Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 631 The two worlds join forces to enter the Immortal Yuan (please subscribe)

The boundary wall of the twelfth area.

In front of the boundary wall portal, twelve figures sat together.

Of these twelve figures, six figures are the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm, and the other six figures are the God-Transforming God Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

Since the Emperor God Lord restrained the eight demon kings in the Demon Realm, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm immediately sent six God Transformation God Lords into the boundary wall of the twelfth area, intending to seize the boundary wall portal leading to the Immortal Yuan Realm.

After several battles, the demon king from the demon world came to help in time, and the outcome was hard to decide.

But the Demon Realm suddenly proposed to negotiate with the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. The content of the negotiation was to share the Immortal Realm with the Xingchen Hai Immortal Realm.

The Xingchenhai Immortal Realm weighed in and finally agreed to the negotiations with the Demonic Realm.

Today is the third negotiation between the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm.

On the side of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, Lord Yuanding's eyes fell in front of the boundary wall portal, sensing the Qi of the boundary wall portal.

After the first two negotiations, they roughly figured out that the reason why the Demon Realm was willing to negotiate with the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm was because they sent the demons into the Immortal Realm twice, and both times they were completely annihilated.

Therefore, the Demon Realm cannot conquer the Immortal Realm, so it can only settle for the second best, and join forces with the Xingchenhai Immortal Realm to conquer the Immortal Realm and share the resources of the Immortal Realm.

And the Xingchenhai Immortal World also knows that if they don't agree, they will have to pay a huge price to regain the boundary wall of the twelfth area.

And even if they capture the boundary wall of the twelfth area, they will most likely end up in the Demon Realm if they enter the Immortal Realm.

After some weighing, the decision was made to agree to the negotiation.

Yuanding Shenjun withdrew his gaze from the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Yuan Realm, and his eyes fell on a demon king of the Heavenly Demon King clan, and said: "Tianmo Xuanyi, the second time you sent demons into the Immortal Yuan Realm, you separated A divided soul entered?"

This information was also mastered during this period by the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

When they learned this information, they were also shocked. They were no strangers to the Immortal Realm and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Immortal Realm and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm were connected.

There are many immortal cultivators from the Xingchen Sea Cultivation World who will go to the Xianyuan World, and there are also immortal cultivators from the Xianyuan World who will come to the Xingchen Sea Cultivation World.

It’s just that the connection has been broken for more than 100,000 years.

But in just over 100,000 years, could it be that the fifth-level spiritual veins and the God-Transforming God Lord were already born in the Immortal Yuan Realm?

How could he kill the split soul of a demon king if he wasn't a god-turned-god?

Although the demon lord's split soul is only a perfect cultivation of the original god, it has the vision and knowledge of the demon lord's realm. It is impossible for the Nascent Soul to be able to suppress and kill with the perfect cultivation of the Nascent Soul.

However, the boundary wall portal can only be entered through the Yuanying Immortal Cultivators and the Original God Demon Clan. If the Immortal Yuan Realm really gives birth to the God-Transforming God Lord, then the Star Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm will join forces and send more Nascent Soul Immortal Cultivators. Those who enter and the original gods and demons can only end up with one outcome, and that is to be suppressed by the God-Transforming Lord of the Immortal Yuan Realm with a snap of his fingers.

A great realm is one that is separated by a sky and is insurmountable.

When Tian Mo Xuan heard this, he did not hide it from them. The demon class had already discussed and made a decision, which was to join forces with the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm to conquer the Immortal Realm and share the resources of the Immortal Realm. So he nodded and admitted: "Yes, the split soul of mine entered and has already fallen into the Immortal Realm."

"The Divine Lord of Transformation was born in the Immortal Realm?" asked the Great Sun Lord of the Sun Immortal Palace.

Tian Moxuan shook his head and said: "I don't know, it may be that the God-incarnation Lord was born, or it may be that Nascent Soul is holding the treasure of the God Lord perfectly, and it can also kill my soul."

