Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 632: Immortal World, I’m coming back! (Please subscribe)

After the Emperor God Lord finished speaking, he turned around and planned to leave the White Bone Demon Clan's clan territory.

Wang Jing quickly followed up and said: "Senior Emperor, the Immortal Realm has not yet been conquered and occupied. Senior, why don't you wait until the immortal and demon coalition forces occupy the Immortal Realm before going to the Immortal Realm to explore."

Emperor Shenjun did not look sideways at Wang Jing, but continued to step forward in the void at an extremely fast speed, turning into a shadow. His unquestionable tone sounded: "Nowadays, I am more interested in the Immortal Realm."

Seeing this, Wang Jing said no more. Anyway, now the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm has signed an agreement with the Demon Realm to share the Immortal Realm, and the dust has settled.

The Emperor Shenjun's conspiracy to contain the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm has been successful.

Not letting the demon world control the immortal world is a success for the Xingchenhaixiuxian world. After all, the demon world will not have an additional auxiliary world of cultivating immortals, and the strength of the demon world will not increase as a result.

The eight Demon Lords who stayed in the White Bone Demon Clan's domain watched as the figures of Emperor Shenjun and Wang Jing disappeared before their eyes.

Emperor Shenjun left, which was a relief to them.

After all, Emperor Shenjun is too powerful, and no one wants to fight against someone like Emperor Shenjun.

"Are we going to the boundary wall of the twelfth area now, or?" The pressure was greatly reduced, and the Tianyi Demon Lord looked at the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King Clan and asked.

This magic outfit of the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan is called Heavenly Demon Xuanxie. Heavenly Demon Xuanxie pondered for a moment and said: "Everyone returns to their clans and stops with silence."

After hearing what Heavenly Demon Xuan Evil said, the Demon Lords present each returned to their own clans to guard their clans' territory.

In the boundary wall of the twelfth area, in front of the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Realm, palaces have been built, which are clearly divided into the camps of the Xingchen Sea Cultivation Immortal Realm and the Demonic Realm.

An agreement has been reached between the Xingchen Sea Xiuxian Realm and the Demon Realm to jointly conquer the Immortal Realm. Therefore, during this period, the gods and demons from both sides began to prepare to separate the divided gods and divided souls to conquer the Immortal Realm.

Suddenly, rays of light flashed in the void in front of the boundary wall portal, and twelve figures appeared, all of them extremely powerful. They were the six god-incarnation kings from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the six demon kings from the demon world.

Their eyes all looked into the distance.

"It's the breath of fellow Taoist Emperor." Divine Lord Yuanding whispered to himself.

His self-talk was not concealed, and was also heard by the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm. Tianmo Xuanyi and others immediately looked at the Yuanding Divine Lord, with deep eyes, slightly moved. They also knew the name of the Emperor Divine Lord, and I was very afraid in my heart.

As far as they knew, Emperor Shenjun was wandering around the Demon Realm to check the geography and qi of the Demon Realm. Why did he suddenly come to the boundary wall of the twelfth area?

As these Demon Lords turned their thoughts, two figures appeared in front of them, it was Emperor Shenjun and Wang Jing.

"Fellow Emperor Daoist, long time no see." A smile appeared on Lord Yuanding's face and he slightly arched his hand towards Lord Emperor.

"Fellow Daoist Yuanding." The Emperor God Lord returned the salute slightly, and then looked at the other God Transformation God Lords and Demon Realm Demon Lords.

"Fellow Taoists."

"I've seen the Emperor Daoist." Seeing the Emperor God Lord salute them, the other God Transformation God Lords and Demon Realm Demon Lords all returned the salute.

"Fellow Emperor Daoist, aren't you touring the demon world and appreciating the scenery of the demon world?" Divine Lord Yuanding looked at Emperor Divine Lord and said with a smile.

His words were not friendly to the demon world, so as soon as he finished speaking, Tianmo Xuanyi and other demon lords from the demon world looked at Yuanding Shenjun with discomfort in their hearts, but they felt uncomfortable and could not act on the spot.

Emperor Shenjun said: "I heard that you are going to enter the Immortal Realm. I am also very interested in the Immortal Realm, so I will enter with you."

As the Emperor God Lord spoke, his eyes fell on the boundary wall portal that stretched across the void behind the God Transformation God Lord and the Demon World Demon Lord.

Hearing that Emperor Shenjun was also going to enter the Immortal Realm together, Yuanding Shenjun and Tian Moxuan looked at each other.

