Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 869 The demon suppressed under the demon abyss

And just after Wu Tao and the others captured the Eighteen Demonic Passes of the Demon Abyss.

The Tiangang layer located above the Demonic Abyss.

A fierce battle is also going on at this moment.

Thirteen figures each used their magical powers to besiege the five Demon Lords of the Demon Abyss.

There are a total of nine Demon Lords in the Demon Abyss, and only five Demon Lords are left after the war.

And because the gods of the Three Realms camp and the Demon Lords of the Demon Clan were more numerous and had an advantage, and they also carried the killing magic weapon from the War Merit Palace, they killed four Demon Lords of the Abyss.

They are besieging these five Demon Lords of Moyuan, and they are bound to kill all the Demon Lords in Moyuan.

Among the remaining five Demon Lords from the Demon Abyss, one is from the Ancient Demon Clan. This Demon Lord from the Ancient Demon Clan is 100 feet tall, and his huge body exudes strong demonic energy in the Tiangang layer.

If it weren't for this Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan, the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord of the Demon Clan in the Three Realms camp would have killed the nine Demon Lords of the Demon Abyss long ago.

The ancient demon clan in this demon abyss is actually more powerful than the heavenly demon royal clan. Until now in the battle between Heavenly Demon and Xuan Evil, I was still envious that the other party could be an ancient demon clan and had a bloodline stronger than theirs, the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan.

Because among the demons, there are different races. The higher the race, the stronger the demons are, just like the three royal families and the nine ordinary demons in the demon world.

Therefore, the ancient demons in this demonic abyss are a higher-level demon race than the heavenly demon royal family. As for the other Moyuan races, some are similar to the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan, and some are inferior to the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan.

As expected of the Tailing Cultivation Immortal World, with the existence of the Void Refining Heavenly Lord and the Demon King, it is a world of a higher level than the Three Realms, so the demons born are more powerful than the demons in the Three Realms.

Among the three realm camps, Ning Qiudao, Gu Yue Shenjun, Tianmo Xuanxie, and Yaori Shenjun are the strongest. Especially Ning Qiudao, one person can suppress the demon king of the ancient demon clan.

At the level of the God of Transformation (Demon Lord), it is extremely difficult to kill with the magical power of a demon. If Ning Qiu Dao had not suppressed the Demon Lord of the ancient demon clan, the God of Transformation and the Demon Lord of the Three Realms camp would not have been able to kill him. Maybe he could kill 4 of the opponent's demons so quickly.

In fact, as early as when the boundary wall portal first appeared in the Xianyuan world, the demon world and the Xingchenhaixixianxian world had already fought against Ning Qiudao and Di Shenjun in the boundary wall.

At that time, they also deeply realized the power of Ning Qiudao, although it was not as powerful as Emperor Shenjun.

At that time, the God-Transforming God Lord in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Lord Demon Lord in the Demon Realm speculated that the Emperor God-Monarch was in a realm above the God-Transforming Realm.

But now that they have come to the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm and seen the power of the War Merit Hall, they finally understand where the Emperor God is in the realm above the transformation of gods. He is obviously an immortal.

It’s just that I don’t know why he ended up living in the Three Realms.

But that's not what they care about now, because the realm of Emperor Shenjun is too high than theirs. Emperor Shenjun alone can control the lives of all the gods and demons in the three realms. Therefore, even if you are deceived by Emperor Shenjun and come to the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, you can only survive obediently according to Emperor Shenjun's game rules.

Fortunately, Emperor Shenjun seemed to have good intentions towards them. Although he brought them to a dangerous place like the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, he also used the War Merit Hall to help them quickly improve their cultivation.

Moreover, Emperor Shenjun really did not lie to them. The way out of the Three Realms can really lead to a higher-level world of cultivating immortals, where they can obtain the skills above the transformation of gods, so that they can continue to practice on the road of cultivation.

No longer can we cultivate to the realm of gods and demons as in the three realms. There will be no way forward and we can only wait for death.

Or go to the road to reach the gods, but no one can break through the road to the gods.

"Fellow Daoist Ning, fellow Taoists, please hurry up. Too much time is wasted by besieging the nine demon lords in Moyuan. We cannot kill all the nine demon lords in Moyuan without suffering any injuries." Kill." Lord Gu Yue sent a message to the twelve God-Transforming Lords and Demon Lords present.

The reason why he was called Ning Qiudao alone was because Ning Qiudao was the strongest present. He alone suppressed the Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan.

This time, the nine Demon Lords besieging the Demon Abyss, they dispatched 13 beings of the same realm. They just wanted to slowly and slowly grind these nine Demon Lords to death without paying any price, so until now, they only killed them. 4 Demon Lords from the Demon Abyss.

If he had gone all out and thought about killing these nine Demon Lords even if he was injured, he might have killed nine Demon Lords by now.

Regarding Gu Yueshenjun's proposal, Ning Qiudao and other 12 gods and demons all agreed. They also felt that it took too long.

The main reason was that before they went to war, they received news from the God Transformation Lord and the Demon Lord Demon Lord who were patrolling the border of the Northern God Territory. They said that the God Transformation Lord in the East God Territory and the West God Territory seemed to be making unusual movements. It was most likely that they The God-Transforming God Lord from the Northern God Territory is gathering the God-Transforming God Lords from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory to launch a counterattack against them.

