Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 635 Five middle-grade spiritual stones (please subscribe)

Wu Tao stood on the Canglang Boat, withdrew his spiritual thoughts, and then made the Canglang Boat descend.

He landed on the ground outside a wilderness. As soon as he landed, a monster screamed from below. The scream was to drive Wu Tao away.

Because Wu Tao occupied this monster's territory.

As soon as Wu Tao's thoughts moved, he landed on the monster and said to himself: "The second-level high-level monster dares to scream in front of me."

Saying this, Wu Tao struck a ghostly soul shock that landed in the mind of the second-order high-level monster, and instantly annihilated the soul of the second-order high-level monster.

Then with a sudden thought, he put the second-level high-level monster into his storage bag.

"This place is five thousand miles away from Wulingxiu Immortal City."

For Wu Tao, the distance of five thousand miles can be reached in just a moment.

"Now that we have arrived at Wuquan Domain, we will go to the sect of Wuquan Mountain to see if there are any immortal cultivators stationed there in Lingxu Immortal Sect. By the way, we can take the flying boat there to Lingxu Immortal Sect, which will be faster."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao took off again and flew towards the outer city of Wuquan Mountain Xiuxian City of Wuling Xiuxian City.

As he flew toward the outer city of Wuquan Mountain Xiuxian City, Wu Tao felt memories coming back.

At that time, he first came to the world of cultivating immortals and was mining in the Qingling Sect's mine. Manager Wang embezzled his spirit stones, and he was possessed by evil spirits, so he had no choice but to come to the outer city of Wuquan Mountain Xiuxian City.

This is his starting point in the world of immortality, and it holds many of his memories.

At the beginning, he lived in fear, with today and no tomorrow. Now, he is already a middle-stage golden elixir cultivator.

"In the blink of an eye, it has been sixty years."

If he were in the mortal world of his previous life, he would be 85 years old now, and he might not be able to live to be 85 years old. But now, his face still looks like that of someone in his early 20s.

And it can live another 800 years.

When he breaks through to the Nascent Soul realm, he can live longer.

Recalling the past events in his mind, the familiar people in the memories also flashed in Wu Tao's mind one after another. For example, when he lived in Xinde Lane, outside the city of Xiuxian City in Wuquan Mountain, his next door neighbor Zhang Li.

But since he entered the inner city, he has never seen Zhang Li again.

"The world of cultivating immortals is so cruel. Perhaps Fellow Daoist Zhang has already..."

Wu Tao sighed and had to admit the fact that Zhang Li was only in the early stage of Qi refining, not even in the middle stage of Qi refining, and had experienced various wars, so the probability of surviving was really low.

"There are also Han Tiezhu, Uncle Han and sister Han Mingxiu. After the battle between Wuquan Mountain and Ghost Dao Sect, we haven't seen these two anymore."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao is only 500 miles away from the outer city.

During these 500 miles, Wu Tao has seen many casual cultivators adventuring in the wild. These casual cultivators and adventurers specialize in hunting monsters and beasts in the wild, or picking elixirs from the wild.

Gu Mingsheng was a casual adventurer. It was not until he lost an arm that he stopped venturing into the wild and stayed in the city.

Because of his own fault, he was later taken to Lingxu Xiuxian City, and his life was pretty good.

Looking at these casual cultivator adventurers in the wild, Wu Tao recalled the past, recalling the bitterness and sweetness. He remembered that he had hunted many monsters in the wild before. The first time he went out to fight a boss in the wild, he found a monster that was not even a monster. snake.

Seeing that the outer city of Xiuxian City was right in front of him, Wu Tao didn't want to make a big show, so he put away the Canglang Boat under his feet, covered up the golden elixir aura on his body, used his magic power to lift himself, and flew towards the outer city.

When he was 100 miles away from the outer city, Wu Tao saw five or six casual cultivators besieging a first-level intermediate monster, both male and female. The first-level intermediate monster was very ferocious and had injured three or four people, leaving only The two are struggling to persevere.

Seeing this scene, Wu Tao stretched out his hand, and a ray of magic light shot out from his fingertips and landed on the head of the intermediate level monster. It immediately pierced the head of the intermediate level monster and fell to the ground dead.

The two casual cultivators who were still struggling saw this scene, looked back, and saw Wu Tao suspended in mid-air.