After listening to Tian Mo Xuanyi’s analysis, Yuanding Shenjun nodded and said: “The Immortal Yuan Realm had a communication channel with our Xingchen Sea Cultivation Realm more than 100,000 years ago. Proving the Divine Lord, then it is extremely possible that the Immortal Realm has the Divine Lord’s treasure.”

"But if there is only the Treasure of the God Lord in the Immortal Yuan Realm, and no God-incarnation God Lord is born, then all the Demon Lords in your Demon Realm will have their souls. It is completely possible to kill the Nascent Soul Perfection who is holding the Treasure of the God Lord. Why do you think so? Want to join forces with our Xingchenhai Immortal Realm?"

Hearing Yuanding Shenjun's question, Tianmo Xuanyi pondered for a moment, and then said: "Once a boundary wall portal is formed between two immortal worlds, or a boundary wall portal is formed by breaking the boundary wall, in the long years, the boundary wall portal will It will slowly expand.”

Yuanding Shenjun listened, but did not answer. Instead, he listened to Heavenly Demon Xuanyi continue: "This boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Yuan Realm can only be entered by the Demon Lord and the Shenjun..."

"The reason why our Demon Realm joins forces with your Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm is to share the Immortal Origin Realm, and the other is to jointly attack the Realm Wall Portal to accelerate the expansion of the Realm Wall Portal, so that both the Demon Lord and the Divine Lord can enter the Immortal Origin Realm. .”

"At that time, regardless of whether the Immortal Realm has given birth to the God-Transforming Lord, we will be able to accomplish the feat of sharing the Immortal Realm."

As for Tianmo Xuanyi's explanation, Yuanding Shenjun and other gods of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm were not very convincing. However, the Demon Realm did sit down and negotiate with them about sharing the Immortal Realm. This is an ironclad fact. .

In order to reduce casualties, and to prevent the Demon Realm from allowing the Demon Lord to separate many souls from entering, which would most likely conquer the Immortal Realm, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm could only sit down and negotiate.

Yuanding Shenjun looked at each other, then he looked at Tianmo Xuanyi and said, "So, what about the sincerity of the demon world?"

Tianmo Xuanyi said: "We will return the land of the boundary wall in the twelfth area to the Xingchen Sea Immortal World. Of course, the area of ​​the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal World is shared by the Demon World and the Xingchen Sea Immortal World. "

Yuanding Shenjun and all the gods communicated with each other. After the discussion, Yuanding Shenjun said: "We have indeed seen the sincerity of the Demon Realm. So, after we sign the agreement to share the Immortal Realm, what kind of plan does the Demon Realm plan to have?" Charter, together we can capture the Immortal Realm?"

Tianmo Xuanyi said: "What I, the Demon Realm, mean is that six Demon Lords from the Demon Realm will separate their souls, and your Xingchen Sea Immortal World will also have six God-Transforming God Lords to separate their souls and enter the Immortal Yuan Realm together to test. Is there any God-incarnation Lord born in the Immortal Yuan Realm?

"If a god-turned-god is born, we will make a second plan to jointly attack the boundary wall portal, accelerate the expansion of the boundary wall portal, and then share the immortal world after it can accommodate the entry of the demon king realm and the god king realm."

Yuanding Divine Lord said: "If a divine monarch is born in the Immortal Yuan World, it means that the Immortal Yuan World, the Demon World and the Xingchen Sea Immortal World are worlds on the same level."

"In that case, conquering the Immortal Realm will cost you a lot!"

"Why, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm is afraid? As far as I know in the Demon Realm, the Immortal Yuan Realm was just a low-level world that could only give birth to Nascent Soul Immortal Cultivators more than 100,000 years ago. Could it be that their development process of more than 100,000 years, Can we catch up with the Demon Realm and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm?! We can only survive a few God Transformation Lords." Heavenly Demon Xuanyi said.

The Yuanding Divine Lord and the other five Divine Lords from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm discussed with their spiritual thoughts, and the result was quickly reached.

Yuanding Shenjun looked at Heavenly Demon Xuanyi and said: "Okay, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm agrees to share the Immortal Yuan Realm with the Demon Realm and expand the boundary wall portal."