If the escaped God-Transforming God Lords from the Northern God Territory gather the God-Transforming God Lords to launch a counterattack against the Three Realms camp occupying the Northern God Territory, it is very likely to succeed, because at the moment they have 13 God-Transforming God Lords and Demon Lords who have been defeated by Mo Yuan. Contained.

"Okay, then I'll follow Friend Gu Yue's advice and go all out. It doesn't matter if I get injured a little. I just hope that I can kill the remaining five Demon Lords of the Demon Abyss as soon as possible."

Now that all of Gu Yueshenjun's proposals have been approved, in the next moment, Ning Qiu said, Gu Yueshenjun, Tianmo Xuanxie, these god-transforming gods and demons, the auras on their bodies suddenly increased, and they went all out to the remaining demons. The five Demon Abyss Demon Lords attacked and killed them.

A series of magical powers condensed and fell towards them, and the fifth-level attack magic weapons roared towards the remaining five Demon Abyss Demon Lords.

Almost most of the attacks fell on the Ancient Demon Clan. The Ancient Demon Clan's body was extremely strong, and despite resisting magical powers and magic weapons, he only suffered minor injuries.

And this kind of slight injury will not cause much hindrance to the Demon Lord realm. He still has a strong aura, and every time he makes a move, the Tiangang energy of the surrounding Tiangang layer surges.

Ning Qiudao also took action with all his strength. He condensed a series of swordsmanship magical powers all over his body. Every swordsmanship magical power fell on the demon king of the ancient demon clan, so that this demon king of the ancient demon clan did not dare to despise him.

After the fierce battle between the two sides, the Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan is also familiar with the fighting styles of these three-realm camp God-Transforming God Lords and the Demon Clan Demon Lord. The most direct threat to him is this Human Race God-Transforming God Lord.

"Fellow Taoist Taoist, we can't hold on any longer!"

The Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord was using his body to help the remaining four Demon Abyss Demon Lords, resisting most of the falling magical powers and magic weapon attacks, and then received the voice transmissions from the remaining four Demon Abyss Demon Lords.

The ancient demon clan turned a deaf ear and it was impossible for him to escape.

"Fellow Taoist Taoist, please run for your life. As long as we are still there, the demon clan in Moyuan will continue."

"Yes, fellow Taoist Taoist, we can't end up like the four fellow Taoists who died."

The remaining four Demon Abyss Demon Lords have already thought of escaping, and they are constantly persuading the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord, hoping that the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord will escape with them, which gives them greater hope of escaping.

"You can't escape, Mo Yuan, there is no way you can fall into the hands of these extraterrestrial demons." The Demon Lord of the ancient demon clan said in a deep voice.

These words made the remaining four Demon Lords of Demon Abyss despair. If they did not escape, there would be only one way to die. They could not understand why Taoist Taoist Priest would rather die than escape.

"Fellow Taoist Taoist, why? Can you let me wait until I die to understand?"

In despair, the four Demon Lords of the Demon Abyss asked.

The Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan once again received a series of magical powers, and said to the four Demon Lords of the Demon Abyss: "It is my mission to guard the Demon Abyss. This matter has affected all fellow Taoists. If you want to escape, it's easy for you. Just run away.”

"It is also our mission to guard the Demonic Abyss. We have survived in this Demonic Abyss for hundreds of thousands of years. Without this Demonic Abyss, there would be no continuation of our race. Taoist Taoist Friend, you must have something else to hide? Why are you dying? Are you unwilling to tell us?"

A Demon Lord from the Demonic Abyss said with hatred that he felt that Taoist Taoist Fellow Taoist Master was too deceitful.

The Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord shook his head and said: "It's different."

"You run away!"

The words of the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord made these four Demon Abyss Demon Lords even more desperate. They even felt hatred towards the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord. They could not understand why they had to die in the Demon Abyss to practice cultivation. At their level, they can leave the Demonic Abyss directly and go to other realms to continue practicing and live a very happy life.

Who is willing to work hard to cultivate to this level, where the body and soul will disappear, and the ancient demon lord who does not know how to adapt will make them hate in their hearts.

"It seems that there is really a treasure in the Demonic Abyss, and that treasure requires you, fellow Taoist Taoist, to get it even if you die. You are unwilling to give up. No wonder Taoist Taoist, your clan will never leave the Demonic Abyss. Even if there is something outside that needs to be dealt with, let me wait for the race to deal with it."

At this time, a Demon Lord from the Demon Abyss expressed this conjecture.

As soon as he said these words, the remaining three Demon Lords of Demon Abyss were suddenly shocked. This was really very possible.

"Okay, since Taoist Taoist fellows won't run away, let's run away first. We don't want to die here."

The four Demon Lords from the Demon Abyss were shaken by their spiritual thoughts, and they quickly reached an agreement. Seeing that they decided to escape, the Demon Lord from the Ancient Demon Clan said, "I will help you resist a magical attack. You should seize the opportunity to escape. This is This is my final compensation to you from the ancient demon clan."