Being able to lift themselves up so easily with mana means that even if they are not in the late stage of Qi refining, they are still foundation-building immortal cultivators. The two casual cultivators immediately bowed and cupped their hands and said, "I have met my senior. Thank you very much for your help."

"No need to be polite, just clean it up!" Wu Tao waved his hand and turned into a stream of light, continuing to fly towards the outer city.

Approaching the gate of the outer city, Wu Tao landed and strode towards the gate of the outer city. He covered more than ten meters in one step and soon arrived at the gate of the outer city.

When I arrived at the gate of the outer city, I found a patrol of immortal cultivators checking their identity documents, and all the casual cultivators were waiting in line to enter.

Wu Tao remembered the days when he lived in the outer city, so he also lined up with them.

Soon it was Wu Tao's turn. His mind fell into the storage bag, and he took out the long-dusted identity certificate from the outer city of Wuquan Mountain Xiuxian City and showed it to the patrol team for inspection.

The immortal cultivator from the patrol team was stunned when he saw it, and said: "Fellow Taoist, this identity certificate is wrong. What I am applying for now is the identity certificate of Lingxu Immortal Sect."

Wu Tao suddenly realized that there was no longer Wuquan Mountain, and the entire Immortal Realm was unified by the Lingxu Immortal Sect, so the identity certificates of Wuquan Xiuxian City could not be counted.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts entered the mind of the Qi-refining cultivator. After a little guidance, the other party immediately nodded in a daze and said: "Okay, fellow Taoist, you can enter."

Wu Tao put away his identity certificate and strode into the outer city.

Xind Lane.

In the dark and narrow street, an old figure was walking with a rice bag on his back. After walking a few steps, he took a big breath. After a few quarters of an hour, he finally reached the door of his house and was about to open it.

The door of the house next to it opened at this time, and a middle-aged casual cultivator walked out. He saw the neighbor's old woman and said hello: "Old lady Zhang, did you go to Fangshi to buy rice?"

Zhang Li looked at the other party, just nodded without saying anything, opened the door and entered the house.

Seeing that Zhang Li didn't answer, the middle-aged casual cultivator chuckled and left directly.

He has lived in this Xinde Lane for more than ten years, and has been next to this old woman named Zhang Li for more than ten years. It is said that this old woman named Zhang Li has lived in this Xinde Lane all her life and has never left.

I used to do that kind of business on Luoma Street. Later, when I got old and my appearance faded, I was kicked out. After I was kicked out, I made a living in my own house.

The prices are getting lower and lower, and those young casual cultivators are disgusted and do not come to do business with her. Only the elderly casual cultivators will come to her door to do her business, commonly known as Lao Tou Le.

But after going out, they all shook their heads and said something like it was too much.

I don't know what happened later, but a person came to eat the Overlord's meal. Later, he refused to give the spirit stone, and beat the old woman, causing serious injuries, leaving behind hidden diseases, and her body became worse and worse. Difference.

In the future, I can't even do this kind of business anymore. I can't move, my waist is not good, I can't stand for a long time, my mouth is not good, my tongue is not flexible, and even the elderly casual cultivators are no longer here.

After two years of not doing business, an abandoned baby girl was left in Xinde Lane. Xinde Lane is full of poor casual cultivators, but no one is willing to take in this baby girl. But what is unexpected is that this old woman Zhang actually takes in this baby girl.

It has been 12 years since she was raised. This baby girl is now 17 years old. She is at the first level of Qi refining. She doesn't know what she is doing for a living, but it is not a good one anyway.

He also ignored this picture of the old woman and did not care about her life or death.

Mrs. Zhang had saved some savings from her livelihood, but in order to support the baby girl and provide her with training resources, all her savings were used up. Now she can only eat ordinary rice, which is still thin, and she dare not eat thick food.

"Looking at old woman Zhang's face, she probably doesn't have many days left to live."

The middle-aged casual cultivator muttered to himself.

Although the limit of the Qi refining stage is 150 years old, only those who are at the ninth level of Qi refining can reach this limit. People like old woman Zhang who were seriously injured and left with hidden diseases in the early stage of Qi refining can still survive today. When you reach your 90s, you are considered to be old.

An oil lamp emitted a bean-like light in the dim room. Zhang Li sat on the chair for a long time, her eyes always falling on the dancing light.