They all understood each other's meaning, and Lord Yuanding smiled and said: "It's great that fellow Taoist Emperor is willing to help me wait.

Afterwards, after arranging the residence of Emperor Shenjun, Yuanding Shenjun called Wang Jing.

"I've met Master Yuanding." Wang Jing bowed to Lord Yuanding.

Yuanding Shenjun's eyes fell on Wang Jing and said: "Wang Jing, in these years, you have traveled with the Emperor's Taoist friends throughout the Star Sea to cultivate the immortal world, and then to the demon world. Do you know what the Emperor Shenjun's purpose is? "

Wang Jing did not answer immediately, but thought for a moment, and then replied: "Back to Uncle Yuanding, as the God-incarnation God Lord, the Emperor God Lord is not from my Xingchen Sea Immortal Cultivation World, but from other Immortal Cultivation Worlds. This Along the way, Emperor Shenjun must be looking for an exit out of this world and want to return to his own world, right?"

After hearing Wang Jing's answer, Yuanding Shenjun was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "This is the most likely possibility. After cultivating to the level of Emperor Shenjun, all power will not be taken seriously by him, and he can escape from this cage. , is what he wants to do most.”

"It's also what we want to do." Shenjun Yuanding said this to himself in his heart.

Wang Jing said: "It's a pity that the demon kings and old monsters in the demon world are too calm. Emperor Shenjun is roaming openly in their demon world, probing everything with his spiritual thoughts, but they don't choose to take action. If they choose to take action, with Emperor Shenjun With my cultivation, I will definitely be able to contain more Demon Lords from the Demon Realm, so that our Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm can completely control the boundary wall portal leading to the Immortal Realm."

Lord Yuanding shook his head and said: "The matter has come to this and is a foregone conclusion. There is no point in talking about it anymore."

"Besides, this boundary wall portal can only accommodate immortal cultivators who are under the transformation of gods. Seeing that the Demon Realm sent demons to enter twice, all the troops were destroyed. When we enter the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, as long as the purpose is to conquer the Immortal Origin Realm, The immortal cultivators in the Immortal Realm will naturally rise up to resist, and they may end up with the same fate as the Demonic Realm."

"Now it seems that it is more cost-effective to cooperate with the demon world."

Wang Jing nodded and said: "Yes, it's a pity that more than 100,000 people were ahead. I don't know what happened over there in the Immortal Realm. They destroyed all the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the boundary-breaking magic circle connecting the Immortal Realm. If it hadn't been destroyed, we would have We can cooperate with the Xianyuan Realm and attack the Demon Realm together, and we will definitely be able to advance the boundary wall battlefield."

"Uncle Yuanding, is it possible that the God-Transforming Lord was really born in the Xianyuan Realm?"

Yuanding Shenjun pondered for a moment and said: "It is still unknown now, but if the God of Transformation is really born in the Immortal Yuan World, it will be difficult to conquer the Immortal Yuan World. It may take thousands of hundreds of years, or even longer. .”

Wang Jing's heart moved, and he suddenly said: "Uncle Yuanding, I remember that you once said that you and the Emperor Shenjun met in the Lost Sea, right?"

Divine Monarch Yuanding nodded and said: "Exactly, the first time I met Divine Monarch Emperor was in the Lost Sea."

Yuanding Shenjun recalled the scene when he first met Emperor Shenjun. He mistakenly thought Emperor Shenjun was a descendant of Jindan. However, that descendant of Jindan was actually a casual cultivator. He had already joined the weapon refining hall of his Xingchen Immortal Palace and was very interested in Xingchen Immortal. There is a great sense of belonging in Gong Lianqi Hall.

As the Divine Lord of the Star Palace, it is naturally extremely easy for Divine Lord Yuanding to investigate all of this.

However, the junior Lord Yuanding is not particularly concerned about his cultivation of the Golden Core. The reason why he is a little concerned is because he feels that the junior is connected with the Emperor Divine Lord.

Wang Jingdao: "Uncle Yuanding, do you think the Emperor God Lord is from the Immortal Yuan Realm?"

When Yuan Ding heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "Absolutely impossible."

"The Immortal Realm and our Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm world have only lost contact for more than a hundred thousand years. It is impossible for a god-turned-god to be born so quickly. Moreover, a god king who is more powerful than our Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm world is born."

Emperor Shenjun's cultivation strength is not only the first in the Immortal Realm of the Sea of ​​Stars, but even if he gets the Demon World, no demon can defeat Emperor Shenjun.