Tianmo Xuanyi smiled when he heard this and said: "I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Three months later, we will separate the divided souls and divided minds and enter the immortal world together."

"The demons have withdrawn from the boundary wall of the 12th District, and the demons from the Golden Core Battlefield and Nascent Soul Battlefield have also retreated."

Wu Tao got the news.

Luo Datong came over and told Wu Tao and the others that the task of refining Xuanyang Pearl would only take three hours.

After Luo Datong left, Wu Tao, Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha came to the lounge.

The aroma of tea filled the air, and Gu Xingyuan said: "It may be the result of the negotiations between the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm."

"Is it really as rumored that our Xingchen Sea Immortal World will share the Immortal Realm with the Demon World?" Ye Chaoming frowned. He didn't seem to really want the Xingchen Sea Immortal World to cooperate with the Demon World.

In his opinion, people who are not from his own race must have different minds. Cooperating with the demon world is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger, which is an extremely dangerous thing.

Wu Tao and others present also knew Ye Chaoming's thoughts. Gu Xingyuan said: "What the decision is now has not been announced yet."

"The demons have all withdrawn from the Golden Core Battlefield, Nascent Soul Battlefield, and the boundary wall of the 12th District. Even if this is not announced, the results are already obvious." Jin Cha spread his hands and said.

Gu Xingyuan looked at Wu Tao and asked, "Fellow Daoist Li, what do you think?"

Wu Tao pondered for a moment, and then said: "Whether our Xingchenhai Immortal Realm cooperates with the Demon Realm to conquer the Immortal Realm, or we are at war with the Demon Realm to monopolize the Immortal Realm, it all depends on the meaning above. It is not you and I who can decided."

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Gu Xingyuan also sighed and nodded and said: "Fellow Daoist Li is absolutely right, but this is also a good thing for us. After all, we can spend less time refining Xuanyang Pearls and spend more time on our own cultivation. "

"Yes, we are only third-level intermediate weapon refiners. The decision-making still depends on those Nascent Soul Lords and the God Transformation Lords."

Wu Tao said: "It's just that the Demon Realm has occupied the boundary wall of the 12th District and defended it well. Why do they suddenly want to negotiate with us and share the Immortal Realm with us?"

This looks like a conspiracy.

"Fellow Daoist Li, how do we know this?" Gu Xingyuan shook his head.

"It's over, it's over, let's go practice." Ye Chaoming stood up.

Wu Tao also got up and dispersed with the three of them, returning to his room.

He found that after he came to Xingxiu City, the boundary wall battlefield, he was unable to access a lot of information.

In the final analysis, his cultivation level is still too low. If he were the Nascent Soul Lord, he would definitely be able to obtain higher-level information and would not be as blind as now.

Time passed day by day, because the demons retreated from the Jindan battlefield, Nascent Soul battlefield and the boundary wall of the twelfth area, the Jindan immortal cultivators on the Jindan battlefield and the Nascent Soul cultivators on the Nascent Soul battlefield all returned to the stars. city.

Wu Tao met Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai.

Tang Jingquan is Tang Jingyu's younger brother, and Tang Jingyu has been following Cui Qing, the chief of the true biography, so he can naturally get some higher-level information.

Therefore, Wu Tao asked Tang Jingquan and found some information that he did not know.

"It turns out that the reason why the Demon Realm is willing to join forces with the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm to conquer the Immortal Realm is because the Demon Realm sent demons into the Immortal Realm twice and was completely wiped out."

"It seems that in the thirty years since I left, Head Ning has really wiped out the six demonic sects and unified the Immortal Realm."

"It's just that even if the Xianyuan world is unified, it is impossible to develop in just over thirty years to the extent that the two waves of demons sent by the demon world are completely annihilated. You must know that there is a demon in the second wave. Zun’s divided soul enters.”

