Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 636: Finally meet, many days later (please subscribe)

Wu Tao was walking on the streets of the outer city.

He had walked through this street more than once. When he lived in the inner city, he often went to the wild to hunt monsters and feed soul-eating insects, so he often walked through the streets of the outer city to leave the city.

It still feels familiar, no different from when it was under the rule of Wuquan Mountain.

The lifespan of immortal cultivators is longer than that of mortals, so things in the world of immortal cultivators seem to have remained unchanged for hundreds or thousands of years.

Wu Tao walked quickly on the street, and the people he passed by were all casual cultivators, basically those in the early stage of Qi refining, and occasionally there were some casual cultivators at the fourth level of Qi refining.

In the outer city, all the casual cultivators with low cultivation level live. Those with high cultivation level, as long as they have some spiritual stones, will go to live in the inner city.

Although the rent in the inner city is very expensive, there are more opportunities to do things. Workshops that process animal skins and other workshops are basically all in the inner city.

"This place is only two streets away from Xinde Lane. Now that I have returned to the former Wuquan Mountain Xiuxian City, I will go to Xinde Lane to have a look. Next time, I may not come back here again."

Wu Tao thought like this, quickened his pace and turned two streets before entering the street of Xinde Lane.

The streets of Xinde Lane are narrow and dark, with no sunlight coming in at all. The houses on both sides are close to each other and if you open the windows, you can shake hands with the residents next door.

Of course, it's not just Xinde Lane that has this pattern. The outside of the outer city basically has this pattern, and it's also jokingly called the Handshake Building by the casual cultivators here.

"There is a world in the outer city, and a world in the inner city." Wu Tao sighed, and then, all the golden elixir spiritual thoughts were released and spread throughout Xinde Lane.

He's trying to find someone.

This person is Zhang Li.

Although he guessed in his heart that Zhang Li might be dead, now that he was here, he would always regret not looking for her.

In the past, his cultivation level was low and it was not easy to misuse the sect's resources. Now he is already a fourth-level golden elixir cultivator. His spiritual thoughts have exceeded the limit of the golden elixir, reaching two thousand and twenty miles, and only the inner city has a foundation to guard it. , the Qi Refining Period in the outer city couldn't find him exploring Xinde Alley with his spiritual thoughts.

The houses in Xinde Lane do not have soundproofing and anti-peeping arrays at all. Of course, even if the houses in Xinde Lane are equipped with soundproofing and anti-peeping arrays, they will still be able to see everything under the powerful divine will of his golden elixir.

In an instant, the entire scene of Xinde Lane, the streets, and the situation in every house were all reflected in Wu Tao's mind.

"Friend Daoist Zhang!"

The scenes reflected in his mind flashed quickly, and Wu Tao suddenly frowned. In a familiar house, he saw a familiar person. Although the person was old, lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. But Wu Tao recognized him instantly.

This house was the house he lived in on Xinde Lane, and he was very familiar with it.

The situation in the house at this moment was reflected in his mind.

There were two casual cultivators, a man and a female. The male had three levels of Qi cultivation, and the female had one level of Qi. Their eyes fell on the five middle-grade spiritual stones in their palms.

"Brother Feng, put the spirit stone away first, be careful of being discovered." Zhang Rong withdrew her greedy eyes and said to Zhao Feng.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Feng nodded quickly and said, "Rongmei is right, it's better to be cautious."

As he spoke, Zhao Feng put the 5 pieces of medium-grade spirit stones back into the spirit stone bag and put them away solemnly.

Zhang Rong said: "Brother Feng, give me three of these five middle-grade spiritual stones when the time comes."

Hearing Zhang Rong's words, Zhao Feng's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but he quickly hid it. He nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, these five pieces of middle-grade spirit stones belong to your mother-in-law. It's natural for you to take three. I’ll give you three pieces after we dispose of the old woman’s body.”

"Yeah, I knew Brother Feng was good to me." Zhang Rong showed joy on her face, and then came to Zhang Li's body.

"Brother Feng, although my mother-in-law said she was about to live for a long time, the neighbors knew that she could still live for a while. If she died when we showed up, would it arouse others' suspicion?" Zhang Rong was still a little worried.

Zhao Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, didn't you just get five pieces of middle-grade spirit stones? Let's use some spirit stones to attack the patrol team, and we can cover up this matter. No casual cultivator dares to talk nonsense."

Hearing this, Zhang Rong felt relieved and said, "Brother Feng still has an idea."