Such people will only come from a higher level of the world of cultivating immortals.

"Although Heavenly Demon Xuanyi's split soul fell in the Immortal Yuan Realm, I prefer that the Nascent Soul Consummation Immortal Cultivator of the Immortal Yuan Realm holds the magic weapon of the God Lord to suppress and kill the split soul of Heavenly Demon Xuanyi, just like you held my star. Yuan Ding suppressed the spirit of Demon Lord Elo just like him.

"That's right, after more than 100,000 years, the possibility of the birth of the God-Transforming God-Monarch is extremely small, extremely slim." Wang Jing overturned his speculation at this moment.

Yuan Ding suddenly said: "The Emperor Shenjun will also separate his gods to enter the Immortal Yuan Realm. Wang Jing, just follow us and enter the Immortal Yuan Realm."

Wang Jing heard this and immediately said: "Uncle Yuanding, the body of the Emperor God Lord is still at the boundary wall of the twelfth area. I think it is more appropriate to follow the body of the Emperor God Lord."

After hearing this, Lord Yuanding stopped insisting and said, "Okay."

"Then you go out and follow the Emperor Shenjun." Shenjun Yuanding waved his hand and signaled Wang Jing to leave.

Wang Jing bowed slightly towards Lord Yuanding, and then left the training place of Lord Yuanding. After coming out, he looked towards the boundary wall portal and felt the power in the corridor of the boundary wall portal.

"It can only accommodate the immortal cultivators under the Transformation God. If the Transformation God Lord forcibly enters, it will definitely cause chaotic power in the boundary wall portal. Being squeezed by the Immortal Realm and the Demon World at the same time, the Transformation Soul Lord will be seriously injured even if he does not die. ." Thinking like this, Wang Jing breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to the residence of Emperor Shenjun.

"Have you heard? In three months, the coalition forces from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm will enter the Immortal Yuan Realm."

"On our side, there are six God-Transforming Lords who have divided their souls. On the other side of the Demon Realm, there are also six Demon Lords who have divided their souls. They will lead the Nascent Soul cultivators, the original god demons, the golden elixir cultivators, and the demon elixir demons. Enter the Immortal Realm."

"With such a big battle, the Immortal Realm will definitely be breached soon and become an affiliated Immortal Realm of the Star Sea and the Demon Realm."

The news quickly spread throughout Xingxiu City, and Wu Tao also heard about it.

The negotiation between the immortals and demons was successful, and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm signed an agreement to jointly conquer and share the Immortal Origin Realm. Many things have been put on the table, so there is no need to hide them.

The news above will be available soon below.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged in his training room in Xingxiu City, frowning slightly.

"It's equivalent to the distraction and soul of twelve people who have surpassed the Nascent Soul and perfected the Immortal. Can the Immortal Yuan Realm be able to withstand this wave of invasion?" Regarding this, Wu Tao felt a lot of pressure.

However, he is only a third-level intermediate weapon refiner and a fourth-level golden elixir cultivator. He cannot influence the general trend of conquering the Immortal Realm in the Star Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm.

"We can only wait for the news, and then go and see if the alliance of immortals and demons will go to the Immortal Realm to see if they need an accompanying refiner to sit in. After all, the golden elixir cultivators will also follow."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao quickly acted.

But after some inquiring, I found that there was no need for an accompanying weapon refiner.

I heard that this time, there were six souls of the God-Transforming Lords and six souls of the Demon Realm Demon King. Very few of the Yuanying Immortal Cultivators and the Original God Demon Clan were there, while the Golden Pill Immortal Cultivators and the Demonic Pill Demon Clan were just a few. To clean up the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, it was three months later.

The land of the boundary wall in the twelfth area, in front of the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Realm.

Twelve war boats are suspended in the void in front of the boundary wall portal. Six are war boats from the Xingchen Sea Cultivation Realm camp, and six are from the Demon Realm camp.

Two by two, on top of the two war boats at the front, the six gods-turned-gods from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, and the gods of the emperor god-lords stood on top of the war boats.

The divided souls of the six Demon Lords of the Demon Realm stood in front of the six Demon Realm war boats.

"Set off!"

Yuanding Shenjun and Tian Moxuan looked at each other, and both sides issued instructions to enter the Xianyuan world.

Twelve war boats instantly entered the boundary wall portal.

