Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 634 The Death of Zhang Baiyin (Please subscribe)

"Senior Brother Jin, you run away first, and I will stop Zhang Baiyin."

In the Haunted Soul Realm, two figures fled like crazy with flying real weapons. The auras of both of them were extremely weak, and they were obviously seriously injured.

"Junior Brother Zuo, I will not leave you alone." Senior Brother Jin heard what Junior Brother Zuo said and immediately objected.

Junior Brother Zuo is just a newbie in the Golden Core, and he is on the second level of the Golden Core. If he wants to stop Zhang Baiyin from behind, he is the one to do it.

"Senior Brother Jin, listen to me. Zhang Baiyin is at the fourth level of the Golden Core. If this continues, the two of us will definitely die. Senior Brother Jin, your cultivation talent is better than mine. In the future, your path to immortality will be further than mine, so , ask Junior Brother me to stay and stop Zhang Baiyin, and give you a chance to escape for Senior Brother Jin."

"Senior Brother Jin, don't interrupt me, listen to me. After I stop Zhang Baiyin, you should escape as soon as possible, return to Lingxu Immortal Sect, and tell the seniors of Lingxu Immortal Sect that the remnants of the Demon Sect are colluding with the demons in the demon world. Together." Junior Brother Zuo said eagerly.

Jin Yi knew what his junior brother Zuo Qiu said. If they continued to run away together like this without leaving anyone behind, Zhang Baiyin would definitely be able to catch up easily. The reason why Zhang Baiyin kept following behind him and did not catch up directly was because he had something in his heart. A cat-and-mouse mentality.

He wanted to drive the two of them to a mental breakdown.

Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu grew up in the Qingling Sect. They practiced together and went on adventures together. They were fateful friends. Then they joined the Six Righteous Sects Alliance to defeat the Six Demonic Sects together. The two went through life and death hundreds of times.

Lingxu Sect unified the Immortal Realm and became the Lingxu Immortal Sect. Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu naturally became disciples of the Lingxu Immortal Sect. They also relied on the support of the Lingxu Immortal Sect to be promoted to Jindan Zhenren.

This time, they came to the Yinhun Realm to investigate the remnants of the Demon Sect, and were horrified to find that the remnants of the Demon Sect were actually colluding with the demons in the Demon Realm.

With the opening of the boundary wall portal in the far north, the immortal cultivators in the Immortal Yuan Realm have also learned that there is a demon world outside the Immortal Yuan Realm. The two immortal cultivation worlds in the Star Sea Immortal Realm Realm have the existence of the God-Transforming God Lord. Very powerful world.

Without Ning Shenjun and Emperor Shenjun of their Lingxu Immortal Sect, the Immortal Realm would have been conquered by the allied forces of immortals and demons from the Demon Realm and Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, and many immortal cultivators from the Immortal Realm would have died.

Although they signed a tripartite world peaceful coexistence agreement, the immortal cultivators in the Immortal Realm also know that facing the Demon Realm and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, their Immortal Realm actually has no advantage.

The Xianyuan world needs time to develop.

"What a shame. If Ning Shenjun had ordered earlier to completely wipe out the remnants of the Demon Sect, there would be no chance that they would collude with the demons in the Demon World." Jin Yi had a look of resentment on his face, wishing that all the Demon Sect would die.

Zuo Qiu was ready to die to buy Jin Yi time to escape. Therefore, with a relieved smile on his face, he said: "Ning Shenjun's actions are beyond what we and other Jindan cultivators can predict. Senior Brother Jin, as long as you escape safely, Go back to Lingxu Immortal Sect and tell the elders in the sect to avenge me and I will die unjustly."

"Junior Brother Zuo..."

Jin Yi was reluctant to let go of Zuo Qiu and shouted, but saw that Zuo Qiu had stopped escaping forward. He turned around and faced Zhang Baiyin who was pursuing him, shouting: "Senior Brother Jin, run away quickly and avenge me. "

"Junior Brother Zuo, don't worry. I will return to Lingxu Immortal Sect safely, and I will let Zhang Baiyin be buried with you. Jin Yi looked at Zuo Qiu, who was rushing towards him, with two lines of hot tears in his eyes, and then , the golden elixir mana in Dantian poured desperately into the flying weapon at his feet, and fled forward quickly.

He must return to the Lingxu Immortal Sect safely. Only by returning to the Lingxu Immortal Sect safely can he report the remnants of the Demon Sect's collusion with the Demon Clan in the Demon Realm, and then avenge Junior Brother Zuo Qiu.