I don’t know what I was thinking, but a smile actually appeared on the old face.

That smile seemed to have appeared on her face when she was young.

When it was almost time to eat, Zhang Li stood up with her hands on the table, took out some rice and started cooking porridge.

After cooking the porridge, Zhang Li felt tired, so she sat on the bed and sighed: "I'm old, I'm really old. I'm so tired even if I do just a few things. Fellow Daoist Li, are you old too..."

Zhang Li said this, rested for a while, got up again, came to the rice vat, slowly moved the rice vat away, then took a shovel, opened the ground above, revealing an iron box.

He carefully held the iron box in his hands, returned to the table, placed it on the table, and gently opened the lid of the box, revealing a spirit stone bag inside.

Zhang Li picked up the spirit stone bag with trembling hands, opened it, and poured out five middle-grade spirit stones.

Looking at these five middle-grade spiritual stones, Zhang Li's eyes seemed to be fixed. After a while, she murmured: "Fellow Daoist Li, I am about to die. I wonder if I can see Friend Li before I die?"

An old friend named Li Mo came to Zhang Li's mind. Although she said she was an old friend, she was actually a Taoist friend. After all, she knew he had been here.

She thought of all the things in the past, from the first time they met, to the time they gradually became familiar with each other.

While recalling, Zhang Li couldn't help but smile.

"I, Zhang Li, have no regrets about knowing Fellow Daoist Li, but the only regret is that I cannot return these five middle-grade spiritual stones to Fellow Daoist Li before my death."

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside, and Zhang Li's old complexion changed. She quickly put the spirit stone bag into the iron box, covered the iron box, put it back under the rice vat and buried it, and then put the rice vat into the ground. Move back to where you were.

"Dong dong dong."

"Aniang, Aniang." A young voice sounded outside, accompanied by a tight knock on the door.

With a calm expression on her face, Zhang Li slowly came to the door and opened it.

"Zhang Rong, why are you back?" Zhang Li looked at the young female cultivator in full view. This person's name was Zhang Rong, and she was the one who named her.

"Auntie, look what I brought you." Zhang Rong smiled and raised the meat on her hand and said to Zhang Li.

Zhang Li looked at the meat in her hand, but there was no happy look on her face. She knew the temper of Zhang Rong, whom she had raised since childhood. Ever since Zhang Rong followed that casual cultivator who had nothing to do all day long, her temper had become even worse. It's a big change.

Zhang Rong brought the meat to see her now, just to ask her for the spirit stone.

Zhang Li said: "Ah Rong, I really don't have any spiritual stones anymore, and I will have to pay the rent again soon."

Zhang Rong came in and said, "Mom, don't talk about this now. I'll cook for you."

With that said, Zhang Rong started to cook.

Zhang Li watched Zhang Rong busy, closed the door, and sat by the chair without speaking.

He was extremely disappointed with Zhang Rong.

Zhang Rong quickly prepared the meal, put it on the table, and served Zhang Li with the cooked porridge. She said, "Auntie, eat quickly. Tell me, it's not like you don't have spiritual stones on your body. Why are you still so picky about your life?" .”

Zhang Li did not pick up the chopsticks to eat, but looked at Zhang Rong quietly.

Seeing Zhang Li like this, Zhang Rong put down her chopsticks after taking a bite of the food, looked at Zhang Li, and said, "Auntie, I want to ask you something. Lend me 20 low-grade spiritual stones."

"I don't have any spiritual stones on me anymore." Zhang Li shook her head and said.

Zhang Rong became angry when she saw that Zhang Li refused to borrow the spirit stone. She slapped the table and said, "Auntie, I am your daughter. Although I am not your biological daughter, I will provide for you in the future. I will lend you 20 You won’t even lend me a piece of spiritual stone?”

"I heard that you used to work in Luoma Street. How could you not have a spirit stone on you?"

Zhang Li said: "Zhang Rong, in these years, all the spiritual stones have been thrown at this place to train you."

"I don't believe it. When I was 8 years old, I couldn't sleep and saw you take out a spiritual stone bag. There were several spiritual stones in it, all of which were middle-grade spiritual stones. One medium-grade spiritual stone is equal to 100 low-grade spiritual stones. Where’s the stone?”

