Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 629 Urgency, containment! (Please subscribe)

Wu Tao practiced in the room arranged by Luo Datong.

In the demon world, all that is wandering between heaven and earth is the energy of demons, and there is only a very small amount of spiritual energy. If you want to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth for cultivation, it will be extremely energy-consuming.

However, the Immortal Cultivation City in the Boundary Wall Battlefield was established by the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm for millions of years. Being stationed here for a long time to resist the invasion of demons from the demon world will naturally solve the problems in cultivation.

Just beneath the three major immortal palaces and the Immortal Cultivation City of the Nine Immortal Sects, there is a fourth-level high-level spiritual vein buried under it.

It is said that this fourth-level high-level spiritual vein was dug by the gods of the three major immortal palaces in the Sea of ​​Stars Cultivation Realm, and was placed in the center of the twelve immortal cities in a large formation, and was pulled by various formations. Then let the twelve cities of cultivating immortals be able to provide the cultivators with normal cultivation.

"I heard that at that time, there were three major immortal palaces and ten major immortal sects in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. The Hao Immortal Sect was the strongest among the ten major immortal sects. For some reason, this immortal sect joined the demon world on the boundary wall battlefield. The demons, after being caught, were jointly annihilated by the three major immortal palaces, and then the fourth-order advanced spiritual veins of the Haoxian Sect were poached. This fourth-order advanced spiritual vein was the one beneath the twelve immortal cities. Spiritual veins.”

Wu Tao thought like this, feeling the spiritual energy in the spirit-guiding formation. The concentration of spiritual energy in this spirit-guiding formation is comparable to that emitted by third-order advanced spiritual veins.

He, Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha are all third-level intermediate weapon refiners. It stands to reason that what they enjoy on the Golden Core Island in the Immortal Palace is also the third-level intermediate spiritual vein, but in the boundary wall battlefield, the spiritual guidance provided to them The concentration of spiritual energy in the magic circle is one level higher.

This means that the more dangerous the place, the greater the benefits.

Wu Tao practiced the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill in the spirit-guiding formation. He practiced for two hours before stopping.

This time for training, he used high-quality golden elixirs and seventh-level spiritual fire and spiritual water.

As early as a month before he was on the flying boat, he had been practicing with high-quality golden elixirs and seventh-level spiritual fire and spiritual water.

The fourth level of Jiuyao Fusion Anode True Skill: (24%)

"A month ago, the fourth level of my Jiu Yao Fusion Anode True Skill was at 22% progress. In one month, it has increased by two levels."

Although there are only two progresses, Wu Tao is extremely happy, because when he first broke through the fourth level of Jiuyao Fusion Yangji True Skill, there was only one progress per month.

Then he used medium-level golden elixirs and sixth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water to practice, and could only make about 1.2 to 1.3 progress in a month.

Now he can increase his progress by two per month. When he breaks through the 4th level of his true body, he will be able to make a small increase in the cultivation of Jiuyao Fusion Yangji True Skill.

Calculated this way, the breakthrough time can be shortened by several years.

Wu Tao closed his personal information, looked at the clock next to him, and found that it had just entered twilight.

It is already dark outside, and the lighting array in the room automatically recognizes the sky and has been turned on in advance. Bright as day.

Wu Tao was about to rest for a while, and then take out the star stone to practice the Zhoutian Star Exercise. Someone came to visit him outside the room and fed back into the anti-peep soundproof array to remind him.

He stood up immediately, opened the door to the room, and saw Gu Xingyuan, Ye Chaoming, and Jin Cha standing outside the door.

When the three of them saw Wu Tao, Gu Xingyuan smiled and said: "Friend Daoist Li, we are here for the first time in Xingxiu City. Tomorrow, we may have to carry out the intense work of refining the Xuanyang Pearl. We only have free time tonight, so why not go for a walk in Xingxiu City together? Walk?"

Seeing the three people's warm invitation, Wu Tao thought about it and decided to go to Xingxiu City with the three people for an hour, and then come back to practice the Zhoutianxingchen exercise.

"Okay." Wu Tao closed the door, and then went to Xingxiu City with Gu Xingyuan and the others to wander around and learn about Xingxiu City.

