“It’s saved.

The huge War Merit Palace appeared and enveloped the entire Demonic Abyss.

Seeing the appearance of the War Merit Hall, the gods of the three realms such as Gu Yue Shenjun, Yao Ri Shenjun, Tian Mo Xuan Evil and other three realm camps all breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they don't understand why the War Merit Palace appears to help them in times of crisis.

But in my heart I am still very grateful to the War Merit Hall and the Emperor Shenjun. They felt that they had the mark of the War Merit Hall on their bodies, and the Emperor Shenjun would definitely be able to obtain their every move through the War Merit Hall.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the War Merit Hall appeared at this moment and suppressed the thousand-foot-tall Demon Abyss monster.

The strange thing is that Emperor Shenjun is willing to help them.

However, the Palace of War Merits only appeared, and the figure of Emperor Shenjun did not appear, so they had no chance to thank Emperor Shenjun in person.

"Thank you Emperor Shenjun!"

Gu Yueshenjun and other gods transformed into gods, as well as Tianmo Xuanxie and other demons of the demon race whispered something, all looking at the war merit hall that covered the sky and the sun.

Ning Qiudao was the only one present who knew very well that this War Merit Palace was the Emperor Shenjun's War Merit Palace. It was obviously the immortal weapon that existed behind him, but Ning Qiudao would not say it out loud.

The appearance of the War Merit Hall was also seen by the 18 teams of Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons from the Three Realms camp outside the 18 magic gates.

The main reason is that they are too familiar with the aura of the War Merit Hall, and the appearance of the War Merit Hall this time is very huge. It covers the entire sky above the Demonic Abyss as soon as it appears, and the momentum is very huge.

"It's the Hall of War Merits!"

Beside Wu Tao, Yu Zhengsheng couldn't help but screamed when he saw the War Merit Hall suddenly suppressing it from the air.

Wu Tao also looked at the War Merit Palace. Originally, he was very worried about the safety of Gu Yueshenjun, the God-Transforming Lords and the Demon Lords, but now that he saw the appearance of the War Merit Palace, he was completely relieved.

Because the War Merit Hall is an immortal weapon, no matter how powerful the monsters that appear in the Demonic Abyss are, they cannot be an opponent of the immortals.

He didn't believe that there could be an existence like an immortal in the world of Tai Ling Xiu Xian Sword, where only Lianxu Tianjun appeared.

Of course this is not absolute.

Just like their three realms.

As far as Wu Tao knows, there are three beings who are equivalent to immortals. One is the Emperor God Lord who has wandered into the Three Realms from the outside world. One is the being behind Ning Qiudao, and the other is the nail in the coffin of the demon in his spiritual mind.

Wu Tao is not worried about the safety of Head Ning, because there is a powerful being who is equivalent to an immortal behind Head Ning.

But the existence of this important person who is equivalent to an immortal may only protect the life of the leader Ning, just like when he encounters danger, Master Ding will only protect his life.

In the eyes of these big shots, other people's lives don't matter at all.

"With the appearance of the War Merit Palace, Moyuan has fallen into the hands of the Three Realms camp!"

Wu Tao was thinking like this, and the sign for help started to move. When he read it with his spiritual mind, he found that it was a message sent to him by his master Wen Xingrui.

In the message, Wen Xingrui told him that everything was safe and asked him not to worry too much.

After reading the information in the request for help token, Wu Tao was completely relieved. He just waited for the War Merit Hall to suppress the thousand-foot-long monster under the Demon Abyss, and then went to the center of the Demon Abyss to meet with Ning's leader Gu Yueshenjun, Tianmo Xuanxie and the others. Lord Shen Shen and Lord Demon Clan meet up.

All the Nascent Soul cultivators and original god demons who were waiting quietly outside the 18 magic gates all set their sights on the War Merit Hall.

"What magic weapon is this? How can it be so powerful?"

The thousand-foot monster that came out of the Demonic Abyss felt the War Merit Palace suppressing it. Suddenly, the black demonic energy in the entire Demonic Abyss boiled.