Yuanding Shenjun's distracted mind looked at the distracted Emperor Shenjun beside him. Then, he used his spiritual thoughts to communicate with Heavenly Demon Xuanyi's divided soul, and agreed to prepare the means to break the formation as soon as he left the boundary wall portal.

Although the split soul of Tian Mo Xuanyi had broken through the fourth-level advanced trapping and killing array arranged in front of the boundary wall portal in Xianyuan Realm last time, who knows whether the fourth-level advanced trapping and killing array has been repaired and re-arranged.

Time passed slowly, and there was a bright light ahead, and a trace of Qi in the Xianyuan world could be sensed. The next moment, the two war boats walked out of the corridor of the boundary wall.

As soon as they exited the boundary wall portal, the divided soul of Yuanding Shenjun and the divided soul of Heavenly Demon Xuanyi immediately sacrificed the formation-breaking treasure and blasted it forward.

However, it hit an empty space and there was no trapping formation.

The distracted God Lord Yuanding and the separated soul of Heavenly Demon Xuanyi took back the formation-breaking treasure. Looking forward, they saw figures floating in the void in front of them. They were the cultivators of the Immortal Yuan Realm.

The green Yuanying cultivator is followed by the golden elixir cultivators. The person at the front is wearing a green robe, and his body exudes the perfect cultivation of Yuanying.

"I am the Divine Lord Yuanding of the Xingchen Sea Cultivation Realm. My Xingchen Sea Cultivation Realm and the Xianyuan Realm have been in contact with each other for more than 100,000 years and have a very deep connection. This little friend should be the strongest talker in the Xianyuan Realm. Are you human?" Lord Yuanding's distracted eyes fell on Ning Qiudao.

Ning Qiudao looked at the distraction of Yuanding Shenjun, then glanced at the distractions of other god-transformation gods, and then looked at the split souls of the six demon kings of the demon world.

Emperor Shenjun paused for a moment as he was distracted.

"Yes, 120,000 years ago, there was indeed a way out of the Immortal Yuan Realm and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, but it was destroyed by the Immortal Saint Sect." Ning Qiudao said calmly:

"But the relationship has been long, things have changed and people have changed. Are the formations of the Xingchen Sea Xiuxian Realm and the Demon Realm coming here to seize our Immortal Yuan Realm?"

Sensing the aura of Yuan Ying's perfect cultivation on Ning Qiudao's body, these divided souls of the God-incarnation Lord and the divided souls of the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm breathed a sigh of relief.

From this point of view, it would be easier to handle without the God-Transforming Lord.

Tianmoxuanyifenhun said: "Our Demon Realm and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm have signed an agreement to share the Immortal Realm. After all, the Immortal Realm is the Immortal Realm where the God-incarnation King has not yet been born. In order to avoid the destruction of all living beings, you must surrender to me quickly. In the Demon Realm and the Xingchen Sea Cultivation Realm, we can guarantee that we will never kill indiscriminately, and that all your hard work in cultivation will not be wiped out in an instant."

Ning Qiudao ignored Tianmo Xuan Yifenhun's words, but looked at Yuanding Shenjun and said distractedly: "It seems that the Xingchenhai Immortal World does not value the past origins. In that case..."

At this point, he paused and looked at Emperor Shenjun distractedly.

Emperor Shenjun's distracted eyes met with Ning Qiudao's, and his heart moved. Then, under the surprised gazes of the six God-Transforming God Lords and the six Demon World Demon Lords' divided souls, Emperor Shenjun's distracted eyes instantly turned into a phantom and appeared. Beside Ning Qiudao.

"Fellow Emperor Daoist, what are you doing?" Yuanding Shenjun looked at Emperor Shenjun distractedly and confused.

Emperor Shenjun smiled distractedly and said: "This fellow Taoist Ning made me an offer that I cannot refuse. Therefore, I ask all the fellow Taoists from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and all the fellow Taoists from the Demon Realm to withdraw from the Immortal Realm. Otherwise, I will not be given anything." Emperor’s face.”

"Fellow Daoist Emperor, what conditions can he offer to Friend Daoist Emperor with his mere Nascent Soul? We can offer more attractive terms to Friend Daoist Emperor." Tian Moxuan Yifenhun said.

Emperor Shenjun shook his head in distraction and said: "No, you can't offer any more attractive conditions than fellow Taoist Ning. After all, you are the frogs at the bottom of the well."