Zhao Feng said: "But Rongmei, it may cost some spirit stones to organize the patrol team. When the time comes, I can only give you two medium-grade spirit stones. After all, you also know that the people on the patrol team have a huge appetite." , it’s difficult to take care of, and if you don’t manage it carefully, it will lead to disaster.”

Hearing this, Zhang Rong had a look of embarrassment on her face, but soon she nodded and said: "Okay, listen to Brother Feng, I will take two middle-grade spiritual stones, and Brother Feng will deal with the rest. Be sure to take care of them." Over there with the patrol.”

"Okay, let's start disposing of the body." Zhao Feng walked up with a smile.

At this moment, the door of the house suddenly opened, and a figure stepped in.

"Who is it? If you break into a private house without permission, you will be punished by the patrol team." Zhao Feng shouted immediately when he saw the person coming, and at the same time he was extremely worried.

Wu Tao ignored Zhao Feng, and with a wave of his hand, Zhao Feng turned into blood mist directly in the wind of his palm, and a spirit stone bag flew out and landed in his palm.

Seeing Zhao Feng turn into blood mist instantly, Zhang Rong screamed in shock, her legs went weak and she knelt down and said: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, Brother Feng killed the person, not me."

Wu Tao looked at Zhang Rong. Under the illumination of his spiritual thoughts, he had already heard the words of Zhao Feng and Zhang Rong. These two people worked together to kill Zhang Li for five middle-grade spiritual stones.

Wu Tao stretched out his finger, and his magic power burst out. Zhang Rong was instantly annihilated by his magic power, as if he had never existed.

Then, his spiritual thoughts wrapped around Zhang Li on the ground. As soon as his divine thoughts wrapped around Zhang Li, he was surprised in his heart: "There is still a breath left... But once this breath is consumed, it is truly dead, even if it is Yuan Ying Zhenjun is also powerless to save his life."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao's golden elixir magic power entered Zhang Li's body, drawing out her remaining breath.

"Ho!" Zhang Li was led out in one breath. When she opened her eyes, she saw a familiar face. It was as if she had met her for the first time.

He is still so young, the years seem to have left no trace on his face, but he is getting younger.

"Fellow Daoist Li is not much younger than me. He should be over 80. How can he get younger as he lives? This is probably hell. Fellow Daoist Li should have died earlier than me, so he maintains his youthful appearance." Zhang Li is just a low-level casual cultivator. , I don’t know about things beyond foundation building, and I don’t know that the more cultivators practice, the younger they will be.

Therefore, she only felt that she was dead, so she could see Fellow Daoist Li.

"It's a pity that the five middle-grade spiritual stones were still taken away and cannot be returned to Fellow Daoist Li." Zhang Li said softly sadly.

He had saved these 5 pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones for a long time. Even if she had a hidden disease, she was unwilling to go to the doctor. She was afraid that if these 5 pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones were used up, she would not be able to save another 5 pieces. Middle grade spiritual stone.

When the time comes, if I have the chance to meet Fellow Daoist Li, how will I return it?

Wu Tao looked at the sad Zhang Li, then looked at the bag of spirit stones in his hand. He couldn't help but sigh and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, five spirit stones are here."

When Zhang Li heard Wu Tao's words, she reached out in panic and took the spirit stone bag from Wu Tao's hand. She opened the spirit stone bag and saw 5 medium-grade spirit stones intact inside. With a smile on her face, she handed it over and said : "Fellow Daoist Li, the five middle-grade spiritual stones I owe you will be returned to you today."

After she finished speaking, the smile on her face disappeared again, and she said in a low voice: "Unfortunately, Fellow Daoist Li, you must have died a long time ago. You can't use these five middle-grade spiritual stones."

After hearing Zhang Li's words, Wu Tao thought about it and understood why Zhang Li said that. He shook his head and said: "Zhang Daoyou, I am not dead, and you are not dead yet."

"Ah? I'm not dead, and neither is Fellow Daoist Li..." Zhang Li was a little surprised, and then she became happy again. She put the bag of spirit stones in Wu Tao's hand and said, "That's great. Five middle-grade spirit stones. , you can return it to Fellow Daoist Li."

Then, she looked at Wu Tao's young face again, and felt a reluctance to face Wu Tao in her heart. Although she always wanted to see Wu Tao again, but now, when she actually saw him, she wanted to hide again.