There was fear in his heart, and he was very unwilling to do so. He had just been freed from the devil's abyss, and he encountered such a powerful magic weapon.

"I am not willing to give in!"

But after hearing the roar of this thousand-foot monster, the War Merit Hall finally landed on the Demonic Abyss, slamming the entire Demonic Abyss hard, and the entire Demonic Abyss shook violently at this moment.

But after shaking, the War Merit Palace left the Demonic Abyss directly, flew into the sky, and disappeared.

The Demonic Abyss was very quiet at this moment, and any black demonic aura of the thousand-foot monster had completely disappeared, as if it had never existed.

"Then the monster died like this?"

Gu Yueshenjun, Tianmo Xuanxie and other gods-turned-gods and demons looked at Moyuan Square in shock.

"As expected of the Palace of Immortal Weapons and War Merits!"

In the end, Gu Yueshenjun could only sigh with emotion.

"Thank you, Senior Emperor Shenjun, for your help!" Although she couldn't thank Emperor Shenjun in person for his help, Gu Yueshenjun still bowed in the direction where the War Merit Hall disappeared, and sincerely thanked him. She felt that with Emperor Shenjun's magical power You must be able to feel your sincerity.

Seeing Lord Gu Yue's behavior, the other gods and demon kings from the other three realm camps also followed suit and bowed to the sky where the War Merit Hall had disappeared, thanking Emperor Shenjun for his rescue.

Although Ning Qiudao knew where the Emperor God Lord was coming to save him, he also knew the thoughts of the being behind him, so he followed Gu Yueshen Lord and the others towards the direction where the War Merit Palace disappeared, and bowed to thank the Emperor God Lord. .

"Fellow Taoists, we have completely occupied the entire Demonic Abyss, and there is no more Demonic Abyss Demon Clan!" Lord Gu Yue's divine transformation spirit was released, and he could no longer feel the Demonic Clan in the Demonic Abyss, so he looked at his colleagues The God-Transforming Lord and the Demon Lord continued:

"Fellow Daoist Kaiyang, send a message to Yuanying and Yuanshen who have attacked the 18th Demonic Pass, asking them to enter the Demonic Abyss now."

Upon hearing this, Kaiyang Shenjun immediately took out his token and sent a message to the 18 commanders who had attacked the 18 magic levels.

Then Gu Yueshenjun and the demons such as Tian Mo Xuan Evil began to explore the demon abyss.

As soon as they explored the demon abyss, Tianmo Xuanxie and other demons were very satisfied with the demon abyss and said to Gu Yueshenjun: "This demon abyss is very suitable for our demons to practice. From now on, the humans and demons in our three realm camp will be Once you have established a foothold in the Northern God Territory, you don’t have to worry about where to practice.”

When Gu Yueshenjun heard this, he shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoist Tian Mo Xuan Evil, if you want to completely establish a foothold in the Northern God Territory, it is not enough to just occupy the Northern God Territory and Mo Abyss. You also need Daoist Daoist Yuanding and Daoist Daoist Tian Mo Xuan to break through." The realm of refining the void and the realm of the devil!"

After hearing the words of Shenjun Gu Yue, Tianmo Xuanxie nodded in agreement and said: "Fellow Daoist Gu Yue's words are reasonable, but I thought it was wrong. But you don't have to worry too much, Daoist Gu Yue. There is a war merit hall, Daoist friend Yuanding and my clan's My friend Tian Mo Xuan will definitely be able to successfully break through the realm of refining the void and the realm of the demon king."

"You say so, Fellow Daoist Ning."

After Tian Mo Xuan Evil finished speaking, he looked at Ning Qiudao.

Ning Qiudao saw that they were all looking at him, so he nodded and said: "Yes, fellow Taoist Yuan Ding and fellow Tianmo Xuan have breakthrough skills that can be exchanged in the War Merit Hall, and they also have cultivation resources that can be exchanged in the War Merit Hall. The War Merit Hall is the emperor's The divine weapon of the Lord God will definitely help fellow Taoist Yuanding and fellow Daoist Tianmo Xuan break through to the next level."