Wu Tao has experienced the power of the Demon Lord's split soul. Back then on the Demon-Suppressing Island, the Demon Lord's split soul was powerless even to the True Lord who had perfected the Nascent Soul. It was Wang Jing who was holding the Star Yuan Ding, the treasure of the God Lord. The one who suppressed and killed Demon Lord Eero with his divided soul.

"Yes, before the Immortal Saint Sect, the Immortal Realm and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm communicated with each other. Maybe, the Immortal Realm also has the Divine Sovereign's magic weapon left by the Divine Sovereign. If so, it would make sense."

"At this point, the Xianyuan world will probably be safe for the time being."

Wu Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

If it is as he thought, then this war will last for a long, long time. As long as the boundary wall portal does not continue to expand, the God Transformation Lord of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm cannot enter, and the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm cannot enter, then the Immortal Yuan Realm will , with the treasure of the God King to rely on, it is extremely difficult to be conquered and occupied by the Xingchen Sea Immortal World and the Demon World.

"It's just that I don't know how many people will die. I have to find a way to enter the Immortal Realm and meet with Master Ning." Wu Tao frowned and thought hard in his heart, how to find a chance to enter the Immortal Realm?

"There is really no other way but to summon Senior Wang and let him make arrangements."

Of course, this is the last resort. We don’t know what the situation will be yet, so Wu Tao has no intention of having a showdown with Wang Jing.

Because Wang Jing stood on the side of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, and although Wu Tao also had connections with the Xingchen Immortal Palace, his position was more on the side of the Lingxu Sect of the Immortal Yuan Realm.

"The war between the two realms, no, it is the war between the three realms. I alone cannot control it. Only if I am more powerful than the God of Transformation can I control this war."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao thought of the old friends of Lingxu Sect and the person he missed day and night.

Just a few days later, official news finally came out. The Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm officially cooperated with the Demon Realm to conquer the Immortal Realm and share the Immortal Realm.

Wu Tao was not too surprised by this official news that had been exposed for a long time, but continued to practice step by step, looking for opportunities to enter the Immortal Realm.

"The Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm have joined forces, and they should soon organize people to enter the Immortal Realm. I wonder if there will be weapon refiners accompanying them..." Wu Tao was thinking in his heart.

The land of the White Bone Demon Clan.

The Emperor Shenjun's spiritual thoughts reached out and covered the lower part. Any bone demons below were all under the perception of the Emperor Shenjun's spiritual thoughts. There was no privacy at all. All communication was within the Emperor Shenjun's spiritual thoughts.

Beside Emperor Shenjun, Wang Jing was floating quietly.

Behind them, there are eight demon lords from the demon world.

Two of them come from the royal family of the demon world. The fighting power of the royal demon lord is extremely terrifying, and it is much stronger than the demon lord of the ordinary demon clan.

But for Emperor Shenjun, he didn't care at all.

Wang Jing glanced at the eight demons behind him, then turned to look at the Emperor Shenjun. Seeing that the Emperor Shenjun withdrew his spiritual thoughts, he said: "Shenjun, the White Bone Demon Clan has traveled all over the territory. Next, do you want to go? The adjacent Fire Demon Clan territory?"

Emperor Shenjun shook his head and said: "I heard something interesting. Fellow Daoist Wang, have you, the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm, reached a cooperation to enter the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Realm and conquer the Immortal Realm together?"

Wang Jing was not surprised at all that Emperor Shenjun knew about this matter. The Emperor God Lord's spiritual thoughts covered the city of the Bone Demon Clan below. It was extremely normal for the Bone Demon Clan below to mention this and be known to the Emperor God Lord.

Just as Wang Jing was about to reply, the Demon Lord from the Heavenly Demon King Clan behind him responded first: "Fellow Daoist Emperor, are you interested in the Immortal Yuan Realm?"

Emperor Shenjun turned around, glanced at the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King Clan, and said, "Yes, he is indeed interested in the Immortal Yuan Realm."

"In the Demon Realm, you can come and check it out at any time. Fellow Daoist Wang, follow me to the boundary wall in the twelfth area. I also want to take a look at the Xianyuan Realm."

Thanks to Lingzhuzi for the 2000 starting coin reward.

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