Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 630 Negotiation between Fairies and Demons (Please subscribe)

"Fellow Daoist Li, would you like to go have a drink?"

On this day, Gu Xingyuan completed today's refining task and refined six Xuanyang beads, and said to Wu Tao on the side.

Wu Tao shook his head, put the Xuanyang Pearl he had just refined next to him, and looked at Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha on the other side, who had just completed the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl.

"I have an appointment with Senior Brother Fang and Fellow Daoist Gu today. You go with Fellow Daoist Ye and Fellow Daoist Jin!"

"Okay, then I'll call Fellow Daoist Ye and Fellow Daoist Jin." Gu Xingyuan said, then got up and went to Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha's refining station.

Wu Tao packed up the refining station and came to Xingxiu City for seven days. In the past seven days, they had to refine the Xuanyang Pearl for six hours every day, which was really hard work.

When it comes to allocating training time, Wu Tao can only make a choice, but the Jiuyao Fusion Yangji Zhenqing and the Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training Kung Fu cannot be left behind at all.

Deputy Hall Master Luo rewarded him with the True Golden Elixir Technique. Wu Tao took the jade slips with him and had no time to comprehend it.

Today, he made an appointment with an eighth-level golden elixir cultivator named Fang, whom he met two days ago. This senior brother Fang seems to know some news about the boundary wall battlefield. I went to visit this senior brother Fang today because he wanted to know the news about the boundary wall battlefield in the twelfth district.

After packing up the refining station, Gu Xingyuan and the other three also stood up, and the four of them left the refining hall together and separated for the time being.

Wu Tao left the area where they lived and walked all the way to the other residential area. After a while, he arrived at the residence of Senior Brother Fang.

"Senior Brother Fang..." Wu Tao shouted in front of Senior Brother Fang's residence.

The next moment, the door opened, and a middle-aged immortal cultivator came out. It was Senior Brother Fang. He saw Wu Tao and smiled and said: "It's Junior Brother Li, come in quickly."

The Li Mo in front of him came from the Weapon Refining Hall and was a third-level intermediate Weapon Refining Master. After asking around for a while, he was surprised to find that this junior brother Li Mo was incredible. He was actually rewarded with gold by Deputy Hall Master Luo. The existence of alchemy.

Seeing that Junior Brother Li Mo wanted to get to know him, Senior Brother Fang naturally also wanted to get to know Junior Brother Li Mo. He was interested in Junior Brother Li Mo's future development, so they hit it off and quickly became familiar with each other.

Wu Tao bowed his hand to Senior Brother Fang, and then followed Senior Brother Fang into his residence and came to a tea room.

After a while, the aroma of tea filled the tea room. Wu Tao did not ask Senior Brother Fang about the boundary wall portal in the 12th District Boundary Wall Battlefield as soon as he arrived, but talked about other things first.

While chatting, the topic naturally shifted to the portal of the boundary wall of the Immortal Realm.

Senior Brother Fang didn't feel it was unexpected. He pondered for a moment and replied: "I heard that soon, the Demon Realm will send a second batch of demons into the Immortal Realm."

Of course, who heard this? Wu Tao would not go into details, because he knew that Senior Brother Fang seemed to have some special channels, knew some other immortal cultivators, and could know some secret information.

After Wu Tao heard this, he thought for a moment and then said: "How long ago did the last batch go in? How come the second batch was dispatched so quickly?"

Senior Brother Fang said: "It is possible that the first batch did not successfully conquer the Xianyuan Realm, so more troops went there."

"But the specific news depends on the battle report!"

The battle report that Senior Brother Fang mentioned was a tabloid about the changes in the situation on the Jiebi battlefield and the deaths in the war. In the tabloids, there is also some news about the boundary wall portal of Xianyuan Realm.

Of course it is news that can be revealed.


Wu Tao nodded, and then stayed with Senior Brother Fang for a few more minutes before saying goodbye and leaving.