"Zhang Baiyin, you wait, the remnants of the Demon Sect, wait for me." Jin Yi was filled with hatred.

At Zhang Baiyin's feet, he wielded a blood-refined flying treasure with a fourth level of golden elixir. His spiritual thoughts for 1,400 miles always fell on Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu, who were escaping in front.

Sensing that Zuo Qiu didn't run away, but turned around and rushed towards him, Zhang Baiyin immediately knew what Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu were planning.

He immediately snorted coldly and said to himself: "I still want to escape, but no one can escape."

Thinking of this, Zhang Baiyin accelerated and instantly collided with the left ball.

"Zhang Baiyin, even if I die, you won't be able to live well." Zuo Qiu used the Golden Elixir True Technique to kill Zhang Baiyin with that life-threatening fighting style.

"It's just that you are new to Jindan, so you don't overestimate your capabilities." After Zhang Baiyin said, the magic power of the middle stage of Jindan surged out and easily defused Zuo Qiu's attack. Then, the magic spell fell on Zuo Qiu in an instant, knocking Zuo Qiu away. He was sent flying backwards, his breath was low, and he lost the ability to fight with one move.

Jin Yi, who was escaping quickly in front, felt what was happening behind him, gritted his teeth tightly, suppressed the anger in his heart, and fled forward quickly.

Zhang Baiyin held the left ball that had lost its fighting power in his hand, restrained the magic power of his Dantian Golden Pill, looked forward, and sneered: "If a mere second-level Golden Pill escapes in front of me, wouldn't it be wrong? Let the world laugh at me, Zhang Baiyin."

The golden elixir in Zhang Baiyin's dantian rotated slightly, and the speed increased dramatically.

A moment later, Zhang Baiyin flew in front of Jin Yi and intercepted Jin Yi.

Seeing Zhang Baiyin intercepting in front, Jin Yi stopped forcibly, and his eyes fell on the left ball in Zhang Baiyin's hand.

He closed his eyes in despair, knowing that he could not escape after all. The gap between the second level of Jindan and the middle stage of Jindan was too big. Moreover, Zhang Baiyin was the proud son of the Demon Sect. He, Jin Yi, was just It's just an ordinary golden elixir.

Only Senior Brother Pei, a proud man of heaven, can compete with Zhang Baiyin and suppress Zhang Baiyin.

"Tell me, how do you two brothers and sisters want to die?" Zhang Baiyin threw the left ball in his hand forward and said casually.

The left ball has been imprisoned by Zhang Baiyin's golden elixir magic power. When Zhang Baiyin throws it, it will fall to the ground. If no one catches it, even if he has a golden elixir body, he will be killed.

Sensing that the left ball was being thrown, Jin Yi quickly caught it and wanted to help the left ball to be freed from its restraints, but found that the restraints were too strong and could not be unlocked by his level of cultivation.

"Senior Brother Jin, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold Zhang Baiyin down." Zuo Qiu looked at Jin Yi with an apologetic look on his face.

Jin Yi shook his head and said: "It's okay, Junior Brother Zuo. Being able to die with Junior Brother Zuo is a good thing, isn't it?"

"Zhang Baiyin, we are powerless to resist. You can kill him with just a wave of your hand. Can Junior Brother Zuo and I tell each other our last words?" Jin Yi looked at Zhang Baiyin and said with pleading eyes.

Zhang Bai vagina: "There's so much nonsense, I'm from the Demon Sect."

After saying that, he took action directly.

The Demonic True Technique cast by the fourth level of Jin Dan blasted towards Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu.

It's so close, there's no way to avoid it, there's no way to hide.

"Senior Brother Jin and I have been together since we were born, practicing together and taking risks together. Now that we can die together, we have no regrets in this life." Zuo Qiu looked at Senior Brother Jin, his mind turned, closed his eyes, and waited quietly for death. .

Jin Yi used his true defensive skills, but instead of defending in front of him, he enveloped the left ball.

"Zhang Baiyin, long time no see!"

Just when Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu thought they would be killed in the next second, a clear and loud voice resounded above them, and then, powerful magic fell down, forming a magic shield in front of them.

Zhang Baiyin's real magic technique suddenly attacked the mana mask, the power of the real technique was annihilated, and the mana mask also dissipated.

As soon as the mana light shield dissipated, a masked figure in black robe appeared. The black robe covered the body's aura.