For some reason, these four Demon Lords of the Demon Abyss felt very strange when they heard the divine message transmitted by the Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan. They were unwilling to escape, but at the same time they were willing to help them withstand magical attacks and help them escape. Moreover, the Ancient Demon Lord had just There was a hint of resentment in Youshen's thoughts.

There was no time to think about it, and I just heard a roar from the Taigu Demon Clan, and rushed forward, facing all Ning Qiudao's magical attacks and magic weapon attacks with his own body.

In an instant, even though the Ancient Demon Lord's demon body was powerful and its defense was extremely high, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Seizing this opportunity, the remaining four Demon Lords of the Demon Abyss looked at each other, and instantly turned into a ray of light, rushing towards a Demon Lord of the Fire Demon Clan in the Demon Realm. They wanted to use this Fire Demon Clan Demon Lord as their leader. A breakthrough point to break through the siege of the Three Realm Camps, the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord.

"They are trying to escape, don't let them escape!" Gu Yueshenjun shouted softly, and instantly transferred the magic weapon to the direction of the four escaping Demon Lords of the Abyss.

There are 13 God-Transforming Lords and Demon Lords in the Three Realms camp. It is not so easy to escape.

After a while, Ning begged, and with the cooperation of Gu Yueshenjun, they killed the remaining four Demon Lords of Demon Abyss. Only one Demon Lord from the ancient Demon Clan was left in the Tiangang layer. This Demon Lord allowed the Demon Lord to The body's defense is strong, but it is also scarred at this time, and its breath is low.

"You forced me to do this!"

The Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord roared angrily, and the demonic energy in his body suddenly boiled. His body moved and he rushed towards a Winged Demon Clan Demon Lord.

"Fellow Tianyi, be careful!"

Tianyi Demon Lord felt cold in his heart and quickly retreated. He saw Ning Qiudao and other twelve God-Transforming God Lords and Demon Lords of the Demon Clan all using their divine powers to attack the back of the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord.

At the critical moment, the ancient demon king slapped his right hand back, and his right hand collided with the divine power of the 12 god-transforming gods and demon kings.

There was a loud bang, and the Tiangang energy in the entire Tiangang layer boiled.

The right hand of the ancient demon king was directly blown into pieces, and at the same time, he found a gap and escaped from the Tiangang layer.

"Chase, but you must not let him escape!"

Gu Yue Shenjun shouted loudly, and then his body turned into a escaping light and chased after the Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord. Ning Qiudao, the God Transformation God Lord, and the Demon Clan Demon Lord also chased after him.

"He is..."

Sensing the aura of the Ancient Demon Lord, Gu Yueshenjun, Ning Qiudao and others' expressions changed slightly, because the aura of the Ancient Demon Lord was actually escaping to the Demonic Abyss.

"Is it possible that I have to die in the Demon Abyss even if I die? Is the sense of belonging so strong?" Gu Yueshenjun wondered in his heart.

But no matter what, they must kill this ancient demon king, and they must not let this ancient demon king escape, and then entangle the demons from other domains to counterattack the Northern God Territory.

At that time, the Three Realms camp will have a very difficult time.

In the Demonic Abyss at this time, all the Demonic Lords in the Demonic Abyss were led away by the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demonic Demonic Lords in the Three Realms, and all the Original God Demonic Clan were assigned to guard 18 magical gates.

Therefore, only the demon clan under the original god demon clan remained in the demon abyss, and they were very worried. Worried that Mo Yuan will fall into the hands of extraterrestrial demons.

But worrying is useless. Now these demons have no other choice but to wait. They don't even know the situation of the battle. They only pray in their hearts that the nine demon lords can win.

As long as the Demon Lords are still alive, nothing will happen to the Demon Abyss.

The Moyuan Square was surrounded by the Moyuan Demon Clan, and suddenly a huge figure crashed from the sky and landed in the center of the square.

The figure fell down, then slowly stood up, hundreds of feet tall.

All the Demon Abyss Demon Clan in the square looked at it. This was the Demon Lord of the Ancient Demon Clan they were familiar with, the most powerful Demon Lord in their Demon Abyss.

"Lord Demon Lord!"

Seeing that Lord Demon Lord returned safely, these Demon Abyss Demon Clan cried with joy, but they also discovered that Lord Demon Lord seemed not to be well, and his entire right arm had disappeared.

The Ancient Demon Clan Demon Lord glanced at these Demon Abyss Demon Clan with cold eyes and a trace of resentment. He shouted with great resentment in his heart: "Why us, the Ancient Demon Clan? Why did you choose us?"

"This damn curse? If it weren't for this damn blood curse, I would have been able to escape. Damn it, damn it?"

"Extraterrestrial demons, I will not let you and others have an easy time even if I die. Since our ancient demon tribe has allowed us to suppress the demons in these demonic abyss for generations, then, today, even if I die, I will release the demons in this demonic abyss." .”

This ancient demon king looked up at the sky and felt the breaths of Gu Yueshenjun and Ning Qiudao getting closer and closer. Without hesitation, he stretched out his left hand and inserted it into his chest and dug out his heart. .

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