"After Daoist Fellow Yuanding and Daoist Fellow Tianmoxuan break through, the next person's turn should be Fellow Daoist Ning!" Kaiyang Shenjun suddenly looked at Ning Qiu with a little envy.

They, the God-Transforming God Lords and Demon Lords from the Three Realms, held a meeting and decided that each of the God-Transforming God Lords and Demon Lords must accumulate some combat merit resources, and then give them to more powerful God-Transforming God Lords or Demon Lords. The clan demon lord first made a breakthrough to the big realm.


Only in this way can the Lianxu Tianjun and Demon King be born faster to compete with Zhongzhou in the Tailingxiu Immortal Realm.

Ning Qiudao is their most powerful deity-forming god king now, so next time it should be his turn to obtain those resources and break through to the realm of refining the void.

In fact, Ning Qiudao's combat power and cultivation level are not worse than that of Yuanding Shenjun, but after all, there is only one God-Transforming Lord of Lingxu Immortal Sect, so in the previous voting of the god-lord meeting, the minority obeyed the majority, so Yuanding Shenjun of Xingchenhai Immortal World and Demon Realm's Tenmo Genichi received the highest number of votes.

Therefore, it was Yuanding Shenjun and Tianmo Xuanyi who made the big breakthrough first.

Ning Qiudao said humbly when he heard this, and then continued to wander around the Demon Abyss with these God-Transforming Lords and Demon Lords.

And all the commanders outside the Eighteen Demon Passes also received the message from Lord Kaiyang.

They were also very shocked when the War Merit Hall came, smashed it down, and disappeared directly. Then the thousand-foot-long monster in the Demonic Abyss had been eliminated.

They marveled at the power of the immortal weapon.

Such a terrifying monster, a monster that even the God of Transformation and the Demon King could not face. The immortal weapon only smashed it to death with a light blow.

At this moment, all the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods of the demon race are very eager to become immortals.

In the past, they were trapped in the cage of the three realms and could not escape from the cage. They had reached the end of their cultivation to the realm of gods and demons, and they did not dare to have extravagant hopes of becoming immortals.

But now they have left the Three Realms and jumped out of this prison. Even if the current Tailing Immortal Realm is only one level higher than the Three Realms, they believe that with the help of the War Merit Palace and the Emperor Shenjun, they will be able to escape from Tailing again. In the prison of the world of immortality, there is always hope of stepping into a higher realm.

There is also hope for becoming an immortal.

Outside the 17th magic pass, Wu Tao's 18th team and Yu Zhengsheng's 17th team were suspended in the void outside the magic pass. As the leaders of the two teams, Wu Tao and Yu Zhengsheng naturally received the message from Kaiyang Shenjun immediately. .

After reading the message, the two men immediately flew into the Demonic Abyss with two teams of Nascent Soul cultivators and Original God Demons.

After passing through the 17th Demonic Pass, he entered the scope of the Demonic Abyss. After flying for a while, he reunited with the teams from other Demonic Passages.

These 18 commanders gathered together. When Wu Tao saw that his master Wen Xingruan was safe, they entered the Demon Abyss together and headed back towards the gods and demons of the three realm camps, Ning Qiudao and Tian Mo Xuan Evil.

It is inevitable to communicate with each other on the road.

Soon, they were in front of the 13 god-turned-god kings and demon kings from the Three Realms camp.

"For the record, seniors, the eighteen magic passes have been successfully conquered."

Wu Tao and other 18 commanders all bowed their hands to the thirteen transformed gods and demon kings.

Gu Yueshenjun looked at Wu Tao and other 18 commanders and said: "Okay, you will report to Ning Shenjun later on the battle situation of the capture of the magic pass. Ning Shenjun will make statistics and then reward you based on your merits."

"Yes, Lord Gu Yueshen!"

