Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 633 Zhang Baiyin, long time no see! (Please subscribe)

In the palace.

The atmosphere was extremely lively, and everyone was discussing things about the Immortal Realm.

Originally, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm formed a coalition and entered the Immortal Realm to conquer the Immortal Realm. The two worlds shared the Immortal Realm resources.

Unexpectedly, in the Immortal Yuan Realm, the God Transformation Lord was suddenly born.

And once born, there are two.

"According to ancient books, for more than 100,000 years, the Immortal Realm and our Xingchen Sea have cultivated the Immortal Realm. However, there is a boundary-breaking magic circle. Relying on the boundary-breaking magic circle, we can communicate with the Xianyuan World. For some reason, the ruling Xianyuan World The Immortal Saints suddenly destroyed the boundary-breaking magic formations of the two worlds, and since then the Immortal Realm and our Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm have lost contact."

"It has been more than a hundred thousand years, and many people have forgotten that there is a world of cultivating immortals like the Xianyuan World. As long as you are familiar with ancient books, those who are interested in ancient books may know about it."

"It seems that more than 100,000 years ago, the Immortal Realm was able to give birth to the God-Transforming God Lord in the realm. Therefore, it cut off the connection with the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, fearing that the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm would covet his Immortal Realm."

There are some immortal cultivators who have read ancient books and analyzed them clearly.

"But you read in the tabloids that the ruling immortal sect of the Immortal Yuan Realm is the Lingxu Immortal Sect, not the immortal saints from more than 100,000 years ago?" Someone raised doubts.

"Hey, it has been more than a hundred thousand years. It is normal for immortal saints to be overthrown by others. At that time, our Xingchen Immortal Palace was just a large Nascent Soul Immortal Sect." The Jindan who had read ancient books The immortal cultivator said.

"Indeed, indeed, what fellow Taoist said makes sense. Even a top-notch immortal sect like ours, the Xingchen Immortal Palace, will be overthrown once the emperor of the Transformation God passes away."

"If the boundary wall portal in the twelfth area of ​​the boundary wall connecting the Immortal Realm is as vast as the Demon Realm and our Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, and can allow the gods to enter safely, how can the Immortal Realm only have two god-transforming gods to withstand it? Can we withstand the siege of the Ten Transformation Gods in the Immortal Realm of Xingchen Sea." There was a look of regret on someone's face.

If not, half of the Immortal Realm belongs to the Xingchenhai Immortal Realm.

"The deal is done, the matter is a foregone conclusion. Now, the tripartite world peace agreement between the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, the Demon Realm, and the Immortal Yuan Realm has been signed and has come into effect. The boundary wall portal can indeed only accommodate immortal cultivators under the God of Transformation. Don’t tell me, our Xingchenhai Immortal Realm and Demon Realm can’t do anything to the Immortal Yuan Realm.”

"I read in the tabloid that the Boundary Wall Portal is under construction. It will take two months before the Boundary Wall Portal can be opened, allowing immortal cultivators from the three worlds to communicate with each other."

"In two months, we might as well go to the Immortal Realm to have a look. After all, it is a new world." Someone proposed the idea of ​​traveling to the Immortal Realm for adventure.

It immediately won the approval of many immortal cultivators.

"We'll go together then."

"Take me with you, I'll go too."

Wu Tao kept his eyes on the tabloid in his hand and did not participate in the discussion in the hall.

They thought that Emperor Shenjun was born in the Xianyuan world, but Wu Tao did not think that Emperor Shenjun was born in the Xianyuan world. But, why does Emperor Shenjun want to cooperate with Head Ning? What a risk it is, facing two worlds, so many gods and demon kings.

And Head Ning, when he left the Immortal Yuan Realm, wasn't he just at the first level of Yuanying? How come he had already reached the level of becoming a god in just over 30 years?

There is no fifth-level spiritual vein in the Xianyuan world. How did Master Ning break through to become a god? Could it be that he had an unexpected encounter during the refining process?

