and Chen Tian, ​​but Zhuo Wenxin is a woman. It is difficult to control because it is strong. After all, except her brother Zhuo Yanxuan, she doesn’t listen to anyone’s words. In the future, it may become an enemy of the four major families. The most important thing is that her character is murderous. She likes it very much. Killing people, and being happy with killing, has been violent from a very young age. In addition to the weak temperament of the very young girl who is reflected by his brother, what is hidden in the heart is the very dark and brutal side.

People with real strength have a temper, which really makes sense. Of course, Zhuo Wenxin is the kind of very willful girl who will be killed directly by people who don’t look good, but as long as there is her brother Zhuo Yanxuan She wouldn't let her kill if she wasn't allowed to kill, but in most cases Zhuo Yanxuan wouldn't stop the person who angered her sister. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan is the character of mutual sister's madness, basically Everything is centered on his sister, so he thinks that as long as he angers the sister and the person that the sister wants to kill, they should kill the **** person.

So everything fancy her sister or tune. She. She, those who make her angry even if Zhuo Wenxin does not kill them, Zhuo Yanxuan will not let them go. Facing such a person, he will never be a big brother, but there are also When it was a special situation, I had to temporarily refrain from killing her. For example, the situation just now, but the main reason why Zhuo Yanxuan changed his mind was that his sister was very angry, and he was carefully thinking about the details of the entire strategy, and standing in Sri Lanka. From the perspective of Tiff Lanji, he came to the conclusion that he did not need to give him this face at all. We are cooperating with each other to reach a relationship of mutual benefit. For this common benefit, our brother and sister will assist you, temporarily When your men fight for the world for him, but now it is completely different from the time when I first entered this organization. This pair of siblings is such a person who will not be subjugated at any time, so when the timing is different, there is no need to return Pretend to listen to Steve Ranji.

Anyway, the brothers and sisters did not intend to be his men forever, and now they have begun to stand at the same angle as him. They will definitely have more value in this war than the woman he wants to protect, so kill her too It won’t change anything. After all, he also needs to keep himself intact compared to the next battle, so he can’t possibly because the woman and Chen Tian’s brothers and sisters shot, the strength of Chen Tian’s brothers and sisters, Stie Huo Lanji's perceptual perception of this level of strength does not show any slight error. Although judging from the comparison of his detection strength, Zhuo Yanxuan's strength is much higher than Zhuo Wenxin, but in fact this may not be the case.

Although Steve Lanji is the top expert in the t-zone, after all, he has never been to a more advanced area on the island, so he does not know that strength can also be detected through hidden forms, so that this perception ability can be detected greatly. Error, only Ms. Zhao’s top ten ranks in the world can truly perceive the truest aspect of the world, and the rest of the state can only be used as a capability to observe the surrounding movements during combat. Let her brother think that she is not as good as him, so that she will get more protection and love from her brother, so after Zhuo Wenxin’s true combat power and ability are hidden, she is proud of the strength evaluation on the ability to release the point that she notices. Of course, this Neither Zhuo Yanxuan nor Chen Tian will be able to do this. In the t-zone, no one can do this except the super master from Shelly, who also comes from the a-zone, so Zhuo Wenxin’s evolutionary potential It is indeed better than her brother and Chen Tian.

If Chen Tian and Zhuo Wenxin are together, I am afraid that they may not be able to realize that their sister may be stronger than themselves, but Zhuo Yanxuan’s IQ can be comparable to that of Ye Minyu, and Zhuo Yanxuan has always been with his sister. Together, so he has doubts when dealing with many things, but no matter whether he really surpasses his fighting ability, Zhuo Yanxuan only knows that his sister is so strong that she doesn’t need to worry about handling or killing her alone. Some people, even if that person has some strength, can never be an opponent of his sister.

Especially to kill Ye Fei Tongmu, Zhuo Yanxuan need not worry anymore, even if the woman is playing secret tricks, she can't escape from her sister. After all, the strength gap between the two of them is quite huge, and once Killing this woman will really anger Steve Lanji, but it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s time to show up with the guy. Now Zhuo Yanxuan wants to command this battle from the same angle as him, so the momentum is really not Should lose to him, and Zhuo Yanxuan, a man with a kingly temperament, absolutely would not refuse to surrender.

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