The streets of Xingxiu City are all equipped with lighting arrays. The whole Xingxiu City is like daylight, and there are many immortal cultivators on the streets.

But the blood moon in the sky still hangs high in the sky.

This is the case in the demon world. No matter it is day or night, the blood moon will always hang in the sky.

Whenever a cultivator looks up at the blood moon, he can always feel a sense of spiritual discomfort.

Gu Xingyuan was standing on a bustling commercial street in Xingxiu City, looking up at the blood moon, frowning, looking back and saying: "This demon world is really wonderful, there is no sun during the day, and there is no moon at night. , this round of blood moon is always hanging, and when I look up at this blood moon, it always gives me an uncomfortable feeling. I wonder if the three fellow Taoists feel this way?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Of course there is, so it's better to look less at him."

Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha also nodded in agreement. When they looked up at the blood moon, they also felt an indescribable feeling of discomfort.

The four of them then started walking around the streets of Xingxiu City again.

Xingxiu City is an immortal city with very complete cultivation facilities. Moreover, there are not only golden elixir immortal cultivators and Nascent Soul True Monarchs, but also foundation-building immortal cultivators and even Qi-refining stage immortal cultivators.

It is said that there are still mortals born in Xingxiu City, but once they are born, they will be sent back by the immortal cultivators to live on a mortal island without spiritual veins in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

Because the demon world is filled with demonic energy, mortals cannot survive here for long.

These foundation-building immortal cultivators and Qi-refining stage immortal cultivators are the descendants of the immortal cultivators who have guarded Xingxiu City for generations. It is said that there are even descendants of the Immortals who led the Immortal World of the Sea of ​​Stars in the previous generation hundreds of thousands of years ago.

But they no longer care about the grudges hundreds of thousands of years ago. Their roots have been born in the boundary wall battlefield, and they were born to fight against the demons.

Shopping for an hour.

As a middle-stage Golden Elixir cultivator, shopping is very fast and you don’t feel tired. After an hour, you have already gone shopping. Wu Tao said: "Fellow Daoist Gu, Daoist Ye, and Daoist Jin, I feel that I have almost finished shopping. Why don’t you go back to practice.”

"Okay, then go back to practice, and then go out to visit Xingxiu City after you have some rest."

Gu Xingyuan nodded and said.

Rest is naturally the day when there is a chance to rest, because when the weapon refiners in the Xuanyang Hall of the Star Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall learn the Xuanyang Pearl refining secret book developed by Wu Tao, they can start to refine the Xuanyang Pearl and disperse it. A burden on their shoulders.

At that point, there is time to rest.


The Xingchenhaixiu Immortal Sword took back the boundary wall of the twelfth area, and the demand for the Xuanyang Pearl in the Jindan battlefield was not so great, and there was also time to rest.

Returning to his residence, Wu Tao immediately took out the star stone and began to practice the Zhoutian Star Exercise.

the next day.

Luo Datong came again, accompanied by a mid-level foundation-building immortal cultivator.

Luo Datong said: "This is Luo Yu, my nephew. From now on, he will listen to the orders of the four Taoists and replenish them with the spiritual materials for refining the Xuanyang Pearl."

"Luo Yu pays homage to the four master uncles." Luo Yu bowed to Wu Tao and the others.

"No need to be polite." Gu Xingyuan stretched out his hand to help him slightly and said.

Luo Datong said: "The Xuanyang Qi and third-level spiritual materials have been prepared in the hall where Xuanyang Pearl is refined. The four fellow Taoists can start refining it. The Golden Pill battlefield is in urgent need."

Wu Tao and others nodded upon hearing this, and then entered the hall where the Xuanyang Pearl was refined, and each began to choose a refining position to refine the Xuanyang Pearl.

In the Demon Realm, two figures crossed side by side across the sky above the Demon Realm.

These two figures did not hide their aura at all, just flying in the sky above the demon world in such a majestic manner.

There is a city of demons below. Some demons discovered these two auras and immediately became furious. This was obviously not their demons, but the aura of the immortal cultivators from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

So brave, this doesn't take their Winged Demon Clan seriously at all, this is their Winged Demon Clan's territory.