"I feel like Master Ning is the one who is cheating. Wu Tao said to himself, he also wants to reach the point of being promoted directly to the realm of deity in one step.

The discussion in the hall became more and more intense, but soon calmed down.

After a few quarters of an hour, the gathering finally dispersed.

Wu Tao said goodbye to several acquaintances of Jindan cultivators and returned to his residence.

After returning to his residence and sitting cross-legged on the futon, Wu Tao took out the tabloid again and read it several times.

Official information in tabloids does bear the official seal and cannot be faked.

"Whether Head Ning is cheating or not, this disaster in the Xianyuan world is over. Ayao and Master should be out of danger." Wu Tao showed joy on his face and finally breathed a sigh of relief. The huge stone in his heart Also fell down.

"Two months later, when the boundary wall portal is completed, I will immediately find an opportunity to return to the Xianyuan world to meet A Yao and the master."

"More than 30 years... it's really a short time and a long time at the same time."

Wu Tao murmured softly.

Originally, he thought that he would cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, and then use the world-transfer token to find the boundary-breaking array and return to the Immortal World. Unexpectedly, the Demon World broke the boundary wall channel connecting the Immortal World.

"This is the unknown. Who can predict the future clearly!"

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Pi and Fellow Daoist Tang participated in the alliance of immortals and demons and entered the crusade against the Immortal Realm. Now, the three-party world peace coexistence agreement has been signed, which means that the war is over. Fellow Daoist Pi and Fellow Daoist Tang should return to Xingxiu City, right? "

Thinking of this, Wu Tao wanted to give it a try and sent a message to Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai.

A few minutes later, there was indeed movement on his summons token. He picked it up and read it with his spiritual mind. Sure enough, it was Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai who responded to him, saying that they had returned to Xingxiu City.

"Okay, just come back. I will go find Fellow Daoist Tang and Fellow Daoist Pi to discuss the situation of the war to conquer the Xianyuan Realm." Wu Tao put away the summons token, got up, and went to Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai's residence in Xingsu City.

Not long after, Wu Tao met Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai.

"Fellow Taoist Tang, fellow Taoist Pi!" Wu Tao bowed his hands to Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai.

Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai also bowed their hands to Wu Tao in return. Tang Jingquan said: "Fellow Daoist Li, please come into the tea room and have a chat."

Wu Tao followed Tang Jingquan into the tea room. After a while, the fragrance of tea filled the tea room, and a cup of spiritual tea was placed in front of the three of them.

Wu Tao and Tang Jingquan were already very familiar with each other, and there was no need to beat around the bush. He asked directly: "Fellow Taoist Tang, Friend Pi, you two followed the alliance of immortals and demons into the Immortal Realm. Can you tell me about the whole war?" the process of?"

Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai were not surprised by Wu Tao's curiosity. In fact, all the immortal cultivators were very curious about the battle when they entered the Immortal Realm.

Tang Jingquan was just about to speak, but Pi Baibai was more adventurous and impatient. He quickly said in a lively voice: "Fellow Daoist Li, you don't know, this trip into the Immortal Realm is too dangerous. Senior Brother Tang and I almost didn't come back."

"Fortunately, Senior Brother Tang and I are just golden elixir cultivators. Perhaps in the eyes of Lord Ning Shen, we are no different from ants, so he doesn't care about us."

"Oh, fellow Taoist Pi, please tell me in detail." It was about Sect Leader Ning, and Wu Tao immediately became interested.

Pi Baibai said: "Then let me start from the beginning with fellow Daoist Li. The alliance of immortals and demons composed of our Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm is divided into six gods from the Xingchen Hai Immortal Realm and six demons from the Demon Realm. The souls separated from you entered at the head of the battle, and by the way, there are also the souls of the Emperor God Lord."