"Saved." This was what Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu were thinking at the moment.

"This person is also at the fourth level of the Golden Core." Seeing that the true magic technique he performed was blocked by the opponent's mana shield, Zhang Baiyin's eyes narrowed and he looked at the figure wearing a black robe.

Because the black robe covered the other person's aura, and the mask could not see the other person's face.

But the other party was able to call out his name, so it seemed that the other party must be someone who knew him well.

"You dare to take off the mask if you hide your head and show your tail." Zhang Baiyin looked at Wu Tao and said with a cold snort.

He is at the fourth level of the Golden Core, and his opponent is also at the fourth level. Zhang Baiyin is not afraid. After all, he is the proud son of Tianyin Sect, and has fought countless times with the proud son of the Seven Righteous Sects. Even if the opponent is at the fifth level of the golden elixir, or at the late stage of the golden elixir, Zhang Baiyin is not afraid.

Because he has the Demon Realm Escape Magic Treasure just rewarded by the Demon Realm Lord. With this Demon Realm escaping magic treasure, even the late Golden Elixir cannot catch up with him.

"Thank you, senior brother, for saving me." Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu were overjoyed to be rescued, and immediately expressed their gratitude to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao withdrew his gaze from Zhang Baiyin and turned to look at Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu, both of whom were wearing the Jindan uniforms of the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Before Wu Tao came to Xianyuan World, he had already inquired about the current situation in Xianyuan World through channels in Xingxiu City.

The five sects of the righteous path were all absorbed into the Lingxu Sect and became the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

"You two junior brothers, you don't have to be polite. I am also a member of the Lingxu Immortal Sect." Wu Tao said this, taking off the mask on his face, revealing his true face. He used his true face to enter the Lingxu Sect under the pseudonym Han Fan. .

Hearing what Wu Tao said, Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu felt relieved. Although they were grateful to Wu Tao for saving them, they were not as reassured as their brothers from the same sect.

After all, in the Immortal Realm now, not only the immortal cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect exist, but also the immortal cultivators from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm have also entered the Immortal Realm.

The immortal cultivators from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Lingxu Immortal Sect have always been wary.

"It's you." Zhang Baiyin looked at Wu Tao's face and instantly recognized Wu Tao. This person was the weapon refiner of Lingxu Sect whom he was chasing more than thirty years ago. The opponent relied on the boundary-breaking magic circle. After escaping, I didn't expect that the other party I hadn't seen for more than thirty years had already reached the same level as myself.

"Zhang Baiyin, I said that when I return to the Immortal Realm, I will kill you. You see, even God is helping me. As soon as I return to the Immortal Realm, I will send you Zhang Baiyin to my before."

"If I don't kill you, I'm really sorry for God's arrangement." Wu Tao looked at Zhang Baiyin and said.

"You and I are both at the fourth level of the golden elixir. Trying to kill me is nothing more than a dream. Besides, don't forget that you are a weapon refiner. How powerful is your golden elixir true skill..." Zhang Baiyin Sneered out loud.

Wu Tao said to Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu: "You two junior brothers, please go back first. Just leave this person to me."

After that, Wu Tao tapped Zuo Qiu on the shoulder, and the powerful golden elixir mana flowed into Zuo Qiu's body, instantly releasing the imprisonment on Zuo Qiu's body.

Zuo Qiu felt that his golden elixir power could be used again. He was overjoyed and bowed to Wu Tao to thank him: "Thank you, senior brother."

"Senior brother, let's go back to Lingxu Immortal Sect first, and then we will thank senior brother for saving his life." Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu also knew that this senior brother and Zhang Baiyin were of the same level of cultivation. When the two of them fought against each other, it is estimated that Gu Not wanting to catch up with them, so as not to drag this senior brother down, Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu bowed their hands to Wu Tao and fled quickly.

Seeing Wu Tao blocking them, Zhang Baiyin allowed Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu to escape. He and Wu Tao were both at the fourth level of the Golden Core. Although he knew that Wu Tao was a weapon refiner, Jin Yi and Zuo Qiu would be in the way if they stayed here.

"Okay, Zhang Baiyin, the revenge that forced me to break the boundary in the past should be avenged today." After Wu Tao finished speaking, with a thought, a third-level intermediate flying sword flew out of the storage bag, nine in total. handle.

"Return to the road, Zhang Baiyin."

Before he finished speaking, nine third-level intermediate flying swords shot towards Zhang Baiyin with terrifying power.