The winged demon below was the demon city lord who had just been promoted to the early stage of the original god. He immediately spread his wings and blocked the two of them in an instant. With strong anger on his face, he was about to reprimand, but next In one second, the city lord of the Winged Demon Clan in the early stage of the original god had a smile on his face. He stepped aside, bowed at 90 degrees and saluted: "Seniors, please go slowly."

When the two streams of light walked away and disappeared from his eyes, the city lord of the Winged Demon Clan in the early stage of the original god showed a look of fear on his face and said: "It's actually Wang Jing, one of the top ten Yuans in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. I can’t afford to offend the leader of True Lord Ying, Yuanying, who has perfect cultivation. Fortunately, I’m smart, otherwise I would definitely be killed by this person.”

"The majestic senior wearing golden robes beside him seems to be even stronger than Wang Jing."

"Slipped away."

Thinking of this, the Lord of Wing Demon City was about to return to his city, but at this moment, his pupils shrank, and he saw a blue light gradually enlarging in his pupils, and a flywheel passed through his body, and his His body and his original spirit were all annihilated, and then the flywheel flew back.

Thousands of miles away, Wang Jing stretched out his hand to grab the Phantom God's Heavenly Wheel flying behind him and put it into the storage magic weapon.

Regarding Wang Jing's performance of not letting go of even a winged demon in the early stage of the original god, the Emperor God Lord beside him didn't have any opinion and didn't want to say anything, as long as it didn't affect his exploration of the demon world.

Emperor Shenjun doesn't care.

Wang Jing looked at the Emperor Shenjun beside him. The Emperor Shenjun did not hide his aura. This is what he wanted to see.

Only if the Emperor God Lord walks in the demon world without concealing his aura, can he be discovered by the demon clan, and then arouse the fear of the old guys of the demon clan.

Even if the Emperor God Lord said that he would not harm any demons, those old guys in the demon world would not believe it. No one dared to rest assured that a cultivator comparable to the God Transformation God Lord would wander around in his own territory and would definitely want to Join forces to drive away.

As long as they work together to drive them away, the opportunity will come for the New Star Sea to cultivate the immortal world, and they can take the opportunity to regain the boundary wall of the twelfth area and successfully control the boundary wall portal into the immortal world.

Sure enough, when they were about to approach Yicheng, the capital of the Winged Demon Clan, they alerted the demons in the capital - the Sky-Winged Demon and the Nine-Winged Demon.

The two Demon Lords of the Winged Demon Tribe sensed Emperor Shenjun and Wang Jing, and their expressions changed immediately. They had not forgotten that before, Emperor Shenjun had seriously injured them both by himself, and they have been recovering from their injuries until now. get well.

Without any hesitation, they immediately sent a message to the demon lords of other nearby demon clans.

The two men manifested themselves in the sky above Yicheng, staring nervously at Emperor Shenjun and Wang Jing.

Looking at the nervous Heaven-winged Demon Lord and Nine-winged Demon Lord, Wang Jing smiled, cupped his hands and said: "Tian-Wing Demon Lord, Nine-winged Demon Lord, long time no see."

Emperor Shenjun stopped, not looking at them, but observing the entire Winged Demon City. In fact, he was not observing the Winged Demon City, but the area where the Winged Demon City was located.

Seeing that the Emperor God Lord didn't care about the two of them at all, the Tianyi Demon Lord and the Nine-Wing Demon Lord were not surprised, because they knew that the Emperor God Lord had the confidence to not care about the two of them.

Emperor Shenjun suddenly appeared and possessed such powerful combat power. Naturally, the demons also went to inquire about Emperor Shenjun. After some inquiring, I discovered that the Emperor God Lord first appeared outside the Lost Sea, with the Yuanding God Lord in the Starry Palace.

It was also led by Yuanding Shenjun, who entered the Demon Realm, came to Yicheng, and fought with the Tianyi Demon Lord and the Nine-winged Demon Lord, causing the Tianyi Demon Lord and the Nine-winged Demon Lord to be injured, and their foundation was damaged.

This Emperor God Lord did not come from the three major immortal palaces in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

Appeared very unexpectedly.

With extremely strong combat power, even the Demon Lords from the three major royal families in the Demon World believe that they alone cannot be the opponent of this Emperor God Lord.