"As soon as we came out of the boundary wall passage and arrived at the Immortal Realm, the six divided spirits of the God-Transforming Lords and the six divided souls of the Demon Lords of the Demon Realm immediately held array-breaking magic weapons to prevent the Immortal Realm from setting up a trap and killing array. However, the array-breaking magic weapon failed, and the opponent did not arrange a trap and kill array."

"On the other side of the Immortal Yuan Realm, Ning Shenjun leads a group of immortal cultivators in the Immortal Yuan Realm. Ning Shenjun seems to have made a condition for the Emperor Shenjun to instantly defect to the Immortal Yuan Realm."

"The Emperor God Lord was just a distraction for the God Lord, and the Ning Shen Lord only showed the perfect cultivation level of Yuanying. Everyone thought that he was not the transformed god and didn't care. Unexpectedly, the Ning Shen Lord's aura surged, and from Yuanying With a perfect cultivation level, I can directly upgrade to the cultivation level of God Transformation. With one hand, I can wipe out all the distracted souls of the six Divine Lords of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the six Demon Lords of the Demon Realm."

"Fellow Daoist Li, I was so frightened at that time that I thought I was going to be wiped out as well, but Lord Ning Shen rushed directly into the boundary wall passage, and the soul of Emperor Shenjun also rushed into the boundary wall passage with Lord Ning Shen. .”

Hearing Pi Baibai's story, Wu Tao found something suspicious in his words, and he immediately asked: "That's not right, fellow Taoist Pi, does it mean that the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Realm can only accommodate immortal cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage and below?" Is that so? Lord Ning Shen is a god-former. If he enters the boundary wall portal, won’t he be seriously injured or perish by the power in the boundary wall passage?”

Pi Baibai said: "Yes, so, do you guess why the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm signed a tripartite world peaceful coexistence agreement with the Immortal Yuan Realm? This is all done by fighting."

Tang Jingquan said: "I heard from fellow Taoists who were in front of the boundary wall gate in the twelfth district at that time that Ning Shenjun was unscathed when he rushed out of the boundary wall portal. Then he joined forces with Emperor Shenjun and immediately fought with me. The six God-Transforming Lords from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the six Demon Lords from the Demon Realm started fighting."

"Of course we don't know the outcome of the war, but the tripartite world peace coexistence agreement was signed."

Wu Tao said in surprise: "So, Ning Shenjun and Emperor Shenjun joined forces and actually fought against twelve figures of the same level, and they haven't been defeated yet?! Only our Xingchen Sea Cultivation Immortal Realm and the Demonic Realm are willing to sign a peaceful coexistence agreement with the Immortal Yuan Realm."

Pi Baibai said: "In the world of immortality, strength speaks for itself. If the world of immortality does not have the strength to be on an equal footing with us, the three-party world peace coexistence agreement cannot be signed at all."

"That Ning Shenjun and that Emperor Shenjun are really powerful. I hope that one day, we can be as graceful as Ning Shenjun and that Emperor Shenjun." Tang Jingquan's face showed a look of yearning.

"Yes, it's so strong. Two people fought against twelve people and they didn't lose." Wu Tao nodded in agreement.

Pi Baibai said: "In two months, the boundary wall portal will be opened. At that time, the immortal cultivators and demons from the three worlds of Xingchen Sea, Immortal Realm, Demon Realm, and Immortal Yuan Realm will be able to enter and exit the Immortal Yuan Realm at will. Fellow Daoist Li, by then , how about we enter the Immortal Realm together and take a look at the Immortal Realm?"

Pi Baibai invited Wu Tao, and Tang Jingquan also looked at Wu Tao with a look of inquiry in his eyes.

Wu Tao understands what they mean, but it is impossible for him and Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai to enter the Immortal Realm. When he enters the Immortal Realm, he must walk in the Immortal Realm as Wu Tao, and his identity here is Li Mo Mao's identity and facial expression are not that of Wu Tao.

