Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 870 The Demon of Terror, Suppressed by Immortal Weapons

In Moyuan Square.

These demons from the Demon Abyss were waiting for the return of their most powerful Demon Lord, the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord, but they had not yet asked the Lord Demon Lord about the war situation.

They saw their revered Lord the Ancient Demon Lord directly digging out his own heart.

The Ancient Demon Clan is the most powerful race in Moyuan. Even the minor Ancient Demon Clan is up to 10 feet tall. As the level increases, the height becomes higher and higher, and the body becomes larger and larger, such as this A demon king from the ancient demon clan, the demon king's body reached 100 feet tall.

Among the demons in Moyuan Square, the tallest among them is no more than the knees of the ancient demon king.

"Lord Demon Lord, what are you doing?"

The demons in Moyuan Square looked at the Ancient Demon Lord in horror. They didn't understand what the Ancient Demon Lord was going to do?

The Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord ignored the panic and doubts of the demons in Moyuan Square. He looked at the huge heart on his left hand. This heart was completely red, but it was covered with black lines. This was The heart of the ancient demon clan.

The Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord did not seem to feel any pain. His eyes were filled with determination, more resentment and unwillingness.

Who can be willing to cultivate to his level?

And after cultivating to his level, even if he loses the heart of the demon, he will not die physically. Only when the god dies will he completely perish.

"Damn curse, why did you choose me, the Ancient Demon Clan!" Looking at the heart of the Ancient Demon Clan in his hand, the Ancient Demon Lord shouted in a low voice again.

This low roar was like thunder, deafening in the ears of the demons in the Demon Abyss Square.

They don’t understand the meaning of the words ‘curse’ and ‘selected by the Ancient Demon Clan’ spoken by the Ancient Demon Lord? What does it mean? They are just demons at the level of the magic pill and below, and have no access to the levels above.

Looking at the Demon Heart in his hand, the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord felt very unwilling. The four previous Demon Abyss Demon Lords really didn't know his pain and helplessness.

They thought that the reason why the ancient demon clan did not leave the demon abyss was because there were some treasures in the demon abyss. However, only the demons who had reached the realm of the demon king could know what treasures there were in the demon abyss.

There is only a curse, a curse on his ancient demon clan.

After the Ancient Demon Lord was born, he was always warned by his father, the Ancient Demon Lord, that he must never leave the Demon Abyss. Leaving the scope of the Demon Abyss would lead to death.

The Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan, he is a demon, he does not believe in evil, and wants to leave the Demon Abyss to see the outside world.

However, he was discovered by his father, the Taigu Demon Lord. At that time, the Taigu Demon Lord was extremely frightened, fearing that his father would punish him. However, his father did not punish him, but expelled his younger brother who had no talent for demon cultivation. Out of the scope of the Demonic Abyss.

Then through the magic treasure, the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord finally saw with his own eyes that his younger brother had just left the range of the Demon Abyss, seemed to have been attacked inexplicably, and then died in pain and disappeared into ashes.

At this moment, the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord understood why there was a prohibition among the Ancient Demon Clan. No one of the Ancient Demon Clan was allowed to leave the scope of the Demon Abyss privately.

If you stay away from the Demon Abyss, you will die.

It was also at this moment that the father of the ancient demon king explained to him that the ancient demon clan was cursed.

Because the ancient demon clan wants to protect the demon abyss, the suppressed demons under the demon abyss are not allowed to escape. Once they get out, the curse of the entire ancient demon clan in the demon abyss will be activated in an instant, and they will all die without burial. land.

After his father died, the Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan took over the mission of guarding the Demon Abyss. He finally understood that many terrifying demons were suppressed under the Demon Abyss.

If this demon appears, even the demon king in Zhongzhou will not be able to surrender.

But at the same time, the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord also knew that although they were cursed, in the years, there was an Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord who was amazingly talented and rebellious, and wanted to release the demons in the Demon Abyss and end the mission of the Ancient Demon Clan. with a curse.

Genocide is the end.

Therefore, a method to release the monsters suppressed under the Demonic Abyss was developed, but it was stopped in time. The method was regarded as a forbidden method and locked in the forbidden area of ​​the ancient demon clan.

As the leader of the Ancient Demon Clan, the Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan is only qualified to go to the forbidden areas of the Ancient Demon Clan, and has also obtained the forbidden method of releasing the demons suppressed under the abyss.

"Since you can't escape this curse, then you, the extraterrestrial demons, should be buried with Mo Yuan."

The Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord murmured in his heart. He looked up at the sky again. As he took out his heart and thought about it, he felt the breaths of Ning Qiudao and Gu Yueshenjun getting closer. It seemed that the next second It can float above the Demonic Abyss.

"Lord, the Ancient Demon Lord, what happened? Did our Demon Abyss fail?" An old Demon Abyss came to the Ancient Demon Lord, raised his head and looked at the Ancient Demon Lord and asked.

The Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord lowered his head to take a look. He looked at the Demon Abyss Demon Clan surrounding the Demon Abyss Square one by one.