On the way back, he thought in his mind: "If the speculation is true, wouldn't it mean that the Xianyuan Realm has withstood the first wave of invading demons from the Demon Realm? This should be considered good news, right?"

"It's a pity that we don't know any big names in this Star City. We can't find out more accurate information. We can only learn about it through battle reports."

The information in the battle report is not comprehensive. It is decided by the superiors that you can see what you are allowed to see. If you are not allowed to see what you are not allowed to see, your eyes will be black.

The boundary wall of the twelfth area.

In front of the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Realm, there are twelve demon war boats floating in the air. There is a demon on the war boat, all of which are demons with demonic elixir or above.

The demon king of the heavenly demon king finally condensed a demon soul that was perfected as the original god. Although the cultivation level was only the original god, it was still the split soul of the demon king, and its combat power was sky-high. It was far from the perfect demon of the original god. What can be resisted is naturally not what Nascent Soul Perfection can resist.

If he holds the treasure of the Demon Lord, even the God-Transforming God Lord can resist for a period of time.

"Today, with the entry of my soul, this Immortal Realm will definitely be under my command in the Demonic Realm."

The Demon King of the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan is full of confidence.

Last time, fifteen original god demons were sent there, plus 36 demon pill demons, and the entire army was destroyed.

In front of the boundary wall portal out of the Immortal Yuan Realm, there is a fourth-level advanced formation arranged by the Immortal Yuan Realm.

Therefore, in order to ensure the victory of the Xianyuan Realm, this split soul of the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King Clan also carries a powerful formation-breaking magic treasure. With his split soul holding this array-breaking magic treasure, he will be able to instantly break through the fourth-level advanced trapping and killing array.

"I hope this trip can go smoothly and quickly win over the Immortal Realm. That Emperor God Lord has been wandering around the Demon Realm for some reason. He is also followed by that little guy Wang Jing. The Emperor God Lord has an unknown origin and a huge fighting power. It has restrained too many of our fellow Taoists."

"I'm afraid that the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm will raid the boundary wall of the twelfth area, so we must guard the boundary wall of the twelfth area and guard this boundary wall portal."

Another Demon Lord from the three major royal families said with a worried expression.

The Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan snorted coldly and said, "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, with my divided soul entering, you will definitely succeed in taking over the Immortal Realm."

"I hope so!"

"It's not a hope, it's a certainty. Unless there is a spirit in the Immortal Yuan Realm, how can a mere Nascent Soul cultivation level, even if it is a perfect Nascent Soul, be the opponent of my split soul."

"Previously, fellow Taoist Demon Lord Elo created a split soul to raid the Demon-Suppressing Island of the Star Palace. If that little guy Wang Jing hadn't been holding Yuanding Old Monster's Star Yuanding, do you think Wang Jing would have been able to suppress fellow Taoist Demon Lord Elo? Split soul?"

"My fellow Taoists are both in the Demon Lord realm, so they should know how terrifying our separated souls are.

After listening to the explanation of the Demon Lord from the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan, the Demon Lord from the Royal Clan finally relaxed and nodded.

"Okay, let's get in!"

Following the order from the Demon King of the Heavenly Demon King, his split soul led the eleven Original God Demons and the twenty-three Demonic Core Demons into the boundary wall portal.

After his split soul entered the boundary wall portal and disappeared, the Demon Lord from the Heavenly Demon Royal Family and the other two royal clans began to guard the boundary wall portal to prevent attacks from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

After all, the Emperor God Lord has restrained the eight demon lords in his demon world.

The eight Demon Lords followed behind Emperor Shenjun but did not make a move against Emperor Shenjun. Because after cultivating to the realm of the Demon Lord, everyone cherishes their lives. With the Emperor Shenjun's powerful combat power, as long as he takes action, it is to kill the Emperor Shenjun, and the result of fighting the Emperor Shenjun will inevitably kill two or three Demon Lords.

None of the eight Demon Lords who were restraining Emperor Shenjun wanted to die, so they just followed Emperor Shenjun. As long as Emperor Shenjun did not kill the demons in the demon world indiscriminately, they would not take action.