Because she is so old and ugly, how can she be so embarrassed?

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Zhang, you are really a trustworthy person. I will accept these five middle-grade spiritual stones." Wu Tao looked at Zhang Li and said with a smile.

"I'm old, Fellow Daoist Li, but I'm still the same as before. It's great!"

"If I can see Fellow Daoist Li again before I die, I will have no regrets in my life."

"Fellow Daoist Li..." Zhang Li murmured in a low voice. As she spoke, her voice became lower and lower, and soon there was no sound. Her eyes slowly closed, and her serene smile rippled in her old ravine. on the face.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, let's go!" Wu Tao looked at the truly dead Zhang Li and sighed. Then, a fireball landed on Zhang Li's body and turned it into ashes.

Then he took out a jade box, packed it, and put it into a storage bag.

"This person has passed away. When will I become this person?" Wu Tao sighed, and his figure instantly turned into a shadow and slowly disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared in the sky above the outer city, looking in the direction of Lingxu Immortal Gate, and thought to himself: "It is faster to use Xuanguang Yanyun Escape to return to Lingxu Immortal Gate."

After Zhang Li's incident, he missed Chen Yao even more.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately used Xuanguang Smoke and Cloud Escape, turning into a line of Xuanguang and disappearing.

Lingxu Immortal Gate.

A stream of light fell on the weapon refining hall, manifesting a graceful figure.

It was Chen Yao.

Chen Yao walked quickly in the spacious aisle of the Refining Hall. After a while, a person walked out from the corner. Chen Yao quickly raised his hands and said: "Senior Brother Gao."

Gao Xing looked up, saw Chen Yao, and said, "It's Junior Sister Chen, looking for the Hall Master again."

"Yes, I'm going to find Master. Senior Brother Gao, please forgive me for not chatting any more." Chen Yao nodded, then apologized and walked away quickly.

Looking at Chen Yao's hurried departure, Gao Xing shook his head and said, "I guess Junior Sister Chen's trip was in vain again. There is no way the hall master will agree to it."

Chen Yao soon arrived at the main hall where Wen Xingrui was handling matters in the Refining Hall. At the door of the main hall, she stopped, cupped her hands and said loudly: "Master, A Yao wants to see you."

The next moment, a voice sounded in the hall, and it was Wen Xingrui's voice: "Come in."

Chen Yao gently pushed open the palace door, walked in quickly, looked at Wen Xingrui who was handling things behind the dark table, and said, "Master, I can't wait any longer. I want to leave the Immortal Realm and find my senior brother."

Wen Xingrui put down what he was doing, looked at Chen Yao, and said: "Ayao, I told you last time that although the Immortal Realm, the Demon Realm, and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm have signed a peaceful coexistence agreement, the pattern has just been formed. , you haven’t completely settled down yet, you go to the Star Sea to cultivate the immortal world, if something happens, how should I explain it to my apprentice?”

"Master, it has been so long since this boundary wall passage began. If senior brother has entered the Star Sea Immortal Realm through the boundary-breaking array, he must know that he has not come yet..." Chen Yao had a look of eagerness on his face.

Although she had always believed that her senior brother was still alive, she had been worried after the wall passage between the Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm was opened.

Wen Xingrui said: "Just wait a few more days, maybe he is on his way to meet you now. If you go to the Xingchen Sea to cultivate the immortal world, wouldn't you miss him..."

"Master..." Although Chen Yao felt that what Wen Xingrui said was very reasonable, she still couldn't hold it back. She really wanted to see her senior brother as soon as possible.

Wen Xingrui waved his hand and said: "That's it. I'll let the first batch of Lingxu Immortal Sect disciples who entered the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm go find out about him."

"In a few days, I will also go to the Xingchen Sea to cultivate the immortal world. Then you will go with me."

Hearing what Master Wen Xingrui said, Chen Yao could only nod and said: "Then I will wait a few more days. Master, you are busy first. I will go back to the cave to practice."

Afterwards, Chen Yao left the weapon refining hall and returned to his cave.

Lingxu Immortal Gate, in front of the sect-protecting formation.

Wu Tao was suspended in the air, looking at the sect-protecting formation, and found that this sect-protecting formation was no longer the previous one, but had been upgraded.

Therefore, his previous tokens are presumably inaccessible.

So Wu Tao decided to enter in the form of a visit. Just when his magic power was about to come into contact with the sect-protecting formation, a portal suddenly opened in the sect-protecting formation, and several figures flew out from it.