"Moyuan, defeated!" The Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord whispered.

These four words fell on the ears of all the Demon Abyss in the Demon Abyss Square like magic. They were struck by lightning. Their expressions all changed at this moment, which meant that the Demon Abyss was about to be destroyed.

"Sir, the Ancient Demon Lord, are all the other Demon Lords dead?" The old Demon Lord from the Demon Abyss asked again.

But this time, the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord did not answer him, because there was no time. If he wasted no more answering questions like this, the 13 gods-turned-god kings and Demon Clan Demon Lords from the extraterrestrial demons were about to arrive.

And there is no point in answering the question. Whether it is him or all the Demon Abyss Demons, they must die because they have to be sacrificed.

According to the taboo method he learned to release the demons suppressed by the Demon Abyss, it was necessary to destroy the entire demon clan in the Demon Abyss and make them a sacrifice, a blood sacrifice for the demons suppressed by the Demon Abyss.

Then use the curse issued on him as the key to completely open the door of the Demonic Abyss and release the demon behind the door.

"let's start!"

He murmured in his heart, and then raised the Demon Heart in his hand high. The black lines in the Demon Heart squirmed like tentacles in an instant, flying towards the demons in the entire Demon Abyss Square, each one The black lines penetrated into the heads of every demon in Demon Abyss Square at an extremely fast speed.


The black lines turned into threads, covering the entire Demonic Abyss Square, lifting all the demons in the Demonic Abyss Square. These Demon Abyss Demons screamed in pain, and were soon sucked into dried corpses by the black threads.

The screams stopped, and the black threads dropped all the shriveled corpses and gathered them in the heart of the ancient demon king.

Seeing the death of all the demons in the Demonic Abyss, the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord still showed a trace of reluctance in his eyes, but now that the matter was over, there was no turning back. He took the Demonic Heart back into his hands, and his figure As soon as he escaped, he came to a statue in Moyuan Square.

This statue is a thousand-foot-high statue of the ancient demon clan. It is this statue of the ancient demon clan that suppresses the demons below the Demon Abyss Square.

The demons in Moyuan don't know that Moyuan Square is actually an altar to suppress the demon below Moyuan.

Without hesitation, the Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan pressed his demon heart onto the thousand-foot-long statue of the Ancient Demon Clan, and then activated the curse in his blood. The demon heart instantly turned into blood, covering the entire thousand-foot statue. .

After doing all this, the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord turned around and looked up at the sky. Thirteen figures finally appeared in the sky. They were Ning Qiudao, Gu Yueshenjun, Tianmo Xuanxie and others from the Three Realms camp. The God-incarnation Lord and the Demon Lord.

Seeing Ning Qiudao and the others, the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord showed a smile on his face.

Seeing the smile on the face of the Ancient Demon Lord, Gu Yueshenjun and others frowned slightly, and then they sensed the thousands-foot statue of the Ancient Demon Clan behind the Ancient Demon Lord, and felt the aura surging inside.

The aura hidden in the thousand-foot-long ancient demon statue made the God of Transformation and the Demon Lord of the three realms, including Gu Yueshenjun, Tianmo Xuanxie, etc., feel a trembling feeling in their hearts for a moment.

A premonition of danger.

"No, there is something wrong with that ancient demon clan stone statue. Kill this Demon Abyss Demon Lord quickly." Shenjun Gu Yue shouted softly and already took action. Her fifth-level magic weapon, which was like a bright moon, exuded The clear brilliance of the moonlight was heading towards the ancient demon clan Demon Lord.

The other gods of the Three Realms camp and the Demon Lord also felt the terrifying aura fluctuations in the statue of the Ancient Demon Lord. They felt that it must be the fault of the Ancient Demon Lord, and they also attacked the Ancient Demon Lord one after another.

"It's too late!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of the ancient demon clan's mouth. In the next moment, a kind of terror arose beneath the thousand-foot ancient demon clan statue behind him, which suddenly blasted the thousand-foot ancient demon clan statue into pieces, and the entire demon abyss was shaken. It's shaking.

The Demonic Abyss Square instantly collapsed and collapsed, and streaks of black demonic energy rose from the ground of the Demonic Abyss Square. One of the black demonic auras entangled the body of the ancient demon clan Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan did not resist, but allowed this black demonic energy to wrap around his body. A voice rang in his heart: "The descendants of the Ancient Demon Clan are really pitiful if they have little blood. Haha, even if they have little blood, they are pitiful. I’m going to die too.”

There seemed to be endless resentment in his flat tone.

The Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan understands the resentment of the other party, because it was the ancestors of the Ancient Demon Clan who suppressed this demon under the Demon Abyss. He looked at Gu Yueshenjun and Ning Qiudao from the Three Realms camp attacking Moyuan Square, with a relieved smile on his face and said softly: "Senior, can you kill those 13 people together?"

"Okay, I will fulfill the little one's wish!"

In the next moment, the body of this ancient demon king was turned into a shriveled corpse by the black demonic energy.