In the corridor of the boundary wall portal, twelve demon war boats were traveling rapidly. On top of a war boat at the front was the split soul of the Demon Lord from the Heavenly Demon King Clan, and behind him stood eleven original God Demon Clan.

These eleven original gods and demons come from the nine major demon clans.

Under the leadership of the demon master's split soul from the heavenly demon king clan, these eleven original god demon clans are not afraid that this trip will fail.

There is no time in the boundary wall portal corridor, so they don't know how long time has passed.

But every demon is very patient.

Finally there was light ahead, and we were about to exit the boundary wall corridor.

The separated soul of the Demon King from the Heavenly Demon King took out a dark, pointed magic treasure. This magic treasure was used to break through the fourth-level advanced trapping and killing formation.


As soon as the war boat under his feet came out of the tunnel, the split soul of the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King clan immediately shouted loudly, and the formation-breaking magic treasure in his hand emitted a strong magic light, blasting towards the driver's advanced trap and killing formation shrouded in front of the boundary wall portal. go.


There was a loud noise, and the fourth-level advanced trapping and killing formation had just been activated when it was blasted through by the formation-breaking magic weapon.

The divided soul of the Demon King of the Heavenly Demon King put away the array-breaking magic treasure, and the demon war boat at his feet also stopped.

Above the war, the eleven original gods and demons all had smiles on their faces. The absence of the fourth-level advanced trapping and killing array meant that there was no danger. They looked forward and saw a man in green robes floating in the air. In front of the boundary wall portal, facing them from a distance.

This man in green robe has a young face, in his early twenties, with a calm expression, but the aura on his body is extremely powerful, exuding the perfect cultivation of Nascent Soul.

The fourth-level advanced trapping and killing formation was broken. Facing the divided souls of the Demon King and the eleven original god demons, the man in green robe did not change his expression, did not run away, and was still floating quietly in front of him. .

"Are you the strongest in this world?" The demon king's divided soul gaze fell on Ning Qiudao.

Ning Qiudao looked at the separated souls of the Demon Lord from the Heavenly Demon King Clan, his face was very calm, and he nodded and said: "Yes, I am the strongest in this world. You are different from the eleven guys behind you."

Hearing Ning Qiudao's words, the demon king's split soul frowned slightly and said: "He is indeed the strongest person in the Xianyuan world, with a vicious eye."

"But unfortunately, you are going to die soon!"

"That's not necessarily true!" Ning Qiudao said with a smile on his face.

"The fourth-level advanced trap and kill formation has been broken. We are waiting here and can easily trap and kill you. And since you have seen that Lord Split Soul is different, you should know what kind of existence Lord Split Soul is!"

"Of course I know, it's the soul of a Demon Lord!" Ning Qiu replied.

"Now that you know it, why don't you quickly surrender and surrender the Immortal Realm with both hands, lest this world be devastated because of you." The original god of the Winged Demon Clan, the Perfection Demon Clan, shouted.

"I've killed one of you before!" Ning Qiudao looked at Yuan Shen of the Winged Demon Clan and smiled.

"How brave!" Yuanyuan, the original god of the Winged Demon Clan, was furious, but for some reason, looking at the smile on Ning Qiudao's lips, he felt timid for no reason.

The Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan said with his divided soul: "No need to talk nonsense, quickly surround and kill this person and conquer the Immortal Realm."

After saying this, the demon lord's split soul from the Heavenly Demon King Clan exuded a terrifying aura, which was even more terrifying than the original god's perfection. He moved his figure, came to Ning Qiudao in the blink of an eye, and struck Ning Qiudao with a palm.

Ning Qiu Dao refused to dodge, and also struck out with his palm towards the soul of the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King Clan.

The other original gods and demons also moved instantly and launched powerful demon treasure attacks.

First, terrifying Qi burst out from the two people's intersecting palms.

The split-soul pupils of the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan trembled, and he screamed: "How is that possible?"