Therefore, the Demon Lords in the Demon Realm came to the conclusion that this Emperor God Lord did not come from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, but might come from other Immortal Realm Realms.

Because there is a boundary wall portal, and the demon world is connected to the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, they naturally know that there must be other immortal worlds, but they have not discovered the boundary wall portals leading to other immortal worlds.

"This is Fellow Daoist Emperor, right? Fellow Daoist Emperor was not born in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. He has no grudges or grudges with our Demon Realm. Why is he connected with the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm? Our Demon Realm is more powerful, why not cooperate with our Demon Realm?" Let’s conquer the Xingchenhai Immortal Realm together?” Tianyi Demon Lord asked tentatively.

Emperor Shenjun concentrated on comprehending the terrain and veins below, and did not answer the words of Tianyi Demon Lord.

Seeing that Emperor Shenjun didn't answer his words, Tianyi Demon Lord didn't care and didn't lose his temper. He just wanted to delay time until the Demon Lords from other demon clans came to help.

He was afraid that Emperor Shenjun would suddenly take action. He didn't want to deal with God Shenjun again. This person was too strong. With just one move, he and fellow Nine-winged Daoist were seriously injured.

Time passed slowly in this tense and delicate atmosphere.

Old God Wang Jing was standing next to Emperor Shenjun. Tianyi Demon Lord and Nine-winged Demon Lord looked at Wang Jing with hatred in their hearts. You, a Nascent Soul Perfect Immortal Cultivator, are comparable to the two of us. The demon king of the God Lord is actually so calm.

It's really like a dog relying on human power, relying on a powerful emperor and god beside him.

If Emperor Shenjun was not here, Wang Jing would have died a thousand times ago.

This is the thought in the hearts of Tianyi Demon Lord and Nine-winged Demon Lord.

After an unknown amount of time, the nervous look on the faces of Tianyi Demon Lord and Nine-winged Demon Lord suddenly dissipated because they sensed that four auras were approaching.

It was the Demon Lords from the Bone Demon Tribe and the Fire Demon Tribe who came over.

Four figures as fast as lightning flashed out and appeared next to the Sky-Winged Demon Lord and the Nine-Winged Demon Lord.

"Emperor God Lord!" Seeing Emperor God Lord, the Demon Lords of the White Bone Demon Tribe and the Fire Demon Tribe looked a little wary.

As for the arrival of the Demon Lords from the White Bone Demon Clan and the Fire Demon Clan, Emperor Shenjun still had no response and didn't even look at them.

The more the Emperor God behaves like this, the more unsure the Demon Lords of the White Bone Demon Clan and the Fire Demon Clan feel. They look at the Sky-Winged Demon Lord and the Nine-Winged Demon Lord next to them, and think of the round they fought against the Emperor God Lord.

"Tianyi, Jiuyi, send a message quickly and ask the three royal families to send the demon king here." The demon king of the White Bone Demon Clan sent a message to Tianyi and Jiuyi.

Emperor Shenjun finally withdrew his spiritual thoughts and said to Wang Jing beside him: "Let's go to the next place."

Wang Dingding nodded, and then, with a movement of his body, he and Di Shenjun flew in another direction.

Seeing Wang Jing and Emperor Shenjun actually ignoring themselves and others, the Sky-Winged Demon Lord, the Nine-Winged Demon Lord, the Bone Demon Clan and the Fire Demon Clan all looked confused.

They don't understand what Di Shenjun and Wang Jing are doing here?

But soon, the expressions of the two Demon Lords of the White Bone Demon Clan changed drastically: "They are going to the realm of my White Bone Demon Clan. Four fellow Taoists, please help me."

After saying that, the two Demon Lords of the White Bone Demon Clan immediately followed the Lord God and Wang Jing from a distance.

The Sky-Winged Demon Lord, the Nine-Winged Demon Lord, and the two Demon Lords from the Fire Demon Clan had no choice but to follow. After all, the Demon Lord from the White Bone Demon Clan also came to help, so they had no reason not to follow.

Wang Jing silently led the way, feeling the aura of the Six Paths Demon Lord behind him, and felt relieved in his heart.

Didn't this restrain the six Demon Lords?

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