The immortal cultivators who came out were all based on foundation cultivation. When they saw that there were immortal cultivators in front of the mountain gate, and they were not wearing the uniforms and robes of the Lingxu Immortal Sect, and their cultivation levels were undetectable, they immediately showed a look of caution on their faces.

"This senior..."

"Senior Han, it's you, it's really you..." A Foundation-Building Immortal Cultivator from the Lingxu Immortal Sect was about to ask Wu Tao's identity when another Foundation-Building Immortal Cultivator looked overjoyed and stepped out of the crowd. In front of Wu Tao.

Wu Tao looked at this person, and a series of faces flashed in his mind, and he quickly locked it and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Gu Xi. Yes, the foundation has been established."

"Senior Han, wherever have you been these past years, Aunt Chen has been thinking about you every day." Gu Xi said, "Senior Han, if Aunt Chen knew that you were back, she would be very happy. I will send a message to Aunt Chen. "

Wu Tao quickly held down Gu Xi's movement to summon him and said, "There's no need to summon you. I plan to give you a surprise for Aunt Chen."

"That's a good relationship, Senior Han. I'm about to go on a mission. I'll come to visit Senior after I finish my mission." Gu Xi bowed.

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Go ahead."

After saying that, Wu Tao dodged and entered the sect-protecting formation.

After entering, a familiar feeling arose in Wu Tao's heart.

As soon as he moved, he turned into a stream of light and flew towards his cave.

"I haven't returned after more than 30 years. I wonder if Ayao has changed his cave?" He thought in his mind. Soon, Wu Tao had arrived at his previous cave in Lingxu, and then found that he had overthought it and the cave had not changed. , without even changing the cave formation, he took out the token and created a connection with the cave formation.

Standing outside the cave formation, Wu Tao became more and more excited and sober, because he was finally going to see A Yao, whom he had longed for.

Using the token to open the cave formation, Wu Tao ducked into the cave.


As soon as he entered the cave, a cry sounded in the sky, and a golden figure shot out, exuding the aura of a second-level intermediate monster, as if to drive away the enemies who broke into the cave.

But halfway through the flight, I felt the familiar aura, and the monster aura on my body suddenly converged, and I stood firmly on the outstretched arm of the familiar person.

Looking at the golden-winged eagle in his hand, Wu Tao smiled, reached into his storage bag and took out the foundation-building elixir, and fed it to the golden-winged eagle.

"Yes, it has been promoted to the second-level intermediate monster, which is equivalent to the fifth level of foundation building." Wu Tao said.

"Senior brother..."

At this moment, a voice of surprise rang out. It was Chen Yao. She was practicing in the training room of the cave, and she felt something was wrong with the magic circle in the cave. Then she heard the cry of the golden-winged eagle, and she hurriedly came out. I saw that familiar voice, feeding the golden-winged eagle.

Tears instantly blurred Chen Yao's eyes. She completely forgot about her cultivation as a foundation-building immortal cultivator and ran towards the senior brother she longed for.

Seeing Chen Yao running towards him, Wu Tao flicked his arm and threw the golden-winged eagle out of his hand, but he forgot that he was a golden elixir cultivator. The golden-winged eagle directly hit the cave formation, making him dizzy. But why would Wu Tao care about the golden-winged eagle at this time? He opened his hands and hugged Chen Yao tightly.

"Ayao, I'm back!" Wu Tao said, gently stroking Chen Yao's milk bag with one hand.

"Senior brother, you are finally back...I finally waited until you came back..."

"Brother, never leave Ayao again..." Chen Yao choked and hugged Wu Tao tightly, fearing that Wu Tao would disappear again.

"Okay, I promise A Yao that I will never leave A Yao again." Wu Tao said.

The two hugged each other for a long time. When Chen Yao's mind calmed down, Wu Tao looked around and sent out his spiritual thoughts to cover the cave. He found that the cave had not changed and was still the same as before. He knew that this was A Yao's intention. .

"Ayao, let's go back to the cave to talk." Wu Tao said.

"Okay, senior brother, you must have suffered a lot outside these years..." Chen Yao said this and hugged Wu Tao's arm.

After returning to the cave, the two hadn't seen each other for more than thirty years, and their brief exchange of words could not quench their thirst for lovesickness.

Many days later.

The two finally overcame the pain of missing each other and sat opposite each other, telling each other about their experiences over the years.


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