Wu Tao and other eighteen commanders bowed their hands to Lord Gu Yue, then looked at Ning Qiudao, and then bowed to Ning Qiudao.

Ning Qiudao said to Gu Yueshenjun and the others: "Since Moyuan has been captured, I will take them back so that I can record their battle situation and then reward them based on their merits."

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Ning!"

Then Ning Qiudao took Wu Tao, the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original god demons to leave the Demon Abyss, returned to the War Merits Hall, and began to record their war achievements for them in the main hall of the War Merits Hall.

The leader of the first demonic pass began to report to Ning Qiudao, explaining how many demons were killed by conquering the first demonic pass and how many people were injured on his side.

Reporting all the way to Yu Zhengsheng's 17th Demon Pass, all 17 teams had Nascent Soul cultivators and original god demons killed in battle.

Finally, it was Wu Tao's turn to report.

The eyes of all the Yuanying immortal cultivators and the original god demons fell on Wu Tao, and on the 18 teams of Yuanying immortal cultivators and original god demons led by Wu Tao.

Wu Tao came to Ning Qiudao and reported: "Ning Shenjun, no one in the 18th team was killed this time. They successfully captured the 18th magic pass. They also supported the 17th magic pass of fellow Taoist Yu Zhengsheng and helped fellow Taoist Yu Zhengsheng get the magic pass. Passed the 17th level."

Wu Tao then reported in more detail the number of demons killed, the number of demons killed by his team members, etc. Ning Qiudao recorded it and waited until a few days later to start giving rewards based on merit.

Hearing that none of the Yuan Ying immortal cultivators and original god demons in Wu Tao's team were dead, the other 17 teams of Yuan Ying immortal cultivators and original god demons all looked at Wu Tao, thinking in their hearts, what if the next time If there is any big war, it would be great to be able to follow Wu Tao.

Ning Qiudao finally said to Wu Tao, the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original god demon clan: "You should practice in the War Merit Hall first, and then we will discuss your merits and reward them in three days!"

As for the reconstruction of the Demonic Abyss, they will not be required to do it, but the foundation-building immortal cultivators and Qi-refining immortal cultivators left behind in the Northern God Territory can do it.

After Ning Qiudao finished speaking, he left the War Merit Hall.

However, when Ning Qiudao left the War Merit Hall, he received a message from Wu Tao.

Wu Tao, the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original god demons were the only ones left in the main hall of the War Merit Hall.

They came to Wu Tao and congratulated Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Li, he is truly the first person at the Nascent Soul level. This time he conquered the 18th Demonic Pass. It's time for Friend Li to take the first place in combat achievements."

A leader in military merit can be rewarded with a lot of military exploits, which makes them very envious, but they are not jealous because they know that Wu Tao can win this ranking because of his unparalleled strength.

Wu Tao humbly responded to their words one by one, and some immortal cultivators and demons said that they must work behind Wu Tao next time there is a big battle.

This made Wu Tao's 18th team of Nascent Soul cultivators and original god demons laugh and curse, saying that they were from Wu Tao's team and they already had enough people.

A quarter of an hour later, the chat was over and they were going to count the harvest. Wu Tao said a few words to his master Wen Xingrui and then went to the rest room No. 13 to see Ning Qiudao without stopping.

When Ning Qiudao left just now, he sent a message to Ning Qiudao with his spiritual mind, saying that he had something to discuss with Ning Qiudao.

It's not about other things, but about the spirit transformation technique.

He has now cultivated to the ninth level of Nascent Soul, and this time he has captured the Demonic Abyss in the Northern God Territory and the Extremely Cold Land. In the future, he can safely refine the fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform.

To refine the fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform, you need to find a method to transform into a god. Only the method of transforming into a god also has a way to refine the foundation of transforming into a god.

Without the God-Transformation Technique, Wu Tao would have wasted the fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform's effectiveness in refining the God-Transformation Foundation, and could only use it to upgrade to Nascent Soul Consummation.

Wu Tao is not stupid and would not do this.

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