Wouldn't it be exposed if he entered the Immortal Realm with the two of them?

Therefore, Wu Tao shook his head and said: "No, no, I'd better keep my peace of mind and refine my weapons, and wait until I have the opportunity to enter the Immortal Realm again."


When the conversation was almost over, Wu Tao also said goodbye.

Returning to his room, Wu Tao recalled what Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai had just described about the battle when they entered the Immortal Realm.

I was still very shocked. I didn't expect that Head Ning would suddenly become so strong.

"Could it be that Master Ning has been hiding his cultivation? In fact, the first-level Nascent Soul cultivation that was exposed at the beginning was not his real cultivation?"

"This is the proud man of heaven. After all, my talent in cultivation cannot compare with such a proud man of heaven." Wu Tao sighed with emotion, saying that he was not envious would be a lie.

Of course, he is still happy for Head Ning. Only with this kind of strength can Head Ning protect the safety of the Xianyuan World and the Lingxu Sect, so that masters Wen Xingrui and Chen Yao can practice in a safe environment.

"There are still two months until the boundary wall portal to the Immortal Realm is opened, so practice hard."

Wu Tao dismissed all the distracting thoughts in his mind and began to practice.

Because there are two divine kings, Ning Shenjun and Emperor Shenjun, the Xianyuan World has become an immortal world on the same level as the Demon World and the Xingchen Sea Immortal World. A tripartite world peace coexistence agreement has also been signed.

The fighting stopped there.

Therefore, Wu Tao and other weapon refiners only spent three hours refining Xuanyang Pearls every day. The reason why they did not stop refining Xuanyang Pearls was because the war between the Immortal World and the Demonic World in Xingchen Sea was still going on.

Most of the tripartite world peace coexistence agreements were signed by the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm for the Immortal Yuan Realm. As for the war between the Xingchen Sea Cultivation Realm and the Demon Realm, which was originally antagonistic, it is still impossible for the Demon Realm to enter and exit the Xingchen Sea Cultivation Realm at will.

Time flies so fast, two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

The boundary wall in the twelfth area, the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Realm, is finally open.

Immortal cultivators in the Immortal Realm can enter the Demon Realm through the boundary wall portal, then transfer to the Star Sea Immortal Realm, or enter the Demon Realm area.

The Demon Realm and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm can enter the Immortal Realm at will.

On the side of the Xingchen Sea Immortal World, the three major Immortal Palaces and the Nine Immortal Sects have already made arrangements. As soon as the boundary wall portal is opened, war boats will enter the Immortal Realm one after another, planning to open shops in the Immortal Realm and carry out the two realms. trading.

Wu Tao was sitting cross-legged on the futon. He had just finished practicing the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole technique, and his eyes were thinking.

"Now, the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl is getting easier and easier. All the weapon refiners in the Xuanyang Hall of the Immortal Palace's Artifact Refining Hall are involved in the refining work of the Xuanyang Pearl. I don't have any fixed tasks here. Just do whatever you want.”

"Furthermore, there has been a message from the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall that I am the main one among the four weapon refining masters guarding Xingxiu City. I want to leave Xingxiu City for a while and go to the Immortal Realm. I only need to ask for leave from myself. There is no need to go through other people."

"However, I still have to tell Fellow Daoist Gu, Fellow Daoist Ye, Fellow Daoist Jin, and the other three, so that they can't find me when they look for me."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately took out the summons token and summoned Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha, saying that he had something to do and had to go out of Star City for a while.

The three people quickly replied to Wu Tao's message and asked Wu Tao to pay attention to his safety.

"Go back to the Immortal Realm." Putting away the summons token, Wu Tao left Xingxiu City.

After leaving Xingxiu City, Wu Tao flew directly to the boundary wall of the twelfth district.

When he was about to enter the boundary wall of the twelfth area, he changed the Feilang Boat under his feet to a third-level intermediate Canglang Boat. Only he had used this Canglang Boat when he was on Hengliu Island, and no one could recognize it.