Ning Qiudao smiled and said: "Everyone, go to death in peace!"

The boundary wall of the twelfth area.

In front of the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Realm, three figures sat quietly cross-legged. Suddenly, the Demon King of the Heavenly Demon King suddenly opened his eyes and said in a voiceless voice: "How is this possible?"

"Fellow Heavenly Demon, what's going on?" asked a Demon Lord next to him.

The Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan calmed down the fluctuations in his heart, exhaled and said: "My split soul has fallen!"

"How is it possible? Is there a god born in the Xianyuan world?"

"I don't know, it's very possible, but my split soul has indeed fallen." Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King clan said with certainty. Although he can't sense his split soul through a boundary wall, as long as the split soul Falling, he had a foreshadowing in his heart.

"We, the Demon Lord, cannot enter this boundary wall portal... If we could enter, this Immortal Realm would have been conquered by us long ago..."

"Now it seems that this Immortal Realm cannot be eaten down... Even the souls of fellow demons have fallen into the Immortal Realm..."

"It would be better to pretend that the boundary wall of the twelfth area is occupied by the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, and let them conquer the Immortal Yuan Realm to plot against them."

Hearing this, the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon King Clan said: "The specifics of this matter will have to be decided at a meeting. It is not something that we and the other three can decide in one fell swoop."

"Furthermore, the Immortal Realm was connected to the Xingchenhai Immortal Realm more than 100,000 years ago. Their cultivation systems are the same and they are related. Maybe they will join, the 12th District Realm In this walled place, we still have to hold meetings to discuss how to arrange things and how to maximize benefits."

The words of the Demon Lord from the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan made the other two Demon Lords deeply agree.

At this moment, the face of the Demon Lord from the Heavenly Demon King Clan changed, and he said: "Be careful, there are old monsters coming here. I know they won't be able to bear it."

Wu Tao spent every day in Xingxiu City, in addition to refining the Xuanyang Pearl, he also practiced the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang Zhen Gong and the Zhoutian Xingchen Body Refining Kung Fu.

Every few days, he would also visit Senior Brother Fang to inquire about the news about the Boundary Wall Battlefield.

"In the land of the boundary wall in the twelfth area, the war between the God of Transformation and the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm started..."

"It seems that the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm is going to make an effort."

This news is the most exciting news that Wu Tao has received in a while. As long as the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm exerts its strength, it is to seize the boundary wall of the twelfth area.

Time passes slowly.

One month passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past month, the task of refining the Xuanyang Pearl has become less heavy, shortened from six hours a day to four hours a day.

This result was not due to the fact that the weapon refiners in the Xuanyang Hall of the Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall began to refine the Xuanyang Pearl. How could they comprehend and analyze Wu Tao's newly improved Xuanyang Pearl in a month? Here are the secrets.

"In the past ten days or so, there has always been news circulating in Xingxiu City. It is said that the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm are negotiating to share the boundary wall portal connecting the Immortal Realm. It seems that they are going to enter the Immortal Realm together and share Immortal world..."

In Wu Tao's room, he sat on a chair, tapping his fingers on the table, thinking quietly.

"I heard that two waves of demons have gone to the Demon Realm, but they have not yet occupied the Immortal Realm. If they occupied the Immortal Realm, how could they be willing to share the Immortal Realm with the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm?"

"It seems that in the more than 30 years since I left the Xianyuan world, the Xianyuan world has developed extremely well. Could it be that Master Ning has unified the Xianyuan world? Only the Xianyuan world can be condensed into a rope to resist the invasion of the demon world."

"Although the official did not say that they are negotiating, it is groundless. It is estimated that the official will not admit it until the results of the negotiations are finalized."

"Now, let's see the outcome of the negotiations."

Now the boundary wall of the twelfth area is still in the hands of the demons. If the negotiation results come out and the Xingchen Sea Immortal World can get a share of the pie, Wu Tao can find a way to return to the Immortal Yuan World.

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