"I just asked you to borrow 20 low-grade spiritual stones now, but you refused. Brother Feng is only 20 low-grade spiritual stones short of joining the patrol team. When he joins the patrol team, he is afraid that he will not have any spiritual stones to return to you. ?"

Hearing Zhang Rong's words, Zhang Li's expression changed drastically. She stood up and was about to push Zhang Rong away: "You go, you go, I have no spirit stones here, no spirit stones."

At this moment, a voice sounded outside the house. : "A Rong."

Zhang Rong opened the door and a Qi-refining practitioner came in. She looked at the Qi-refining practitioner and said, "Brother Feng, why are you here? Didn't you say you would leave the matter to me?"

Zhao Feng looked at Zhang Li and said, "Ah Rong, it is impossible for this old woman to give you the spirit stone. I have already told you to use my method."

After saying that, Zhao Feng took out a set of soundproof formations from his arms. Zhang Rong immediately held down Zhang Li. Zhang Li shouted anxiously: "What do you want to do? Even if you kill me, there will be no spiritual stone."

Zhao Feng quickly arranged the sound-isolating array and turned it on. He turned to Zhang Rong and said, "Ah Rong, hold her down. I will dig three feet into the ground today to find the spiritual stone."

"I have no spiritual stone, no more spiritual stone." Zhang Li is old and frail, and her cultivation has long since returned to heaven and earth. She is already about to die. Therefore, there is no way to escape Zhang Rong's control.

Zhao Feng turned a deaf ear and began to search through boxes and cabinets. He even opened the bed, took out a shovel and started digging on the ground. When he reached the rice vat, he asked the rice vat to be overthrown. The rice that had bottomed out was spilled on the ground.

Seeing Zhao Feng start digging the ground under the rice vat, Zhang Li screamed sadly.

Zhang Rong said: "Aniang, don't blame me, it's because you don't know what is good and what is good. But don't worry, Aniang, after we find the spirit stone, we will definitely treat you well, Aniang, and provide for you until the end of your life."

"No, no, no spiritual stones, no spiritual stones." Zhang Li yelled miserably, those five middle-grade spiritual stones were not hers, but belonged to fellow Daoist Li Mo and Li.

It was the five middle-grade spiritual stones that she wanted to return to fellow Taoist Li Mo.

"Haha, look, Ah Rong, what is this? Let me tell you, this old woman hid the spirit stone and didn't even give it to her own daughter. She is about to die. Should she really let this spirit stone die with her?" Zhao Feng took out the iron box, opened it and took out the spirit stone bag inside, and said to Zhang Rong with a smile.

Zhang Li looked at the bag of spirit stones in Zhao Feng's hand, and suddenly a force came from nowhere in her old body. She broke free from Zhang Rong's hands and ran towards Zhao Feng.

"These five middle-grade spiritual stones are not mine. They are to be returned to Fellow Daoist Li Mo Li. Please return them to me."

Seeing Zhang Li tearing up, Zhao Feng shouted and kicked Zhang Li in the chest: "Get away."

"Bang!" Zhang Li hit the wall and fell heavily to the ground. Blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. She raised her head with all her strength, looked at Zhao Feng, and prayed: "Don't take it away. This is the spirit I want to return to Fellow Daoist Li. Stone!"

"He has never looked down upon me. How could I not return the spiritual stone he lent me?"

After finishing speaking, the look in Zhang Li's eyes dimmed, her head hit the ground, and she made no sound.

"Brother Feng. You, you beat my mother to death..." Zhang Rong walked up to Zhang Li, stretched out her hand to check her breathing, and was startled.

Zhao Feng said indifferently: "This old woman has already reached the end of her life. She has already reached her damn time. If she dies, she will die. Look, five middle-grade spiritual stones..."

Zhao Feng said as he poured out five middle-grade spiritual stones, which shone in his palm.

Zhang Rong saw the five glowing middle-grade spiritual stones, and her eyes also exuded greedy light. She walked forward, picked up a medium-grade spiritual stone in Zhao Feng's palm, and couldn't help but said: "Brother Feng, we are rich, you It’s safe to join the patrol team.”

The corners of their mouths were split to the base of their ears.

A cold corpse lay under the corner, no one cared.


Thanks for the tip, it's too late, I will write the list tomorrow, go to bed, good night.

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