Then he put on a robe and mask that concealed his aura, and then flew into the boundary wall of the twelfth area, flying towards the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Realm.

This outfit is extremely normal and will not be questioned.

Soon, Wu Tao saw the huge boundary wall portal in the void ahead. One after another figures flew out of the boundary wall portal, and another figure flew into the boundary wall portal.

He stood on the Canglang boat and looked down. There were three huge cities below, namely the Star Sea Immortal Realm, the Immortal Yuan Realm, and the Demon Realm. The huge cities were built to provide a place for the immortal cultivators from his side of the world.

Wu Tao looked at Lingxu Immortal City, which is a huge immortal city built in the Immortal Realm. He really wanted to go to Lingxu Immortal City for a stroll, maybe he could meet some old friends, but he missed Chen Yao even more, so , he drove the Canglang boat under his feet and flew towards the boundary wall portal in the void.

As soon as he entered the portal of the boundary wall, Wu Tao felt that the energy of heaven and earth was different. His eyes fell around the corridor of the boundary wall, and he sensed the chaos of time and space, as well as the stability of time. Extremely complex forces mixed together to form Enter the boundary wall corridor.

"Unlike the corridor in the boundary-breaking array, the power seems to be more stable."

Here, Wu Tao couldn't sense the passage of time. He used all his strength to control the Canglang boat and flew forward.

I don't know how long he flew, but suddenly, there was a bright light in front of his eyes. The next moment, he had stopped and exited the boundary wall portal.

"This is the far north of the Immortal Realm."

Looking around, he saw towering snow-capped mountains and ice peaks that had not melted for thousands of years. Wu Tao immediately knew that this was the far north of the Xianyuan world. Although he had never been there, he had seen Xianyuan. world map.

His eyes were slightly lowered, and there were also three giant cities of cultivating immortals below, which were also established by the three worlds of cultivating immortals, namely the Immortal Realm, the Sea of ​​Stars, and the Demon Realm.

Behind him, streams of light flew out of the boundary wall corridor and fell towards the Xiuxian City below, while streams of light flew up from the Xiuxian City below and flew towards the portal of the boundary wall.

"It's really lively, but this kind of liveliness comes from war. If the leader Ning and the Emperor Shenjun fail, then this kind of liveliness will not belong to the Xianyuan world, but to the Xingchen Haixiu Immortal World and the Demon World Got it." Thinking like this, Wu Tao looked in the direction of Lingxu Sect and sent the Canglang boat flying at full speed.

"This is the far north, five realms away from Lingxu Sect. With my cultivation in the middle stage of Golden Core, it is estimated that it will take more than a month to reach Lingxu Sect."

"Today, the Immortal Realm has been unified by Head Ning, and the seven sects of the Righteous Way no longer exist, leaving only the Lingxu Immortal Sect. I don't know if the Demon Sect has been completely eradicated..."

Wu Tao's wish turned and then flew at full speed.

A few hours later, he had flown out of the Far North and entered the Ten Thousand Poison Domain of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect.

Flying in the Ten Thousand Poison Domain, Wu Tao reached down with his spiritual thoughts to observe the situation below.

Along the way, he did see some immortal cultivators, but they were all righteous cultivators, and there were no immortal cultivators from the Demon Sect. This Ten Thousand Poison Domain has also become the territory of the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Eight days later, Wu Tao flew out of the Ten Thousand Poison Realm and entered the Yin Hun Sect's Yin Soul Realm.

Flying high in the sky, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts, which exceeded the limit of the golden elixir of two thousand and twenty miles, reached down.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he whispered to himself: "Unexpectedly, I met an acquaintance just after entering the Yinhun Realm."

"Zhang Baiyin, long time no see!"


Thanks to Lingzhuzi for the 1600 starting coin reward.

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