At this time, the entire Demonic Abyss was still shaking, including 18 Demonic Passes.

At the 17th Demon Pass, the two commanders, Wu Tao and Yu Zhengsheng, were leading their own team of Nascent Soul cultivators and Original God demons to meditate and adjust their breaths to recover from previous consumption.

At this moment, the ground at the 17th Demonic Pass shook violently. Wu Tao's heart suddenly tightened, and he felt a danger growing in his heart. He immediately shouted: "Everyone, escape from the 17th Demonic Pass quickly."

After saying that, he immediately used the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and fled outside the 17th Demonic Pass. Yu Zhengsheng, other Yuan Ying immortal cultivators and the original god demons around him also felt the strange movements under the 17th Demonic Pass and hurriedly Escape with Wu Tao.

Just as they were escaping, the hundred-foot-high city wall of the 17th Demonic Pass suddenly collapsed, and streams of black demonic energy deep underground surged up into the sky.

Wu Tao and his two teams of Yuan Ying immortal cultivators and original god demons looked back and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. The surging and rolling black demonic energy was so powerful that there was a feeling that facing the demons Demon Lord also has powerful demonic energy.

Fortunately, the surging and rolling black demonic energy did not chase them, but gathered towards the central demonic abyss.

This happened not only in the 17th Demonic Pass, but also in every other Demonic Pass. Some Nascent Soul cultivators and Original God Demons were too slow to escape, and were swept away by the black demonic energy and turned into a shriveled corpse. The corpse died and disappeared.

After escaping from the 17th magic level, Wu Tao finally stopped because he didn't feel any premonition of danger. Suspended in the void, he could still feel the terrifying aura surging in the Demonic Abyss.

"What exactly happened? Are Head Ning, Lord Gu Yue and the 13 Lords of Transformation and Demon Realm still in the Demon Abyss? Are they in danger?"

Because according to Wu Tao's intuition, this terrifying aura is more powerful than the God of Transformation and the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm.

Unexpectedly, this happened during the attack on Moyuan.

"Fellow Daoist Li, what's going on?" Yu Zhengsheng's Nascent Soul Escape Technique is naturally not as fast as Wu Tao's Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, so he arrived at Wu Tao's side at this time, and there were also other Nascent Soul cultivators and original god demons one after another. Came to Wu Tao's side. Yu Zhengsheng looked at Wu Tao and asked with lingering fear. If they hadn't run fast, they would have died in the surging demonic energy.

Wu Tao shook his head when he heard this and said, "I don't know what's going on."

"So Fellow Daoist Li, what should we do now?" Yu Zhengsheng asked in shock.

Wu Tao stared at the position of Mo Yuan, feeling the terrifying aura, and said: "Wait here first, this is a safe area."

After saying that, he immediately took out the rescue token and sent a message to his master Wen Xingrui. He felt that this must have happened not only in the 17th magic level, but also in other magic levels, so he was particularly concerned about his master Wen Xing at this moment. Rui's security situation.

The entire Demonic Abyss sank deeply, surging with strong black energy. The black energy turned into tentacles and instantly rushed toward Ning Qiudao, Gu Yueshenjun and the others in the air.

With this sudden change in the Demonic Abyss, it seemed as if some powerful monster had awakened underground. Gu Yueshenjun, Ning Qiudao and the others also felt the power of the monster, which was even stronger than them.

Because they also witnessed with their own eyes the demon king of the ancient demon clan, who was instantly bound by the black energy and died.

"13 little ants, please turn them into nourishment for me." In the Demonic Abyss Square, a thousand-foot-long body composed of demonic energy slowly stood up, and the voice resounded throughout the Demonic Abyss.

This voice fell on the ears of Gu Yue Shenjun, Ning Qiudao and their three-realm camp Shenhua Shenjun and the Demon Lord, causing their thoughts to stop for a moment.

"So powerful, what kind of monster is this?"

"Fellow Taoists, run away quickly!" Ning Qiudao shouted.

Gu Yueshenjun and the others also knew that they could not stay in the Demon Abyss at this time, as they would be killed by this monster if they stayed here, so they all turned around and used their escape skills with all their strength to escape from this place.

But the terror of the monster was far beyond their imagination. 13 thick and powerful black energy quickly wrapped around the backs of the 13 people in Ningqiu Road.

"My life is at risk!"

This is the thought in the minds of Gu Yue Shenjun, Tianmo Xuanxie, the god-incarnation god-lord and the demon clan demon lord at this time.

And Ning Qiudao felt the terror behind him, and he immediately shouted in his heart: "Senior, why don't you take action?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blue mark of Zhan Gong Palace on Ning Qiudao's wrist, as well as the blue marks on the wrists of Gu Yue Shenjun, Tianmo Xuane, the 12 God-Transforming Lords and the Demon Lord, all lit up.

The brand glowed brightly and gathered together. The next moment, they looked up and saw a huge palace slowly falling from the sky and suppressing the thousand-foot-tall monster.

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