Such humiliating words made the God-Transforming God-Jun Fen Shen and the Demon Realm Demon King's soul-part soul feel lifeless, because they were sure that the Emperor Shen-Jun came from a higher world of cultivating immortals. When they said they were frogs, they were speaking from the Emperor Shen-Jun's own standpoint. of.

Yuanding Shenjun was distracted and moved in his heart. He looked at Ning Qiudao and asked tentatively: "Are you the god of transformation?"

Ning Qiudao did not answer Yuanding Shenjun's distracted words, but said: "Now that the portal between the Xianyuan Realm and the Demon Realm has been opened, we, the three realms, might as well sit down and talk about how to communicate with each other and achieve peace in the future. develop."

Hearing Ning Qiudao's words, Tian Mo Xuan Yihun snorted coldly and said with a smile: "Even if fellow Taoist Emperor stands on the side of the Xianyuan Realm, there is only one Divine Monarch of Transformation in the Daoist Emperor, and we in the Demon Realm and the Stars In the Haixiu Immortal Realm Alliance, there are more than twenty gods and demon kings."

Emperor Shenjun smiled distractedly, turned to look at Ning Qiudao beside him and said: "Friend Ning, any truth is based on strength. Show them our strength, so that they can calm down." Come and listen to us.”

Hearing this, Ning Qiudao nodded and said, "What my fellow Taoist Emperor said is absolutely correct."

After saying this, the aura on his body rose steadily, and in an instant he had surpassed the Nascent Soul Stage and reached the God Transformation Stage. He did not stop, and stretched his hand forward. The six God Transformation God Lords in the Xingchen Sea Immortal World were distracted, and the six God Transformation God Lords in the Demon World were distracted. The divided souls of the Demon Lord were all annihilated under this touch.

The demons from the Demon Realm and the Immortal Cultivators from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm on the remaining ten war boats all trembled when they saw this scene.

After Ning Qiudao finished all this, he looked at Emperor Shenjun distractedly and said, "Fellow Emperor Daoist, follow me into the demon world and talk to them about the truth."

Ning Qiudao's figure instantly entered the boundary wall portal.

Emperor Shenjun's distraction followed closely.

"It has been three months since our coalition of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm entered the Immortal Realm. Why is there no news yet? Have they conquered the Immortal Realm?"

"I heard that in the twelfth area of ​​the boundary wall, in front of the boundary wall gate, there seemed to be an earth-shattering battle between gods and demons..."

"I heard, who did you listen to..."

Wu Tao attended a gathering of immortal cultivators and heard those cultivators talking to each other, but no one knew the news for sure.

He held the spirit tea cup in his hand and drank slowly. What he was thinking about was the situation in the Immortal Realm. It has been a month since the immortal and demon coalition entered the Immortal Realm. They went to conquer the Immortal Realm. So, In this month, the Xianyuan world must have suffered a huge war.

"I hope Lingxu Sect can survive this war."

"I hope Ayao and Master can be safe and sound!"

Wu Tao prayed in his heart.

Suddenly, a hurried step entered the hall. The man looked excited, holding a stack of tabloids in his hand, and shouted: "Fellow Taoists, fellow Taoists, this is shocking news. There is a divine king in the Immortal Realm. The negotiation between the three realms has come to an end. The tripartite world agreement signed.”

"What? There is a divine king in the Immortal Yuan world? Isn't it just a small world? Is there only the Nascent Soul Lord?"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and all the immortal cultivators present suddenly stood up with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"You read the tabloids. There is official news in the tabloids."

Wu Tao was also shocked by this news. He quickly took a tabloid from the person's hand and looked at it.

The more he looked, the more shocked he became. At the same time, a huge boulder slowly fell from his heart.

What was published in this tabloid was the peaceful coexistence agreement signed by the three worlds: the Immortal Realm, the Demon Realm, and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

The representatives of the gods in the Xianyuan world are actually Ning Qiudao Ning Shenjun and Di Shenjun.

According to the tripartite world peaceful coexistence agreement, from now on, the three worlds can pass through the twelfth area boundary wall, connect the portal of the Xianyuan world, and enter their respective worlds for trade and a series of development activities.

"Headmaster Ning, has he transformed into a god?"

Wu Tao was shocked beyond measure.

There was only one thought in his mind: Ning Qiudao, cheating!

But soon, he could not hide his joy.

"So, I can return to the Immortal Realm through the boundary wall portal of the boundary wall land in the twelfth area."

"I'm coming back to the Xianyuan world after a long absence!"

"Ayao, master, I miss you so much."

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