"How is it possible to wield nine third-level flying swords at the same time?" Seeing this formation, Zhang Baiyin's pupils were shocked. He didn't even dare to take action. He directly sacrificed the escape magic treasure rewarded by the master of the demon world and turned around. escape.

Nine third-level intermediate flying swords were blasted into the air. Wu Tao looked at Zhang Baiyin who was escaping quickly, and was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Zhang Baiyin had such a powerful escape magic weapon.

"That magic treasure should be produced by the demon clan in the demon world. It seems that the demon sect in the Xianyuan world is connected with the demon clan in the demon world. Also, although the demon sect is also a human race, the skills it practices are demon skills. Fa, it’s not unusual to get together with demons from the demon world.”

With his thoughts turning, Wu Tao is not in a hurry. He has Xuanguang Yanyundun, and the Xuanguang seed in his body is very large. Zhang Baiyin's escape magic treasure is indeed very powerful. Even though the escape speed is average, it is difficult to catch up with the late golden elixir. superior.

But Wu Tao's spiritual will is strong, and he can catch up slowly.

Xuan Guang Yan Yun Dun was suddenly launched, and nine third-level intermediate flying swords were suspended behind Wu Tao, chasing Zhang Baiyin in front.

Two rapid streams of light pierced the sky, one behind the other.

"Damn it, I have the escape magic treasure rewarded by the Lord of the Demon Realm, but I can't get rid of Han Fan. Han Fan has the same level 4 golden elixir as me. How come his escape skills are so fast..."

Zhang Baiyin gritted his teeth, and he remembered that when he was chasing Han Fan, Han Fan was only on the eighth floor of the foundation, but he was able to escape from his hands.

"Damn it, this person is not an ordinary weapon refiner at all. How can an ordinary weapon refiner have such methods?"

"No, I forgot. Han Fan is Wen Xingrui's disciple. Wen Xingrui is an old thief with terrifying fighting power. He actually killed a Nascent Soul by himself."

Wen Xingrui was promoted to Nascent Soul. During a battle between the Righteous Alliance and the Demon Sect Alliance, he went to repair the immortal boat. Then, a demon cultivator from the Demon Sect in the early Nascent Soul stage seized the opportunity and wanted to kill Wen Xingrui. Unexpectedly, he was killed by Wen Xingrui instead.

This incident caused great shock in the Xianyuan world.

Subverting the understanding of traditional weapon refiners.

Then they thought that as long as the weapon refiner was promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, he would have extremely strong combat power. After all, the weapon refiner was more familiar with magic weapons than ordinary Yuanying cultivators.

"You're quite capable of escaping. When your golden elixir power is exhausted, your death will come!" Wu Tao used Xuanguang Smoke and Cloud Escape and chased after Zhang Baiyin.

Seven days later.

"I have lived for seven more days, and I am worthy of being the number one foundation-building immortal cultivator of the Tianyin Sect in the past." Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts of two thousand miles were extended out, instantly covering Zhang Baiyin. Zhang Baiyin was at the end of his skills at this time, and his golden The magic power of the elixir has shown its fatigue, and the escape magic weapon can no longer fully exert its full power, and the speed has slowed down.


Wherever his spiritual thoughts go, the attacks follow. Wu Tao's two thousand and twenty miles of spiritual thoughts can already touch Zhang Baiyin's figure, and attack naturally at will.

The nine third-level intermediate flying swords used by the Weapon Refining and Fighting Method flew across the sky and instantly overwhelmed Zhang Baiyin.

Zhang Baiyin let out a shrill scream, and the defensive robe on his body shattered without holding on for a breath, then his physical body shattered, and finally his golden elixir shattered.

When Wu Tao arrived, there was only one magic treasure floating quietly in the void, which was the escape magic treasure.

"Zhang Baiyin, who chased me thousands of miles across the border in the past, is no more than that today,"

Wu Tao sighed, then stretched out his hand to shoot the escape magic treasure and put it into his storage bag.

Killing Zhang Baiyin, avenging the past that forced him to break the boundary, didn't seem to feel much relief in his heart.

He turned around and looked around to check the terrain, and suddenly he was surprised: "This Baiyin is holding the Devil Realm Escape Magic Treasure. He can really escape. He actually escaped to the Wuquan Mountain area."

"No, it's the Wuquan Domain of Wuquan Mountain in the past. Now, it has all returned to the Lingxu Immortal Sect."

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